
Off Topic Forums => General Chat => Politics, News and Religion => Topic started by: blueshogun96 on October 15, 2004, 09:05:00 AM

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: blueshogun96 on October 15, 2004, 09:05:00 AM
Kerry once again steps even lower then he already is.  Kerry is now insulting the offspring of his opponents.  That is quite low if you ask me.  If you want to insult people, insult your enemies Kerry, not the offspring, like you have been doing thif whole dang time.  Really, that's all Kerry does is criticise. :angry:
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: thomes08 on October 15, 2004, 09:12:00 AM
good research..... he did not insult anyone.  If Mary being a lesbian is insulting to her or her family that's their own problem.  This just shows how ignorant and close-minded many americans are.  A lesbian who is out of the closet being called a lesbian is NOT an insult, unless you're a bible thumping slave that still thinks homosexuals are evil.  Kerry was actually making a point about Mary that her own part could not do because of their beliefs.  Kerry was saying it's not their fault, it's not a choice, that's who she is.  All bush could say was "i don't know" because his religious beliefs got in the way of scientific fact.

Also Edwards made a similar comment right to cheney's face, and cheney THANKED EDWARDS for his KIND WORDS ABOUT HIS FAMILY.

So it's pretty obvious this is in the news as much as it is to stir up negative emotions towards kery.  That's classy!  And if you think Bush doesn't criticize as much or more about kerry then i feel bad you're so naive.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 15, 2004, 12:05:00 PM
Sounds like Cheney's version of flip-flop to me.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: K98 on October 15, 2004, 01:27:00 PM
I do agree is wasnt the right place to bring that up. He could just use a general statement aimed at Cheneys daughter, and everyone would pick it up. But he chose to bring it right up in a nationnal setting personally directed at her. I know everyone knows shes a lesbo, but stuff like that isnt needed in a debate.

So it's pretty obvious this is in the news as much as it is to stir up negative emotions towards kery

I don't know what news you read or watch but i see way more Bush bashing instead of the other way around. Try and read NEWSWEEK once and see what canidate they have negative emotion towards. Thats' true of most other networks.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: Baner on October 15, 2004, 12:26:00 PM
Since we're on the subject of homosexuals. Why do believe that it's a genetical "disease"? It's not like it's part of human nature to be gay. It doesn't aid humanity. All it is is a choice.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: Maximumbeing on October 15, 2004, 01:29:00 PM
All I've heard recently is that dolt, Rudy 'Tool'liani, talking trash about Kerry, and acting as if Bush were his messiah.

This post has been edited by Maximumbeing on Oct 15 2004, 08:29 PM
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: K98 on October 15, 2004, 01:35:00 PM
well "Hanoi" John deserves it. They are both republicans so i can see why they support each other.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pingrr on October 15, 2004, 12:40:00 PM
I think Kerry and Edwards are a couple of gays.  Everytime you see them they are always touching eachother a lot more than the guys should be.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 15, 2004, 12:43:00 PM
There's something about Mary...

Anybody has a picture of Mary Cheney so we can subsitute with the one in here?
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: gcskate27 on October 15, 2004, 02:04:00 PM
QUOTE (Baner @ Oct 15 2004, 12:29 PM)
Since we're on the subject of homosexuals. Why do believe that it's a genetical "disease"? It's not like it's part of human nature to be gay. It doesn't aid humanity. All it is is a choice.

 people dont say its a 'genetical disease'... they say its how people are born, partly because of genetics, but its not a disease...

do you think human nature is to help humanity? do you live on sesame street? human nature is FAR from that, human nature is self serving, just as any other animal...

anyone arguing thats its a choice obviously has no capacity for logic... if its a choice, could you be gay baner? tomorrow could you go out and just start being gay? start 'pretending' to be attracted to the same sex? or would that be too disturbing for you to do? nobody would choose to be gay if it was a choice, the lifestyle has so much societal crap that goes along with it...
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: AkumAPRIME on October 15, 2004, 02:08:00 PM
Homosexuality isnt a choice. choice implies free will, and we all know that doesnt exist....

Do you homophobes have any choice in being attracted to females?
probly not. Well guess what neither do gay people. Im so tired of this shit.....



PS, Im not gay, but I have sexual love for Thomes and GCskate. they bring some intelligence to this vacuum.

This post has been edited by AkumAPRIME on Oct 15 2004, 09:10 PM
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: Baner on October 15, 2004, 01:19:00 PM
Im so tired of this shit.....

No one is forcing you to read this.

Edit: Didn't see GC post... sry bro wink.gif
I don't have anything thing against gays (am I allowed to say gays, or does that make me a homophobe too?) If being attracted to other guys is your thing, more power to you, but it is a choice. To answer your question, if I wanted to become gay, I'm sure I could. If I became gay, I wouldn't be pretending to be attracted to other males, I would be. I consider myself far from being a homophobe, I'm not "afraid" of gay people, I don't think their going to come up to me and try shoving something in my... you get the point. I'm friends with plenty of gay people.
nobody would choose to be gay if it was a choice

Really? So is someone forcing gay people to go "be gay"? No one would choose to be a trashman if they had a choice. How about the gays that are attracted to females, but become "full-fledged" gays later in life? Were they born to beocme gay at a certain point in time?
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: thomes08 on October 15, 2004, 01:55:00 PM
has anyone else noticed that the biggest fuss about Mary Cheney being gay wasn't at either of the debates, but from her own parents bringing it into the spotlight afterwards?  I mean it was a few rods in a debate, now it's headlines and forum threads.  If was a big deal to them it should have been a private big deal, not national headlines.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 15, 2004, 02:04:00 PM
Bush Campagain has been losing some steam since the debates.  So their focus now is attacking Kerry using Cheney's Family, bring up the word Liberal, because bring up the word flip-flop is like beating an old shoe.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: brandogg on October 15, 2004, 02:08:00 PM
The news reporters mentioned it before the Cheney family did. If you watched the thing on CNN where the crowd rated the debates with those controller things, you'd notice everyone responded negatively to Kerry mentioning Mary Cheney. No matter how you support Kerry talking about it, it was a cheap shot.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: thomes08 on October 15, 2004, 02:13:00 PM
i agree it was a cheap shot, that's all political debates are.  I do not agree that it was a big deal, however.  It wasn't a big deal when edwards said it 3 feet away from cheney, it wasn't a big deal when kerry said it.  The only time i've seen it in headlines is with the title "Lynne Cheney upset with kerry" or "Dick cheney upset with kerry".  If it was a big deal to them cheney shoudl have mentioned it in the first place, not had time to think of how to use it the next time as a political tool.

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 15, 2004, 02:26:00 PM
And Bush mentioned the evil 'Liberal' word several times in Wednesday's debate didn't piss the Liberals off.  

When Kerry brought in the forbidden word 'Lesbian'.  The people in Bush's campagain are saying that this is inappropiate and everybody else says that it is okay.

I mean why does Cheney's Mom and Dad are speaking up for her daughter?  Why doesn't Mary Cheney (the Lesbian herself) blast Kerry?

Also, if you can show me a link about the the way they respond negatively in the controller things in CNN.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: dss311 on October 15, 2004, 02:46:00 PM
i agree it was a cheap shot, that's all political debates are. I do not agree that it was a big deal,

Totally agree.  I guess ladies/mothers took a lot more offense to the Kerry statements then guys did.  And the Cheney family deserves to be upset.

It wasn't a big deal when edwards said it 3 feet away from cheney, it wasn't a big deal when kerry said it.

Difference here was Cheney could if he wanted counter or defend his daughters name.  When Kerry spoke to Bush about the sibling of his vice president it was like picking on someone indirectly becuase they are not there to answer back.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: thomes08 on October 15, 2004, 03:06:00 PM
on second thought i don't really think it was much of a cheapshot, if i thought that then i would be thinking her being a lesbian is something bad, which i don't think.  Calling someone who is publically a lesbian, a "lesbian" is not a cheapshot, it's not even a shot.  It's like saying "i don't think elton john chose to be gay", which wouldn't have caused any harm.  Kerry was making a point that even the daughter of a extremely republican, religious family can be gay.  If it were a choice mary cheney would NOT have chosen to be gay, especially given her family situation.

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: dss311 on October 15, 2004, 03:27:00 PM

Another Liberal changes his position
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: Sentient on October 15, 2004, 05:43:00 PM
LOL @ the Flip Flop thing

I personally like flip flops alot, mainly because I hate shoes, and they let my feet breathe.

Okay so everyone is all whipped into a hissy because Kerry called someone that is a homosexual a homosexual?  I think what we have here is (yet another) a case of the media drawing peoples attention to small nonexistant issues while NEVER EVER mentioning anything important, such as how in a matter of years worldwide demand for oil is going to excede the supply creating a worldwide oil crisis (like in the 70s oh yeah they forgot that in american history).  And what are we doing to become closer as a planet?  Not a damn thing.  Since communication technology has become so advanced that I can correspond w/ almost anyone in the world (and the delay is measured in miliseconds) Why arent we getting any closer?  I believe that it is because of old ways of thinking, and that humans should strive to communicate their true feelings with one another....

look at me im way off topic and rambling...

the point is, don't let things like a homosexual being called homosexual get you into an argument w/ your fellow man.  Politics drive us apart, that obviously isn't what we need.

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: blueshogun96 on October 15, 2004, 05:53:00 PM
QUOTE (Baner @ Oct 15 2004, 08:29 PM)
Since we're on the subject of homosexuals. Why do believe that it's a genetical "disease"? It's not like it's part of human nature to be gay. It doesn't aid humanity. All it is is a choice.


NOTE: I have nothing against homosexuals at all.  I accept them for who they are but not for what they have become.  If you want to be a fag, go ahead.  I can't stop you.  But I do think it's morraly wrong.  Only a man and a woman can make a baby.  Two men doing it is pure desire, NOT "heretitary" dry.gif

And Bush mentioned the evil 'Liberal' word several times in Wednesday's debate didn't piss the Liberals off.

I'm suprised.  Liberals can get pissed off more than conservatives.

Just in case anyone is wondering... I am conservative.
And another thing...
Homosexuality isnt a choice. choice implies free will, and we all know that doesnt exist....

If free will doesn't exist, then why did you come here?  Did someone force you into this forum?  Where's the logic?  Please define "free will" as you know it. uhh.gif
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: blueshogun96 on October 15, 2004, 06:30:00 PM
QUOTE (Colonel32 @ Oct 16 2004, 02:20 AM)

are you gay? if not, how can you claim to know anything about it.

The overwhelming majority of homosexuals completely disagree with you including Ms Cheney. I understand the psychological implications of both inherent and environmental homosexual behavior but there is certainly a genetic link because there are people who always have been and always will be homosexual.

That is no a choice, bisexuality is a choice because everyone has a singular sexual identity, but actual homosexuals, which is arguably small percentage of the gay community, had about as much as a choice as we did.


This is very new and in my opinion the most plausible reasons for homosexuality. Then again, who will ever know but a gay person wink.gif

Not gay, never was gay, and never gonna be gay.

If you know so much about it are you gay?  Yeah, science proves everything, can't beat science dry.gif

Still, what you said made no sense to me. I STILL don't see what makes it "genetic".  It's like saying everyone who doesn't like the color green has a genetic thing that makes them think that way.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 15, 2004, 07:06:00 PM
QUOTE (blueshogun96 @ Oct 16 2004, 02:33 AM)
Not gay, never was gay, and never gonna be gay.

If you know so much about it are you gay?  Yeah, science proves everything, can't beat science dry.gif

Still, what you said made no sense to me. I STILL don't see what makes it "genetic".  It's like saying everyone who doesn't like the color green has a genetic thing that makes them think that way.

I think you should be careful before trying to flame a moderator.

This misunderstanding should be all over when we have Mary Cheney go in front of the TV camera and tell if she was offended if someone called her 'Lesiban.'  Since she is a daughter of a politican, she is good as any politican.

The fact of the matter is when Edwards talk about Cheney's gay daughter, it is okay.  But when Kerry talk about Cheney's Lesbian daughter, it was an outrage.  And yes, I heard of all kind of execuses, execueses because Cheney wants to put a spotlight to vent their so called 'anger' instead of dealing with Bush's so called 'political issues.'

No, I am not pissed off at the conservatives.  And I rather not be pissed off at bush for labeling 'Liberals' all the time, but hope that he will lose this November.  

Except for tax cuts, everything that Bush promised us 4 years ago never went to fruition.  Bush doesn't have a plan for America for the Next 4 years.  So instead, he has a campagain of hate to everybody who doesn't share with his beliefs.  The only thing Bush wants to do is to divide the country by separating Liberals and the non-liberals, saying things like 'You're either with us or against us.'
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: blueshogun96 on October 15, 2004, 07:35:00 PM
If that's considered a flame, I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to flame anyone.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: blueshogun96 on October 16, 2004, 10:37:00 AM
QUOTE (Colonel32 @ Oct 16 2004, 07:11 AM)

muhaha.gif Bahh. I don't have immunity and my posts have nothing to do with this site. Feel free to call me names   beerchug.gif

But still, I didn't mean any disrespect.  By the way, I like your avatar.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: Northcarolina ReDn3k on October 16, 2004, 10:49:00 AM
QUOTE (AkumAPRIME @ Oct 15 2004, 03:08 PM)
Homosexuality isnt a choice. choice implies free will,

i dont really get what you mean its not a definately is...we werent put here to be with our same sexes,that shit just isent right
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: thomes08 on October 16, 2004, 11:43:00 AM
sounds like some of you guys went to American Eagle high school from the movie Saved!
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: krawhitham on October 17, 2004, 11:05:00 PM
QUOTE (blueshogun96 @ Oct 15 2004, 04:05 PM)
Kerry once again steps even lower then he already is.  Kerry is now insulting the offspring of his opponents.  That is quite low if you ask me.  If you want to insult people, insult your enemies Kerry, not the offspring, like you have been doing thif whole dang time.  Really, that's all Kerry does is criticise. mad.gif

only way they were insulted is if they are ashamed of their daughter, maybe that is why at the republican convention the Cheney's were hugging their straight kids and did not even let her on the stage

It was a scripted outrage to draw attention away from the fact Shrub lost the 3rd debate making it a sweep for Kerry
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: blueshogun96 on October 19, 2004, 09:37:00 AM
QUOTE (thomes08 @ Oct 16 2004, 07:46 PM)
sounds like some of you guys went to American Eagle high school from the movie Saved!

I havent watched the movie, but I will.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: brandogg on October 19, 2004, 10:44:00 AM
The thing is, they could have mentioned any other gay person, or didn't need to do it at all. Ellen Degeneres is gay, use her name. Use the queer eye guys, etc. Use someone no one has heard of.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pingrr on October 22, 2004, 09:06:00 PM
How is this a cheap shot?  Chaneys daughter is openly gay.  So it won't offend her to say she is gay.  This is old news.  He was just pointing out how the president and vice presidents views differ on gay people.

But I still think Kerry and Edwards are  turd burglers that just hasn't come out yet.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: estin on October 22, 2004, 09:32:00 PM
obviously the cheney family is more embrassed of this than anyone else. their the only ones with the problem with it.  i think people should pay more attention to the fact that cheney is offended and embarrassed of his own daughter. these people are so family oriented yet his daughter is a disgrace.  kerry's comment was very respectfull and actually defended cheney's daughter on that issue thus supporting his competitors family.  cheney's embarassment of his own family is what is pathetic, and using his daughters sexuality as political cheap shot on kerry is whats in poor taste.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: dss311 on October 23, 2004, 02:58:00 PM
The problem with Kerry's comments were they were directed at someone that wasn't there to defend themselves.  Kerry should have continued to debate President Bush on his policies and administration procedures.  Instead he decided to make an issue of the family member of his running mate, VP Cheney.  The point Kerry was trying to make still could have been accomplished by  referencing a neutral and openly gay person like Ellen Degeneres as Brandogg suggested.  Was his comments a cheap shot?  Probably yes,  but I doubt this issue will really play any role in the election.  I wouldn't make (or change) my selection for whom to vote for on this trivial issue.  

Regarding estin's statement “fact that cheney is offended and embarrassed of his own daughter”:  The Cheney family was not embarrassed of their daughter.  They were disenchanted that a political candidate would direct comments at a non political family member.  Bush could have made some stupid comment about Teresa Heinz Kerry  and her gin tainted raisins and he would have been in the wrong.

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: gcskate27 on October 23, 2004, 03:20:00 PM
thats completely different... even if they were debating about alcoholism, bringing up teresa's supposed alcoholism would be a cheap shot, as you arent born that way and its deemed as a sickness/weakness*...

the lesbian comment was in no way a cheap shot and people are really just making a big deal out of nothing, trying to make kerry out to be a bad guy because the race is so close... sign of desperation if you ask me...

*and i know some people view homosexuality this way, but thinking people can see otherwise...

*plus how would she defend herself, by completely agreeing with kerry? it wasnt an attack... shesh...
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: dss311 on October 23, 2004, 04:01:00 PM

Do you think Kerry's comments regarding Cheney's daughter was respectful and a smart political move?  Since it did stir up so much controversy I would consider it a poor choice.  If you contend it was a smart comment, I would like to hear why?

My statement regarding Teressa was not to point out her “alleged alcoholism”.  The point was made to suggest it is bad taste to drag relatives of candidates into the debate.  

Will Kerry continue to make poor statements in the future if he is elected? I would hate to see him accidentally insult the Queen of England or another dignitary.......

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: gcskate27 on October 23, 2004, 04:17:00 PM
My statement regarding Teressa was not to point out her “alleged alcoholism”. The point was made to suggest it is bad taste to drag relatives of candidates into the debate.

still its not the same thing, nowhere near... as reasons ive previously stated show... it would be in extremely poor taste to take pot shots at someone saying they have a problem, yet not so if you are simply saying an openly gay person is gay and would say she born that way... again, completely different... the fact that they are two people related to the candidates is incidental...
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: estin on October 23, 2004, 10:10:00 PM
QUOTE (dss311 @ Oct 24 2004, 12:04 AM)
Will Kerry continue to make poor statements in the future if he is elected? I would hate to see him accidentally insult the Queen of England or another dignitary.......

dude, kerry isn't the one who goes on tv saying "we will not have a all volunteer um WE will have a all volunteer army!!"  

how can you worry about statements kerry MIGHT make in the wrong when he has no history of even comming close.  how can we take Bush seriously when he can't even spit out what he's trying to say? does he even know?  if we follow your line of logic bush is the one to watch out for.  you say kerry might insult the queen of england *which has no political control and is more a icon* but what about all the other countries bush has insulted and lost as our allies? bush has pissed off more people/country leaders than i can even count, not to mention a large part of the american people.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pingrr on October 23, 2004, 11:17:00 PM
It's all part of politics.  All politishins know going into these situations. That they they will bring up stuff about thier families.  Like it or not it's just the way the political game is played.  If you don't like it and want to keep your family life private than don't run for a high profile office.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: dss311 on October 24, 2004, 04:48:00 PM
i think it was respectful,

do however, think it was a smart, biting comment

I don't know how to reason with that logic???? uhh.gif

about statements kerry MIGHT make in the wrong when he has no history of even comming close.

Ok, I will give you a real life example then:  How about Kerry alienating Poland?  That is sure to earn some respect....

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: thomes08 on October 24, 2004, 06:41:00 PM
poland is pulling out.  they had like 6 troops in there and quite frankly that doesn't mean shit.  we have a "coalition" of 30 some-odd countries but only 1 is really doing stuff and that is the US.  The UK is a decent help don't get me wrong, but it's really insignificant compared to the weight on our sholders.  I'm not bashing the UK at all i actually applaud them for not getting involved all that much.  The other 28 countries are just giving us a thumbs up, what a coalition.

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: estin on October 24, 2004, 07:06:00 PM
QUOTE (dss311 @ Oct 25 2004, 12:51 AM)


Ok, I will give you a real life example then:  How about Kerry alienating Poland?  That is sure to earn some respect....


and Bush going against the UN is? not to mention against all of our former alies we've lost now because of it.  when it comes down to it the US is the only country in our "coalition" that is even supplying any troops.  thats some coalition. we have a pat on the back but no other forms of support.  if there really was a coalition against terrorism it would be all different countries military comming together for a common goal.  instead we have like a handfull of countries going " i guess i'm with you, send in your troops and we'll see how things turn out"  Britain's possibly sending in 800 some troops i guess is somewhat of a start, but is certainly a mistake on their part if they actually do it.  But i beleive Britain is smarter than that.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: dss311 on October 24, 2004, 08:30:00 PM

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: estin on October 24, 2004, 09:43:00 PM
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: estin on October 24, 2004, 09:47:00 PM
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: gcskate27 on October 25, 2004, 11:34:00 AM
QUOTE (dss311 @ Oct 24 2004, 04:51 PM)
I don't know how to reason with that logic???? uhh.gif

seeing as its hard for you to understand ill spell it out, it was a respectful comment to cheney's daughter (the only person whos opinion on it matters), and a biting comment at bush, for reasons previously stated...
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: SKoT on October 25, 2004, 01:15:00 PM
bush/cheney have nothing against this comment officially, dont try to spin it.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: gcskate27 on October 25, 2004, 02:04:00 PM
whos trying to 'spin it' other than conservative news stations?
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: mc_365 on October 25, 2004, 02:35:00 PM
Wether it was a cheap shot or not doesn't even matter.  What the real issue is that the President and his Vice President are not eye to eye on 1 of Bushes big campaign issues.  That fact should magnifie how this issue is a matter for states to govern and not the Feds!  Bushs' only concern is galvanising his conservative religous base.  He most likely dosn't even care about gays one way or another.  Some adviser told him to make this an issue so he could get more votes.  The sad thing is you see a guy like Jerry Falwell (sp?)  a supposed Rev.  making comments on how he is voting for Bush Based on that issue alone.  Forget that he or his administration missled if not Lied to the entire country about the threat posed by Saddam, and sent over 1100 young Americans to their deaths.  But hey as long as Gays cant get healthcare for their partners, family tax deductions, or death benafits, G.W. is all good.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: dss311 on October 25, 2004, 03:45:00 PM
Wether it was a cheap shot or not doesn't even matter.

Actually it might matter to the undecided voters still out there.  It will all depend on how they felt about the comments.  For this reason, I still contend it was a poor comment.   Gained nothing but controversy.

i wanted to add dss311, i really enjoy debating on issues with you.

Thanks for the comments.  I to have enjoyed discussing political issues with yourself and other liberals here on XS.  Most of the people participating in the threads here on XS seem to actually be quite intelligent and infomed with current issues.  I may have opposing views, but enjoy hearing these different viewpoints.  


{gcskate27 - Damn I hate your avatar.  Everytime I see your post it looks like you are personally flipping me off!.......Well right back at you... wink.gif }
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 25, 2004, 03:46:00 PM
Oops double post.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 25, 2004, 03:50:00 PM
QUOTE (dss311 @ Oct 25 2004, 04:33 AM)
1.Lack of quality intelligence
2.The ongoing insurgency

An uninformed Bush voter I tell you.

The day when Bush Jr became president, his intent was to overthrow Saddam.  Check out Paul O'Neill's interview.

All Bush has to do is to link Al-Qaeda with Saddam after 9/11.

One of the proof you hear about is about 'Iraq seeking significant quantities of Uranium (yellow cake) from Niger.'  US decided to send Joe Wilson (who was the former Prime Minister and the former Minister of Mines [of Niger]) to find out if this is true.  When Wilson's research came up nothing, Bush decided to say that "Iraq has seek Uranium..." in his speech before the US anyway.  When Wilson says 'wait a minute, I said it is not true', someone in the Bush Administration *cough* Rove *cough* leaked her wife 'Valerie Plume' to conservative newspaper (Bob Novak's column) as a CIA agent, which is a big no-no.  And now Mr Rove has to testify in this CIA leak probe.


Any other proof that you need?
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: dss311 on October 25, 2004, 03:52:00 PM

An uninformed Bush voter I tell you.

Damn Pug_ster, You were one of the fun liberals I was reffering to in my earlier post.  Might have to drop you from the Christmas Party list for those comments.... dry.gif


Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 25, 2004, 04:09:00 PM
QUOTE (dss311 @ Oct 25 2004, 11:55 PM)
Damn Pug_ster, You were one of the fun liberals I was reffering to in my earlier post.  Might have to drop you from the Christmas Party list for those comments.... dry.gif

Thank you, dss311.  Since we are having a debate, I might well as have fun anyways.  

I proved why Bush used his mis-information to Invade Iraq.  Do you have any proof what I said is not true?  And no, just saying that Joe Wilson is French is not a strong argument.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: gcskate27 on October 25, 2004, 04:15:00 PM
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: thomes08 on October 25, 2004, 07:13:00 PM
QUOTE (pug_ster @ Oct 26 2004, 12:12 AM)
Thank you, dss311.  Since we are having a debate, I might well as have fun anyways.  

I proved why Bush used his mis-information to Invade Iraq.  Do you have any proof what I said is not true?  And no, just saying that Joe Wilson is French is not a strong argument.

to be fair to dss you have to consider that maybe he didn't see your post because they were only posted 2 minutes apart.  Then again he should have seen it after his post went through and there has been ample time since then, but still he may not have seen it.

BTW pug_ster nice, to the point post.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 25, 2004, 08:01:00 PM
Thanks.  Unfortunatly, most Americans don't know the truth.  It is sad though that 75% Bush voters and 30% of Kerry voters today still believe there are Saddam has something to do with 9/11.  And probably more of them believe that Bush has started the war on the Iraq 'on false intelligence', instead it was Bush intent to Start the war on the day he was president.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pingrr on October 26, 2004, 11:26:00 AM
I thought bush was starting this war to take over thier oil.  Apparently he hasn't accomlished this because oil isn't cheaper.  So he won't get my vote.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: blueshogun96 on October 26, 2004, 11:41:00 AM
{gcskate27 - Damn I hate your avatar. Everytime I see your post it looks like you are personally flipping me off!.......Well right back at you...  }
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´


Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: ProSam on October 26, 2004, 01:41:00 PM
QUOTE (thomes08 @ Oct 15 2004, 11:12 AM)
because his religious beliefs got in the way of scientific fact.

HUH? Can you verify that Dr. dry.gif
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: dss311 on October 26, 2004, 01:49:00 PM

I will try to use LOGIC rather than links to news articles as a reply to your questions posted earlier.  

You are contending the Bush administration was going to attack Iraq because they were planning this from day one.  This is nonsense.  Because someone is preparing for future events does not mean they hope to carry them out.  Preparation is just a sign of leadership.  For example, I pay for fire insurance on my home but I hope I do not need to use it.  I would assume the administration is also preparing for Iran and North Korea.  Hopefully talks and other sanctions will prevent conflicts with these nations.

Second problem with you argument is you are citing newspaper articles as facts to make your point.  As we have seen before, they are not always accurate.  Take CBS for instance.  They were reporting on some BOGUS Bush papers as facts.  Now today CBS is trying to claim the missing explosives in Iraq is Bush’s fault.  NBC has already disproved this lie as they were there the fist day after the fall of Baghdad.

CBS seems to have a problem with fact gathering and maybe should get out of the news industry.  Maybe they could just go into “opinions and editorials” type of programming.

Third problem with your argument is this; I believe Bush has always intended to run for a second term.  Doing something un-popular like going to war or lying would be political suicide.   Besides, if Bush knowingly knew there were no WMDs why didn’t he just go plant some fake evidence or forged documents.  If Bush was lying in regards to Iraq he could easily continued to lie and provide forged/fake proof that he was in the right.  

Anyhow, we have once again hijacked a thread and shifted it over to a new subject.  If you want to continue this argument lets create a new thread and we can continue the debate.  However, as I have pointed out, I believe your LOGIC may be distorted.

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 26, 2004, 03:49:00 PM
QUOTE (dss311 @ Oct 26 2004, 09:52 PM)
You are contending the Bush administration was going to attack Iraq because they were planning this from day one.  This is nonsense.  Because someone is preparing for future events does not mean they hope to carry them out.  Preparation is just a sign of leadership.  For example, I pay for fire insurance on my home but I hope I do not need to use it.  I would assume the administration is also preparing for Iran and North Korea.  Hopefully talks and other sanctions will prevent conflicts with these nations.

Okay, first argument you say that my proof is irrevalent.  Okay, you don't have to believe Paul O'Neill, the former Treasury Secretary under this Administration.  

Second problem with you argument is you are citing newspaper articles as facts to make your point.  As we have seen before, they are not always accurate.  Take CBS for instance.  They were reporting on some BOGUS Bush papers as facts.  Now today CBS is trying to claim the missing explosives in Iraq is Bush’s fault.  NBC has already disproved this lie as they were there the fist day after the fall of Baghdad.

Again, you say my proof is bogus.

Third problem with your argument is this; I believe Bush has always intended to run for a second term. Doing something un-popular like going to war or lying would be political suicide. Besides, if Bush knowingly knew there were no WMDs why didn’t he just go plant some fake evidence or forged documents. If Bush was lying in regards to Iraq he could easily continued to lie and provide forged/fake proof that he was in the right.

Again, you say my proof is bogus.

I think the Bush Propaganda brainwashed you.  You believe on what Bush said so much that you don't believe on the contrary even when proof is in front of your face.  BTW, I was not talking about the missing explosives, but why Bush admin did a preemptive strike on Iraq.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: dss311 on October 27, 2004, 01:53:00 AM
tongue.gif  Thanks for helping combat these empty minded lefties.

As a footnote, I'm still not sure what I am going to do with these guys however;
Pugster, Thomes08, Maximumbeing, and a few others... dry.gif

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: fauljosh on October 27, 2004, 02:10:00 AM

nothing more to say
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 27, 2004, 08:25:00 AM
QUOTE (K98 @ Oct 27 2004, 08:30 AM)
That's great. I think sometimes the liberal news and Kerry brainwashed you.

You mean knowing the truth is brainwashing.  How so, wiseass?

Did you ever notice that Bush in his speeches lately labeling the bad word 'Liberal' lately?  And Bush voters like you have no argument except making fun of Left Liberals.  Do you know what exactly is a liberal?  Talking about propaganda.  Faynor and K98, Bush needs more ignorant voters like you.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 27, 2004, 08:51:00 AM
Hmmm...  That's interesting, one way to put it.  Bush's Administration and the conservatives has been pounding this word so much and this word starting to sound as bad as a 'communist' during the 1960's.

It is total stupidy when people like K98 and Faynor hating liberals is pure bigotry and prejudice.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: faynor on October 27, 2004, 05:26:00 PM
It is total stupidy when people like K98 and Faynor hating liberals is pure bigotry and prejudice

Since pug_ster likes to make things up, please show me where i said i hate liberals. Do i disagree with them? You betcha. Would i stand next to them and defend our country? HELL YEAH. Don't even try to accuse me of bigotry or being prejudice. That is simply moronic! But, LOOK at the source.
Pugster, Thomes08, Maximumbeing, and a few others...

As a footnote, I'm still not sure what I am going to do with these guys however;

I had an idea about a boy band "The New Kerry's on the Block" rotfl.gif

dss311 beerchug.gif keep it real!
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 27, 2004, 05:59:00 PM
QUOTE (faynor @ Oct 28 2004, 01:29 AM)

Since pug_ster likes to make things up, please show me where i said i hate liberals. Do i disagree with them? You betcha. Would i stand next to them and defend our country? HELL YEAH. Don't even try to accuse me of bigotry or being prejudice. That is simply moronic! But, LOOK at the source.

I had an idea about a boy band "The New Kerry's on the Block" rotfl.gif

dss311 beerchug.gif keep it real!

Let me tell you what bigotry and prejudice mean:

Bigotry - The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them.

prejudice - An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.

Let me ask you something, do you know what is a liberal?  Not Bush's version of a liberal.  It could be moderates and even conservatives who will vote for Kerry, do you label them Liberals too?  

You did not know if we are liberals or not but label them anyway, that is called prejudice.

The fact that you can't substantiate the proof about the kerryoniraq website without examining or acknowledging my proof is called bigotry.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: faynor on October 27, 2004, 06:20:00 PM

dss311 beerchug.gif
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 27, 2004, 09:13:00 PM
QUOTE (faynor @ Oct 28 2004, 02:23 AM)
For the record you, pug_ster have not and refuse to acknowledge the fact that you accdused me of misquoting John Kerry, When in fact, it was you who was wrong and fail to realize and/or acknowledge that fact. Give me a break. You are a copy and paste person who looks up every little link and doesn't even go to a link offered by the opposing side. I showed you exactly the quote i was referring to and exactly where you could watch Kerry himself, not Graham, as you falsely stated, say the quote. WAKE UP pug_ster, you are wasting a lot of thread space with your ignorance. Go ahead and quote that line and put in your next post directed at me. I'm keen to your little game, but it is getting old. Hey, at least you have the guff to stand by your ideals, no matter what they are. For that i give you a little  beerchug.gif

dss311 beerchug.gif

You showed me the damn website kerryoniraq.  I saw one trailer (you told me to look at the trailer) and I didn't hear it.  Like I said, we can put this all behind if you show me the link to the correct trailer.

Look in the link here:


In all the way in the bottom:

(Gloria) BORGER: Do we have any information that chemical and biological attacks were part of this? We got news this morning about the crop dusting manuals.

(Bob) GRAHAM: No, no, at least I don't, and not to my knowledge do any of my colleagues.

But it is something that we know. For instance, Saddam Hussein has used weapons of mass destruction against his own people. And there is some evidence of their efforts to try to secure these kinds of weapons and even test them.

That's why it's so vital that we get the global community to be part of this effort to begin to make their lives miserable.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 27, 2004, 10:41:00 PM
QUOTE (K98 @ Oct 28 2004, 06:05 AM)

Well i didnt say that... Plus i have seen you say a few things about republicans before. So shut the fuck up.

I would have to admit i got a good laugh from that when i saw it a few days ago.

Sounds like you don't know what is liberal either.  If you can describe what is liberal news, that would sound nice, otherwise, you shut the fuck up.

That's great. I think sometimes the liberal news and Kerry brainwashed you.

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: gcskate27 on October 27, 2004, 11:16:00 PM

*cant speak for pug as he might have other reasons
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: faynor on October 27, 2004, 11:29:00 PM

Dude, at least gcskate and thome08 have some factual basis for their arguments. You are just helping me prove a point. Didn't you call me a misinformed voter once. PLEASE EVERYONE READ THE LINK PUG GAVE AND THEN GO TO THE LINK I GAVE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF....... beerchug.gif Heres to you pug.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: faynor on October 27, 2004, 11:34:00 PM
QUOTE (pug_ster @ Oct 28 2004, 05:16 AM)
Look in the link here:


In all the way in the bottom:

Gloria) BORGER: Do we have any information that chemical and biological attacks were part of this? We got news this morning about the crop dusting manuals.

(Bob) GRAHAM: No, no, at least I don't, and not to my knowledge do any of my colleagues.

But it is something that we know. For instance, Saddam Hussein has used weapons of mass destruction against his own people. And there is some evidence of their efforts to try to secure these kinds of weapons and even test them.

That's why it's so vital that we get the global community to be part of this effort to begin to make their lives miserable.

 I hate to keep posting,but do you finally see now that this entire quote was Kerry and not Graham as CBS states.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 28, 2004, 08:11:00 AM
QUOTE (faynor @ Oct 28 2004, 07:37 AM)
I hate to keep posting,but do you finally see now that this entire quote was Kerry and not Graham as CBS states.

So maybe there's a typo in the ftn 9/23/01.  Like I said before, it didn't discount the fact that this website took Kerry's quotes and take it out of context if you read the whole transcript.  

Friggin people like you nagging like a five year old.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: powercntrl on October 29, 2004, 02:57:00 AM
QUOTE (Northcarolina ReDn3k @ Oct 16 2004, 12:52 PM)
i dont really get what you mean its not a definately is...we werent put here to be with our same sexes,that shit just isent right

Let me tell you a little something about what's not natural.  Digging up tons of crude oil, processing it and pumping the result into the atmosphere - that's unnatural.  Polluting the night sky with artifical light.  Dumping all sorts of shit into the ocean.  Mankind's modern existance is completely out of balence with nature - very few people have a problem with it, they're called radical environmentalists.

Homosexuality?  Well guess what, it's perfectly natural.  It's just conservative Christians with issues to press unfounded fears that have a problem with gays.  The reality of it is, you're probably more likely to have your life cut short from POLLUTION than anything gays do.  And as a conservative, you probably don't take much issue on pollution.  It's great to have misplaced priorities.

Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: faynor on October 29, 2004, 08:54:00 AM
ummm, what thread are you in?
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: Baner on October 29, 2004, 11:02:00 AM
You mean knowing the truth is brainwashing

Quote of the day wink.gif  Are you sure you "liberals"(shit I'm a bigot And prejudice) know what the truth is and isn't? My favorite example, the forged docs. tongue.gif
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 29, 2004, 12:31:00 PM
QUOTE (Baner @ Oct 29 2004, 07:05 PM)
Quote of the day wink.gif  Are you sure you "liberals"(shit I'm a bigot And prejudice) know what the truth is and isn't? My favorite example, the forged docs. tongue.gif

Yeah you are brainwashed.  The only 2 things you said about Liberals is forged docs.  Are you saying all liberals believe that the forged docs are real?
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: Baner on October 29, 2004, 01:56:00 PM

"2 things"
"is forged docs"
Subject-verb disagreement
Did you want to add another thing, or were you calling forged and docs two seperate things?
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: pug_ster on October 29, 2004, 04:59:00 PM
Oh please, talking about the fake documents is like beating a dead horse.  Fact that no 'Kerry voter' (or liberal as you call it) mentioned it here in the forums as a 'damnation of proof' for weeks.
Title: Kerry Sinks Even Lower
Post by: ProSam on November 02, 2004, 08:12:00 AM
QUOTE (powercntrl @ Oct 29 2004, 06:00 AM)
Homosexuality?  Well guess what, it's perfectly natural.  It's just conservative Christians with issues to press unfounded fears that have a problem with gays.  The reality of it is, you're probably more likely to have your life cut short from POLLUTION than anything gays do.  And as a conservative, you probably don't take much issue on pollution.  It's great to have misplaced priorities.

Well if you want to compare yourself to animals then go right ahead, but I like to think of myself as more then something that acts on instinct. Animals do not reason and nobody expects them too.  They only do what comes natural to them. So if you want to go ahead and classify that as scientific fact go ahead but I know I'm more then an animal.