
Off Topic Forums => General Chat => Politics, News and Religion => Topic started by: Wong Hung Lo on June 18, 2004, 10:41:00 AM

Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: Wong Hung Lo on June 18, 2004, 10:41:00 AM

U.S. hostage Johnson beheaded

Sources say body found in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

(CNN) -- Al Qaeda militants kept a pledge to kill their American hostage, posting three chilling photographs Friday on an Islamist Web site to prove they had beheaded Paul Johnson Jr.

The Lockheed Martin Corp. employee was kidnapped in Riyadh last Saturday. Sources in Riyadh said Johnson's body was found in the eastern part of Riyadh; official statements are expected soon.

Abdel Aziz Al-Muqrin, the self-proclaimed military leader of al Qaeda in Saudi Arabia, had threatened Tuesday to kill Johnson in 72 hours unless the Saudi government released al Qaeda prisoners and Westerners left the Arabian Peninsula.

"As we promised, we the mujahedeen from the Falluja Squadron slaughtered the American hostage Paul Johnson after the deadline we gave to the Saudi tyrants," a statement said on the Web site. It has been translated from the Arabic.

"So he got his fair share from this life and for him to taste a bit of what the Muslims have been suffering from Apache helicopter attacks. They were tortured by its missiles."

Johnson, 49, worked on Apache helicopters in Saudi Arabia and had lived there for more than a decade.

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell condemned what he called an "action of barbarism."

"It shows once again what the world is dealing with -- to behead somebody or murder somebody, somebody innocent who was only trying to help," he said. "It will cause us and the Saudis to redouble our efforts to go after the terrorists wherever they are, wherever they hide."

But a senior U.S. State Department official told CNN the United States would now act to "batten down the hatch and don't give them an easy target," and urge Americans to leave the country.

"We want Americans to leave. We want the people that are there to take appropriate precautions," the official said.

The official added that Johnson lived away from the heavy fortified expatriate compounds and "was a sitting duck."

The al Qaeda Web statement also said the killing was "a lesson for them to learn for whoever comes to our country, this will be their punishment."

Al-Muqrin had claimed responsibility for Johnson's kidnapping and the death of another American, Kenneth Scroggs, on Saturday on behalf of a group called the Al Falluja Squadron, which claims to have ties to al Qaeda.

The photographs on the Web site plainly show the face of Johnson, the man seen in videotapes with his captors earlier this week.

Pleas unheeded

Earlier in the day, Johnson's Thai wife, Noom, tearfully pleaded for his release.

Muslim friends of Johnson -- including some clerics -- also pleaded for his release. But the militants were not swayed.

Lockheed Martin spokesman, Tom Jurkowsky, said the company is "dealing with the family."

"All we can say is we're very distressed, very disheartened," Jurkowsky said.

Earlier Friday, Al Arabiya as well as CNN had aired an emotional appeal from Johnson's Thai wife, Noom.

U.S. and Saudi investigators concluded an intensive meeting Friday, Saudi officials said, as security forces spread all over the kingdom searching for Johnson.

Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: nemt on June 18, 2004, 11:39:00 AM
What's this?  You mean the wonderful and skilled Saudi security forces, who love America, couldn't find and liberate him?

This isn't a suprise to anyone.

If you want to gamble with your life, that's your business - it's not like one hostage was going to result in a toop pullout.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: LepPpeR on June 18, 2004, 12:56:00 PM
New news reports state that the guy in charge of the beheading of Paul Johnson has been killed along with some of his peoples.

I hope this is true as this is a major blow against these dirty, disgusting, fucks.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: alf on June 18, 2004, 01:01:00 PM
He was wearing an orange jumpsuit just like Nick Berg
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: nemt on June 18, 2004, 01:03:00 PM
QUOTE (alf @ Jun 18 2004, 06:01 PM)
He was wearing an orange jumpsuit just like Nick Berg

The prisoners in Cuba were actively working against the US, the civilians beheaded in Iraq were working to help Saudi Arabia.

Additionally, Abdulaziz al-Moqrin (self proclaimed leader of AQ in Saudi Arabia) was just killed in a raid by Saudi forces, as were two of his deputies.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: maverick13 on June 18, 2004, 05:07:00 PM
Apparently these perverted al aqaeda did this in retaliation for the Abu Graib prison pics. The prisoners in Abu Graib prison had bags over their heads, big whoop, at least they still have their heads....

I want everyone to read this rather disgusting excerpt:

Still photographs showed a severed head, placed on the back of a body wearing an orange jumpsuit, the face turned towards the camera. A dagger rested on the corpse, its point apparently buried in Mr Johnson's forehead.

-From http://www.telegraph.../ixnewstop.html
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: nemt on June 19, 2004, 08:33:00 AM
QUOTE (Arvarden @ Jun 19 2004, 01:01 PM)
I'm guessing Saudi law is similiar to US law

What's your second guess?
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: 67thRaptorBull on June 19, 2004, 03:45:00 PM
meh, i like how the US does everything it can for its own people

o wait, no it doesnt, as it makes us look weak, but were the strongest fucking country in the world, ahahahahaha*


o and so nemt doesnt go all ape shit, yes i do know about the US' stance on not negotiating with terrorists
i always wondered what the president would do if it was his wife that was being taken hostage
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: Heet on June 20, 2004, 06:36:00 AM
Well, if it was Bush, then you bet he would do whatever he could to get her back.  

If it was Clinton or Kerry on the other hand, I think they would go to a bar and do a little window shopping.  Only difference is that Kerry would be looking for the cash and Clinton would be looking for the ass.  Gotta love the liberals.  Only thing they are in love with is themselves.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: 67thRaptorBull on June 20, 2004, 06:39:00 AM
QUOTE (Heet @ Jun 20 2004, 09:36 AM)
Well, if it was Bush, then you bet he would do whatever he could to get her back.  

If it was Clinton or Kerry on the other hand, I think they would go to a bar and do a little window shopping.  Only difference is that Kerry would be looking for the cash and Clinton would be looking for the ass.  Gotta love the liberals.  Only thing they are in love with is themselves.

wow, so you are a fucking moron

you just proved our current president sucks, as that if it was his wife hed be whatever he could to get her back, but if its justsome regular US citizen, well fuck em, is that right??

wow, all you "liberal haters" are alike, in that your all retarded
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: melon on June 22, 2004, 06:02:00 AM
I dont really give a shit if he got beheaded.
An American life means nothing to me. Why should I give a fuck?
Thousands of you could die for all I care.
As long as no English die then fuck it, its his fault for being there.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: therebelious1 on June 22, 2004, 06:25:00 AM
wtf is these guys major malfunctions?

do they honestly think that killing a single person is gonna convince a nation to withdraw its entire army? thats gotta be the most flawed logic i've ever heard

except from what spain did recently, there has never been any submission to the demands of terrorists- EVER! thats not exactly a proven track record for success of the tactic is it?

does anyone know if these people who video tape killings actually believe that they are going to get what they want?
or are they just doing it because they enjoy the act of killing someone in a degrading and humiliating way and making excuses for it?

i must have too small a mind to comprehend the purpose of their actions blink.gif
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: Arvarden on June 22, 2004, 07:11:00 AM
They know it wont change most governments minds on the situation i think it's  directed at the general public as we are the ones who elect or governments.

Btw the people of Spain dumped there current government because they were fed up with the lies spewing out of politicians mouths, it had nothing to do with pulling  troops out of Iraq.  

Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: Colonel32 on June 23, 2004, 11:00:00 AM
QUOTE (nagmine @ Jun 22 2004, 05:06 PM)
they just showed on the news that they killed that poor korean guy.

u wonder when this will end.

Not Today sad.gif


KABUL, Afghanistan — A senior Afghan militia commander said Wednesday that troops from Afghanistan's U.S.-trained national army beheaded four Taliban fighters to avenge the similar slaying of an Afghan soldier and a military interpreter. He later retracted his statement after a strong government denial.

Seems to be getting worse. What is wrong with these people!

Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: 67thRaptorBull on June 23, 2004, 11:05:00 AM
QUOTE (Colonel32 @ Jun 23 2004, 02:00 PM)
What is wrong with these people!

they want there country back to the way it was, because to them, at least under sadaam there wern't made men running around, looting, pillaging, raping, and they had a stable enviroment, but now, there lifes just plain sucks.
welcome to american life iraqi's
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: nemt on June 23, 2004, 11:36:00 AM
Beheading has been part of islamic culture and law for centuries, governments should be allowed to execute capital criminals however they want, the problem comes when terrorists execute the innocent.  Frankly, I'd be just as outraged with the terrorists if they had shot the various hostages.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: melon on June 23, 2004, 02:11:00 PM
What is wrong with these people!

Is beheading really any different to hanging someone? That has been a major part of american history. They dont have gas chambers or electric chairs, they do the simplestr thing. Murder is wrong it doesnt matter how it happened.

problem comes when terrorists execute the innocent

Again nemt why do you refer to them as terorists? And again I have to point out that to them american troops are terrorists and have killed15,000 innocents.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: nemt on June 23, 2004, 06:08:00 PM
QUOTE (melon @ Jun 23 2004, 07:11 PM)
Again nemt why do you refer to them as terorists? And again I have to point out that to them american troops are terrorists and have killed15,000 innocents.

You're a moron if you honestly think that way and aren't just trying to incite an argument.

That's like saying roads are evil because people die in car crashes.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: 67thRaptorBull on June 23, 2004, 06:48:00 PM
QUOTE (nemt @ Jun 23 2004, 09:08 PM)
You're a moron if you honestly think that way and aren't just trying to incite an argument.

That's like saying roads are evil because people die in car crashes.

wait, what are you trying to say? that US soldiers cant be held accountable for innocents killed, just because its a fucked up war there in?

so the US is allowed to do whatever it wants to any country it decides to fuck up the ass in terms of "good things"??

i agree with melon, if terrorists are at fault for killing innocents, so is the military
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: melon on June 23, 2004, 10:59:00 PM
You're a moron if you honestly think that way and aren't just trying to incite an argument.

That's like saying roads are evil because people die in car crashes.

I am not flaming or becoming personal, and I am not trying to incite an argument. To the average Iraqi there country has been invaded by American and British forces and a lot of ordinary people have been killed.

The road analogy is not very relevant but you could say the driver is evil if he is chasing somebody else and doesnt care how many pedestrians he runs over to get his man.

I am not trying to turn this into a flame war but you have to try and consider the average Iraqi's point of view.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: nemt on June 24, 2004, 03:16:00 AM
QUOTE (melon @ Jun 24 2004, 03:59 AM)
I am not trying to turn this into a flame war but you have to try and consider the average Iraqi's point of view.

The average Iraqi is thrilled he or she no longer has to live in a brutal dictatorship.  The media doesn't show you the view of the average Iraqi, and you know that.

I stand by my point you're a moron if you think terrorists killing a kidnapped civilian hostage is in any way similar to minimal civilian casualties, which every precaution has been taken to avoid.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: Arvarden on June 24, 2004, 05:04:00 AM
"which every precaution has been taken to avoid."


If every "precaution" had been taken the coalition wouldn't be occupying Iraq.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: melon on June 24, 2004, 05:53:00 AM
minimal civilian casualties, which every precaution has been taken to avoid.

How is 15,000 minimum? At no point ever is 15,000 civillian casulties acceptable never mind minimal! Your country has a history of leaving vast numbers of civillians dead.
How is blanket bombing Baghdad at the start of the war and using cluster bombs and depleted uranium shells minimising casualties?

You live in a little sheltered, cosy world which has no resemblance to what the rest of us live in. I cant be bothered with you anymore, you are beyond words.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: nemt on June 24, 2004, 01:43:00 PM
I'm not going to defend the war here, anyone against the war is either misinformed, a moron, or both.

Additionally, even the highest estimates put the civilian death toll in Iraq well under 15,000.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: 67thRaptorBull on June 24, 2004, 01:48:00 PM
QUOTE (nemt @ Jun 24 2004, 04:43 PM)
I'm not going to defend the war here, anyone against the war is either misinformed, a moron, or both.

Additionally, even the highest estimates put the civilian death toll in Iraq well under 15,000.

why would someone being against a war with no just cause, be mis informed or a moron.
nemt, everytime you post, it shows more and more how biased, and opinionated everything you say is.

tell me why it ws good to attack iraq, sure sadaam is out of power, but alot of the pople there want him back in, because he represented stability. 15,000 civilians dead, more pissed off terrorists and a retarded cowoby in the white house, this was the worst presidential term ever.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: 67thRaptorBull on June 24, 2004, 04:46:00 PM
QUOTE (TSOPrano @ Jun 24 2004, 06:04 PM)
Sir, please take a look at this then tell me that the "average Iraqi" is glad. Note all the cars honking in happiness.

dont try, he'll just since the link is liberal biased and has no meaning
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: melon on June 25, 2004, 12:37:00 AM
I like your sig. That is the most fucked up situation in the middle east. All though there are promising signs but im not geting my hopes up.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: melon on June 25, 2004, 01:07:00 PM
Didnt say there was. Totally agree with you. I know we started the situation in the first place but i dont think were involved now. if you know different tell me and i may have to do some research.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: bluedeath on June 25, 2004, 01:19:00 PM
You guys are sure worried about the people of IRAQ. Your concern is touching but actions speak much louder than words.  Why not volunteer?  Here is the site for information on volunteering in IRAQ :Volunteer
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: melon on June 25, 2004, 01:40:00 PM
Iraq is not a safe place to be right now if your western. I do things from here, I have been on several marches and there is a weekly protest outside our townhall.
So yes actions do speak louder than words and i do my part, but i am not going to risk my life going to a war torn country.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: bluedeath on June 25, 2004, 01:44:00 PM
QUOTE (melon @ Jun 25 2004, 10:40 PM)
there is a weekly protest outside our townhall.


That is hilarious.  Absolutely hilarious.  A scheduled weekly protest at the townhall.  I didn't know that townhalls still existed.  What part of transylvania are you from?
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: 67thRaptorBull on June 25, 2004, 03:08:00 PM
QUOTE (bluedeath @ Jun 25 2004, 04:44 PM)

That is hilarious.  Absolutely hilarious.  A scheduled weekly protest at the townhall.  I didn't know that townhalls still existed.  What part of transylvania are you from?

your an idiot
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: moistness on June 25, 2004, 03:19:00 PM
QUOTE (bluedeath @ Jun 25 2004, 11:44 PM)

That is hilarious.  Absolutely hilarious.  A scheduled weekly protest at the townhall.  I didn't know that townhalls still existed.  What part of transylvania are you from?

You're a genius! smile.gif
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: 67thRaptorBull on June 25, 2004, 03:33:00 PM
QUOTE (moistness @ Jun 25 2004, 06:19 PM)
You're a genius! smile.gif

i love you
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: moistness on June 25, 2004, 03:51:00 PM
QUOTE (67thRaptorBull @ Jun 26 2004, 01:33 AM)
i love you

Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: nemt on June 25, 2004, 04:49:00 PM
That's pretty sweet.  We just wildly accuse each other of being witches at my town hall.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: melon on June 25, 2004, 04:53:00 PM
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: The unProfessional on June 25, 2004, 04:59:00 PM
Hmm... I prefer jack in the box or in n out.  When we protest at Mcdonald's, people always get sick :-\
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: nemt on June 25, 2004, 05:45:00 PM
I've been told in n' out makes the best fast food around, despite the lack of variety.  I've never seen one though, is it any good?
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: Booger Bob on June 28, 2004, 07:41:00 PM
i think the most important thing that needs to be said is "FUCK THE SAND NIGGERS"
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: 67thRaptorBull on June 29, 2004, 04:16:00 AM
QUOTE (Booger Bob @ Jun 28 2004, 10:41 PM)
i think the most important thing that needs to be said is "FUCK THE SAND NIGGERS"

that comment, and your sig make me feel ur the average american who thinks nothing of anyone else and is an ignorant fuck.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: therebelious1 on June 29, 2004, 04:39:00 AM
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: therebelious1 on June 30, 2004, 12:08:00 AM
i bet your mum* is proud of you BoogerBob

*for want of a better word

honestly, the world would be a better place if it werent for low life scum like yourself taking potshots at everything thats different from you

go and polish your magnum you redneck accident
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: Banj on June 30, 2004, 12:41:00 AM
"Sand Niggers" says it all doesn't it, you don't even have the capacity to know why you hate 'them' so you label 'them' with another group you hate for no reason.
I suspect that you are probably posting to be controversial because in this day and age of global society, cellular phones and satalite television there is no excuse for Red-Neck, Trailer Trash, Inbred shit-for-brains wankers like you to be so ignorant.
Title: The Religion Of Peace Strikes Again
Post by: 67thRaptorBull on June 30, 2004, 05:08:00 AM
QUOTE (Booger Bob @ Jun 29 2004, 05:20 PM)
Because i dont like militant islamic fuckers im not intelligent. I like how you presumptive liberal assholes think you know someone based on a post.
I HATE sand niggers, i have no problems with the muslims in america, as long as they do strap themselves up with c4 and kill a bunch of innocent people.  Thier just a bunch of poons like you two. FUCK YOU

I HATE sand niggers, i have no problems with the muslims in america, as long as they do strap themselves up with c4 and kill a bunch of innocent people

hmm, that says it all, so u like when innocent people die???

i guess 9/11 gave u a hard on then