
Off Topic Forums => General Chat => The Dump => Topic started by: Ace25 on January 24, 2003, 10:45:00 AM

Title: Best Ever...
Post by: Ace25 on January 24, 2003, 10:45:00 AM
Leisure Suit Larry (1-3), Monkey Island 1&2, Crash Team Racing...

I count em as 3 games... I learned math in US.. so it adds up to 3 for me.. hehehe
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: socrates on January 24, 2003, 10:47:00 AM
Breath of fire 2
test drive 4
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: 86peaches on January 24, 2003, 11:06:00 AM
did N00bvin also learn math in the us?
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: N00bvin on January 24, 2003, 11:10:00 AM
Yes, because in the US we learn that numbers don't fucking matter, because if some country tries to say they do, we can just bomb there asses.

You see the metric system here in the US?!  Fuck no... we do NOT accept a number system from other countries.  You think this war in Iraq is about terrorism... HELL NO, it's about NUMBERS son!!!

Fuckin metric system pukes!
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: theagent on January 24, 2003, 11:13:00 AM
metal gear (all of em)
C&C (gotta play with friends or its hardcore boring)
original 007 for N64 (good memories-playin stoned/drunk)
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: LinksAwakening on January 24, 2003, 11:20:00 AM
In no particular order:

Final Fantasy VII
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Metal Gear Solid

I basically love all the Metal Gear games, but those are my favorites. I'm currently working on beating Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for MSX. Man, is that game sweet or what?
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: brahm2 on January 24, 2003, 11:22:00 AM
Janitor Joe, for very very old computers
Starcraft, for the incredible amount of wasted hours -NOT THE DAMN N64 VERSION
Morrowind, for being so huge and epic
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: M3_DeL on January 24, 2003, 12:20:00 PM
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear
Age of Empires: Rise of Rome
Halo (multiplayer only)
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: jujupinto85 on January 24, 2003, 12:26:00 PM
here are my top (rpg's)

Final Fantasy 3 ( i found this at yard sell for 8 bucks!)

Chrono Trigger (rom)

and Earthbound (rental/rom)
top fps



and CounterStrike

top platform



and kirby suPErstar


top misc

metal gear solid 2 substance



top 3


Title: Best Ever...
Post by: socrates on January 24, 2003, 12:39:00 PM
Geez noobvin, i think you had one to many of those patriotic injections they hand out on the american border before entering wink.gif,
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: darylzero on January 24, 2003, 12:51:00 PM
1.  John Madden Football - Sega Genesis (this franchise has taken years from my life)
2.  Starcraft
3.  Cyberball Tournament Edition (arcade, see #1)
honorable mentions

Tomb Raider
crackdown (arcade game)  I don't know if anyone played this but it was awesome.
super mario
Final Fantasy VII
SSX Tricky - just one of the funnest games I ever played.
Halo (the first 1st person shooter I really got into)

Title: Best Ever...
Post by: socrates on January 24, 2003, 12:53:00 PM
Toejam &earl for the genesis...........road rash 1 for the genesis.......
combat for the atari 2600.......
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: AC Slater on January 24, 2003, 12:55:00 PM

3.  Command & Conquer (Gold) PC

Best RTS game.  Just plain fun.

**Runners Up**

Excite Bike NES
Coach K College Basketball Genesis
John Madden Football '92 Genesis (very close to making the top 3)
Super Mario Bros. 3 NES
NFL 2k Dreamcast
World Series Baseball Genesis
Bases Loaded NES
Zelda NES
Tetris Gameboy
NBA Live '95 Genesis
NBA Jam Arcade
Daytona USA Saturn
Super Smash Brothers N64
Pitfall Atari 2600  beerchug.gif
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: kard63 on January 24, 2003, 12:55:00 PM
1. The Legend of Zelda
2. Final Fantasy 2 USA
3. *craft     (War2, Star, and War3 have wasted more of my life
                    than TV)
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: WarM_FusioN on January 24, 2003, 01:03:00 PM
oh, excite bike and wild arms 2 also
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: MorfiusX on January 24, 2003, 02:02:00 PM
Well, I can't limit myself to three...

- Final Fantasy 3 (US)
- Zelda (Orig for NES)
- Super Metroid
- Half Life
- The Whole Damn Final Fantasy Series
- Halo
- Gran Turismo
- Splinter Cell

And probably a lot more that I am forgetting.
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: LinksAwakening on January 24, 2003, 02:46:00 PM
Another one of my favorite games is Quackshot for Sega Genesis.

None of my friends think it's good, just because the main character is Donald Duck. They never even played the game.

This game is totally sweet!! Has anyone else played Quackshot for Genesis?
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: jaezar on January 24, 2003, 02:55:00 PM
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: meltdown on January 24, 2003, 03:04:00 PM
Ok let's see:

Battlefield 1942 (this is just a bad ass WW-II sim)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (when I don't feel like quite so much realism but want team play)
and Q-III or UT:2k3 for fragalicious fun (and I am sorry but UC sucks the big one, a controller is no equal to mouse and keyboard)
Of course for uber present day realism I go for any of the Clancy games.

Starcraft (eh give me Protoss any day over those sickening Orcs and humans of WC)
Force Commander (not strictly an RTS but fun as hell)

Neverwinter Nights (Hell I'm running Linux on my XBox just so I can run a NWN server from it, and I'll give the NWN client a try when it is out)
Morrowind (PC version NOT XBox)

FF-I (sorry I hate the techno crap they put into it, the original is still the best in my opinion)
Splinter Cell (Raven Shield will probably beat it out)
All the Metal Gears (though after Sam Fisher, Snake is a wuss)
HALO and Timesplitters II (probably the best and only endearing FPS's I've played on a console)

Of course these are just my opinions and if you don't agree with me, well then you're wrong... j/k  But seriously, this is just what I like.
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: plehem12 on January 24, 2003, 03:09:00 PM
pop.gif  beerchug.gif
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: jaezar on January 24, 2003, 03:11:00 PM
QUOTE (iam @ Jan 24 2003, 11:00 PM)
1. The first Unreal Tournament for PC

The first Unreal Tornament!!....... I REMEMBER THAT ONE!!...  beerchug.gif  beerchug.gif
Was impressed!... gosh!..this is bringing back memories!...  

Title: Best Ever...
Post by: pilotz69 on January 24, 2003, 03:18:00 PM
Top 3 (ish)

Excited to see my top pick hasn't been mentioned

1) Contra (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start) The birth (one of the first) of the console "cheat"

2) Gran Turismo - I agree 110% with 'N00bvin' (notice the lack of regard for numbers) This game raised the bar and set the standard for physics and gameplay when it comes to racing simulators.

3) I'm gonna go on a limb and say (I'm gonna date myself here) Zork (the original). If you know of the game you will understand why I am going on a limb
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: darylzero on January 24, 2003, 03:20:00 PM
QUOTE (LinksAwakening @ Jan 24 2003, 10:46 PM)
Another one of my favorite games is Quackshot for Sega Genesis.

None of my friends think it's good, just because the main character is Donald Duck. They never even played the game.

This game is totally sweet!! Has anyone else played Quackshot for Genesis?

Dude I was hooked on quackshot.  Also, the Mickey Mouse game was good for sega genesis
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: Andy on January 24, 2003, 03:52:00 PM
biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: theagent on January 24, 2003, 04:00:00 PM
1) Contra (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start) The birth (one of the first) of the console "cheat"

d00d com'on up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, SELECT, START (2 player cheat)
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: LinksAwakening on January 24, 2003, 04:44:00 PM
QUOTE (darylzero @ Jan 24 2003, 11:20 PM)
QUOTE (LinksAwakening @ Jan 24 2003, 10:46 PM)
Another one of my favorite games is Quackshot for Sega Genesis.

None of my friends think it's good, just because the main character is Donald Duck. They never even played the game.

This game is totally sweet!! Has anyone else played Quackshot for Genesis?

Dude I was hooked on quackshot.  Also, the Mickey Mouse game was good for sega genesis

Do you mean World Of Illusion?

I loved that game. I used to play it for like 4 hours a day after school when I was a little kid.

Man, I got to go dust off my Genesis and start playing my old games!
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: theagent on January 24, 2003, 05:29:00 PM
Oh I love that cheat.. its ingrained in our heads for life now

laugh.gif hell yeah-i don't even remember my address 2 years ago...but i still remember that cheat without even hesitating for a moment.

Title: Best Ever...
Post by: Raised on January 24, 2003, 05:35:00 PM

EDIT: F00k the 3 limitation  laugh.gif   : Grand Theft Auto (all) and Midtown Madness!
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: N00bvin on January 24, 2003, 06:04:00 PM
Hell... I can't believe it... I forgot John Madden football (I saw someone else mention it thank god)...

This is the game that I've probably logged over 10,000 hours on (we're talking all the versions).  It's the game that stopped me from being an actual athlete to a virtual athlete, and single-handedly is responsible for at least 50 extra pounds of body weight.  Because of this game (with an assist from NBA Live series... from back when it was Lakers vs. Celtics until now) I'm now a semi-fatass, and lucky because I fooled a hot Japanese chick to be my wife.

John Madden is both my strength (I'm damn near undefeatd, with a lifetime winning percentage of .935) and my weakness (I'm naming my child that will be born in May "Touchdown" be it a boy or girl).

John Madden Football, when I first saw it on PS2... after years of playing it on PS1 and Genesis... damn near made me cry with joy (oky, I did cry).  It was beautiful... jaggies and all.

I think I forgot it on my original list because I take it for granted.  I play it everyday... like brushing my teeth or taking a shower, it's just something I do.  

Yes, I would have to say that John Madden Football when my "Lifetime Achievement Award" for video games.  It seems like many folks here love RPGs... and in my experience, those two genres of games are not like by the same people.  If you like RPGs, then in all likelyhood you'll think I'm insane.  If you're a sports game fanatic like I am... I think you will understand...

Viva la Madden!!!
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: Rollo on January 24, 2003, 06:41:00 PM
Yes, because in the US we learn that numbers don't fucking matter, because if some country tries to say they do, we can just bomb there asses.

You see the metric system here in the US?! Fuck no... we do NOT accept a number system from other countries. You think this war in Iraq is about terrorism... HELL NO, it's about NUMBERS son!!!

Fuckin metric system pukes!

That is some funny shit! beerchug.gif

OK all you cheaters, the post says three and i'm giving three.

Tron cabinet
Killer Instinct cabinet
MKII cabinet

no console game is as cool as a stand-up you had to beg yo mom to put money in.
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: bobgk on January 24, 2003, 10:23:00 PM
Not that anyone cares:

Grandia II
Shenmue I & II
Zelda 64
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: burning_arc on January 24, 2003, 11:05:00 PM
w00t! Someone Else things grandia 2 was great! mine are

1.Grandia II
2.Zelda 64: Orcarina of time
3.Chrono Trigger
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: Zzzen on January 24, 2003, 11:32:00 PM
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: noobiex2 on January 25, 2003, 12:50:00 AM
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: vincent_y79 on January 25, 2003, 01:44:00 AM
Mine would be:
FFIV (or VI but 4 was my first RPG)
Street Fighter 2 and all of its variation (I loved the illegal ones, wreak shop with an infinite line of sonic booms)
Halo...cause I can't think of any games (right now) thats more multi-player fun

Title: Best Ever...
Post by: Teralus on January 25, 2003, 04:06:00 AM
1) Half Life / Counterstike - PC
2) Unreal Series - Ureal/UT/UT2k3 - PC
2) Marathon Series 1/2/3 (Bungie software - back in the day) - Mac
(yes I am a fps man!!!)

Others I think are good:
*) 1080 snowboarding N64
*) NHL (93/92 - not sure) Mega Drive
*) Warcraft 2 PC
*) ID Softwares lot (Doom series and Quake Seires)
*) Loving Splinter Cell at the moment!!
*) Mario Cart N64
*) Orignal Carmagedon on PC
*) Abes oddworld series - mainly the first
*) GTA3 - PC
*) Street Fighter 2 - Mega Drive

I also found it funny how people in this forum who are open about being Canadian list NHL games as their favs - They love their Hockey there don't they!!
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: jasonmvt on January 25, 2003, 04:38:00 AM
1) Grim Fandango

2) Wing Commander (1, 2)

3) Out Run
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: Keva on January 25, 2003, 04:40:00 AM
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: LinksAwakening on January 25, 2003, 06:12:00 AM
Chrono Trigger was pretty good. But I think Chrono Cross is a lot better.
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: equilibrium on January 25, 2003, 06:58:00 AM
smile.gif )
3) Duke Nukem 3D (ahhh those were the days smile.gif playing online in tourneys and winning money)

smile.gif Zelda just owned smile.gif and I've played quake2 and 3 in div1 tdm clans and still play quake3  biggrin.gif  and duke nukem 3D was the first game I played against people online. Those were the days before people made aimbots and cheats for online games, when prize money was up for grabs every so many weeks smile.gif started in '96 and have been online gaming ever since hehe  biggrin.gif
Title: Best Ever...
Post by: meltdown on January 25, 2003, 10:23:00 AM
QUOTE (86peaches @ Jan 25 2003, 10:30 AM)
QUOTE (meltdown @ Jan 25 2003, 12:04 AM)
Morrowind (PC version NOT XBox)

why's that?

Um because you can make new quests, worlds, hell a whole new game if ya want with the PC version.  It literally has one of the most powerfull editors I have ever seen and it comes with the game which is a bonus.  You can edit almost every little mechanic from the editor, how it handles stats and skills, new stats and skills, etc. etc...  XBox ver doesn't have that capability.