
OG Xbox Forums => Hardware Forums => General Hardware/Technical Chat => Topic started by: Blietzkreig on June 09, 2003, 04:28:00 AM

Title: Game Not Work On Larger Hd
Post by: Blietzkreig on June 09, 2003, 04:28:00 AM
I suggest using BoxPlorer to check the filesize of the two copies of the game. make sure they are identical down to the last byte. If there are any discrepencies, re-copy the game over from working version.

FYI - I have a PAL xbox and the PAL version of this game runs fine on my 80 gig HD.
Title: Game Not Work On Larger Hd
Post by: NinjaIP on June 15, 2003, 05:26:00 PM
It's strange that I am not running the game from HD. I tried delete the game and the saves from the larger HDD and boot it up from disk. The main menu shown and it displays the movie. But it bounds back to dashboard around 80% loaded (entering the game).

Thus, the difference is only the HD size (i.e. F: driv) only!

Not sure if anybody experienced some similar problem.
Title: Game Not Work On Larger Hd
Post by: msn25 on June 15, 2003, 05:44:00 PM
id check to make sure its loading all the necessary files...

try ftping to your box...copy all the contents of the D drive to ur PC Hdd...and copy those files to your hdd...try again...

also...when i installed my new 120gb with evox...i had a previous 60gb in...and i backed up my games...and when i transferred them over to the new 120....they did the same thing u described...get to the load screen...but mine froze... know why...i installed MxM and they worked like a charm from there on out!

hope i helped!