
OG Xbox Forums => Xbox Online Gaming (Xbox Live, Xlink, and others) => Other Online Gaming Options (Gamespy, etc.) => Topic started by: ReDRoVeR on January 19, 2004, 10:32:00 AM

Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: ReDRoVeR on January 19, 2004, 10:32:00 AM
Well kids???

pros and cons?


does the tunneling work as good or better then live???

Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: Souber on January 19, 2004, 12:33:00 PM
I have xbox live, but i also use xlink for halo,
Xbox live is so much easier cause your already at your couch ( unless you have a modded xbox with boxlink, cause thats awsome)
x live is also kool, cause you get to use the communicator in everygame, and you can send voice requests, and there is always the downloadable content cool.gif  smile.gif
plus there is the whole custamizing part of live, you chose what servers to get into, the rankings, and there are much more options,
however, xlink is awsome cause its FREEEEEE!!!!! smile.gif  smile.gif  smile.gif  so thats the best part
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: dfunked on January 19, 2004, 12:22:00 PM
You can't compare XBox Live with XLink. That's stupid IMO.

XBox Live has hit 1 million plus users. If you want to find a game, you'll find it on XBox Live.

I hate these comparison things because in the end it's all up to each individual to make up their decision.

My opinion? I have both, and I rarely play on Live. I can't stand playing against so many goddamn little kids, or at least idiots who put voice masking on with the child mask. It's enough to make me hate the service. I've still yet to meet a dickhead on XLink...
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: Heet on January 20, 2004, 06:25:00 AM
About meeting assholes, I agree with you dfunked.  Everyone has been totally polite and eager to just play a fun game.  Its obvious why.  Mommy cant mod a box, mommy cant figure out how to run xlink messenger or any other aspect of this service, so the ten year olds are left to be on Live!  My buddy has Live and I cant stand it.  Thank God for you guys!!

Xlink beats Live! IMO  Playing a bunch of people who just learned a new bad word at school and want to try it out on a tunneling service isnt my idea of a good time.
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: jizzlobber on January 20, 2004, 08:38:00 AM
wtf? most people I meet on live are ok.
I've found the majority of people on xbox live are of a mature age too.

and the friends list is there so you can just play with people you KNOW are cool.

Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: Heet on January 20, 2004, 06:18:00 PM
Well I haven't been on as much as you im sure but ive seen the same crap i saw at xbconnect.  This is the scenerio I usually see.  You join a game of halo.  If you win they leave.  If they win they say "you suck"  "omg what newbs".  You play another game or two and whether you win or lose they are still trying to prove themselves by calling you names.  Whatever.   Thats not what really bothers me.  Then you ask them to join your game (no secret that host has advantage).  You are about 15 points up and then bam the game freezes.   They left.  Then you go look at the pc screen and they say "omg what lag"  "we cant play on a connection as shitty as yours".  This is xbconnect of course.  For Live its about the same thing albeit not as big as a hassle getting another game together so not AS irritating.  I gave up playing halo because of that and because we started playing and the dumb asses spent the whole game trying to get off the map.  For weeks and weeks this went on.  So I try Xlink.  I have not had ONE game where any of this has happened.  Anyways, if you like Live keep it.  Im just sayin it aint for me.  Or xbconnect for that matter.
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: dfunked on January 20, 2004, 09:45:00 PM
Friends list? The amount of time it takes to do all that rubbish is just as long as it takes to switch to a different game server on XLink or XBConnect.

I've played some of the coolest of matches with guys on XLink, especially the X-Rated Clan of RS3 members. Damn they're funny at times :)

Like I said, all a matter of personal opinion..
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: No Mess on January 21, 2004, 05:26:00 AM
Well, if your like me and have a Mac, I would have to say that Xbox Live is better.  Although I have played Xlink at a friends house and think its great.  I like live because you dont need a computer to set up or get into servers
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: No Mess on January 21, 2004, 05:27:00 AM
Well, if your like me and have a Mac, I would have to say that Xbox Live is better.  Although I have played Xlink at a friends house and think its great.  I like live because you dont need a computer to set up or get into servers

Sorry for the double post.

This post has been edited by No Mess: Jan 21 2004, 01:30 PM
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: ReDRoVeR on January 21, 2004, 06:25:00 AM
So I guess aside from the bulls*** its the same...

My reasoning for asking what the differences were was to see if there was any real differences in gameplay as far as lag or game playablility. Ive been a xbox liver for over 1 year and I was going to finally mod my box. I really only play live games. In groups against my friends.

That was why I was asking...

anyother feedback would be great!

Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: MeLbOrN on January 28, 2004, 01:41:00 PM
xbconnect is better than x-link imo, unless ur modded and can sit at the tv without going to the pc to get in games.  

live is a different story.  its made by MS so its gonna be better but the community for xbc and x-link is better.
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: DaShiZNiT on January 29, 2004, 12:07:00 AM
there is no contest, when it comes to tunneling software up against the LiVE.

if you have LiVE then you know..

This post has been edited by DaShiZNiT: Jan 29 2004, 08:08 AM
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: jz28 on January 29, 2004, 03:06:00 AM
I am with dfunked and heet...

I have live but have only played maybe 15 times on it total... 9 out of 15 were with young kids, cussing, being obnoxious...I dont want to waste my time having to find a game without annoying kids, or having to report them to live. I want to play.

I have met more cool people to play with on xlink than I did on live. Live has some cool features, but because its so mainstream, you get all the junk with the good. I would rather spend time on xlink instead.

and xlink is great for modded and non modded users...the users are easily more mature than those on other tunnels.
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: chilin_dude on January 29, 2004, 05:16:00 AM
Yeah i prefer the link prog's as you don't get idiotic people hurling abuse!
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: NeOnRaBbIt on February 01, 2004, 04:45:00 PM
the part where ppl might see that xbl is better than xlink would be in the game performance....In xlink if one person has lagg usually everybody does but on xbl jus one person wil be jumping againt the screen...i still enjoy halo on xlink though wen theres no lag....both are prety easy to use...
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: shanafan on February 01, 2004, 05:59:00 PM
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: jz28 on February 02, 2004, 02:03:00 AM
QUOTE (NeOnRaBbIt @ Feb 1 2004, 10:39 PM)
the part where ppl might see that xbl is better than xlink would be in the game performance....In xlink if one person has lagg usually everybody does but on xbl jus one person wil be jumping againt the screen...i still enjoy halo on xlink though wen theres no lag....both are prety easy to use...

I have to say that i have never experienced this. Its the same with live, if one person has a laggy connection (if its laggy enough), it will bring the game down for all. Perhaps you are playing with a lot of foreigners on xlink, and thats what the problem has been. I have never seen this happen, and based on how tunneling works, it seems quite impossible for this to be true.
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: pango_X on February 05, 2004, 07:36:00 PM
biggrin.gif smile.gif  tongue.gif  wink.gif
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: valius on February 07, 2004, 06:25:00 AM
Live is better

I put in Ghost recon selected live play & every lobby slot was full of games to join.
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: Xerium on February 10, 2004, 05:34:00 AM
grr.gif ? it make the live experiance so much less of what is should be. Xlink Isnt as good as Xbox LiVE but at least you dont have to put up with the LiVE bull shit.
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: jz28 on February 10, 2004, 05:47:00 AM
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: UKT_Productions on March 02, 2004, 02:08:00 PM

I would agree with all sentiments here about annoying little shits over the headphones; you just don't seem to get them on the tunnelling services as opposed to live. You get the odd bit of crapola in the chat rooms of both XBConnect and xlink although imho this is far, far more prevalent on xbconnect than xlink.

My only prob with tunnelling is that the scene is fragmented and therefore finding 'what' you want to play 'when' you want to play it is not a pick up and go experience like live! clearly is.





Every walk of life has 'em; deal with it, make your choice, enjoy.....

My one hope is that when XLink Kai is final and Team Avalaunch implement support (ala Bo-XLink) into their blinding dash that we will see a pretty damn hefty march into the XLink community. IMHO, that will be a result which has been a long time coming.  dry.gif

Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: RideBurton164 on March 08, 2004, 09:29:00 AM
xbox live is obviously a hell of alot better because of the features it offers...however the cost is a factor...and you obviously cnat play with a chip on xbox live...xlink however, anything goes!...but less titles to choose from, take yer pick
Title: Whats Better? Xbox Live Or Xlink?
Post by: AdyHolmes on May 02, 2004, 01:12:00 PM
My opinion:
I think XBConnect is the best because people play THUG on it, not all the time though :-( AND YOU CAN EVEN PLAY WITH A 56k CONNECTION!
X-Link - no1 plays THUG, and Xbox Live - WHY DOSENT THUG HAVE LIVE SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!