
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox 360 Newbie Forums => Newbie Chat => Topic started by: Aldanga on June 28, 2013, 09:51:00 PM

Title: Has Anyone Tried To Get An Ssd To Work Yet?
Post by: Aldanga on June 28, 2013, 09:51:00 PM
Since the 360 has a SATA 1.5Gbps port, you won't gain a lot from a SSD. Yes, it'll load smaller files faster with its super-low read delay, but you won't gain much on large reads.

I want to say a few people have put them into exploited units, but I cannot remember any off of the top of my head and whether or not it made any significant difference. You certainly wouldn't be able to do it with a stock unit now due to hard drive security sector.
Title: Has Anyone Tried To Get An Ssd To Work Yet?
Post by: boflc on July 04, 2013, 03:04:00 PM
The only reason I've considered it is to bring a 360 with me on a long road trip for the kids (and for when I can get my wife to drive).  Beyond that, the cost per gigabyte makes very little cents.
Title: Has Anyone Tried To Get An Ssd To Work Yet?
Post by: pepito01226 on July 04, 2013, 07:31:00 PM
yes SSD are starting to be less costly. Before 120Gb SSD was around $300 now it is less then $100 but i doubt again you will be able to use it in your xbox 360.

I only doubt because M$ locked there console to very selective drive manufacture and size.

I am not sure if you can be able to use a SSD in a jtag console since this allows you to use any type of hard drive and size (under 500Gb limit)

Also the data transfer is only 1.5Gb/s you will be very limited in r/o (read/write) ratio to under 512Mb/s but even then you will still have to see if you can use an SSD.

I feel your pain fear that something might happen to the hard drive crashing suck.

A friend of mine bought her nephew a 64Gb flash drive to use on his xbox. I know with certain games you can save a digital copy on a hard drive or size capacity storage unit (flash drive) and be able to use it.

No idea if you can use an external hard drive as a storage bay for the same reason.