
OG Xbox Forums => Xbox Game Forums => Gamers Chat => Topic started by: Syngori on July 23, 2004, 02:57:00 PM

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Syngori on July 23, 2004, 02:57:00 PM

Anyone notice at the end that flashes to for a few frames?

the site is fucking weird!?!  anyone know what it does that?!
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on July 23, 2004, 03:30:00 PM
yeaa i saw it, very weird, I think somebody got a hold of and tried to sponser there websiite and then gave it to teamxbox. (just a possibilty)  <
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: lil killer on July 23, 2004, 03:33:00 PM
That can't be it because the High Definition one also has the ilovebees thing in it. The high definition one isnt from teamxbox either.  The ilovebees site is pretty jacked. Anyone know whats going on? :uhh:   <
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: demitrix on July 23, 2004, 03:39:00 PM
maybe MS set up the ilovebees site as a lil easteregg or somthing. the whole


Control has been yielded to the

This medium is classified, and has a

In 4 days, network throttling will erode.

In 18 days this medium will metastasize.


Make your decisions accordingly

seems a lil strange
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: sulfur on July 23, 2004, 08:01:00 PM
i was very excited.  <
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Infamous_One on July 23, 2004, 08:26:00 PM
saw it too. at exactly 00:44


This post has been edited by Infamous_One on Jul 24 2004, 03:27 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: camo281 on July 23, 2004, 08:38:00 PM
maybe this can give you some answers....

***and some quotes from the site that she has posted in her blog***

"Aunt Margaret wants you to know how touched she is by the flood..."
"...a black button ..." xbox controller???

*****some of the source code on the site*****


I have to signal, I can't stay stranded here. But if I somehow am operating behind enemy lines, I don't want to draw attention to myself, either.

Therefore, I shall be a phasmid. Phasmidia Elegans, they call me-scourge of the sandbox.

God I hate it here.


<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="honey, bees, Margaret, small busines, beekeeping,
hives, retail, market, Operator, bug, buggy, virus, infestation, WTF is
going on with this damn thing, parasite, strong intrusive inclination, medium,
messages, shipwreck, network throttling, SOS, hoax, game, bee hoax, bee game,
survivor, survive, evade, resist, escape, a little help would be appreciated,
thanks and tip your waitress, sleep, is, good, install, reinstall,
re-reinstall, re-re-reinstall, I, love, bees">


nd in about half an Hour the Boat was overset by a sudden Flurry from the North. What became of my Companions in the Boat, as well as of those who escaped on the Rock, or were left in the Vessel, I cannot tell; but conclude they were all lost. <br><br> lay down on the Grass, which was very short and soft, where I slept sounder than ever I remember to have done in my Life, and, as I reckoned, above Nine Hours; for when I awakened, it was just Day-light. I attempted to rise, but was not able to stir: For as I happen'd to lye on my Back, I found my Arms and Legs were strongly fastened on each Side to the Ground; and my Hair, which was long and thick, tied down in the same Manner. I likewise felt several slender Ligatures across my Body, from my Armpits to my Thighs.

I've been here forever.<br>
Conscious, unconscious.  On, off.

Nobody here.
Nobody calling.
Nobody's going to come.

This post has been edited by camo281 on Jul 24 2004, 04:09 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: EmperorPsiblade on July 23, 2004, 07:49:00 PM
i saw the thing too and went there....

cortana letters anyone?

that bitch......  laugh.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on July 23, 2004, 09:40:00 PM
ok ok i doing some research and i found this

This is a video that some guy shot in a movie theatre. Then its not a mistake or anything!!!!

There has to be something behind this!!!?!!?!?!?!?!

This post has been edited by MoeMan949222 on Jul 24 2004, 04:58 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Infamous_One on July 23, 2004, 09:53:00 PM
Maybe they are releasing HALO 2 sooner than Nov 9  <
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: blackchild1101 on July 23, 2004, 08:47:00 PM
I love bees uhh.gif

Dude Wtf, if this is some clever marketing ploy by M$ to freak people out about  Halo 2, then consider me FREAKED!

Yo, check out this quote from her blog,  

The day will break and the sun will rise when the Queen returns to rule, and further let it be known that retribution on any who hinder the return of the Queen will be swift and terrible.

Does anyone see the hidden meaning in this?

***Off topic that chick dana is kinda HOT!

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: blackchild1101 on July 23, 2004, 08:56:00 PM
Could that count down timer coincide with the relese of Halo 2?

Anyone contact Bungie? I noticed several online gamesites have posted this "i love bees" thing on their website

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Jubei Yagyu on July 23, 2004, 11:25:00 PM
hahaha this is cool
can't wait to see what happens in 3 or 17 days :P   <
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Pr0ph3t on July 23, 2004, 10:23:00 PM
Ran whois on the website:

   Margaret's House of Bees
   Margaret's House of Bees
   2370 Market Street #510
   San Francisco, CA 94114-1575

   Registrar: NAMESDIRECT
   Domain Name: ILOVEBEES.COM
      Created on: 14-JUN-04
      Expires on: 14-JUN-09
      Last Updated on: 15-JUL-04

   Administrative, Technical Contact:
      Efendi, Margaret  [email protected]
      Margaret's House of Bees
      Margaret's House of Bees
      2370 Market Street #510
      San Francisco, CA  94114-1575

   Domain servers in listed order:

I'm pretty close to SF, i can check out this store, hehehe smile.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: evil clone on July 24, 2004, 01:12:00 AM
Ok I called the number (415-248-2617) from the whois and got this message

Female voice #1: “Hi this is Dana leave me a message
ummm blaa blaa blaa”

Female voice #2: This mailbox is currently full please try again later.

I did a Reverse Phone search at both & and got:

The phone number "(415) 248-2617" is a San Francisco Central, CA based phone number and the registered carrier is Pacific Bell. Additional information for this number is not available. Please read our Search Tips below for more information.

this shiz is odd... I think the timer is a countdown till the release of the Halo 2 demo cause i dont see the game being released early... who knows i could be wrong. I dont realy care if i have to wait till Nov 9th to get the game, as long as its complete and glitch free... i would rather wait that 3 months to insure a GREAT game

well thats my 2 cents



o yea im gonna keep callin over the next couple days to try and find somthin new
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: spicymeatball911 on July 24, 2004, 12:52:00 AM
Yeah man, I noticed it too. I found this, apprently people been trying to figure it out for a while:
especially this thread:

Looks liek some game called spider or something, im gonna look more into it.

Man M$ and Bungie and frickin genius, very elaborate ::tips hat::. This is fun stuff.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: locutus of worm on July 24, 2004, 12:56:00 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: lil killer on July 24, 2004, 01:11:00 AM
Theres an 86 page thread on this at See it here
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: spicymeatball911 on July 24, 2004, 01:25:00 AM
found more info here:

Edit: and ohh yeah guys, don't be too scared hehe, I checked the source and its just simple java script, nobody is hacking your computer, and nobody is hacking their website. If someone is, the i love bees ladies is an idoit not just to erase a paragraph of simple javascript. Once again, I must say a brilliant scheme by MS to have us pulling our hairs out till those dates!
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Javienn on July 24, 2004, 01:39:00 AM




Control has been yielded to the

This medium is classified, and has a

In 3 days, network throttling will erode.

In 17 days this medium will metastasize.


Make your decisions accordingly.


Now keep these in mind:
Aug 24, 1995 MS inflicts Windows 95 on an unsuspecting world.
Aug 24, 1456 Printing completed on the Gutenberg Bible.
Aug 24, 79 AD Mt. Vesuvius erupts for the first time, destroying Pompei.

Nobody expected any of those events. all of which took place on august 24th of some year.


Now back to the original topic:

In 3 days, network throttling will erode.

In 17 days this medium will metastasize.


"In 3 days, network throttling will erode." They are currently beta testing. In 3 days, they will stop.

"In 17 days this medium will metastasize." (metastasis- to grow, infect,spread, or replicate) Halo 2 goes gold and they start mass producing the discs.

31:05:20:04:469 --Bungie, in accordance with the August 24th tradition, releases halo 2, unexpected, to te world.


The game already has an ESRB rating. The ESRB only grades FINAL COPIES. That means that the game is finished.

Makes me giddy to hope that might be right.  It's most likely not, but it makes the most sense out of everything I have read so far.

Then I went and read the weekly update from Frankie and this paragraph helped support that theory:


"Concerning updates, Steve “Land of “ Cotton and I have been spending our waking moments trying to finish up all of new content by next Friday (i.e. content complete).  Included in this last mad dash is some familiar lands, and yes, I can not be more specific.  But let’s just say that we have been spending some serious time with some old friends.  In addition, we are going through all of our maps to try and finalize any outstanding game play elements, and are also deeply involved in polishing the art in the environments to a fine glossy sheen.  One of our major goals in Halo 2 multiplayer is to have at least one or two of the new maps look as shiny as Butkus’s car."

If only this could be true...

(these are not my ideas, both copied from, just bringing em here to add to the discussion).

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: green_beetle on July 24, 2004, 01:45:00 AM - same site
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: X2Gamer on July 24, 2004, 01:46:00 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: X2Gamer on July 24, 2004, 01:48:00 AM
so is the same site and so i guess we can conclude this was intentionally done by microsft.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Javienn on July 24, 2004, 01:49:00 AM
QUOTE (green_beetle @ Jul 24 2004, 01:48 AM) - same site

It works with anything there:

tried a few words all worked...

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: randomidiot on July 24, 2004, 02:05:00 AM
Definetly some crazy shit.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: X2Gamer on July 24, 2004, 02:12:00 AM
Looks like someone went through alot of trouble to do this definately the most interesting marketing scheme i've seen yet.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: yaazz on July 24, 2004, 04:35:00 AM
QUOTE (blackchild1101 @ Jul 24 2004, 04:50 AM)
I love bees uhh.gif

Dude Wtf, if this is some clever marketing ploy by M$ to freak people out about  Halo 2, then consider me FREAKED!

Yo, check out this quote from her blog,  

Does anyone see the hidden meaning in this?

***Off topic that chick dana is kinda HOT!

kinda sounds like a "You steal our source code, we will find you" type message, trying to avoid another HL2 scandal
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Flexmaster Frag on July 24, 2004, 11:00:00 AM
Posted by: Logik P
"In 3 days, network throttling will erode." They are currently beta testing. In 3 days, they will stop.

"In 17 days this medium will metastasize." (metastasis- to grow, infect, spread, or replicate) Halo 2 goes gold and they start mass producing the discs.

31:05:20:04:469 --Bungie, in accordance with the August 24th tradition, releases halo 2, unexpected, to the world.

-Connection my friend made.

EDIT::: My bad..was posted earlier in this thread!
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: spicymeatball911 on July 24, 2004, 12:35:00 PM

And "AUNT MARGARET" (owner of

I found


And when I combined "I LOVE BEES"
with "LADY BEE" (LadyBee777, her email)

I found

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: randomidiot on July 24, 2004, 03:50:00 PM
I noticed this while looking at the site again.. I saw white text behind the green text, so I highlighted it.

user posted image
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on July 24, 2004, 04:57:00 PM
Yea i noticed that too. I have no clue were this is all going.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Infamous_One on July 24, 2004, 10:04:00 PM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: nagmine on July 25, 2004, 02:27:00 AM
black beach, nothing but sand and darkness.  Sometimes, in the distance, dry lightning:  in the flash I see pieces of the wreck around me, the spars and rigging of my brain

-hold on.  hold on.  Steady up.  Get a grip, girl.  You have to fight through this.

Take a deep breath. 

Survival Key #3:  How Badly Are You Hurt?

Mentally, subject is confused and disoriented. 

I keep slipping in and out of consciousness.

Physically, subject is paralyzed but moving.


What the hell does THAT mean?

Held down:  yes.  As if strapped to a table.  Could I be in traction in some sick bay, some hospital ward? 

Not necessarily one of ours.

But at the same time, parts of me being moved around, emptied out.  As if under general anaesthetic, dimly conscious, half-aware as the surgeon cuts off my feet and sews them onto my shoulders.  She opens my head with a medical hammer and sand spills out.



never that.

survive evade reveal escape.  That is all you know, or need to know.

all i can say is..... what the hell?

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on July 25, 2004, 02:38:00 AM
QUOTE (nagmine @ Jul 25 2004, 06:00 AM)
this was on the links page?

all i can say is..... what the hell?

You know what, that really reminds me of the first E3 single plyr 8 min trailor they released and as of some ppl narrowed this quote down to "SYSTEM PERIL DISTRIBUTED REFLEX"

SPDR= Single Player Demo Release

Sometimes I think that something big is going to happen on 8/24, but i think about it again and just say its some plain joke. Time= The Tru7h  cool.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Morbidsoul on July 25, 2004, 09:29:00 AM
Here are a bunch more...


length:       120 meters
crew:        40
cover:      pleasure yacht
hair color:      brown


Those are pearls that were her eyes:
Nothing of her that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange

Eight legs (I feel them walking on me) and how many voices-three? Five? Eight?-I am become a most delicate monster indeed.

What a brave new world-sand and darkness, sand and loneliness, sand and emptiness, sand and the spider-what a brave new world, that hath such monsters in it



"Find a straight stick about a meter long and stand it upright on fairly level upright ground. Mark the tip of the shadow cast by the stick: wait 15 minutes: mark the shadow again. Draw a line from the first mark through the second and some way beyond. Stand with your left foot on the first mark and your right on the end of the line. In the northern hemisphere, you will now be facing north, and can recall the other directions by their relationship to north. In the south, contrariwise."


Of course the crew won't come for me if they're all dead. If they're all dead and I alone am left to tell the tale.

I'm crying, and my tears are made of sand.

No stick.
No sun

Gap in the clouds: head suddenly much clearer.

The spider is working on me.

I must be in very bad shape.

All lost!  To prayers, to prayers!  All lost!

What, must our mouths be cold?

Arachne hung herself, you know. Take a hint already


"At night in the Earth's southern hemisphere, run an imaginary line along the axis of the Southern Cross to extend out about five times the length of that axis. Any landmark directly under that imaginary point will be in the general direction of south."

Any landmark.





Seek the truth

Behold the truth

Reveal the truth

That is the law and the whole of the law

and finally this is hidden in white text at the bottom of the main page

site aesthetic by aunt margaret

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Videogamebuyer14 on July 25, 2004, 09:38:00 AM
That is the most beautiful marketing scheme I have ever seen.

So it is. August 24th.

I might see why Halo 2 is not being released on November 9th, simply because if it is actually done, then they have no actual reason to keep us from it.

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: powercntrl on July 25, 2004, 09:42:00 AM

Mark my words - they're not going to release Halo 2 early.  Their launch date makes perfect sense, does "holiday shopping season" mean anything to you?  If they do release anything, it will probably be more videos.  I don't know about you, but I've had enough chips and salsa, I'm waiting for the whole enchilada.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: nagmine on July 25, 2004, 12:20:00 PM
ohmy.gif .

all i can say is there is some major internet nerds at these game companys tongue.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MrBones on July 25, 2004, 01:47:00 PM
Somebody on HBO pointed out that shows the same thing, only the first two numbers are different.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Ice9Tech on July 25, 2004, 04:55:00 PM

Title of the website:
Neue Internetpräsenz

Translation (
New InterNet operational readiness level
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: illypso on July 25, 2004, 05:59:00 PM
jester.gif ,
or maybe it's the master chief that is sending us this message from another planet, asking help, and the cundown is for the end of the universe.

If we make select all copy and paste the messages come back 4 time,

and if we save the entire page we get something interesting,
the script of this thing is call   countdowntochina.js

it talk by itself
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Ice9Tech on July 25, 2004, 06:10:00 PM
Maybe this is even a test by Bungie to see how many people pay attention to internet links in the media, and to see how far they will go to investigate it?

Also, illypso, I really fail to see the humor in your post... Maybe it would have a hint of comedy if you used more proper grammar/spelling, and refrained from using "LOLL" and thinking the "cundown" is something fake sent by a real Master Chief...

Edit: Although your discovery on "cowntdowntochina.js" is a great discovery.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on July 25, 2004, 06:18:00 PM
QUOTE (MrBones @ Jul 25 2004, 05:20 PM)
Somebody on HBO pointed out that shows the same thing, only the first two numbers are different.

I bet you somebody made that website just to mess with everybody, just like the shirt that had a bee infront of it and halo 2 in the back side. Anybody recall it?
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: illypso on July 25, 2004, 06:23:00 PM
Also, illypso, I really fail to see the humor in your post... Maybe it would have a hint of comedy if you used more proper grammar/spelling, and refrained from using "LOLL" and thinking the "cundown" is something fake sent by a real Master Chief...

just calm down man. I just felt like it was empty just sending the info i found so i add a litle joke, if you dont like joke then dont read it. And for the spelling i'm from quebec and i speek french.

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: BCfosheezy on July 25, 2004, 07:43:00 PM
I've thought a little about this and we can safely conclude that this was not a third party act as has been suspected by a few of us... the fact that it shows up in both resolutions in the trailer gives that right away. Also, the most valid point made by why halo2 is not going to be released earlier than november 9th was that it's right in the holiday season and it's nearly perfect. That is a really valid point and I think that it is correct. While trying to think of reasons why that is correct I also thought of a few reasons why they would go against that.

First of all we all know that the biggest shopping day of the year in the United States is November 26... the day after Thanksgiving. It would make just as much sense to postpone the release to that day so that all the anxious mothers would pick up that newly realesed and freshly-hyped title for their beloved xbox owner for Christmas instead of the other titles merely because the day things come out they get all the publicity.

Also, most people I know first bought their xbox console because of the game halo. That really helped launch the console. Wouldn't it make sense to have a halo title launch with Xenon? Assuming that's part of the plan, then they could either postpone halo2 and spend the time finalizing the game and porting it to Xenon or they could finish it for xbox and take their 6 month break again and start development of halo 3 or whatever series they branch off into or something. At any rate I personally love the teasers and stuff like that... it makes it so much fun.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Hoogabooga on July 25, 2004, 09:12:00 PM
well if halo 2 does come out on the 24th ill have to get a new xbox so i can play online again...hehehe
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: CreziB on July 25, 2004, 09:20:00 PM

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: illypso on July 25, 2004, 11:21:00 PM
Someone was refering to a T-shirt i dont know if it was her but i found the link and its the same thing as in the website

Ash Grey I LOVE BEE's T-Shirt

Make your decisions accordingly.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: jman11587 on July 25, 2004, 11:41:00 PM
i noticed the audio on and was wondering if it may be significate.  It seems random that it is the only piece of audio on the entire site.  i have seen other people messing with some of the pictures and finding stuff, so i thought the audio could have something to do with it.

has anyone tried, speeding it up, slowing it down, putting it in reverse, or analyzing the code that makes it up?

just a thought.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: supertrolly on July 25, 2004, 11:42:00 PM
In 1 days, network throttling will erode.

In 15 days this medium will metastasize.


so at 6 am (california time)  the network throttling with be eroded

this feels like x-mas (that joke was awful!!) i want to go to bed early just so i can wake up tomorrow to see what happens

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: GuySmily on July 26, 2004, 12:21:00 AM

Note - The bees that chase the cursor can be corrupted, but I'm not sure how to save the image..

CUTEBEE.gif (2nd, hives)
...remnants of ...the Castle's outer ...wall, but the ...

smoker.jpg (hives)
...died with it, but after ...

smoker.jpg (2nd copy, hives)
...Everything died, and I ...

BUTABOUT.gif (2nd, hives)
...Meanwhile, the Pious... Flea was so ...

BUT_HOME.gif (2nd, hives)
...the Widow came... with three ...

figure.jpg (hives)
...castle, slaying many guards and reaching through the Inner ...

BEEWITHH.gif (bee sting cake)
...lantern, ...began ...

BEEWITHH.gif (2nd, cake)
...the broken ...body of ...her Queen.[...]

Jeez, this story sounds depressing.  I'm starting to lose my will to continue.

Now THERE's an interesting find, Axis86.  There must be more ties between the website and the trailer, then.  On the other hand, I have a feeling my work is going nowhere, except for the fact that I want to read the complete story.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Australian Rat on July 26, 2004, 12:32:00 AM
Seek the truth

Behold the truth

Reveal the truth

That is the law and the whole of the law

Something else that hasn't been mentioned tongue.gif  It's on the "Honey Roasted Carrots" page in links.

EDIT: OK it was on that page... that site randomly changes... Also shortened quote.  Didn't realise i'd done the whole thing smile.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Axis86 on July 26, 2004, 01:51:00 AM
i also found that in the trialer that master cheif kills a player called truth and it says
"you killed Truth"

i am going over the movie right now little by little and doing tons of stuff to it
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: simbot82 on July 26, 2004, 02:42:00 AM
Ok here is a quote from the bungie forums by JonR2000. It is his ideas from what he garnished from the ilovebees website. It isn't so much to do with the countdown timer, moreso with the potetnial storyline of halo 2

Quote JonR2000 "I figured my theories need to be canonized and posted somewhere where all can read. They get lost in the other topic, which, at this moment, has surpassed 300 pages.

If you haven't kept up-to-date with all of the stuff on, this might confuse you. Hang in there.

The Flood and Varrao Mites

I'm sure you've all noticed a particular sound that plays as you access the page titled "the Hive". With some help, I've found out something interesting. That sound is the sound a queen bee makes. Not only that, but the queen bee only makes this sound when she is trapped. The sound is a call for her bees to come and protect her, and she only makes this noise when her life is in danger. Sound familiar? It should. It's the same general message relayed through the scattered texts around the site. Trapped...endangered...all alone...

Second, on the "honey" page, Aunt M. tells us she can't produce more honey at the moment due to an infection of "varrao mites". (Note: I have noticed alternate spellings of this mite. One is spelled 'varrao', the other 'varroa', although they appear to be the same mite.)

On further inspection, the mites seem to have some characteristics that ring a bell. They attach onto their chosen host and cause deformities, eventually resulting in death. Another effect of these destructive mites is "queenlessness". In other words, these mites cause the colony to be without a leader. This sounds like something we're familiar with, doesn't it? Think Captain Keyes and the Flood.

It has become clear that the varrao mites are an integral part of this puzzle. Whoever narrarates the texts throughout the site speaks often of an eight-legged creature. This creature steals the narrator's thoughts. The narrator then goes on to say he or she has become a monster. It's all in the texts.

I have come to believe that this eight-legged creature is none other than a Flood infection form. I also believe the infection form is too similar to the varrao mite to be purely coincidental. See for yourself. The similarities don't just stop with text. The varrao mite even looks like a Flood infection form. Don't believe me? Check it out:

Three Swords

From what I gather, there are three "swords" present in this evolving story. Each sword is harnessed by a different race and used to combat the Flood. The swords, while not literally being a sword in the Halo Universe, have historical ties.

Cortana is the first, and most obvious sword. The well-known AI is used by the humans as a weapon against the Flood. Not only this, but Cortana is the name of a literal sword, part of Charlemagne's tale. When the sword struck, it dealt a fatal blow.

There are two other swords present in Charlemagne's tale. We'll get to that soon enough.

The second sword is Dana, who you all know to be the creator of . Her site, and her, in a way, are being harnessed by the Covenant. As I said, the varrao mites are key. These mites, a.k.a. the Flood, have affected the Covenant far worse than they have us. It is possible they have infected a Prophet. I'm not clear on all of this just yet, but it seems that Dana is a way for the Covenant to communicate their cries for help. They are in more danger than us Humans are.

In Charlemagne's tale, the second sword is named Durandal, which is a name I'm sure most of you are familiar with. Durandal is sometimes referred to as Durandana.

Cortana and Durandana are both AIs. I can only assume the third and final sword is also an AI.

Two swords, two races. We are left with one more.

I quickly gathered that the Forerunner were the final race. It seemed obvious enough that the Halos were the tools they used to combat the Flood. However, I then realized the "sword" itself has to be a single entity. Another AI would make sense.

Sticking with the story of Charlemagne, one final blade remains. Joyeuse, the sword which the King used himself, has to be the last sword in this puzzle. Harnessed by the Forerunner, Joyeuse is an AI related to the Halos, which they use in order to defeat the Flood.

Although the AI Joyeuse remains to be seen, I am considering the idea that it might be a higher AI than 343 Guilty Spark. Perhaps it is one that governs over the entire network of Halos. Whatever the role Joyeuse the AI plays, it is surely an important one."

Interesting Huh?

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: elfey1 on July 26, 2004, 02:55:00 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Slrpgeit on July 26, 2004, 03:53:00 AM


24/8 is exactly 77 days away from 11/09.

and look at her e-mail. ladybee777:

7x7x7=343 (guilty spark)

and, the game is already rated. and they only rate completed games.

and look what you get if you open some pictures with notepad:

The Queen was gone and in her place lay only an empty crown. By great enchantment
Seek the truth
Behold the truth
Reveal the truth
That is the law and the whole of the law
the Queen that held dominion there
The Widow said, "I am
other lands that time when her
overeign would once more be fit to rule
it lay many broken blocks from the ruined
The time is near
Worlds will be crushed

and if you look at this thread, you can see that the pictures of the store stated in the whois info.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Tobester on July 26, 2004, 04:27:00 AM
Hoax maybe, but we still have to play along. Its not like we have anything better to do. Im on dail up and im going to download this video to have alook. Dana is rly hot.
Nyway we need to be a bit more tidy with this.
Ok so we know that there is some messed up code. Going on and on about death ect. And we know that the code changes all the time. We know that someone is well good at taking pictures with a camera..... well they are but the site likes to chnage them somethimes. Reminds me of when i would nudge my sega megadrive and it would mess up.
I have to admit..... its a pritty nice egg.
Note to self: Dont get to paranoid (spelling), we may be jumping the gun. We may just be seeing things that are not realy there
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: simbot82 on July 26, 2004, 05:06:00 AM
BUt helios the website url was on the official cinematic trailer. It isn't some random hackin at release vids and a website. This is carefully constructed to be dissected. Don't know what it means but it means something.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: joseph_hac on July 26, 2004, 08:08:00 AM
I'm sure this has already been found but...

In the theatrical trailer, during the multiplayer clips, the following messages are displayed.

"You killed Truth" - When first-person character kills other player

"Regret" - When first-person character has a flag bearer in his sights (Regret is the name of the flag bearer)

"Johnson killed Pity" - I guess when a battle has just ended between two other players that aren't on the screen.


Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: locutus of worm on July 26, 2004, 09:28:00 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: thekid1000 on July 26, 2004, 11:04:00 AM
For those still not convinced this is bungies doing
Go to the offficial bungie site, hold down CTRL and scroll up and down, letters get smaller and larger

Then go to and try it and it does it too heh
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Heykrop on July 26, 2004, 11:20:00 AM
QUOTE (thekid1000 @ Jul 26 2004, 02:07 PM)
For those still not convinced this is bungies doing
Go to the offficial bungie site, hold down CTRL and scroll up and down, letters get smaller and larger

Then go to and try it and it does it too heh

Um. Hate to break it to you but that's a function of your browser and not by their doing.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: fezzman on July 26, 2004, 11:48:00 AM

Also, for a small time site, ilovebees sure seems to be handling all of the extra load from people hitting that site.  Seems as though it would've crashed by now or something.

Think it is a coincidence that the Covenant(?) are swarming in that clip (around MC) in those new little ships?  Kinda like a swarm of bees.  Am I reaching too far here?
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: joseph_hac on July 26, 2004, 12:32:00 PM
QUOTE (fezzman @ Jul 26 2004, 01:51 PM)
Okay, I just got gutsy and ordered myself one of those shirts.  jester.gif

Also, for a small time site, ilovebees sure seems to be handling all of the extra load from people hitting that site.  Seems as though it would've crashed by now or something.

Think it is a coincidence that the Covenant(?) are swarming in that clip (around MC) in those new little ships?  Kinda like a swarm of bees.  Am I reaching too far here?

I have read on "Aunt M's Blog" that was regitered last month and is being hosted on a very expensive, high traffic, hosting service. I cannot remember the name of the host, but they were prepared for the traffic. This was Bungie's doing. Anyone who still doubts that needs to do a bit more research for themelves.

Remember the Cortana letters??
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: joseph_hac on July 26, 2004, 12:35:00 PM
QUOTE (thekid1000 @ Jul 26 2004, 01:07 PM)
For those still not convinced this is bungies doing
Go to the offficial bungie site, hold down CTRL and scroll up and down, letters get smaller and larger

Then go to and try it and it does it too heh

 laugh.gif  I'm sorry. That's just funny!

The weird thing is when I was looking further into this, another guy on another forum said the exact same moronic thing!
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Axis86 on July 26, 2004, 01:10:00 PM
hey you guys know if u call here phone and press * after here voice message it will ask for a pasword and then we can hear her messages and there might be tons of more clues in there,
now as of i know there are 2 types of phone codes 2 digit and 4 digit, so who is up to try it and the defult 2 digit phone code is 80, and the 4 digit one they make up so if anyone is up for the challenge try it out.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: freedumb on July 26, 2004, 01:13:00 PM
OKay, so I'm at work which means I've been reading this forum for roughly 5 hours now (I honestly get Paid to do nothing)

so anyway, the website and the movie trailer and everything related happen to be a part of an ARG which I just found out is an alternate reality game.  In other words, its like that movie "the game" where once you start to research you find more and more clues leading up to the final climactic ending.  It was done before with the movie AI and the game carried on for a really long time and all sorts of people got involved blah blah blah and the they found out that it was all just a game.  The cool thing, is that if you are deeply involved, your actions will change the outcome of the fictional characters in the game, or even the ending.  So I'm guessing that bungee created this game as a fun way to give those who are connected a way to know that halo 2 is coming out on august 24th.  You gotta give it to them, this is one of the best publicity stunts ever.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Hoogabooga on July 26, 2004, 01:29:00 PM
Alright i have an idea, i know basic HTML and i went and viewed the source code, has anyone done this.....maybe some hints?
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: zaplon on July 26, 2004, 01:35:00 PM
Ok here are a few very nice posts from a different forum, again theese are NOT mine.

I figured my theories need to be canonized and posted somewhere where all can read. They get lost in the other topic, which, at this moment, has surpassed 300 pages.

If you haven't kept up-to-date with all of the stuff on, this might confuse you. Hang in there.

The Flood and Varrao Mites

I'm sure you've all noticed a particular sound that plays as you access the page titled "the Hive". With some help, I've found out something interesting. That sound is the sound a queen bee makes. Not only that, but the queen bee only makes this sound when she is trapped. The sound is a call for her bees to come and protect her, and she only makes this noise when her life is in danger. Sound familiar? It should. It's the same general message relayed through the scattered texts around the site. Trapped...endangered...all alone...

Second, on the "honey" page, Aunt M. tells us she can't produce more honey at the moment due to an infection of "varrao mites". (Note: I have noticed alternate spellings of this mite. One is spelled 'varrao', the other 'varroa', although they appear to be the same mite.)

On further inspection, the mites seem to have some characteristics that ring a bell. They attach onto their chosen host and cause deformities, eventually resulting in death. Another effect of these destructive mites is "queenlessness". In other words, these mites cause the colony to be without a leader. This sounds like something we're familiar with, doesn't it? Think Captain Keyes and the Flood.

It has become clear that the varrao mites are an integral part of this puzzle. Whoever narrarates the texts throughout the site speaks often of an eight-legged creature. This creature steals the narrator's thoughts. The narrator then goes on to say he or she has become a monster. It's all in the texts.

I have come to believe that this eight-legged creature is none other than a Flood infection form. I also believe the infection form is too similar to the varrao mite to be purely coincidental. See for yourself. The similarities don't just stop with text. The varrao mite even looks like a Flood infection form. Don't believe me? Check it out:

Three Swords

From what I gather, there are three "swords" present in this evolving story. Each sword is harnessed by a different race and used to combat the Flood. The swords, while not literally being a sword in the Halo Universe, have historical ties.

Cortana is the first, and most obvious sword. The well-known AI is used by the humans as a weapon against the Flood. Not only this, but Cortana is the name of a literal sword, part of Charlemagne's tale. When the sword struck, it dealt a fatal blow.

There are two other swords present in Charlemagne's tale. We'll get to that soon enough.

The second sword is Dana, who you all know to be the creator of . Her site, and her, in a way, are being harnessed by the Covenant. As I said, the varrao mites are key. These mites, a.k.a. the Flood, have affected the Covenant far worse than they have us. It is possible they have infected a Prophet. I'm not clear on all of this just yet, but it seems that Dana is a way for the Covenant to communicate their cries for help. They are in more danger than us Humans are.

In Charlemagne's tale, the second sword is named Durandal, which is a name I'm sure most of you are familiar with. Durandal is sometimes referred to as Durandana.

Cortana and Durandana are both AIs. I can only assume the third and final sword is also an AI.

Two swords, two races. We are left with one more.

I quickly gathered that the Forerunner were the final race. It seemed obvious enough that the Halos were the tools they used to combat the Flood. However, I then realized the "sword" itself has to be a single entity. Another AI would make sense.

Sticking with the story of Charlemagne, one final blade remains. Joyeuse, the sword which the King used himself, has to be the last sword in this puzzle. Harnessed by the Forerunner, Joyeuse is an AI related to the Halos, which they use in order to defeat the Flood.

Although the AI Joyeuse remains to be seen, I am considering the idea that it might be a higher AI than 343 Guilty Spark. Perhaps it is one that governs over the entire network of Halos. Whatever the role Joyeuse the AI plays, it is surely an important one.


Well that's it. Thanks for reading, and if you think you know something that could add to my theory, please share. Even if you have some evidence that disproves it, you are welcome to share that.


another interesting post

Aight here is the answer to the bee's riddle...dont read forward if u want to solve it yourself...
My translation from =

A little translation on the myth comatas...
Comatas was an Italian shepherd most dedicated to the Muses. He frequently sacrificed his master's sheep to them in tribute. When the master discovered that Comatas was sacrificing his sheep to the Muses he locked Comatas in a caedar sarcophagus, and off-handedly said that since he was do dedicated to the Muses they would no doubt save him from death. Three months after the sarcophagus was sealed it was re-opened, and, much to the master's surprise, the Muses had indeed saved Comatas. They had been sending bees into the sarcophagus to give him food and water enough to live.
My translation.
The nine muses = halo players..
met on mt olympus surrounded by the bee's = met on a slope surrounded by vehicles...
one day a goat herd glimpesd them dancing..and caught up in a wave of awe = saw them near base and sent out one of his spartan's.
the muses took pity comatas and sent there bee's to carry hunny to them through a crack in the chest..when the chest was fully opened he emerged in perfect health = they sent vehicles toattack the base and broke thru a spot in the defence...they killed every1 and some1 brokle away in a vehicle with the prized honey..
Halo 2 was suppposed to come out on the 9th of November (9/11/04)

9 + 11 + 04 = 24

you played Halo's single player?
did you check the email of the person who 'supposedly' runs

its [email protected]

7 x 7 x 7 = 343
343 Guilty Spark

you see how the first news post starts off with
'it looks like (aka SPiDeR)
and see how the letters SPDR are in caps?
well look to the left underneath 'IN PLAY'

you see...SPiDeR (Halo 2) ?
ie. Single ( S ) Player ( P ) Demo ( D ) Release ( R ) ie (Halo 2)

But halo 2 cant be released as a has an ESRB rating so its completed....and in the faq they have sworn not to release a demo.....

on the countdown it says in 3 days network throttling will erode.
3 days time there is as ms conference

IMO i think halo 2 will be released early...they have put it back so many times...and they have completed the game...why get it rated and complete and hold it 3 months to release?!?!

Either that or in the MS meeting they will be discussing a halo 2 pc version. they can afford it lol..i dont care what happens but post what u think and hints...eetc in this thread and keep it alive.
Hope this has passed those crossroads for y'all.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: joseph_hac on July 26, 2004, 02:58:00 PM
QUOTE (SoliDeoGloria @ Jul 26 2004, 04:49 PM)
If the site was mentioned in the official trailer, you had better believe this is a marketing stunt, and a big one too.

So, where do we go from here?

Has anyone tried logging in to [email protected] to check for messages?

It gives an error message about too many failed login attempts, but it is possible to make some progress using the change password dialog with information about Margaret gleaned from the ILOVEBEES website and the shipping information from the honey that was shipped out to certian individuals a while back.

The reset password dialog -- page one, asks for Country (USA), State (California) and zip code.   

The zip code that the honey that was UPS'ed originates from (94114) allows access to page 2 of the change password dialog.   No other zip code works, no other state works.

Page 2 of the change password dialog asks for a favorite pet's name.  I had assumed it would be Farnsworth, the cat mentioned on ilovebees.  Unfortunately, it is not.

I think if we could find out this favorite pet's name, we would gain access to the secrets stored in [email protected]'s email account.

good luck all.

I wouldn't suggest trying hack into the email account anymore. "Dana" AKA Bungie has already warned someone by the name of xnbomb not to do so...

From Dana's Blog
It's for that reason that I'm going to suggest that you take no further action that interferes with what's going on at
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: thekid1000 on July 26, 2004, 03:14:00 PM
Heh yeh i just figured that out was a function of my browser sorry, and actually it wasnt my idea lol it was that other guy who did it, i just said what he said lol
should have checked it out first LOL
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: illypso on July 26, 2004, 03:43:00 PM
i find this in the honey page, not sure if someone already post it,

MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY nd in about half an Hour the Boat was overset by a sudden Flurry from the North. What became of my Companions in the Boat, as well as of those who escaped on the Rock, or were left in the Vessel, I cannot tell; but conclude they were all lost.

lay down on the Grass, which was very short and soft, where I slept sounder than ever I remember to have done in my Life, and, as I reckoned, above Nine Hours; for when I awakened, it was just Day-light. I attempted to rise, but was not able to stir: For as I happen'd to lye on my Back, I found my Arms and Legs were strongly fastened on each Side to the Ground; and my Hair, which was long and thick, tied down in the same Manner. I likewise felt several slender Ligatures across my Body, from my Armpits to my Thighs.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: fezzman on July 26, 2004, 03:48:00 PM
QUOTE (illypso @ Jul 26 2004, 11:46 PM)
i find this in the honey page, not sure if someone already post it,

MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY nd in about half an Hour the Boat was overset by a sudden Flurry from the North. What became of my Companions in the Boat, as well as of those who escaped on the Rock, or were left in the Vessel, I cannot tell; but conclude they were all lost.

lay down on the Grass, which was very short and soft, where I slept sounder than ever I remember to have done in my Life, and, as I reckoned, above Nine Hours; for when I awakened, it was just Day-light. I attempted to rise, but was not able to stir: For as I happen'd to lye on my Back, I found my Arms and Legs were strongly fastened on each Side to the Ground; and my Hair, which was long and thick, tied down in the same Manner. I likewise felt several slender Ligatures across my Body, from my Armpits to my Thighs.

I'm just wondering what the signifigance is of the capital letters.  Perhaps there is some sort of pattern within the text.

Back, I found my Arms and Legs were strongly fastened on each Side to the
B.I.A.L.  Nah, I guess that is the wrong track.  I still think there is something in there.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: illypso on July 26, 2004, 04:38:00 PM
another one i found, still dont know if it was send

black beach, nothing but sand and darkness.  Sometimes, in the distance, dry lightning:  in the flash I see pieces of the wreck around me, the spars and rigging of my brain

-hold on.  hold on.  Steady up.  Get a grip, girl.  You have to fight through this.

Take a deep breath.  

Survival Key #3:  How Badly Are You Hurt?

Mentally, subject is confused and disoriented.  

I keep slipping in and out of consciousness.

Physically, subject is paralyzed but moving.


What the hell does THAT mean?

Held down:  yes.  As if strapped to a table.  Could I be in traction in some sick bay, some hospital ward?  

Not necessarily one of ours.

But at the same time, parts of me being moved around, emptied out.  As if under general anaesthetic, dimly conscious, half-aware as the surgeon cuts off my feet and sews them onto my shoulders.  She opens my head with a medical hammer and sand spills out.



never that.

survive evade reveal escape.  That is all you know, or need to know.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Ice9Tech on July 26, 2004, 04:42:00 PM
It seems that snippets of various emails that have been sent to you by my colleagues have been reassembled and sent back, apparently originating from your aunt's hotmail address.  I'm not really sure what it means at this point.  But it tells us that we can communicate with these entities using email.  In the absence of having a clear idea of just what is going on, the first priority is to communicate, that is how we can learn more.  It's at least possible that we've stumbled across something extraordinary here, and our first priority must be to learn all that we can about it.

It's for that reason that I'm going to suggest that you take no further action that interferes with what's going on at  There's another reason too, one slightly more disturbing.  Consider this passage from the end of the tale hidden in the images:

"The day will break and the sun will rise when the Queen returns to rule, and further let it be known that retribution on any who hinder the return of the Queen will be swift and terrible.

This is a significant warning, namely that any interference with that process will be regarded as a hostile act, and will be responded to accordingly.  I don't know what the SPDR is capable of, but I'm not sure I want to find out.It's for this reason that I suggest that you don't do anything else to get in the way of this business.  If your aunt's business needs a functioning web site immediately, purchase her a new and similarly named domain and get her web site going there.  But let this follow its course… while it could just be some hackers being jerks, there is at least a chance that this is something unique and important and wonderful, a window on a world that we may have never seen before, nor will ever see again.

The e-mail sent to [email protected], sounds interesting... Also sounds like Dana is in on the plot.  They treat it like Halo is real...

Edit:  They MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY stories sound like someone talking to themself, or thinking something to themself...
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: joseph_hac on July 26, 2004, 05:06:00 PM
QUOTE (Ice9Tech @ Jul 26 2004, 06:45 PM)

The e-mail sent to [email protected], sounds interesting... Also sounds like Dana is in on the plot.  They treat it like Halo is real...

Edit:  They MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY stories sound like someone talking to themself, or thinking something to themself...

I've read that the mites that varroa mites that have infested her hive look a hell of a lot like the flood. And those mayday stories are one of the flood "with eight legs" hijacking her thoughts. There are theories that the flood had hijacked Captain Keyes' brain and figured out where earth is. I'm sick of the flood, damit! I don't want to battle them though this whole game too!

EDIT: Look familiar??
user posted image
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Daskins on July 26, 2004, 06:33:00 PM
this is freaking me out man!!!!

no not really but this is fun. This is the beswt marketing ploy ever
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: illypso on July 26, 2004, 06:45:00 PM
Just remembered something important:

The Operator.

That was my nickname. That's what the rest of the crew called me when they didn't call me ... whatever my name was.

The Operator.

I wish I could remember their names

Of course the crew won't come for me if they're all dead. If they're all dead and I alone am left to tell the tale.

I'm crying, and my tears are made of sand.



"Find a straight stick about a meter long and stand it upright on fairly level upright ground. Mark the tip of the shadow cast by the stick: wait 15 minutes: mark the shadow again. Draw a line from the first mark through the second and some way beyond. Stand with your left foot on the first mark and your right on the end of the line. In the northern hemisphere, you will now be facing north, and can recall the other directions by their relationship to north. In the south, contrariwise."


No stick.
No sun.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: fezzman on July 26, 2004, 08:17:00 PM
QUOTE (Squilhelm @ Jul 27 2004, 01:46 AM)
I was looking at the shrits and the site seemed to be down. Then all of the sudden it came back up and the shirts changed insead of the little bee on the front it now has the bee dead and say 9billion R.I.P.  definatly strange!

Take a look - http://www.cafeshops...518390?zoom=yes


New Shirt was added the logo looks similar to the Seventh Cloumn which is bungies fanclub name.

Well, I ordered mine when it still had the H2 logo on the back.  I'd better get the one that I wanted or else I could just spit.  laugh.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Axis86 on July 26, 2004, 09:10:00 PM
ive also been noticing the ilovebees site is changing a bit too.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: illypso on July 26, 2004, 09:18:00 PM

also i find something i dont know if it's obvious or not but

the countdown is refering to your clock try to change your clock it will change the countdown.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: gerzand on July 26, 2004, 09:28:00 PM
Hey the site is apparently down... error 43... you dont have permission to acces this site.  Hmmm...
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: gerzand on July 26, 2004, 09:32:00 PM
And within minutes its back up! Genius! They must have been updating the page
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: joseph_hac on July 26, 2004, 09:53:00 PM
QUOTE (gerzand @ Jul 26 2004, 11:35 PM)
And within minutes its back up! Genius! They must have been updating the page

Through the magic of server-side scripting, there is no need to bring down a site to update it. Technology these days! wink.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: ...ReLLiK on July 26, 2004, 09:55:00 PM
It's clear that some rules need to be made and enforced. The ilovebees speculation can be good, but it's getting out of hand. Almost as bad as the out of control discussion is the people complaining about it. So, here are the new rules for ILoveBees discussion.

1. ALL ilovebees discussion must take place in New Mombasa. ILB threads started in any of the other forums will be locked. Note that I said locked, not moved.

2. Any threads that are made that are repetitive and offer nothing to the speculation will be locked.

3. If discussion in a thread gets out of hand (IE, speculation goes from being decent, thought out ideas to worthless drivel), the thread will be locked. The exception to this rule is if spammers attack a thread, in which case the mods will do what we can to clean up the mess.

The moderators will be enforcing these rules with extreme prejudice. ANY inane threads about ilovebees will be locked, and a explanation may or may not be provided.

Those of you that aren't interested in the ILoveBees mystery, don't read the threads, it's that simple.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Jubei Yagyu on July 26, 2004, 10:07:00 PM
think how easy it would be for a flood infected covenant to escape with the rest of the covenant from halo....
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: joseph_hac on August 03, 2004, 09:38:00 AM
QUOTE (freedumb @ Aug 3 2004, 11:25 AM)
ok so you know how if you go to dna's blog she talks about googling the words BEES WTF...(I don't really remember exactly), well anyway, I did it and the first site to come up is this one

Kind of a weird site, maybe somethings hidden there too, but also it might just be some kid trying to be cool and get in on the action.

That's one f*cked up site, man! It looks like it does have something to do with If it is at the top of a google search, that must mean that it is linked to plenty of times. I'm sure there's probably lots of analysis on it.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Scaramanga on August 03, 2004, 10:14:00 AM

from the source.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on August 03, 2004, 02:14:00 PM
I just got an email from [email protected]

Pretty weird, she is saying she wants my help.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: freedumb on August 03, 2004, 02:20:00 PM
you wanna post the e-mail?
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: illypso on August 03, 2004, 02:21:00 PM
look there he his talking about it.

This person is realy determine to find the truth
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on August 03, 2004, 02:28:00 PM
The History of Dana


The Sleeping Princess

It is the object of this to present The news

Chapter I.  The Sleeping Princess friendless and alone

The Sleeping Princess friendless and alone

the queen wishes

The Sleeping Princess

sealed into an airtight container

hiding from the queen

Life is bare, gloom and misery everywhere

Stormy weather, just can't get my poor old self together

The Widow

the blues walked in and met me

The Widow will get me

the sleeping princess are in hiding

One must be so careful these days.

the "pious flea" and "sleeping princess" (?)

MARK but this flea, and mark in this

don’t like it

I can't help it

a proper fool

a bad banana

unimaginable filth and stench; and disease

he can't write his name or read a book

I read, much of the night

Chapter II. Dana friendless and alone

Dana a friend/good guy.

Dana is not an artificial being. nor is she a program. She is human. She is flesh and blood.


You're as cuddly as the cat

You're as charming as the butterfly

the favorite of the plebeian masses

Being the friend

you and I together  allies, and if the queen pleased thrown into a condition of extreme danger

"Of course I will stick.

I'll stick by you

though thin and though thick!"

best      friend

This one means you're happy:  smile.gif

Chapter IV

The Sleeping Princess passed through a great variety of scenes, and met with many extraordinary adventures and narrow escapes, which, however, can not be here particularly detailed.

I found

a secret was revealed

I should not be able to make any one understand how exciting it all was.

I brought it home and hid it in a secret place

Chapter V need help right quick, on the double

when I feel

That I shall never look upon thee more   

Her name is Dana.

the house is so sad and lonesome


being persuaded to

come back

to talk

to me

Well, I will tell you

that secret

I found

maybe you can help me (?)

T-U-R-T-L-E Power! T-U-R-T-L-E Power! T-U-R-T-L-E Power! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Power!


Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: wirercx on August 03, 2004, 03:01:00 PM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: gerzand on August 03, 2004, 08:56:00 PM
Here is something I find bizarre about the returned emails from [email protected]

As millions of people do, I have a hotmail account. It consists of 2mb maximum space with the standard "Free" account.

Here is a small point...

Lets say, for instance, that ladybee777 is using a free account.

The thousands of emails this account has received would have been spit back at the sender if Ladybee's inbox was full since an infox can only fit a few thousand Kb's. Could this person be a premium member?

I was trying to think how we could possibly determine if this is a fact...Here is what I came up with.

If it is a "Premium" hotmail account, then, unlike the Advertisements posted at the bottom of every email sent from "Free" hotmail users emails, there would be no ads on Ladybee's

I need some feedback if Ladybee777's emails have ads for at the bottom.

If it turns out this is a premium account, It seems very odd to me that a webmaster would be using this type of account..especially if he/she has  a business selling honey .But then again it would make sense if it was free from ur buddies @ MS who own hotmail....

Alright ill stop my ranting.. this is all i can come up with. time 4 Bed.

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Javienn on August 03, 2004, 11:08:00 PM

Posted by: Frankie
Halo 2 comes out on Nov. 9th or Nov. 11th for the UK. It does NOT come out on Aug 24th. You know what does come out on Aug. 24th? Some OXM special which does NOT, and I repeat does NOT have a Halo 2 demo on it. No clue how that rumor gained so much momentum. But to reiterate, Halo 2 comes out Nov. 9th or Nov.11th for the UK.


Now what does this add to the discussion....

Check out the orgional post by Frankie HERE.

Its on page 13 of his weekly update thread.

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: PhalC1 on August 04, 2004, 01:41:00 AM
Thats total ownage.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on August 04, 2004, 02:07:00 AM
I have seen that post awhile ago. I believe it, but why all the hype and news for?
I just find it hard to believe that all of this is for a bunch of screenshots/reviews.

Hey only time can tell.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: ronetone on August 04, 2004, 02:39:00 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: freedumb on August 04, 2004, 08:50:00 AM
damn.  I was totally convinced that halo 2 was coming out on August 24th, but!  I'm totally confused and don't know what to think.  Definately too many mixed messages going on.  Oh well, I guess we're all just gonna have to wait.

(doesn't mean I'm not planning on going to my local gamestore when it opens on the 24th though....not that I have anything better to do, going to school in bumblef**k Ohio)
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: joseph_hac on August 04, 2004, 08:57:00 AM
I'm not sure what to think of this. How could he say he has "no clue how that rumor gained so much momentum"? When you plant seeds the way Bungie did with, how could you wonder how millions of wishful gamers could come to those conclusions? If there isn't going to be a demo/official release on August 24th, what is going to happen on that day? I still have a bit of hope. It's hard to believe Bungie caused such a stir for nothing. Something has to happen on that day, something big. If the 24th rolls around and Bunie just releases another batch of screenshots or something, there are going to be a lot of dissapointed fans!
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: stevey5036 on August 04, 2004, 03:13:00 PM
jesus christ,

HALO 2 ISNT COMING OUT EARLY. What the hell do we people have to do to get it through your head??
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Infamous_One on August 04, 2004, 03:25:00 PM
QUOTE (stevey5036 @ Aug 4 2004, 11:16 PM)
jesus christ,

HALO 2 ISNT COMING OUT EARLY. What the hell do we people have to do to get it through your head??

wink.gif  That Bungie and MS can do whatever they want , and if they finished already and want to release it early then is COOL!! FOOL!!
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: stevey5036 on August 04, 2004, 03:39:00 PM
im no fool. The only fools are the people who think its gonna come out early.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Infamous_One on August 04, 2004, 03:55:00 PM
QUOTE (stevey5036 @ Aug 4 2004, 11:42 PM)
im no fool. The only fools are the people who think its gonna come out early.

Here's a spoon ,theres no spoon.  blink.gif

OH GOD!! theres no spoon!!

blink.gif  The makers of the game decide when to release it , not you , if they want to make an early release cause they finished it , then is COOL! FOOL!
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: ronetone on August 04, 2004, 04:22:00 PM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: stevey5036 on August 04, 2004, 08:20:00 PM
QUOTE (Infamous_One @ Aug 4 2004, 05:58 PM)
Here's a spoon ,theres no spoon.  blink.gif

OH GOD!! theres no spoon!!

blink.gif  The makers of the game decide when to release it , not you , if they want to make an early release cause they finished it , then is COOL! FOOL!

alright when its released we'll see whos right...  rolleyes.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Axis86 on August 05, 2004, 01:03:00 AM
i went looking around my work and nothing yet if it will get released on aug 24th it should come in some time in 2 more weeks, but i will keep checking tho,
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Jubei Yagyu on August 05, 2004, 02:04:00 AM
what do you mean? the ilovebees site??
it's meant to be like that, i use firefox and havn't found anything abnormal
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on August 05, 2004, 02:33:00 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: joseph_hac on August 05, 2004, 09:10:00 AM

EDIT: I just looked at the source and the countdaown is simple Javacript. I can't see any reason why it wouldn't execute in FireFox unless FireFox has some reason to believe it is malicious. uhh.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: stevey5036 on August 10, 2004, 05:32:00 PM

new stuff has happpened. Trying to keep this alive.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: shavedrat on August 10, 2004, 05:41:00 PM
PHASE 2 COMPLETE: This medium has metastasized.

That's about all thats happened, whatever that means.

Do these other counters even matter? The one for the 24th seems to be the only one brining a reward.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: wafflez on August 10, 2004, 07:56:00 PM
wheres the counter for the 24th??

the countdown is still there for the 24th  dry.gif
anyone figure anything new out
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: chelrob on August 10, 2004, 11:31:00 PM
QUOTE (stevey5036 @ Aug 10 2004, 05:35 PM)

new stuff has happpened. Trying to keep this alive.

Here's something new...


Love Halo - Hate Bees!!

Go ahead, click it...

And WHOIS it:

Domain Name..........
 Creation Date........ 2003-02-28
 Registration Date.... 2003-02-28
 Expiry Date.......... 2005-02-28
 Organisation Name.... Station6 Software
 Organisation Address. 293a Archway Road
 Organisation Address.
 Organisation Address. Highgate
 Organisation Address. N6 5AA
 Organisation Address. London
 Organisation Address. GREAT BRITAIN (UK)

Admin Name........... na Adam Foulkes
 Admin Address........ 293A Archway Road
 Admin Address........
 Admin Address........ Highgate
 Admin Address........ N6 5AA
 Admin Address........ London
 Admin Address........ GREAT BRITAIN (UK)
 Admin Email..........
 Admin Phone.......... 44.2083406263
 Admin Fax............ 44.2083406263

Tech Name............ Admin Domain
 Tech Address......... ActiveBytes Software LLC
 Tech Address......... 2530 Channin Drive
 Tech Address......... Wilmington
 Tech Address......... DE19810
 Tech Address......... Delware
 Tech Address......... UNITED STATES
 Tech Email...........
 Tech Phone........... 44 208 249 6081
 Tech Fax............. 44 208 249 6076
 Name Server..........
 Name Server..........

I think this is all leading up to a release by Station6 Software, not Halo2.

Try this:

Have two browsers open when the countdown ends.  One at ilovebees and one at ihatebees?
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Jubei Yagyu on August 11, 2004, 12:17:00 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: whozyodaddy on August 11, 2004, 12:55:00 AM
QUOTE (Jubei Yagyu @ Aug 11 2004, 08:20 AM)
HAHA that's the first time i've seen that timer... i've always opened it with firefox, i thought that was how it was supposed to be...

i was wondering where people actually got the 24th date from  laugh.gif

Join the club; but I'm still gonna use FireFox!!
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: gerzand on August 11, 2004, 06:03:00 AM

EDIT: It appear that Axons are a part of every humans nervous system. Here is a snippit from a website:

"Neurons consist of three main parts: the cell body, dendrites, and a singular, tube-like axon. Dendrites carry signals to the cell body, while axons carry impulses from the cell body towards the synapse, which is at the end of these tubes. At a synapse, the membranes of the two cells come very close, but do not actually touch.
Synapses allow the cells to communicate. They transmit impulses from one neuron to the dendrites on another neuron. The signals pass across a very narrow gap (the synaptic cleft) when one of the neurons releases a tiny amount of a chemical called a neurotransmitter. Special receptor molecules in another cell's membrane detect the neurotransmitter. This can happen hundreds of times in a second at each synapse."
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Ice9Tech on August 11, 2004, 06:17:00 AM
PHASE 1 COMPLETE: Network throttling has eroded.

PHASE 2 COMPLETE: This medium has metastasized.

Okay, so what happens now?  I don't wanna wait until the countdown too wide awake and physical happens!  Make time to quicker!
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: DuDeR MaN on August 11, 2004, 09:53:00 AM
has any oxm subscribers got their new mag yet?  The new magazine comes out the 24th but subscribers will get it about 2 weeks in advance.  I think the answer lies within the magazine, whether it be just new screenshots of halo 2 or info on the new xbox live or (i hope) an actual demo.  But oxm is the key to this riddle in my oppinion.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: stevey5036 on August 11, 2004, 10:08:00 AM
let me just throw something in here...

For all of you saying that it has nothing to do with halo 2... i believe you are very wrong. Why would the link appear in a halo 2 trailer, and not have anything to do with the game at all? It has SOMETHING to do with the game no doubt. It may be something small or it may be huge. We dont know.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: joseph_hac on August 11, 2004, 10:17:00 AM
QUOTE (stevey5036 @ Aug 11 2004, 12:11 PM)
let me just throw something in here...

For all of you saying that it has nothing to do with halo 2... i believe you are very wrong. Why would the link appear in a halo 2 trailer, and not have anything to do with the game at all? It has SOMETHING to do with the game no doubt. It may be something small or it may be huge. We dont know.

It better not be small! grr.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: thunderbirdnest on August 11, 2004, 10:54:00 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on August 11, 2004, 02:44:00 PM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: shavedrat on August 11, 2004, 04:08:00 PM
QUOTE (thunderbirdnest @ Aug 11 2004, 01:57 PM)
I noticed that on the site....there are a few bold letters....what is that about?

these are the letters in order:
.......  dry.gif

I think the god is watching thing is just bullshit. I could have picked random letters as well and spelled homos are cool and lots of other shit.  That means nothing.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Ice9Tech on August 11, 2004, 04:34:00 PM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: stevey5036 on August 11, 2004, 05:03:00 PM
QUOTE (Ice9Tech @ Aug 11 2004, 06:37 PM)
Lol, we were all waiting for you to post, shavedrat.  I say we sneak into Bungie's head office, and "st3aL t3H KOdZe s0 we33 c4n b3 l33t liek teh mikrsotf! adn teh mikrosfot ll eb liek "0mg yuo f4g0t! yuo st0le t3h kode!  yuo=sUde!""

Yep... Or apply for Jobs  laugh.gif

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: bigjonny on August 11, 2004, 09:35:00 PM
have any of u seen the shirt it was in another thread with a link to ilovebees and there is a shirt in halo writing that says 11+9+4=24


ill try to find the link
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: bigjonny on August 11, 2004, 09:40:00 PM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: whozyodaddy on August 11, 2004, 11:49:00 PM
QUOTE (bigjonny @ Aug 12 2004, 05:43 AM)

Wow, read the whole topic before you post shit like this, it's been covered lotsa times before!
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: shavedrat on August 12, 2004, 03:53:00 PM
That shirt is NOT made by bungie. Someone else designed it. Im gonna make a shirt that says "Yes Halo 2 is definitely being released on august 24!!" but that still wont mean its true.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: timmymouse on August 14, 2004, 06:31:00 AM
unsure.gif  sad.gif  blink.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Fuzzy on August 14, 2004, 07:46:00 AM
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Hoppy on August 14, 2004, 05:38:00 PM
QUOTE (Altima NEO @ Aug 14 2004, 05:14 PM)
Seems like creepy stuff, but then again Ive been awake since 2 am.

Reminds me a lot of when Play Station was coming out. Im sure yall remember

URNOTE   (You are not ready)

and (e):NOS LIVES   (SON:(e) = SONY, and (e):NOS = ready ninth of september, psx release date)

I completely forgot about those commercials.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: jaroc on August 16, 2004, 01:54:00 PM
hey, did you guys ever try changing you're time to august 24th and let it count down? When you let it count down the time is 6:06:60
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: illypso on August 18, 2004, 02:26:00 PM
hey, did you guys ever try changing you're time to august 24th and let it count down? When you let it count down the time is 6:06:60

I already it try but never think of that.
666 the number of the beast. its the apocalypse. laugh.gif

on we can see a countdown, its the same countdown as in the front page but with a new text. everyone has seen it , but


sounds like:


so maybe it the countdown to the realease of the xbox 2 :XENON (or maybe they will call it axons) with the release of halo 2 for the xbox 2.

this would be awsome,

I know I should stop dreaming but we never know.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Ice9Tech on August 18, 2004, 04:52:00 PM
QUOTE (jaroc @ Aug 16 2004, 09:57 PM)
hey, did you guys ever try changing you're time to august 24th and let it count down? When you let it count down the time is 6:06:60

666, the Devil...

On August 24th, all hell will break loose, everyone rushing to the store to get a copy of Halo 2...
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on August 18, 2004, 05:54:00 PM
If thats right, then ladybee777 must mean something. I think somebody said it has something to do with the bible(idk I am Muslim)
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Fuzzy on August 18, 2004, 07:42:00 PM
No, the only possible relation is that 7 is the number of Bungie, but like I said before, this is probably MS marketing not Bungie marketing.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Fuzzy on August 18, 2004, 09:32:00 PM
No I don't mean Bungie uses it as a symbol I mean it's just...It's their number. It's the Tru7h. You have to be a Bungie fan. Then again 777 could just be an ending. Plenty of people have "generic" numbers after their name.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: shavedrat on August 19, 2004, 06:26:00 AM
QUOTE (Fuzzy @ Aug 19 2004, 12:35 AM)
Plenty of people have "generic" numbers after their name.

Like... MoeMan? huh.gif

Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: buttface96 on August 21, 2004, 10:27:00 PM
Link here

Well team xbox definatly didnt edit that preveiw Bungie released becuase at gamespot, it has the exact same thing happeing. It flashed at the end. I dont knw wtf is gonna happen, im just gonna see what happens Aug 24. And if nothing happens, i'll wait till november 9.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Fuzzy on August 21, 2004, 10:28:00 PM
QUOTE (buttface96 @ Aug 22 2004, 12:30 AM)
Link here

Well team xbox definatly didnt edit that preveiw Bungie released becuase at gamespot, it has the exact same thing happeing. It flashed at the end. I dont knw wtf is gonna happen, im just gonna see what happens Aug 24. And if nothing happens, i'll wait till november 9.

Were you in a coma for the past like....month?
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: buttface96 on August 21, 2004, 10:32:00 PM
QUOTE (Fuzzy @ Aug 21 2004, 09:31 PM)
Were you in a coma for the past like....month?

Naw, I was out on vacation for like a week and didnt wanna go thru 22 pages of this thread.
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: green_beetle on August 21, 2004, 10:41:00 PM
well you will be glad to hear you only have 2 days to wait
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: MoeMan949222 on August 22, 2004, 12:57:00 AM
QUOTE (green_beetle @ Aug 22 2004, 12:44 AM)
well you will be glad to hear you only have 2 days to wait

Hope so  rolleyes.gif
Title: Halo 2 Cinematic Trailer.
Post by: Fuzzy on August 22, 2004, 11:37:00 AM
To wait for a crappy issue of OXM with no new info and screens.