
OG Xbox Forums => Game Hacking => Xbox Game Forums => Rainbow Six 3 => Topic started by: Ryohazuk1 on March 31, 2004, 09:04:00 PM

Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: Ryohazuk1 on March 31, 2004, 09:04:00 PM
Instead of focusing on halo most of the time, and so many mods for it. People requesting so much mods for halo, why dont you try making maps for RB6-3? Wouldn't it be possible, and wouldn't it be much easier than halo, being all the maps are embedded into halo basicly. So unless you change the xbe in halo, you can add more maps correct? But with RB6-3, thats a different story, is it not? I mean can't you fool it to try to see the maps as new content. and wouldn't the format be similar to that of the pc version? I mean, i'm looking foward to new RB6-3 maps, or converts even. I hope you guys can give it a try, I dont know if this sounded rude or not.  
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: stunna on April 01, 2004, 02:32:00 AM
good points...but, i cant help.
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: AnThRaX on April 01, 2004, 06:32:00 AM
All the Rb63 stuff is in a save, like all the game save hacks plus people will cheat on it. So..  wink.gif
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: Mate98 on April 01, 2004, 12:04:00 PM
yeah i think thats a well good idea i wish i could help but i havent a clue about how to go about it.
and there will only be as much cheating as u get in halo i mean see tho walls cant get worse then that unless they get never die
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: Ryohazuk1 on April 01, 2004, 03:04:00 PM
Uhm, Dude. I'm talking about the maps, not the saves, i'm pretty sure all the maps are on the hd. From what i've seen, it seems as if all the maps are in seperate files such as,  models and stuff. So it should be possible, i'm just guessing that they have to crack the file format. Thats just my opinion, though I have no knowledge towards this.
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: Mate98 on April 03, 2004, 03:24:00 AM
i dont see y not
id make al ayout of my old skool spawn points being my first year class room and my last year class room. i could use so much of the old stuff from other mapsthe only prob would b the map might b 2 big then agian theres loads of free space on a 4.7 gb disc for big maps  
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: pieces on April 03, 2004, 04:27:00 AM
the program you would need to make maps for rb6 is unrealED for rb6 xbox. i have even purchased the computer version of rb6 because it comes with the program but not just optimized for xbox. it doenst even let u load the xbox maps even though they have the same file ext so there is some difference.
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: BeerKnut on April 05, 2004, 11:09:00 PM
Just a hunch, but it might be an offset that sets the two apart.  If this could be confirmed ( I don't have any PC version maps to compare against ), you might be able to load them in the editor by changing an offset.  Or, even use the PC maps by changing an offset in their files....again, just speculation without doing a compare.
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: Ryohazuk1 on April 08, 2004, 01:17:00 PM
I'd figure i should revive this topic, it seems interesting. It also seems much easier to do, than halo maps. Although, the proccess would take some time, it could be done, atleast in my mind. I dont know who would work on it though, i'm hoping someone does.
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: TCBY on April 14, 2004, 01:37:00 PM
Bump ...... would LOVE to see ANY progress on custom map making. biggrin.gif
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: Odinstorm on May 14, 2004, 10:45:00 AM
I've been researching this for a while and have only gotten small bits of info.  I had to go back quite a while just to get what Ive gotten, as you can see last post for this thread was April 14.  I may not be looking in the right forums.  Anyway, Ive gotten pc maps to show up on the r6 list with edited ini and int files but the rsm does not load the game locks up.  Still working on it but I know others have figured it out already.
Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: DreamWithMe on August 21, 2004, 06:38:00 AM
I must have missed this thread when I was spreading the word, earlier.  There's a tutorial for making Rainbow Six 3 Maps for the Xbox at  It's the first article on the site.  It's  still a work in progress, but will get you off the ground, hopefully.  

Hope that helps,

Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: cybrpunk on August 23, 2004, 10:37:00 AM

I appreciate what you've done for the XBox community as a whole by creating this walkthru, but isn't your pinned topic at the top enough that you shouldn't have to bump every thread in existence where map editing is even remotely mentioned?

Enough with the Ads, we've seen your site and so far... well.. it hasn't shown me how to make a map but it's certainly pointed me in the right direction.   We all appreciate the "OPEN"ness of your project and wish you luck.

Next - on to making maps for Black Arrow (I doubt this will happen - no PC version of BA).

Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: DreamWithMe on August 23, 2004, 07:09:00 PM
Sorry about that.  I'm new to the threads and I'm not exactly sure what a "bump" is.  Up until now I thought it was when a topic was moved for being off-topic, being bumped.  smile.gif  Now it turns out that I'm doing it, so it must mean bumping the listing up to the top again.  I wasn't meaning to do that at all.  Mainly, I just wanted to make sure people who wanted to know could find the resource, and so I tried to find any active topics that people might be reading that basically asked a question the tutorial attempted to answer.  The reason I choose to post as I did was simple; when I was trying to figure out how to build maps several months ago, using these forms and needing help, I read every single one of those threads, straight through, repeatedly, in hopes they'd have a helpful comment, and none of them had an answer.  Now, hopefully, all of them do (at least sort of).  

It was unintentional.  It was meant to be helpful.  

But since I don't know of any threads besides the six or so that I've posted in, it shouldn't be a problem anymore.  If anyone posts additional questions, I suppose I'll be sure to ignore them?   dry.gif

Good luck with the Black Arrow maps.  I'll be moving on to that when I finish up the tutorial on the original, I guess.  I've  never claimed to be an expert.  smile.gif  If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.  

Title: Ok This May Sound Rude, But About Rb6-3
Post by: cybrpunk on August 25, 2004, 12:05:00 PM
No problem, just take it as an example in general forum etiquette... it's generally considered rude to cause topics that are months old to take precedence on the first page, pushing the relevant threads down and off the page.  It's more about making it easier for everyone involved to find the new information.  Plus, and a forum admin can correct me if I'm wrong, but it's also generally against the forum rules to post the same information to a large number of messages.  This is usually referred to as spamming the forums and, again, something that most people find rude and un-necessary.  I don't see it as a major issue here, considering how rarely new info gets posted in this particular forum...

Basically, be glad your thread got pinned at the top here.  It doesn't happen often.