
OG Xbox Forums => Game Hacking => Xbox Game Forums => Rainbow Six 3 => Topic started by: digicide on December 30, 2003, 09:07:00 AM

Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: digicide on December 30, 2003, 09:07:00 AM
Not the latest, I have IDA Pro version
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: byt3-ra1d on December 30, 2003, 06:24:00 PM
keep in mind the command line (freeware) ida is not going to do what you want it to. You either need to buy, borrow, or find some illegal copy somewhere. The newest IDA out is 4.60 and it has many improvements from 4.5.

Most people think that the flirt file is needed, it is not needed but it is useful for beginners. Once you have hacked a few games you get the idea and can move on to other disassemblers (free ones/cheaper ones) like hackman.

The only reason this hack works is because the game saves your kits every time you update them, which lets us modify the save and change the values and items in our kit. I think there is a simple fix for this and it will be patched by february.

If you want something to hack and cheat with i suggest return to castle wolfenstein, it is easy to hack and i dont think they have a mandatory patch out (yet).
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Cookiesrus on January 05, 2004, 08:56:00 AM
wolfie is patched now i hear on the forums.

Are we any closer too a tutorial?  I have been messing around with Xsig, althogh i have the data in the .ini file to resign the profile.sav file, it says corrupt everytime i try and load it!
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: pimp on January 05, 2004, 04:31:00 PM
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: JLR on January 26, 2004, 04:49:00 PM
Just want to bump this thread and ask if anyone knows how to get the molotov Cocktails since I have seen so many ppl use them in the game and wondered how it was done?
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: rna3f on February 24, 2004, 07:52:00 PM
Anyone know the data offset and sigoffset values for RS3 to use in XsaveSig? I've been playing guess and check the last 10 days.... I cant get the sigs to match up. also is there an authkey that needs to be used?  Just currious.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: quest4547 on February 24, 2004, 08:08:00 PM
add this to the resign file to sign the save

Title=RainbowSix 3

edit: im wasnt trying to take credit just copy and pasted the info over from xboxsaves and i should have said you found it because you did sry my bad
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: brienj on February 26, 2004, 01:47:00 PM
QUOTE (quest4547 @ Feb 24 2004, 10:08 PM)
add this to the resign file to sign the save

Title=RainbowSix 3

I regret ever posting that at Xbox Saves, I didn't think that just hacking the save could allow cheating on XBL.  I figured a game developer would have been smarter than to let that allow cheating on XBL.  I'm sorry I ruined it for all the honest people on XBL.  sad.gif

BTW quest4547, way to take credit for it, or at least not even to attempt to give credit where it's due.  Although, I'm not so sure I am really that happy to let everybody know I am the reason that the game on XBL has been ruined.  I once again would like to appoligize to the responsible and mature users of XBL, that pay $50 a year so they can have a level playing field to play online, for screwing it up, and letting these assholes ruin the fun of playing the game online.  I hope you can all forgive me for doing something I thought was helpful to the mature and responsible hackers, and ended up being used by immature children to destroy the game's fun, simply because they suck at the game.   sad.gif
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: quest4547 on February 26, 2004, 08:40:00 PM
founder of the entry i posted sry for not giving credit first time

Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: SickJoda on March 17, 2005, 08:18:00 AM
tongue.gif  beerchug.gif
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: nancy_kerrigan on December 16, 2003, 02:06:00 PM
Hey all,

has anyone tried hacking Rainbow6:3 yet? I changed some values in rainbow6.ini from the system folder and i think it changed the res.

It was set to 640x480 in the xbox section so i changed it to 720x576 - hard to tell but i reckon its bumped the res up and theres less aliasing etc.

Theres a few other settings in there ill try to muck with and see wot happens.

Great game by the way.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Corspegrinder99 on December 16, 2003, 05:23:00 PM
i have 4 primary weapons on xbox live and all i did was modify the profile.sav file on a Rb^ game save. (similar to RTCW hacking)
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: keyleron on December 16, 2003, 05:47:00 PM
What would be the point of 4 primary's?  Now, if you could have one primary and 3 gl's, that would be fun:P
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Corspegrinder99 on December 16, 2003, 06:26:00 PM
well you can get whatever weapon you want in any of the 2 primarys and 2 pistols you know what ever you want
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: keyleron on December 16, 2003, 10:45:00 PM
can it be saved to ar?
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: nancy_kerrigan on December 17, 2003, 01:35:00 AM
hey, can u gimme the info on how to hack the savegame?

is it done with a hex editor?
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: keyleron on December 17, 2003, 04:18:00 PM
My profile keeps saying it's damaged after I try to edit it...hrm.....looks like it's back to the drawing board for me

My unedited profile has R63rdWeapons.AssaultG3A3........................................R6Weapons.R6GrenadeLauncherHE.......................l.<..@....@

I want 3 gl's and a g3a3, when I try just copying the gl data over the next two slots, it doesn't work...sigh
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Corspegrinder99 on December 17, 2003, 04:55:00 PM
you have to delete ALL of the signage and sign it again once it is edited (you must have Rb6 on your HDD to sign it)
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: keyleron on December 17, 2003, 05:19:00 PM
Corpse, I sent you a friend req on live, IIWhiskeyCrazy, so you can give me a hand.  I don't know what the sinage is to delete it, and I have a modded box with r6 on the drive, so how do I re-sign it?
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: keyleron on December 18, 2003, 02:12:00 AM
Trying to use IDA Pro and the Xflirt sig, but it won't read the sig...sigh...looks like I get to play hit and miss on changing values in the xbe
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: The Juggler on December 18, 2003, 06:48:00 AM
QUOTE (Corspegrinder99 @ Dec 18 2003, 02:48 AM)
you have to delete ALL of the signage and sign it again once it is edited (you must have Rb6 on your HDD to sign it)

Where in the file is the signage that you deleted and also, what method did you use to resign the profile.sav?
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: byt3-ra1d on December 18, 2003, 02:30:00 PM
too bad the sources were never released for that xsave sig program... it would be much easier
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: keyleron on December 18, 2003, 05:35:00 PM
Okay Corpse, I deleted everything except the weapons, and when I try to load the profile, it STILL says corrupted.  Help me out here man, I'm too stupid to get this to make me a profile with a g3a3 and 3 he launchers:P
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Gibby 117 on December 19, 2003, 09:04:00 AM
figure it out your self, if you wanna hack on XBL, do it yourself then i dont mind it cause then i takes skills.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: JeSTeR7 on December 19, 2003, 02:40:00 PM
It's one thing when you change the files and figure out what files to edit, figure out what to change, and end up with the ability to hack an online game.

It's another when all you do is ask someone how to do it.  That makes you nothing more than a common cheater.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: The Juggler on December 20, 2003, 06:54:00 AM
QUOTE (JeSTeR7 @ Dec 20 2003, 12:33 AM)
It's one thing when you change the files and figure out what files to edit, figure out what to change, and end up with the ability to hack an online game.

It's another when all you do is ask someone how to do it.  That makes you nothing more than a common cheater.

I'm curious how long it took you to figure out how to mod your xbox by yourself....

I've been messing around with some of the R6 files, yet the ability to 'cheat' eludes me. It seems that the .ini files in the system directory get written over every time you load the game. (which is strange since wouldn't they normally be on the disc?)  They don't get transferred into the cache anyway, so do they really matter?

Of course my intentions are not to cheat on Live (since I don't have that service at the moment...), but mearly to mess around in system link mode.
but, if you don't want to give info, that's fine.  It's your choice.  But keep in mind that xbox-scene forums were intended as an information sharing community, not a bragging communtiy.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: JeSTeR7 on December 20, 2003, 12:10:00 PM
QUOTE (byt3-ra1d @ Dec 20 2003, 03:11 AM)
QUOTE (JeSTeR7 @ Dec 19 2003, 06:33 PM)
It's one thing when you change the files and figure out what files to edit, figure out what to change, and end up with the ability to hack an online game.

It's another when all you do is ask someone how to do it.  That makes you nothing more than a common cheater.

So true... The only reason i can live with myself for cheating is that i know 80% of the people im playing have no life and play *insert game name here* all the time. I get on maby 3 hours a week maby more maby less...

How can i possibly beat someone with 200 hours under their belt where as i only have around 20 (or less).

Cheating saves me the time of finding the glitches (wall walking for mechassault and the gun glitch on rainbow six 3) where i can play with everyone who glitches and still somewhat hold my own.

byt3-ra1d, I didn't realize the point is to "beat" everyone, I thought it was just to have fun.  If someone puts a lot of time into a game, it's because they enjoy doing it, and enjoy bettering themselves in that game.  Just because you spend more time searching through the games files than you do playing the game, does not mean you need to cheat.

I just don't understand what satisfaction can come from cheating in the games online.  You are basically the terrorists of the online gaming community.  You are out to ruin everyone's experience.  If you only play 3 hours week, you obviously don't care about playing the game at all.  You just think "I'm not that good at it, I should see if I can fuck it up for everyone else."

Juggler, I don't have a modded Xbox.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: byt3-ra1d on December 20, 2003, 02:25:00 PM
Quote from: JeSTeR7,Dec 20 2003, 04:10 PM
Quote from: byt3-ra1d,Dec 20 2003, 03:11 AM

Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Corspegrinder99 on December 20, 2003, 02:28:00 PM
DONT PRIVATE MESSAGE ME ANYMORE!!! i am making a tutorial soon on how to do this so dont AIM me or nething just have patience the tutorial is on the way. (but if there is anyone out there who just wants to know what file to edit it is the profile.sav file but the tricky part is signing it)
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Grimfull on December 20, 2003, 04:31:00 PM
QUOTE (byt3-ra1d @ Dec 20 2003, 03:11 AM)
QUOTE (JeSTeR7 @ Dec 19 2003, 06:33 PM)
It's one thing when you change the files and figure out what files to edit, figure out what to change, and end up with the ability to hack an online game.

It's another when all you do is ask someone how to do it.  That makes you nothing more than a common cheater.

So true... The only reason i can live with myself for cheating is that i know 80% of the people im playing have no life and play *insert game name here* all the time. I get on maby 3 hours a week maby more maby less...

How can i possibly beat someone with 200 hours under their belt where as i only have around 20 (or less).

Cheating saves me the time of finding the glitches (wall walking for mechassault and the gun glitch on rainbow six 3) where i can play with everyone who glitches and still somewhat hold my own.

You are, the biggest loser ever. Ok so pretty much what you are saying is... "Since people play more than me and are better than me, i will just cheat to be better than them! Cause i am so awesome and have a life and cant play a lot" Lol ya you do suck games. I owned your ass at halo and im sure you suck at everything. If you wanna be good, play more. You just dont deserve to live.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: The Juggler on December 20, 2003, 07:31:00 PM

Is it just me or is CAPS LOCK like yelling?
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: byt3-ra1d on December 21, 2003, 05:54:00 AM
QUOTE (Corspegrinder99 @ Dec 20 2003, 06:28 PM)
DONT PRIVATE MESSAGE ME ANYMORE!!! i am making a tutorial soon on how to do this so dont AIM me or nething just have patience the tutorial is on the way. (but if there is anyone out there who just wants to know what file to edit it is the profile.sav file but the tricky part is signing it)

easiest way i have found is make a ppf out of the hacked xbe, saves everyone the time of doing it themselfs.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: The Juggler on December 21, 2003, 06:13:00 AM
Unfortunately, a ppf won't let people customize which weapons they'd like. Unless he wants to make like 12 ppfs.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Wakeboarder26 on December 21, 2003, 09:39:00 PM
hey i cant find the PROFILE.SAV file but i did find a file called , it thats not it where can i find the  PROFILE.SAV file. i couldnt find it anywhere i looked in the d: partiton of my HD where the actual game files were but i didnt find it anywhere in there. if i found it i know i would be able to actually hack it.

            please help and thanks
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: byt3-ra1d on December 22, 2003, 04:34:00 AM
QUOTE (Wakeboarder26 @ Dec 22 2003, 01:39 AM)
hey i cant find the PROFILE.SAV file but i did find a file called , it thats not it where can i find the  PROFILE.SAV file. i couldnt find it anywhere i looked in the d: partiton of my HD where the actual game files were but i didnt find it anywhere in there. if i found it i know i would be able to actually hack it.

            please help and thanks

its a save file so look in the E: partition in the folder "udata" it will in one of the subdirectories
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Cookiesrus on December 22, 2003, 11:15:00 AM
hi i need some help doing this, so far i have done this

Prepared a profile.sav with the weaponry i want, (maybes thats whats wrong)

Re signed the profile.sav and transfered it it back into my save.

loaded it up and it says damaged!

Im almost bald, help!
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: havocaose on December 22, 2003, 11:28:00 AM
im guessing that the signage is all the crazy symbols that look out of place (random parenthesis and letters) so i just put periods over them... but when i use xbox game resigner, rb6 isn't in the list so i dont know what to type in for sig: current and calculated...
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: havocaose on December 22, 2003, 11:29:00 AM
QUOTE (byt3-ra1d @ Dec 21 2003, 03:54 PM)
QUOTE (Corspegrinder99 @ Dec 20 2003, 06:28 PM)
DONT PRIVATE MESSAGE ME ANYMORE!!! i am making a tutorial soon on how to do this so dont AIM me or nething just have patience the tutorial is on the way. (but if there is anyone out there who just wants to know what file to edit it is the profile.sav file but the tricky part is signing it)

easiest way i have found is make a ppf out of the hacked xbe, saves everyone the time of doing it themselfs.

ya but if hes running these saved game on live, how can he be using a hacked xbe.... unless i completely misunderstood how to sign games.. do you hack the xbe and then the xbe will sign it when you load the profile or something?
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: havocaose on December 22, 2003, 03:36:00 PM
one other thing... if you set the glauncher as your secondary and the room has it disabled will it disapear, what if you set it as your primary, will this let you get around the disable glauncher or can the primary slot only hold primary weapons..
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Grimfull on December 22, 2003, 04:57:00 PM
byt3 what do u have to say about what i said? or are you ignoring the truth.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Xbox-Savage on December 22, 2003, 07:05:00 PM
ohmy.gif  oooooh , me wants to know!!!
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: havocaose on December 22, 2003, 08:50:00 PM
QUOTE (Grimfull @ Dec 21 2003, 02:31 AM)
QUOTE (byt3-ra1d @ Dec 20 2003, 03:11 AM)
QUOTE (JeSTeR7 @ Dec 19 2003, 06:33 PM)
It's one thing when you change the files and figure out what files to edit, figure out what to change, and end up with the ability to hack an online game.

It's another when all you do is ask someone how to do it.  That makes you nothing more than a common cheater.

So true... The only reason i can live with myself for cheating is that i know 80% of the people im playing have no life and play *insert game name here* all the time. I get on maby 3 hours a week maby more maby less...

How can i possibly beat someone with 200 hours under their belt where as i only have around 20 (or less).

Cheating saves me the time of finding the glitches (wall walking for mechassault and the gun glitch on rainbow six 3) where i can play with everyone who glitches and still somewhat hold my own.

You are, the biggest loser ever. Ok so pretty much what you are saying is... "Since people play more than me and are better than me, i will just cheat to be better than them! Cause i am so awesome and have a life and cant play a lot" Lol ya you do suck games. I owned your ass at halo and im sure you suck at everything. If you wanna be good, play more. You just dont deserve to live.

i think your so offended by this because your one of the people that sits at home all day practicing xbox.. probably why you beat him in halo, you are freaking out at the possiblility of people who have a life being better at you in a videogame
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: The Juggler on December 23, 2003, 07:16:00 AM
QUOTE (byt3-ra1d @ Dec 22 2003, 10:24 PM)
use the universal tutorial on allowing the check to be disabled.

When you're done beating up little school girls, can you post a link to this tutorial? rolleyes.gif
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: The Juggler on December 24, 2003, 01:17:00 PM
QUOTE (byt3-ra1d @ Dec 23 2003, 06:27 PM)

So, what is the program referred to as IDA in that tutorial?

I did a search on google, but...
I'm going to assume it's not about the Inernatoinal Dyslexia Assocaitoin.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Grimfull on December 24, 2003, 07:21:00 PM
QUOTE (byt3-ra1d @ Dec 23 2003, 03:14 AM)
QUOTE (Grimfull @ Dec 22 2003, 08:57 PM)
byt3 what do u have to say about what i said? or are you ignoring the truth.

The truth that you look up my friends on xbc and harass them? Or is that a lie?

I did not "look up" your friend on xbc. I was looking for a game of halo to join and i saw your name hosting rainbow six 3. So I found it was my duty as a gamer to warn everyone in the room that you hack. so i joined but no one was in it. forget what i said, probally something like, " you are a cheating loser...etc...etc." ( you know just the truth) then I left. then your friend (who is using the exact same name as you which is why i thought it was you in the first place) joins my halo room and says what was that about.

then stuff happened and i kicked him and owned some people in halo.

all that was unneccsary to type tired, merry xmas. dont bring your hacks to CS or i will wtfpwn you.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Grimfull on December 24, 2003, 07:26:00 PM
QUOTE (byt3-ra1d @ Dec 23 2003, 06:27 PM)
QUOTE (byt3-ra1d @ Dec 22 2003, 10:24 PM)

And grimfull- why are you in the game hacking forum? You must be a poser or have a modchip. If your a poser then im sorry for you. If you mod your xbox then you are cheating MS. Believe what you want but you are a cheater if you mod your xbox (and thats not a bad thing  wink.gif ).

Yeah i cheated MS as you say. Ya i hack halo because its fun to do. Im not glass hacking online like others. I do it just to have split screen fun with friends.

Im not cheating to make it look like I have skills when I really dont. (well actually I do, you dont)

I get good at a game so i can say Im good at it, then people like you come along. Cheat at the game and say you are better. Atleast you arent denying your a cheater. Cheating in a free online game is one thing, but cheating on Live that im paying 50 bucks a year for so people cant cheat is what pisses me off big time.
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: byt3-ra1d on December 26, 2003, 05:39:00 AM
QUOTE (Grimfull @ Dec 24 2003, 11:26 PM)
Yeah i cheated MS as you say. Ya i hack halo because its fun to do. Im not glass hacking online like others. I do it just to have split screen fun with friends.

Im not cheating to make it look like I have skills when I really dont. (well actually I do, you dont)

I get good at a game so i can say Im good at it, then people like you come along. Cheat at the game and say you are better. Atleast you arent denying your a cheater. Cheating in a free online game is one thing, but cheating on Live that im paying 50 bucks a year for so people cant cheat is what pisses me off big time.

Keep in mind i only cheat at games that i will get owned at. the only game i have cheated at on live is ghost recon. When i first got it i tried to beat one person and i would always get sniped out. Ususaly what i do is join a game on xbc (where most players suck at every game but halo) but nobody hosts on there. I believe i only cheated for a few weeks untill i got the hang of the game. Keep in mind also when i cheat on live i wont be owning you, you still will kill me (just not as fast)

Counterstrike has been hacked since day one. You got your headshot patches, opengl hack and some clipping cheats.I have never played counterstrike and do not intend to (xbox or pc)
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: byt3-ra1d on December 26, 2003, 05:42:00 AM
QUOTE (keyleron @ Dec 25 2003, 01:15 AM)
IDA = Interactive DisAssembler

Mine won't read the xbox file though....sigh

use csbx to convert the xbe to exe.

Keep in mind the tutorial only does about 60% (how to load a file in cxbx, how to load the file in ida, how to load the flirt file, how to find the save game checks), the rest is you figuring out what do do (find the save game checks, disable the save game checks, make sure it works, guess/check method)
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: Gibby 117 on December 26, 2003, 06:27:00 AM
QUOTE (byt3-ra1d @ Dec 26 2003, 03:39 PM)
QUOTE (Grimfull @ Dec 24 2003, 11:26 PM)
Yeah i cheated MS as you say. Ya i hack halo because its fun to do. Im not glass hacking online like others. I do it just to have split screen fun with friends.

Im not cheating to make it look like I have skills when I really dont. (well actually I do, you dont)

I get good at a game so i can say Im good at it, then people like you come along. Cheat at the game and say you are better. Atleast you arent denying your a cheater. Cheating in a free online game is one thing, but cheating on Live that im paying 50 bucks a year for so people cant cheat is what pisses me off big time.

Keep in mind i only cheat at games that i will get owned at. the only game i have cheated at on live is ghost recon. When i first got it i tried to beat one person and i would always get sniped out. Ususaly what i do is join a game on xbc (where most players suck at every game but halo) but nobody hosts on there. I believe i only cheated for a few weeks untill i got the hang of the game. Keep in mind also when i cheat on live i wont be owning you, you still will kill me (just not as fast)

Counterstrike has been hacked since day one. You got your headshot patches, opengl hack and some clipping cheats.I have never played counterstrike and do not intend to (xbox or pc)

so i can see plainly not your not a gammer. If you get owned at a game, just keep playing. Keep geting owned watch what they do and learn. That is how you become ellite, and uber ellite.

Example: i sucked at crimim skies the frist time i played it, was the worst. 1 - 3 stars, then i playted more and more, now i am a 5  star.

Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: keyleron on December 28, 2003, 11:39:00 AM
Keep in mind the tutorial only does about 60% (how to load a file in cxbx, how to load the file in ida, how to load the flirt file, how to find the save game checks), the rest is you figuring out what do do (find the save game checks, disable the save game checks, make sure it works, guess/check method)

I meant I can't get the flirt file to load - it keeps telling me invalid file
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: digicide on December 29, 2003, 04:06:00 AM
Flirt file wasn't loading for me either then I realised I wasn't using the latest version of IDA Pro.. it works fine now.
I can load up the flirt file and find the right functions, but the routines in the tutorial are way different to the ones in the rainbow six file, so having no knowledge of assembly im pretty stuck.

Anyone managed this yet?
Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: PooN on December 29, 2003, 06:54:00 AM
Corspegrinder99 Posted: Dec 21 2003, 12:28 AM 

X-S Senior Member

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Posts: 251
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Joined: 5-December 03

DONT PRIVATE MESSAGE ME ANYMORE!!! i am making a tutorial soon on how to do this so dont AIM me or nething just have patience the tutorial is on the way. (but if there is anyone out there who just wants to know what file to edit it is the profile.sav file but the tricky part is signing it)


I kinda wish you would not let this out, but I'm pretty sure it will come out sooner or later anyways.  With the ability to "hack" game saves online, I hope it does not fuck up xbl.  I happen to like the fact that XBL is, for the most part, hack/cheater free.  

Also, will your method of signing gamesaves work for r63 only, or will it work for all xbox gamesaves?

Title: Rainbow6 Hacking
Post by: ...ReLLiK on December 29, 2003, 01:44:00 PM
There are already cheaters on XBOX Live! I have played the crap out of this game and am just interested in using this locally. There definately are ignorant people out there, but as always why persecute the honest for the sake of the crooked. Would it be possible to just make one profile with the cheat and one without? That way I can use the normal one when I play Live! and the hacked when I am playing for fun or on XLINK with just my buddies!

If anyone figures out how to do this and doesn't want to put it out there, at least PM me the info. I know that sounds kinda greedy, but I just wanna use this for my own purposes, not to be a cheater. That just ruins shit for everyone including myself.