
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox 360 Hacking Forums => Technical DVD-ROM and Modified DVD Firmware Forum => Topic started by: tacopaco on December 27, 2010, 01:06:00 AM

Title: So Confused.
Post by: tacopaco on December 27, 2010, 01:06:00 AM
Okay, a few months back my original Hitachi drive (46 or 47, I don't remember) ate it.  I replaced it with a Lite On, spoofed, and flashed accordingly.

Skip ahead to now, and I just got a Kinect, and my old backups still work after the dash update.  Kinect backups, however, do not (Play DVD garbage).  Obviously, I need to update the firmware.

I've read about 6 pages of threads trying to figure out if I can even flash the thing.  My question is, what exactly will happen if I upgrade the firmware to lt+ on my current Lite On?  I have read threads saying that it has to be the original drive model, some that say I'll get banned from Live, and others that say my current backups will become unplayable.  I don't play on Live, so I could care less about being banned, but not being able to play my backups would suck.

Thanks in advance.
Title: So Confused.
Post by: Ranger72 on December 27, 2010, 07:53:00 AM
It should work but I agree that it would not be safe for Live. But then no custom firmware is really ever "safe" for Live.

Ether way it sure is not going to hurt to update to LT+.
Title: So Confused.
Post by: xboxdawg on December 30, 2010, 09:43:00 AM
You could just buy a $25 Hitachi drive. Check Ebay.
Title: So Confused.
Post by: mod_irl on December 30, 2010, 12:29:00 PM
i have a few mates that are using spoofed drives (lt+ 1.0) on live with no issues, so i think it is just that you "might" be banned, but you "might" be banned using any flashed drive online, I'm not sure if this will increase your chances.  The main issues seems to be with slim drives as they have realltime fw checks, but im not sure wether its much of an issue with the older drives.