
OG Xbox Forums => Newbie Forums => Newbie Chat => Topic started by: juarnando on March 20, 2008, 07:32:00 AM

Title: Can The Xecuter 3 W/ Dual Bios Dual Boot Linux?
Post by: juarnando on March 20, 2008, 07:32:00 AM
So what I'm wondering is if I have banks 1-4 flashed with X3 3294, and 5-8 flashed with Cromwell, is it as simple as partitioning my drive with root/swap/etc partitions after the fatx partitions on the drive and Cromwell would boot that when selected as the bios?  If so what configurations would need to be made?  If not, are there any fairly clean options for dual booting?  Any pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Clearly I still want to be able to use xbmc, games etc.

Also, because I'm new to linux on the xbox, and without starting a holy war, what is/are the most up-to-date and feature complete version(s)?  Looking for debian/gnu if possible with the ability to run xfce or other graphical for web browsing/torrents/servers.

My setup:
Halo Green w/ Focus | MS HD AV Pack v2
Xecuter 3CE, X3 Control Panel
Philips DVD-ROM
160GB WD1600AAJB w/ IDE cable upgrade
Haven't checked Kernel version, if its relevant ask & I'll find the info.