
OG Xbox Forums => Hardware Forums => Xbox Case/Hardware modding => Topic started by: wicket_lfe on February 20, 2005, 07:52:00 PM

Title: Internal Hub
Post by: wicket_lfe on February 20, 2005, 07:52:00 PM
ok, so xbox to xbox is a crossover cable, but when u do xbox to hub isnt it a straight cable?  If so, how does the wiring work?  cause if i wire the port from the xbox to the port of the hub, is it crossover or straigh, and then from hub to other xboxs, straight?  Or am i wrong and crossover wokrs for everything?
Title: Internal Hub
Post by: haloloser on February 20, 2005, 08:04:00 PM
a crossover works from xbox to xbox, and from xbox to hub.  a crossover is made to fool each xbox into thinking that they are connected by a hub.  to go from hub to xbox you can use straight or crossover.  you just cant use straight to go from box to box.  as for wiring the hub to the port i dont know if it will work.  ive read some things that suggested that they wouldnt.  hope this helps.
