
OG Xbox Forums => Gamers Chat => Xbox Game Forums => KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords - Gamer's Chat => Topic started by: kmann1414 on December 10, 2004, 11:20:00 AM

Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: kmann1414 on December 10, 2004, 11:20:00 AM
I was thinking about buying KOTOR 2 and wanted to know what the "real" people thought of the game and not some magazine.  Thanks...  <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: themadman123 on December 10, 2004, 01:40:00 PM
So far its awesome...the begining is kinda slow, just like Prince of Persia 2 (Which I suggest you get as well)

you just gotta stick with it, once you get off the damn ship and not fight a billion droids Its just like the first game which I slept for only an hour playing it.  So its very good, I'm only 7 hours into it, but they are good and I know its only gonna get better.  <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: waz1111 on December 16, 2004, 06:14:00 AM
Got a feeling its goning to be just like the first. First 4-5 hours it'll be O.K after that it'll be immense (when you get some jedi skills)  <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: themadman123 on December 16, 2004, 03:43:00 PM
  Got a feeling its goning to be just like the first. First 4-5 hours it'll be O.K after that it'll be immense (when you get some jedi skills)

Yeah, thats about how it is, it gets better once your able to actually do stuff.  <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: John112 on January 08, 2005, 12:19:00 AM
I love it and HATE IT I'm at the point of taking  a sledge hammer to my x box in blind rage It is the most glitchy game I have seen in years. There isn't a glitchy game you know what would have solved this 2 dics but the game on a few discs. I'm at Dxun Returning I got the message from Tobin as a dark Jedi Sith Lord. And as the loading screen for the temple comes up it loads and the screen goes black no sounds or picture. Nothing like I turned my t.v. off. Anyone having the same problem? <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: hb2k on January 08, 2005, 12:25:00 AM
very good game long hours of play (about 25 hours or 36 hours if u take ur time and do side quests like i did.)  it has good replay value do to the fact u can be dark side or light side. overall very good game. actually after i beat it i went and played the first one again. beat that. now i am play KOTOR2 again but lightside this time. lol like 100 hours of KOTOR. <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: pupkis on January 10, 2005, 06:22:00 PM
QUOTE(John112 @ Jan 8 2005, 01:39 AM)
I love it and HATE IT I'm at the point of taking  a sledge hammer to my x box in blind rage It is the most glitchy game I have seen in years. There isn't a glitchy game you know what would have solved this 2 dics but the game on a few discs. I'm at Dxun Returning I got the message from Tobin as a dark Jedi Sith Lord. And as the loading screen for the temple comes up it loads and the screen goes black no sounds or picture. Nothing like I turned my t.v. off. Anyone having the same problem?

dude same problem im on dxun (not returning) but it is the glitchiest fucking game ive ever seen its ridiculous ive had to do the same part 3 times before it will stop glitching in the same part i thinkn im on my 30th hour and im only this far because the damn glitches.. we just bought a new xbox so hopefully the laser on it will be better and read the damn game cause it was time for a new one but most of its the game.. o well good game by the way <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: gto65l on January 10, 2005, 07:13:00 PM
I thought this game was incredible.  Very close if not as good as the origional.  I never had any problems with glitches other than some strange things that didn't effect gameplay.  It took me about 41 hours to complete all quests on the light side.  Great twists and an equally pleasing end.  The developers were pretty good at keeping the stuff that worked the same and fixing the things that needed work.  My only gripe is the game had slow framerates in intense battles.  If you haven't checked this game out yet, do, it is worth it! <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: Himura on January 11, 2005, 10:17:00 PM
QUOTE(gto65l @ Jan 10 2005, 05:33 PM)
I thought this game was incredible.  Very close if not as good as the origional.  I never had any problems with glitches other than some strange things that didn't effect gameplay.  It took me about 41 hours to complete all quests on the light side.  Great twists and an equally pleasing end.  The developers were pretty good at keeping the stuff that worked the same and fixing the things that needed work.  My only gripe is the game had slow framerates in intense battles.  If you haven't checked this game out yet, do, it is worth it!

Yeah, and im surprised it feels and plays the same and its not even the same developer as the first  :lol:

But damn, this game is addicting  :popcorn: <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: miggidy on January 20, 2005, 12:18:00 PM
It's a very good game.
Almost as good as the first one.

As for the glitches everyone's complaining about,
those are only found in the "back-up" versions. <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: Switch Biskit on January 22, 2005, 09:24:00 PM
If you enjoyed the first one you will enjoy this one..
sure there are a few glitches and stuff but if you save often its ok i found that if i came across a glitch i could just start from the last time i saved it and the glitch wouldnt happen again the second time i came across it, or i ran the game from the disk i found that also helped.

im about 17 hours in to the game and im still lovin it and im a lover of the first one aswell so. yep <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: shronebebop on January 27, 2005, 06:02:00 PM
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: Mizard on March 13, 2005, 04:14:00 PM
a little the end sucks :grr: <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: Xdox_ on March 25, 2005, 09:27:00 PM
Yeah the ending isn't the best but hey....A little reminder always remember to save and in different slots too. Cause theres a few parts in the game that if you screw up you cant finish the game. There this one part at the very begining that if you destroy this console that your supposed to recieve a voice wave from that you wont be able to continue on. Theres a few other parts like that I've come across and I just dont get why would they put the option in the game if you wont be able to win or advance on. <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: Dalpura on March 27, 2005, 12:56:00 AM
QUOTE(shronebebop @ Jan 27 2005, 11:57 PM)

Yes and no. I've only just started playing, and I'm going on and off it. I lose my patients, it's starting out is quite slow indeed (on the mining station). I enjoyed the start of the first one more to be honest. <
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: X3CE on May 23, 2005, 09:20:00 AM
I only played a little of the original I might get the original one 1st then the 2nd one, would that be best?
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: dipper on June 02, 2005, 10:40:00 PM
It is a good game but the start is really boring also the fight part of the game is really bad i think it could be much better.
Title: Kotor 2 Review
Post by: thesideinguy on June 02, 2005, 10:46:00 PM
QUOTE(miggidy @ Jan 20 2005, 11:18 AM)
It's a very good game.