
OG Xbox Forums => Official MediaXMenu (MXM) Forum => Dashboard Forums => MXM ActionScripting Forum => Topic started by: SumDumGuy3 on August 27, 2004, 08:36:00 PM

Title: Fileexist Does Not Work In N6 Or Is It Just Me?
Post by: SumDumGuy3 on August 27, 2004, 08:36:00 PM
Hello All,

I am writing an action script and I ran into a problem with using SETFUNC with the FILEEXIST function. I tried everything I could think of. It would keep giving me an error saying (SelFunc) "Function Not Found" or something like that. I finally ended up trying FILESIZE which worked fine. I am trying to test for the existance of a folder, so if the folder is empty, I assume that filesize will fake me out. But it is the only thing I can get to work for now. Is this a known problem in n6 or am I doing something wrong or is this just a unnoticed bug?

Many Thanks for any help...

Title: Fileexist Does Not Work In N6 Or Is It Just Me?
Post by: flattspott on August 31, 2004, 10:46:00 PM

is this a typo or does it really say that?  <
Title: Fileexist Does Not Work In N6 Or Is It Just Me?
Post by: SumDumGuy3 on August 31, 2004, 10:57:00 PM
hmmm, gonna have to retest that now... it should be setfunc shouldnt it? im not sure if I made the typo or if mxm did.. hehe  <
Title: Fileexist Does Not Work In N6 Or Is It Just Me?
Post by: flattspott on August 31, 2004, 11:25:00 PM
yes it should be setfunc

and its FileExists

SetFunc IGR FileExists E:\x2_IGR_disabled
Title: Fileexist Does Not Work In N6 Or Is It Just Me?
Post by: SumDumGuy3 on August 31, 2004, 11:58:00 PM
ok, first... yeah your right the error says Setfunc not Selfunc... that was my bad... also FileexistS does seem to do the trick... but ALL of the documentation I found for n6 says that the function is Fileexist without the S... anyway, thanks for the info...