
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox360 Software Forums => General Software Discussion => Topic started by: gangrel_1313 on July 25, 2012, 07:26:00 PM

Title: Pcsxbox (xbox 1) Emulator On 360?
Post by: gangrel_1313 on July 25, 2012, 07:26:00 PM
I really wasn't happy at all with PSX emulation on 360, but I was thinking since you can run Xbox1 homebrew on the 360 (I guess using the hacked Xbox1 emulator), I thought about testing a Xbox 1 PSX emulator and to my surprise it works, however only up until it wants to load the game, thing is, its looking for Xbox drives, not 360 drives, I didn't see a .ini file to change paths to the roms and ect... My thought is this information is in the XBE, I dont know how to edit them so thats out, my thought was that setting the right paths would maybe have it run completely, and we could skip 360 emulator development since we have perfectly good ones already that we may be able to run off of the hacked Xbox1 emulator..

Anyone have any input?