
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox360 Software Forums => FreeStyle Dash Forums => Topic started by: ambrocio on January 13, 2012, 01:28:00 AM

Title: How To Update Fsd From V1.2 To V2.2
Post by: ambrocio on January 13, 2012, 01:28:00 AM
I've looked everywhere for this, and I just can't find a noob-friendly instructions on how to go about the updating.

I would appreciate the help.

Title: How To Update Fsd From V1.2 To V2.2
Post by: hangover on January 23, 2012, 04:10:00 AM
I would just copy over the new FSD folder to your hdd and delete the old one, why did you put an old version when FSD2 was out well before the RGH was announced.
Title: How To Update Fsd From V1.2 To V2.2
Post by: hangover on January 27, 2012, 04:14:00 AM
Yes perfectly stable, i just put 2.2 R725 on a slim a few days ago and installed it on the 4gig Mu.