
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox360 Online Gaming and other Services => Other Online Services that Support Xbox360 => Topic started by: JethroTul on July 31, 2006, 06:41:00 AM

Title: Ea Support
Post by: JethroTul on July 31, 2006, 06:41:00 AM
I have bought 2 games :

LOTR2 and Battlefield2 Modern Combat,....

During my intial setup of the xbox by mistake I did use a hotmail account whereas my age was totally different from my real one.

When I tried playing these 2 games online and arrived to the EA registration with my Gamertag it keeps telling me soemthing about an age group....

After contacting EA they told me to contact for support. We found out  about the error in the hotmail account. I referred back to EA with the issue and they keep sending me to xbox-com. told me that during my first registration my gamertag was totally blocked and even if I changed the age in my hotmail account I would need only EA to remove the ban.

EA claims to have a 24 hour support service ....though am getting stupid replies from their support after 7 days sad.gif

Someone knows the phone number of EA Support in the US so I can call them ? I cant find it on their site...grrrrrrrr I only find that stupid fill in the form thing which seems totally helpless....

BTW I live in Europe and with the phone calls I did already in the US I could easily have bought another game.

Thanks and hopes others dont do my same mistake..

Dont tell me to change gamertag ( already did ) since with the achievements I did on the original one dont want to re-play all the games again smile.gif