
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox 360 Newbie Forums => Newbie Chat => Topic started by: andrewcjduong on May 11, 2008, 09:47:00 PM

Title: Extreme Newb, Wanna Mod My 360 Need Steps From The Very Begining
Post by: andrewcjduong on May 11, 2008, 09:47:00 PM
i have no clue how to modify my 360, i dont care about banning cuz im not gunna pay for xbox live neways and i have a ps3 for online games so i dont really care. but i want to mod my 360 and im not sure where to start from, all i know is that you have to open your xbox and take out the dvd rom, connect it to your pc using sata and flashing it, my computer has a sata port, so that should be find, its an asus motherboard. other then that, i dont even know how to open the xbox, or install the files. any help or links would be great, please and thankyou:)
Title: Extreme Newb, Wanna Mod My 360 Need Steps From The Very Begining
Post by: Havok on May 11, 2008, 11:02:00 PM
Read the pinned topics and tutorials.

Also google "xbox 360 textbook"