
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox360 Hardware Forums => Xbox360 Backup Forum - DVD DL help / ISO Building => Topic started by: wildseal2003 on July 20, 2008, 11:04:00 PM

Title: Help! Missing Text/menus In Game.
Post by: wildseal2003 on July 20, 2008, 11:04:00 PM
please anyone? i really need help. sad.gif
Title: Help! Missing Text/menus In Game.
Post by: wildseal2003 on July 21, 2008, 07:55:00 PM
why does everyone ignore my threads? this sucks. please help this poor man.
Title: Help! Missing Text/menus In Game.
Post by: cory1492 on July 22, 2008, 02:52:00 AM
Sounds like either you are getting poor burns (you don't mention your burner drive type at all) or your 360 optics aren't so clean/good any more (you don't mention your readers drive type at all.)

I get far better burns at 4x than 2.4x with the newer (purple package 2.4x) MIS verbs, look at your problem ones under a light and see if you notice ripples/moire/propellering on them (different angles, like those 3d cards will show you different things) - that is the diff from 2.4 to 4x for me, the 2.4x burned ones scan nice but the 360 doesn't read them well because of the balance issue when burned at 2.4x (chiefly noted by the noise that the 360's optical sled makes when trying to reposition the laser a lot of times quickly to account for the propellering and failing - result being the worm slide jumping in a nice crackly/grindy noise.)

Pretty much, you'll have to experiment until you find your issue and then avoid it in the future. It'd probably be simpler if you had a burner capable of quality scans, so you could see whether the disks you are having problems with are just bad burns or not.

Common problem (aka: "mah game I burned with mah 'puter dun werk raht, buht ah wun tellz you any deetails") and likely people get tired of repeating themselves or asking the same questions of people with this common problem and not getting answers.

Any rate, good luck finding your issue and avoiding it in the future.
Title: Help! Missing Text/menus In Game.
Post by: wildseal2003 on July 24, 2008, 06:03:00 PM
I'm using a toshiba samsung in my 360 and using my inspiron 1520 laptop dvd burner to burn. also would it matter if i'm running other apps in the background while burning? i think this may be the problem because while burning some of the games i was web browsing and running azureus vuze.
Title: Help! Missing Text/menus In Game.
Post by: wildseal2003 on July 25, 2008, 03:04:00 PM
also would burning at 2x or 1x make a difference?
Title: Help! Missing Text/menus In Game.
Post by: cory1492 on July 26, 2008, 04:42:00 PM
Inspiron, probably a NEC burner which should be decent for the job. Browsing the web and running a torrent app will impact your burns quite a lot (the disk has to slow down whenever the processor is tied up doing something else, you want a uniform burn not one done with constantly changing disk speeds to get the best results), it's suggested you burn with nothing else running but the burning app and preferably on a clean reboot (and has been suggested since even PSx days.) These consoles are meant to read pressed disks, any variance in the data from pressed is going to impact readability - and these games aren't designed with those kind of faults in mind.

If I had to bet on it, you were clicking a link and loading a page with graphics on it at the exact time that sectors with files containing things like the text or video you are having problems with were being written, all while azerus was tieing up a percentage of cycles doing scrapes and making links to other PCs - but since I don't have to guess I'll just tell you this again - it comes down to you experimenting and finding out what works properly for you and your hardware.

Burning at 1x or 2x will not make a difference if your problem is the fact your PC is busy doing other things, and as I said, burning at a higher speed can make a far better burn sometimes. All else fails, you can tweak your 360 laser or get another and see if that makes the difference.
Title: Help! Missing Text/menus In Game.
Post by: Chancer on July 27, 2008, 04:59:00 AM
No information on how you ripped this game? No wonder you got no answers.
You need to give full details on the methods used and the resulting checks made.
Title: Help! Missing Text/menus In Game.
Post by: wildseal2003 on July 27, 2008, 11:01:00 PM
i burned it using imgburn @ 2.4x and set the layer break myself @1913760 with mase in singapore verbatim discs i got from a reputable seller on ebay.

"If I had to bet on it, you were clicking a link and loading a page with graphics on it at the exact time that sectors with files containing things like the text or video you are having problems with were being written"

thats exactly what i was doing