
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox360 Hardware Forums => Xbox360 Audio/Video Technical => Topic started by: canyonnehastings on April 28, 2012, 01:09:00 PM

Title: No Video 1080p (flickers For A Second), Works On 1080i
Post by: canyonnehastings on April 28, 2012, 01:09:00 PM
QUOTE(wang_chung @ Feb 17 2012, 11:46 PM) View Post

jasper small block system, one day just wouldn't display any video, even on other tv's which were confirmed 1080p compatible tv's.

i did notice that i would get a video signal for a split second every so often, but otherwise nothing. works fine on composite cables.

i got annoyed, and decided to heat-gun the gpu, southbridge and hana. surprisingly, it partially worked. i have video, although there are some pink lines across the screen, and some other graphical errors. since i could actually see the screen now, i decided to try different video modes, and once i moved it to 1080i, everything is perfect with no visual errors.

my question is, does this mean i will require a proper re-flow of the gpu or something else? i am curious though why 1080i works perfectly, but not 1080p? are there two points under the gpu that support 1080p, but only one that supports 1080i, and that one point is good, but not the second?


I'd say flux it and give the GPU and HANA a proper reflow before trying anything else. I've had similar problems to this where it seemed like the HANA magically transformed into an ANA and all I had was 480p video. A reflow didn't change my situation, but yours seems to have more hope. I bet the heat gun didn't heat it even enough so it only partially filled some solder faults. I'd recommend sending it for a reflow, or I think a reball would definitely fix it if the board didn't flex too much from you heat gunning it.

Or you can crack it back open and try the heat gun again, but I'd recommend getting some flux first. It's relatively cheap. Focus on the HANA chip because that's what handles the scaling, not the GPU.