
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox360 Hardware Forums => Xbox360 Audio/Video Technical => Topic started by: G0d3L on May 13, 2007, 04:26:00 PM

Title: Problem With Rgb After Spring Update
Post by: G0d3L on May 13, 2007, 04:26:00 PM
I have a 360 NTSC and connect it to my PAL tv with the RGB cable. Before the spring update I had no problem but just after it and the automatic reset my 360 turned up with colours very green. I have also a TV compatible with the NTSC standard so I used the composite cable to connect the 360 to this TV and the colour were as always. So it seems that there is some problem only with the RGB encoding on the 360 that has changed somenthing on the normal value of the primary colours red green and blue. Anyone with the same problem or an explanation?
Title: Problem With Rgb After Spring Update
Post by: PriTyan on July 10, 2007, 11:33:00 AM
I'm going to give you a bump on this because I now have the same problems.  I have a 360 that does not go onto live.  Darkness forced me to update to the spring update and since then I've been getting some problems with a very distince green shade.  It does not happen all the time, but when it does it is anoying.  I've change from 1080I to 720P and the problem seemed to go away, but this morning the green shade came back while playing Crackdown.    

This has happen on games and also on DVDs, but certainly started happening after the last update.

Any one have any thoughts?

Title: Problem With Rgb After Spring Update
Post by: twistedsymphony on July 11, 2007, 08:26:00 AM
The spring update should have added options to change the RGB/VGA color space.... I don't use either connection so I'm not exactly sure where the option is. look around the video tab in system setting and see if you can change the color space back to what it was before the update.
Title: Problem With Rgb After Spring Update
Post by: SharkSmile X on October 11, 2007, 07:06:00 PM
I'm having the EXACT problem right now.  When i connect my NTSC-U Xbox 360 by RGB cable to my TV, the entire screen shows green colour (and some blues and reds here and there, but they are not in the place where they should be).  When i play movies, everything is ok, it shows colourful screen. I think it happened after the spring update, they screwed NTSC users which are using RGB cable. Do you know any temprorary solution (or any solution at all, i don't know if they will fix this issue or not).
Thanks for help guys.