
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox360 Hardware Forums => Xbox360 Audio/Video Technical => Topic started by: rulski on November 10, 2005, 11:25:00 AM

Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: rulski on November 10, 2005, 11:25:00 AM
Hey I have a PT-53WX54 that I bought a couple years ago now it seems. I don't think this TV supports 720p. It does support 1080i. Does this mean every game on xbox360 will default to 480p resolution? Or will the xbox360 try and display the image at 1080i so it still looks decent?

I know this may sound like a noob question, but if the games are going to look all choppy, I may have to buy a new TV as well.

Any help or comments plz smile.gif
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: gamerguy999 on November 10, 2005, 12:00:00 PM
Just don't enable the 720p option in the xbox360 dashboard, and the Xbox 360 will upscale all the games to 1080i(if the game doesn't support 1080i on it's own).
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: LowProfileWurm on November 10, 2005, 12:10:00 PM
The AV forum can probably give you much better details on how to set up and deal with HD stuff on 360.  smile.gif
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: mark_in_2k on November 10, 2005, 01:37:00 PM
Taken from the official Xbox site:

The high-definition support for Xbox 360 is dynamic, so even if a game is designed with 720p in mind, but your TV only supports 480p or 1080i, Xbox 360 runs the game in the best resolution your TV offers (up to 720p and 1080i).
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: Ballz2TheWallz on November 10, 2005, 02:32:00 PM
so were never going to see true 1080i games?that blows
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: atomheartmother on November 10, 2005, 02:35:00 PM
no there still may be, its really up to the developer and I imagine that once PS3 hits and devlopers are making games to show it off initially there will be a few 1080i games on it andthus the ports to the 360 will probably carry the 1080i also.
But for now there is always dragons lair 3-d which runs in 1080i. And I really liked this game where as most never even tried it.
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: kycop_10 on November 11, 2005, 10:24:00 PM
damn, isnt 720p better image than 1080i

I have a toshiba 1080i, 46" hdtv in living room, looks great ....

I went to bestbuy yesterday and bought a insignia 30" hdtv widescreen on sale 499.99 displays all 480i, 480p, 720p, auto detects,

BUY IT>>>>>>>>>

I would recommend this tv to everyone wanting a new set, it is super sexy, black high gloss,,,beautiful pic, and
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: alsybub on November 11, 2005, 10:28:00 PM
I dunno really. There isn't a lot available in 1080i. I always find that games look great in 720p but for example GT4 looks amazing in 1080i. Then again that is upscaled so we'll have to see. Supposedly 1080i is best.
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: DugFreez on November 12, 2005, 02:25:00 AM
I have never done a side-by-side of 720p and 1080i, but I am guessing there is a bigger difference between 360 extra lines of resolution than there is a difference in (i)nterlaced and (p)rogressive. I mean 720 to 1080 is as big of jump as 480 is to 720. I actually only consider 720 half HD to be honest.

 I would also think if 720p were "better" than 1080i we would have seen more or at least as many 1080i games as there were 720p games. I see 6 1080i Xbox games and 37 720p games. I don't think they were making more 720p games than 1080i games because 720 is better...they did it because it doesn't take as much power for the console to do 720p.

  I'm guessing most people that say 720p is better than 1080i are people that have HDTV that convert eveything to they can't even take advantage of the 1080i games that are avalible. The 1080i are down converted for them to 720p.

  Just my 2 cents. I can't really compair the difference side to side because my TV displays everything at 1080P.

Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: Ballz2TheWallz on November 12, 2005, 05:12:00 PM
QUOTE(DugFreez @ Nov 12 2005, 10:32 AM)
I have never done a side-by-side of 720p and 1080i, but I am guessing there is a bigger difference between 360 extra lines of resolution than there is a difference in (i)nterlaced and (p)rogressive. I mean 720 to 1080 is as big of jump as 480 is to 720. I actually only consider 720 half HD to be honest.
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: mgamer20o0 on November 13, 2005, 02:00:00 AM
QUOTE(Ballz2TheWallz @ Nov 13 2005, 01:19 AM)
people prefer 720p better because its progressive scan and thinks play smoother and have no interlace artifacts, just how 1080p is better then i
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: Ballz2TheWallz on November 13, 2005, 10:09:00 AM
QUOTE(mgamer20o0 @ Nov 13 2005, 10:07 AM)
i just dont get this about the vid. i was looking at a new hdtv but it does 1080i. how much better is 720p vs 1080i. right now i am using a 27" reg tv. anything is better then that right?
Title: Hdtv Question
Post by: Carlo210 on November 13, 2005, 10:40:00 AM
QUOTE(Ballz2TheWallz @ Nov 13 2005, 01:19 AM)
people prefer 720p better because its progressive scan and thinks play smoother and have no interlace artifacts, just how 1080p is better then i