
Xbox360 Forums => T => Xbox 360 Specific Game Chat (wip) => Xbox360 Game Forums => Too Human => Topic started by: Deftech on October 10, 2005, 08:11:00 PM

Title: An Indepth Look At Too Human
Post by: Deftech on October 10, 2005, 08:11:00 PM
4 pages...


A few parts that caught my eye..
IGN: What would you say to people who believe that Too Human for Xbox 360 is just a port of the already-in-progress GameCube version?

Denis Dyack: Nothing could be farther from the truth. The fact that we are using the Unreal Engine 3 should be the first indicator that it could not possibly be a port. The content of the game has also significantly changed from the early designs. Beyond these things we have partnered with MS, and this will be a unique blend of both Silicon Knights' and MS's philosophies.

IGN: What are you proud of graphically-speaking about the game?

Denis Dyack: We are happy with the fact that we feel we can now achieve Hollywood production value sets and design with the Xbox 360 that were previously not possible last generation. We feel we will be able to take the player on a graphical tour de force like never before. Although all of the screen shots are very early, the shots of the ice forest are really examples of some of the game's visual potential. The power of the Xbox 360 not only allows us to create a beautiful and believable game play area, but an expansive game play world as you will see in Too Human.

IGN: What framerate are you striving for in the Too Human games?

Denis Dyack: It is too early to really discuss this but we will aim for a frame rate that is most appropriate the game. With Eternal Darkness we averaged 60fps at a true 640x480 resolutions on the NGC, which not many other games achieved. However, we are not sure the players noticed this and in many respects we feel that reducing the frame rate to 30fps and adding substantially more effects as we did in MGS is more favorable to gamers. We are currently leaning towards a heavy effects approach in games for next generation as you see in games like MGS 4. The Xbox 360 is very powerful and the final hardware is beyond our expectations for performance and we are confident that it will allow us to go in any direction that we choose to during the development. Whichever path Too Human takes, we are very aware of the improved game experience a smooth and steady frame rate provides and we will always keep that paramount.
Title: An Indepth Look At Too Human
Post by: corkinator on October 10, 2005, 08:51:00 PM
I remember early in my Playstation (1) days I was reading EGM and there was an article on this game. So I guess it's been in development for a lot longer than mentioned.
Title: An Indepth Look At Too Human
Post by: 110100100 on October 10, 2005, 08:59:00 PM
they mentioned that in the 4 page article...

good read, and nice HD trailer to boot.
Title: An Indepth Look At Too Human
Post by: corkinator on October 10, 2005, 09:25:00 PM
QUOTE(110100100 @ Oct 11 2005, 05:03 AM)
they mentioned that in the 4 page article...


Fair enough, didn't read any more than the quotes posted here :P
Title: An Indepth Look At Too Human
Post by: miggidy on October 10, 2005, 11:56:00 PM
IGN: How does the game's camera system work?

Denis Dyack: The camera system in Too Human is perhaps one of the most developed areas in the game. We have substantially modified the Unreal Engine 3 to give us the tools to go far beyond anything that we did with ED and MGS:TS. Although we are not going into detail about the system at this time, we will say that cameras in the game will be very dynamic and intelligent. They will adjust contextually to what the player does at all times and the cinematography in Too Human will be on par with movies while being completely interactive and without compromising playability.

It looks like the Xbox 360 will have it's own MGS4, this sounds a lot like the stuff Kojima does in the MGS games.

Ok Too Human is quickly becoming my most anticipated new IP for the Xbox 360.
Something about this game tells me that it is going to surpass all of our expectations and that it will become one of the top X360 franchises.
I love the cinematic approach! The game is full of sci fi atmosphere, stuff that you only see in movies.

Great read Def!
I cannot wait to see how this game turns out, it's coming out around this time next year. This might be M$'s biggest weapon against the PS3's launch.

Already this is one huge benefit M$ has gained just by making the decision to launch first. It appears to me Silicon Knights was looking for the right hardware to finally bring this game to life. I wonder if SI would've chosen to develope this on the Xbox 360 if it were to launch together with the PS3. I highly doubt it.
We're so lucky biggrin.gif

Title: An Indepth Look At Too Human
Post by: Heet on October 11, 2005, 02:49:00 AM
Looks good and sounds good.  Kinda like Kameo.  New technologies are pretty cool.   biggrin.gif    

I like how the guy was almost wetting himself over 360's abilities.

Pickin this game up fo sho.
Title: An Indepth Look At Too Human
Post by: Shinamano on October 11, 2005, 06:48:00 AM
This and Mass Effect look too good to be true...dual epic trilogies mmm gaming bliss tongue.gif
Title: An Indepth Look At Too Human
Post by: KAGE360 on October 11, 2005, 07:36:00 AM
QUOTE(miggidy @ Oct 11 2005, 02:07 AM)
I wonder if SI would've chosen to develope this on the Xbox 360 if it were to launch together with the PS3. I highly doubt it.
We're so lucky :D

yeah we are lucky but i dont think the systems launching together would have made that much of a difference.  companies are more willing to make games on the 360 as they dont have to take such a loss and have a better chance of braking even and making money.  i dont doubt the fact that all these devs that are making games for the 360 are doing it not only because its launching a little early (a few months of a gap between consoles doesnt seem to make any difference to a developer) but also because the system allows devs to acheive same level of detail with half the work and R&D budget.  but like i said we are lucky and i cant wait for this game to come out
Title: An Indepth Look At Too Human
Post by: miggidy on October 11, 2005, 09:29:00 AM
Good point.
Plus Silicon Knights looks like the type of developer that likes working with other developers. They always talk about how much they've learned from working with both Miyamoto and Kojima. And you can see they're excited to be working with M$ game studios....
I don't think Sony has any devs that would excite Silicon Knights :P

This post has been edited by miggidy: Oct 11 2005, 04:30 PM
Title: An Indepth Look At Too Human
Post by: esc1 on October 12, 2005, 04:47:00 PM
I just read the article on IGN and I had never heard about the game before.  I am already hooked now.  The story sounds amazing.  Just the type of thing I would dig.  Up to now I haven't really looked forward to getting the 360 for any particular game, minus Halo3, but this looks great.