
Xbox360 Forums => T => Xbox 360 Specific Game Chat (wip) => Xbox360 Game Forums => Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent => Topic started by: Boydster on October 22, 2006, 12:17:00 PM

Title: Where Is Offline Co-op?
Post by: Boydster on October 22, 2006, 12:17:00 PM
The back of the box says "Players 1-3" in green, meaning that's the offline portion of the game right?
I had a friend over yesterday and we were going to hit it up on co-op. But of course there is no freaking way to. It gives you the option for xbox live and system link, nothing about split screen.... How fucking hard would that have been ubi?

And why does Ubi so dearly not want us to create our own public matches? I've got one friend on XBL that's got this game atm, and they make it really hard to get in the same match with a single friend, while wanting a full room the whole time. Why can't there be a create a game option with a way to reserve a seat like uno, then let the rest fill in?

I guess those are my only gripes with this game. Otherwise it's pretty cool.
Title: Where Is Offline Co-op?
Post by: mitch2025 on October 22, 2006, 04:16:00 PM
i dont know about the split screen but i do know that you can create your own match but i dont think you can reserve a spot. all you do is make sure your not in ranked mode (the red lights on all 4 sides of the screen mean ranked mode) and go to "Custom Match" and press Y to create your own match. you can do ranked with friends but they must be in a squad/clan with you and you must have 3 people in order to do it.
Title: Where Is Offline Co-op?
Post by: picopir8 on October 23, 2006, 10:48:00 AM
Finish the game then send a letter to Ubisoft demanding a refund since the game does not perform as advertised.
Title: Where Is Offline Co-op?
Post by: mitch2025 on October 24, 2006, 01:35:00 PM
well i know in the demo you could. at least i think you could.
Title: Where Is Offline Co-op?
Post by: _GhOsT_ on December 04, 2006, 10:03:00 PM
the 360 version differs from the xbox 1 version

in the orig xbox version there is split screen co op and the missions are different
Title: Where Is Offline Co-op?
Post by: twistedsymphony on June 05, 2007, 12:50:00 PM
QUOTE(_GhOsT_ @ Dec 5 2006, 01:39 AM) View Post

the 360 version differs from the xbox 1 version

in the orig xbox version there is split screen co op and the missions are different

that's because the orig Xbox version was made by Ubi Montreal (GOOD: they did the orig SC and CT)
and the Xbox 360 version was done by Ubi Shanghai (BAD: they did PT)

I don't know why they used Shanghai to do the 360 and PC versions of this game... if anything they would have been better doing the last gen versions with Montreal doing the next gen ones.. anyway Conviction will be done by Montreal so I'm expecting good things.