
Xbox360 Forums => Q => Xbox 360 Specific Game Chat (wip) => Xbox360 Game Forums => QUAKE 4 => Topic started by: Deftech on October 06, 2005, 04:45:00 PM

Title: X05 Quake 4
Post by: Deftech on October 06, 2005, 04:45:00 PM
We also got a juicy tidbit about the special editions of both the PC and Xbox games, each of which will retail for roughly 10 bones more. The 360 special edition will contain the full game of Quake II, so you can go back and see how the story began, and this version of the game is said to be graphically enhanced to some degree (though specifics weren't available).

The Only Quake thats been decent in my opinion, is coming with the part 4 collectors edition  beerchug.gif

heres the rest..


Title: X05 Quake 4
Post by: incognegro on October 06, 2005, 04:59:00 PM

I prefer the multiplayer aspect than the single player......
Title: X05 Quake 4
Post by: Deftech on October 06, 2005, 05:40:00 PM
QUOTE(incognegro @ Oct 6 2005, 07:10 PM)
fuck quake 2.........what about quake 3 man!!!! :grr:

I prefer the multiplayer aspect than the single player......

I disliked all aspects of quake 3 for some reason. It just rubbed me the wrong way(pervs). The graphics rocked though.

Only thing it was good for was timedemos on this very rig Im using now.  :lol:

Shit that was 4 summers ago, how time flies huh? I built it to bitchslap the game in all directions. poor fuggin thing does nothing but surf the net now and play pc demos of 360 games.

damn 4 years ago. when were we playing quake 2? '97/'98? daaaaaaaamn where have the years gone!
Title: X05 Quake 4
Post by: Wedding-shirt on October 06, 2005, 05:44:00 PM
QUOTE(incognegro @ Oct 6 2005, 07:10 PM)
fuck quake 2.........what about quake 3 man!!!! :grr:

I prefer the multiplayer aspect than the single player......

"The PC special edition won't dress up any old classics, but it will have something potentially much nicer: every Quake game and expansion pack ever released, along with the new game, all on one DVD."

Also he forgot to quote the part about the 360 version of Quake 2 will be visually enhanced.
Title: X05 Quake 4
Post by: incognegro on October 06, 2005, 06:21:00 PM
quake 3 was the game that got me intyo fps' and honestly thats now my fav genre. quake 2 was good (I played quake 3 before) i finshed it a couple times but it never really replaced 3 for me and for my friends too. when quake 3 came literally no other game mattered for about a year.........i stopped buying games for awhile cause i didnt need any. Anyways........they should include all three like what they did with doom (did i tell u i bought doom 3 just for the old versions? Quake was good too!
Title: X05 Quake 4
Post by: Deftech on October 06, 2005, 06:25:00 PM
QUOTE(incognegro @ Oct 6 2005, 07:56 PM)
quake 3 was the game that got me intyo fps' and honestly thats now my fav genre. quake 2 was good (I played quake 3 before) i finshed it a couple times but it never really replaced 3 for me and for my friends too. when quake 3 came literally no other game mattered for about a year.........i stopped buying games for awhile cause i didnt need any. Anyways........they should include all three like what they did with doom (did i tell u i bought doom 3 just for the old versions? Quake was good too!

maybe thats why I like quake 2 more. It was the first one I got hardcore into as far as online pc gaming(good old 56k).

I played quake 1 a lot on pc and saturn(awesome version for a 27mhz system, lol) but quake 2 was just a blast. It was also the first game my friends and I lan'd, thats when the addiction with Lans began. good grief what a pain it was to see one another on the network with windows 95/98 compared to XP.

It would be nice if were were getting them all on 360, but we arent, so Im not going to lose sleep over it.
Title: X05 Quake 4
Post by: incognegro on October 06, 2005, 06:11:00 PM
(awesome version for a 27mhz system, lol)

dont 4get, dual processors! biggrin.gif

never played the saturn version only played the homebrew xbox one.........which i finished on all difficulty levels.........couldnt believe a game that old can make me forget how powerful the xbox is and i shouldnt wasting that power on old technology like this! blink.gif

quake 4 mulitplayer BETTER BE LIKE QUAKE 3 like they said, since i aint getting quake 3!
Title: X05 Quake 4
Post by: Himura on October 06, 2005, 06:50:00 PM
I hope by full version they also mean the multiplayer cuz that would be friggin awesome!
Title: X05 Quake 4
Post by: Deftech on October 06, 2005, 06:53:00 PM
QUOTE(incognegro @ Oct 6 2005, 08:22 PM)
dont 4get, dual processors! :D

how could I forget that!  :lol: