
OG Xbox Forums => Software Forums => XboxMediaCenter => Topic started by: alx5962 on March 07, 2004, 01:05:00 PM

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 07, 2004, 01:05:00 PM
So I made some scripts on python already (HERE - in french) but it seems few people are intersted by python scripts here...
Anyway, I just quickly ported bit-torrent on xbox and i'd like to know if some people are interested by it. But first I need a beta-tester with a good knownledge of XMBC and network.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: nagmine on March 07, 2004, 02:14:00 PM
sounds kinda cool id use it if it works well  :luv:   <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 08, 2004, 10:20:00 AM
my scripts (french website but english doc included)

The bit torrent client is here  :rolleyes:
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: bibi on March 08, 2004, 10:41:00 AM
alx5962 : c'est bien toi qui a fait le script python guidetele ? ce serait cool si tu pouvait faire avec les chaines du satellites et cable aussi, ainsi que les infos sur les emissions si on clique dessus comme sur PC (je sais pas si c possible). En tout cas il est pas mal ton script actuel. Merci

This post has been edited by bibi: Mar 8 2004, 06:54 PM <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: nagmine on March 08, 2004, 12:05:00 PM
ok i tested it out and it works pretty good. But it dosnt seem to give any status what so ever. Although i can see it is downloading by going to the file..... but anyways good job :)

edit: ok now im see some status lol  

This post has been edited by nagmine: Mar 8 2004, 08:17 PM <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 08, 2004, 12:37:00 PM
readmeXBOX.txt  :)   <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on March 08, 2004, 01:39:00 PM
that would be amazing!!!  can i request some other scripts??  ftp client (like in avalaunch), irc client (like in avalaunch), text editor (unleashx)... and i'll think of more in the future.  please keep in touch!  <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 08, 2004, 01:56:00 PM
if it's already done on xbox i don't think it's useful to do it again...
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on March 08, 2004, 02:04:00 PM
how about a tvguide that uses or something (for us non-french people).  this is a missing feature in xbmc i believe.  <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on March 08, 2004, 02:18:00 PM
or a python email client:  <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Moleman on March 08, 2004, 02:47:00 PM
Sweet! I'd like to see how this progresses! :luv:   <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 08, 2004, 11:50:00 PM
there's no keyboard support in python for now... So email client is useless
an english tvguide is very possible, I need to have a look at this :)  <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Beelzabub on March 09, 2004, 12:51:00 AM
I wouldnt mind about no keyboard support yet for replying to emails but checking email would be nice for now

This post has been edited by Beelzabub: Mar 9 2004, 08:52 AM <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 09, 2004, 02:04:00 AM
QUOTE (Beelzabub @ Mar 9 2004, 09:40 AM)
I wouldnt mind about no keyboard support yet for replying to emails but checking email would be nice for now

ok :)

I need to figure out now how to read an email on a pop server  :D   <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: LiGhTfasT on March 09, 2004, 07:38:00 AM
You Rock! this is quality cheers

keep it up  <
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: love_tropicana on March 10, 2004, 12:04:00 PM
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 10, 2004, 12:28:00 PM

a new version of the torrent script is in the work  smile.gif
With local file support and more settings too.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 11, 2004, 03:35:00 AM
bit torrent updated

Read the readmeXbox!
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: andrusk on March 11, 2004, 03:44:00 AM
I was thinking of this the other day.  

Very sweet!!! Now I dont have to leave my computer on all the time!! I can leave the xbox on instead!!
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: abstrakone on March 11, 2004, 05:34:00 AM
QUOTE (bobdavis @ Mar 11 2004, 01:56 PM)
This is a fantastic way to add new functionality. This would be a great way for someone to create a general RSS client that aggregates news headlines, which would be more general than the Google News script you've got. Great work.

I agree, an RSS reader would be nice... as well as a RSS feed streamer like Avalaunch has.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on March 11, 2004, 09:35:00 AM
an rss reader already exists.  i modified it to work more like the avalaunch one.  i'll post the edited version tonight
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Beelzabub on March 11, 2004, 09:49:00 AM
hey alex or anyone good with python scripting do you think it would be possible for to write a script that will listen for YAC and display its info? YAC is a ID Caller program that runs on pc and is able to broadcast the Name and Number of incoming calls to stuff that can support it via network/lan here is my thread on more info
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on March 11, 2004, 10:30:00 AM
i personally have no interest, and therefore probably won't do it.   still, the source isn't in python.  most of the stuff thats been done is already in python (and just needs to be ported), or its a python example
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: christer on March 11, 2004, 11:52:00 AM
This is really interesting stuff but how do I activate a script? I'm trying to start the Google News script.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 11, 2004, 12:04:00 PM
QUOTE (Beelzabub @ Mar 11 2004, 07:49 PM)
hey alex or anyone good with python scripting do you think it would be possible for to write a script that will listen for YAC and display its info? YAC is a ID Caller program that runs on pc and is able to broadcast the Name and Number of incoming calls to stuff that can support it via network/lan here is my thread on more info

i have no 56k modem so i cannot look at this.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 11, 2004, 12:06:00 PM
QUOTE (muerte @ Mar 11 2004, 08:30 PM)
i personally have no interest, and therefore probably won't do it.   still, the source isn't in python.  most of the stuff thats been done is already in python (and just needs to be ported), or its a python example

All my scripts were written from scratch except the bit torrent one.
A lot can be made using python, just need a lot of free time  smile.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 11, 2004, 12:09:00 PM
QUOTE (christer @ Mar 11 2004, 09:52 PM)
This is really interesting stuff but how do I activate a script? I'm trying to start the Google News script.

From xbmc forums (from Darkie, edited by myself):

extract the directories from python.rar (cvs\xbmc\python\python.rar)
to "xbmc home dir\python\"
and if you want some examples you should extract scripts.rar(cvs\xbmc\scripts\scripts.rar)
to "xbmc home dir\scripts\"

you will now have the next directory structure in xbmc

To execute scripts go to settings->scripts.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on March 11, 2004, 02:07:00 PM
double post
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on March 11, 2004, 02:08:00 PM <-- right click and save to get the modified (more like ava's rss feed)

* news feed now positioned in a better place (best viewed with newest skin)
* changes news topic every 5 seconds

Future junk
* scrolling newsfeed
* multiple news feeds

if you want to run the script automatically, goto, and change the line in it to this: xbmc.executescript('q:\\scripts\\').  then rename the file to  you can also change the rss feed's url by changing RSS_URL = '' to be whatever rss url you want.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Beelzabub on March 11, 2004, 03:12:00 PM
QUOTE (alx5962 @ Mar 11 2004, 10:04 PM)
QUOTE (Beelzabub @ Mar 11 2004, 07:49 PM)
hey alex or anyone good with python scripting do you think it would be possible for to write a script that will listen for YAC and display its info? YAC is a ID Caller program that runs on pc and is able to broadcast the Name and Number of incoming calls to stuff that can support it via network/lan here is my thread on more info

i have no 56k modem so i cannot look at this.

Alex you dont need a 56k for the fact YAC has "IM" type of feature basically it lets you send messages accross the network as well to test or to just send a message across network so you wouldnt need a modem even, Really what the script would be doing is "listen" on the network so when YAC broadcast a message it puts it on screen wether its Name & Number or a Message you broadcasted from YAC on your pc

here is an example from the site:

For Developers and Power Users

YAC has the ability to send short text messages to YAC listeners on the network.  This makes YAC a viable addition to home automation or other solutions involving multiple computers and devices on your network.

The YAC Software Developer's Kit is a web page that will help you understand how to write a listener or write a program that will cause YAC to send text over the network on your behalf.

The YACTextSend sample program shows you how to write a simple Windows program that sends text through YAC to listeners on the network.  Even if you don't care about the source code, you can use YACTextSend in scripts or from other programs.  Just pass the text you want to send on the command line.  For instance, to send the string "Does anyone in the house want to go to dinner?", you would type or run:

C:\YACTextSend Does anyone in the house want to go to dinner?

Here is the url to how to for a script on a "listner" http://sunflowerhead...yac/yac-sdk.htm
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 12, 2004, 12:06:00 AM
missing module = wrong python version
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 12, 2004, 05:32:00 AM

For now it displays all the email senders from a pop server (your email server),and the subject to on the xbox screen!
Now i have to figure out how to display the content  biggrin.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on March 12, 2004, 09:08:00 AM
QUOTE (alx5962 @ Mar 12 2004, 09:32 AM)
I'm working on a new script  smile.gif

For now it displays all the email senders from a pop server (your email server),and the subject to on the xbox screen!
Now i have to figure out how to display the content  biggrin.gif

i'm glad my idea is materializing.  you should make it so email notification comes up on the screen no matter where you are.  if you want any help... just pm me, or instant message me.  you can contact me on aim here: keybsnbits or on msn here: [email protected].  i'd actually just like to take a look at the code... maybe give some ideas, maybe edit it up.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 12, 2004, 09:45:00 AM
i don't think we can display infos outside the script area.
And if we can i have no idea how to do that
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: full on March 12, 2004, 10:24:00 AM
QUOTE (alx5962 @ Mar 11 2004, 10:09 PM)
QUOTE (christer @ Mar 11 2004, 09:52 PM)
This is really interesting stuff but how do I activate a script? I'm trying to start the Google News script.

From xbmc forums (from Darkie, edited by myself):

extract the directories from python.rar (cvs\xbmc\python\python.rar)
to "xbmc home dir\python\"
and if you want some examples you should extract scripts.rar(cvs\xbmc\scripts\scripts.rar)
to "xbmc home dir\scripts\"

you will now have the next directory structure in xbmc

To execute scripts go to settings->scripts.

I understood this and i have
\XBMC\scripts\ directory but where the hell can i get that python.rar? i've searched xbins and searched this forum, i've googled already but nothing.. what that python.rar keeps in it?

without this python.rar(and things in it)
when i get to XMBC -> settings -> scripts and push examle tvguide with X it says "running" and show it under half seconds. but i cant get them work..

what programs do i need to make my own python script? i would make my own finnish TV-guide wink.gif

EDIT: made more searching wink.gif
For Python scripting support, extract python.rar (included in the 02-12 build) into
the XBMC folder so that you have scripts/ and python/ subdirectories. You do not need
to upload the files from python.rar if you do not need Python scripting support.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Beelzabub on March 12, 2004, 10:28:00 AM
I just looked on xbins its there just download any of the XBMC not the one that says "Proper" for some reason that one dont have the python.rar included just download the xbmc-2004-02-12.rar and extract it and get the python.rar from there
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: nagmine on March 12, 2004, 10:35:00 AM
smile.gif let me know

also where is located? great script by the way smile.gif

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Beelzabub on March 12, 2004, 11:05:00 AM
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Beelzabub on March 12, 2004, 11:11:00 AM
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on March 12, 2004, 12:23:00 PM
QUOTE (nagmine @ Mar 12 2004, 02:35 PM)
hey muerte is there a way to add multiple rss news feeds? id like to have more than one and im not sure if u can or how to do so smile.gif let me know

also where is located? great script by the way smile.gif

I'm still planning on implementing multiple RSS feeds... shouldn't be hard at all.  Not today though.... maybe sunday. biggrin.gif  And is in python.rar.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: christer on March 12, 2004, 01:16:00 PM
When trying to run the Google News script, I get an error message that says "Impossible de trouver le skin par default"...
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 12, 2004, 09:45:00 PM
QUOTE (christer @ Mar 12 2004, 11:16 PM)
When trying to run the Google News script, I get an error message that says "Impossible de trouver le skin par default"...

as you know, skins in the last xbmc have totally changed. So the script needs a fix.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on March 13, 2004, 03:26:00 AM
there's no keyboard support in python for now... So email client is useless
an english tvguide is very possible, I need to have a look at this

Might I suggest JAM TV listings..  Way faster and just as complete/international as TV Guide..
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: full on March 13, 2004, 10:33:00 AM
so what tools do i need to make python script?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on March 13, 2004, 05:06:00 PM
There is an xbe called "Xbox FTP client" can do xbox/xbox xfer at like 10MB/s.  Not limited to other xboxes at all though.  Kinda buggy with 4977 I believe.  I never got connected till I flashed w/4981.67.  (Just a hunch) The keyboard is harsh, but you can edit the ini file directly, then click on the entry in the connect window.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: snowbladenerd on March 14, 2004, 04:04:00 AM
is there anyway you could port this to run as a standalone prog instead of having to use xbmc? thanks and keep up the good work
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 14, 2004, 04:06:00 AM
QUOTE (snowbladenerd @ Mar 14 2004, 02:04 PM)
is there anyway you could port this to run as a standalone prog instead of having to use xbmc? thanks and keep up the good work

no, as i'm too bad C++ coder and also i don't think openxdk could do that for now
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on March 14, 2004, 04:11:00 AM
Hey Alx Thank you!  Python scripts were my reason for switching to XBMC, and a bittorrent client was the script I wanted most.  I've been trying to mod the same script you started with, and now I'm trying to mod yours (multiple downloads, Torrentfile selection would be sweet)  I'm so new to python, so I dunno if I'll get anywhere (Or what is even possible for that matter).
In anycase, your  script works great!!!!  (Got sopranos with it, couple small test files too)  One question though is what happens to those crappy slow torrents?  Successful torrents say "  Running" during entire process.   But other torrents (That I can load on my PC) only flash "Running" beside the script briefly.
(These are weak torrents don't get me wrong)  If you can tell me why that happens, and possibly how to force it to keep trying to connect for days that would be cool.  Anyways, I'm gonna go look into that again right now.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 14, 2004, 10:02:00 AM
i did a fresh install of xbmc, the 09/03 one with python from 09/02 and everything is ok with it.
So maybe the problem is your torrent file? If the download is ok on another bittorrent client send it to me (but only if it's not copyrighted stuff)

Also be sure to have the latest version of my script.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 14, 2004, 11:17:00 AM
They are only basic scripts to show how xbmc librairies work.
So no documentation is needed, just launch them.
And unluckily there's no place for xbmc scripts, even more only few people are coding using python xbmc  sad.gif

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 15, 2004, 02:02:00 AM
Python scripts are not common to find unluckily.
I wish I could find more scripts on internet...
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Butcher_ on March 15, 2004, 03:42:00 AM
QUOTE (triggernum5 @ Mar 14 2004, 03:06 AM)
There is an xbe called "Xbox FTP client" can do xbox/xbox xfer at like 10MB/s.  Not limited to other xboxes at all though.  Kinda buggy with 4977 I believe.  I never got connected till I flashed w/4981.67.  (Just a hunch) The keyboard is harsh, but you can edit the ini file directly, then click on the entry in the connect window.

If you need to do xbox to xbox, try enabling FXP in xbmc's ftp server (filezilla server.xml) then you can use a pc client like flashfxp to setup the direct transfer between the two xboxes.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Butcher_ on March 15, 2004, 03:43:00 AM
QUOTE (triggernum5 @ Mar 14 2004, 02:11 PM)
Hey Alx Thank you!  Python scripts were my reason for switching to XBMC, and a bittorrent client was the script I wanted most.  I've been trying to mod the same script you started with, and now I'm trying to mod yours (multiple downloads, Torrentfile selection would be sweet)  I'm so new to python, so I dunno if I'll get anywhere (Or what is even possible for that matter).

I think you'll run out of memory very quickly with multiple torrents. Each socket uses a fair sized chunk of memory for buffering, and a single torrent can easily reach 50+ sockets.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 15, 2004, 06:14:00 AM
and memory is very important on XBMC, even more if you are watching a movie while downloading a torrent.

Someone sent me a modified version of my bit torrent script so expect an update soon.
Also i'm looking for a beta tester with a good knowledge of XBMC,network and computer in general
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 15, 2004, 06:37:00 AM
QUOTE (knox333 @ Mar 15 2004, 04:33 PM)
has anybody ever checked out this Python based Jabber client??

Would be cool to have it available, too

no virtual keyboard on python xbmc so it's useless for now
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: [BigBox] on March 15, 2004, 10:07:00 AM
How come that when i try to run then i get and error and they dont run?
How can i run these scripts ?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 15, 2004, 12:02:00 PM
Bit torrent client :

A file selector is added  smile.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 15, 2004, 12:40:00 PM
i will update the Google News script very soon
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 16, 2004, 02:52:00 AM
Internet checker:

get it here

So you can check if internet is working on the xbox and if name resolving ( using DNS ) is working too.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Twister22 on March 16, 2004, 08:14:00 AM
QUOTE (alx5962 @ Mar 16 2004, 11:52 AM)
Internet checker:

get it here

So you can check if internet is working on the xbox and if name resolving ( using DNS ) is working too.

Some thing is wrong with this... my box IS connected... but the scripts tells me that im not..
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 16, 2004, 08:49:00 AM
QUOTE (Twister22 @ Mar 16 2004, 06:14 PM)
QUOTE (alx5962 @ Mar 16 2004, 11:52 AM)
Internet checker:

get it here

So you can check if internet is working on the xbox and if name resolving ( using DNS ) is working too.

Some thing is wrong with this... my box IS connected... but the scripts tells me that im not..

Download the file again, some missing files in it
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 16, 2004, 11:44:00 PM
the pop3 checker is in the work, i asked for exprienced beta testers but no replies so it will take longer to be released.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 17, 2004, 12:51:00 AM
wink.gif ) so i need to reflect these changes.
Idecided to rewrite a big part of the email reader script so it willnot be available for now (plain/html emails are hell to manage!)
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 17, 2004, 02:21:00 AM
it's more than only a skin bug, googlenews changed the format of their news files
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: silentbob101 on March 17, 2004, 02:06:00 PM
i am trying to use the scripts that run using the internet but they wont work so i used the net checker to see if that was the problem and it said i want connected but i am because i can use the imdb function of xbox media center please help
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Yuyu on March 17, 2004, 04:53:00 PM
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: dragonforce99 on March 17, 2004, 08:11:00 PM

I have no idea if its possible but a German TV Guide would be really great, maybe someone smart enough can get one to work.

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: cocktailyogi on March 17, 2004, 11:46:00 PM

i have got an problem with the Bittorrent Client.

I always get errors. Now I found, that many Filenames from torrents are too lang for FATX.

How can I fix this?

The name of the destinationfile is saved in the torrent-file, but how can I edit this?

Is it possible to cut the filesname automatically by your python script?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 17, 2004, 11:52:00 PM
filenames are managed by the .torrent file and so to change them on the fly would not allow to resume them for now.
Excepta big bug found i would not update anymore the torrent scriptas i have other ones to deal with these days (like the email reader)
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 18, 2004, 02:07:00 AM
damn Google!
they changed their term of service and that's why we cannot use anymore the python script!
So i have to figure out how t orespect their new rules to download info page mad.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 18, 2004, 04:56:00 AM
Google news script updated  tongue.gif

Very hard work to understand the new Google rules!
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 18, 2004, 09:09:00 AM
try to put the torrent file in the source (edit the script) instead of the file selector.
But it may be a problem of the torrent file (unusual file format).
If it's not copyrighted file send it to me
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 18, 2004, 11:44:00 AM
QUOTE (christer @ Mar 18 2004, 08:50 PM)
QUOTE (alx5962 @ Mar 18 2004, 02:56 PM)
Google news script updated  tongue.gif
Very hard work to understand the new Google rules!

You're the man!

it's not about getting famous, but how comes all my scripts are ignored by xbox-scene site?
Only some members seem to care about it...

To be in the news must help I think, as some more people could create new scripts.

Even more I uploaded some scripts in the CVS but they never appeared when i browsed through XBMC CVS...
All this makes me want to stop coding sometimes...

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: christer on March 18, 2004, 12:45:00 PM
QUOTE (alx5962 @ Mar 18 2004, 09:44 PM)
it's not about getting famous, but how comes all my scripts are ignored by xbox-scene site?
Only some members seem to care about it...

Perhaps we need to start a new thread with a somewhat more "sexy and selling" name as the current thread indicates that the Python scripts are only about Bittorrent downloading. What about "Cool extensions to the XBMC"?
Learn from the wise Captain Picard. When in trouble - "Compansate!" :-)
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: christer on March 18, 2004, 12:51:00 PM
QUOTE (kaisersose77 @ Mar 18 2004, 10:12 PM)
can someone tell me where to get the python.rar file

As mentioned earlier in this thread python.rar was included in the 02-12 build of XBMC.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: christer on March 18, 2004, 01:40:00 PM
Hey alx!

I just tried your new script for Google News. It started without any problem. A couple of issues though:
• The news are aligned fully to the left. A little leading space would be nice.
• Help text - my suggestion: "Left - Previous category | Right - Next category | Back to quit"
• Font sizes - it's a bit strange that the font size for the help text at the bottom is larger than the font size for the actual information.
• The background is a bit "dull". It would be nice to have more backgrounds to choose from. I'm willing to create some if you want to.

I fiddled around with your script. I know absolutely nothing about Python script but managed to edit what I wanted in regards of the design (the last thing I'm looking for is a transparant logo for Google...). Let me know if you want to review my edits.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: christer on March 18, 2004, 01:46:00 PM
QUOTE (muerte @ Mar 12 2004, 12:08 AM) <-- right click and save to get the modified (more like ava's rss feed)

Hi Muerte

I tried your script. It says "(Running)" for about a second and then dies. Any idea what I've done wrong?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Dooser on March 18, 2004, 03:03:00 PM
tried directing script to the torrent located at E:\\My.torrent

no worky.

have not tried girectly it to a website with the torrent, ...

shouldn't i be getting more of an error message?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: nagmine on March 18, 2004, 04:50:00 PM
it's not about getting famous, but how comes all my scripts are ignored by xbox-scene site?

i think this will get popular soon most people i have shown python scripts think its great. Just gotta get the word out i guess.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: c_poussard on March 18, 2004, 05:45:00 PM
Alx dude

maybe u should ask Frodo or one of the guys on forums ...they are much more heavily into coding than here
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 19, 2004, 12:57:00 AM
QUOTE (christer @ Mar 18 2004, 11:40 PM)
Hey alx!

I just tried your new script for Google News. It started without any problem. A couple of issues though:
• The news are aligned fully to the left. A little leading space would be nice.
• Help text - my suggestion: "Left - Previous category | Right - Next category | Back to quit"
• Font sizes - it's a bit strange that the font size for the help text at the bottom is larger than the font size for the actual information.
• The background is a bit "dull". It would be nice to have more backgrounds to choose from. I'm willing to create some if you want to.

I fiddled around with your script. I know absolutely nothing about Python script but managed to edit what I wanted in regards of the design (the last thing I'm looking for is a transparant logo for Google...). Let me know if you want to review my edits.

I edited the script to include your suggestions about text and size.
About background, now there's a background directory so replace the current jpg with your own.

Sometimes text is not aligned because the script has to manage different language and so different size. It would be a lot of work fornothing really important to change this.

Such feedback is good, I wish I could have more like these smile.gif So thank you
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 19, 2004, 01:37:00 AM
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Butcher_ on March 19, 2004, 03:09:00 AM
QUOTE (alx5962 @ Mar 18 2004, 09:44 PM)
Even more I uploaded some scripts in the CVS but they never appeared when i browsed through XBMC CVS...
All this makes me want to stop coding sometimes...

Did you upload using pserver (anon) CVS? Cos if so any changes you make are discarded - sourceforge only allows read-access with pserver.

If you want some scripts put into CVS, you should submit them as a patch on the XBMC sourceforge site.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 19, 2004, 03:14:00 AM
i used to send them as Gamester17 told me.

Anyway, people can access them thanks to, a website that cares about my work
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 19, 2004, 04:01:00 AM
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Dash22 on March 19, 2004, 04:09:00 AM
Tanks Alex5962 very hard work for your scripte!

I love python.

ps : la Team Gueux fait les meilleurs post même ici, lol.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 19, 2004, 04:20:00 AM
QUOTE (Dash22 @ Mar 19 2004, 02:09 PM)
Tanks Alex5962 very hard work for your scripte!

I love python.

ps : la Team Gueux fait les meilleurs post même ici, lol.

 laugh.gif engrish detected

But thank you smile.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: christer on March 19, 2004, 10:48:00 AM
Hi all!

I fiddled around with alx's Google News script tonight (oh what a wonderful way to spend a friday night) and created a new "skin" for it. Better or worse? You be the judge:
user posted image

If anyone wants the image files and the edited .py file (hope you don't mind alx...), please let me know.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: christer on March 19, 2004, 12:33:00 PM
QUOTE (alx5962 @ Mar 19 2004, 02:01 PM)
I added a very basic script that plays music when XBMC starts in my python site (check my signature for the URL) and composed a little music for it too wink.gif

Super neat!!
The music is perhaps a bit on the long side for me but it's a really nice idea to play a "theme song" when XBMC is started.
Great work (again)!
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Tidusblitz111 on March 19, 2004, 01:02:00 PM
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 19, 2004, 01:45:00 PM
QUOTE (christer @ Mar 19 2004, 08:48 PM)
Hi all!

I fiddled around with alx's Google News script tonight (oh what a wonderful way to spend a friday night) and created a new "skin" for it. Better or worse? You be the judge:
user posted image

If anyone wants the image files and the edited .py file (hope you don't mind alx...), please let me know.

Great work!
could u send it to me please?
so it will be the official skin smile.gif
Also if you have a editable file can you send it too ? as I want to keep french text ability.
Since a week, each time I update my scripts I added a 'background' folder as I know some people like to change background image, but you're the first I noticed to use it !

I'm so proud to have infos about scripts on the main page for sure  biggrin.gif  I hope more people will code new scripts!

Tidusblitz111 : only France related scripts (like fench tv guide) are in french. But now I always add an english readme with every script.
Lessons coding... I started this in the Gueux forum but maybe this will be my next project.
But a forum is not the best place for a tutorial and I admit i'm not a Python guru at all (i started to learn python language 2 months ago).

christer : so you like the little tune I especially composed for my script  laugh.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: silentbob101 on March 19, 2004, 01:58:00 PM
hi all i am having problems using any of the scrips that use the net e.g the bittorrent or any of the others at first i thought it was because i wasn't conected to the net propoly but the imdb works and so does the weather thingy. i then got the internet checker and it says im not connected please help im going crazy. the scripst look good though
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Xbox-Savage on March 19, 2004, 02:02:00 PM
wink.gif  the start up sound is not working

i have XBMC on /F/dashboards/XBox Media Center/

Phyton is on /F/dashboards/XBox Media Center/python/

The files in python are Lib , spyce , temp and python23.zlib

the sound thing is on /F/dashboards/XBox Media Center/scripts/startupsound/

in there is the mp3 , the and

i edited the to look for the mp3 on q:\\scripts\\startupsound\\startup.mp3

It works if i select it on the menu , but it doesnt play when i start XBMC , i edited the and put it in startupsounds folder and on scripts , still doesnt play.  sad.gif

what seems to be the problem?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: SigTom on March 19, 2004, 04:20:00 PM
Edit the to point to the dir on your XBox where you have your torrent files.  The python script only needs a URL if the torrent you want isnt located on your xbox, i.e  Otherwise, when you start the bt script, you get that screen asking you which torrent you have stored on the xbox do you want to use.  Ive set up a folder on my F partition, F:\Torrents.  Edited the to point to that folder, and it now lists any and all torrents in that dir.  I can then choose which one I want to start.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 20, 2004, 12:19:00 AM
many questions here!
So the first thing is to read the readme included!
Then you need the last CVS of XBMC 9/03/04 and python.rar included in 09/02.

kaisersose77 : everything is explained in the readme.
http.www means nothing btw , correct syntax is http://www

Matty B : no new tv guide planned for now, as i'm working on an email reader

The net test script  tries to retrieve : (dns ok)
if it fails it tries: (no dns)
and if thisone fails 'no internet'

Xbox-Savage  autoexec HAS to be in the script directory (respect the tree of the rar file).

Ina personal note, I 'm using the 16/03 xbmc + 09/02 python i set up the dns inthe xboxmediacenter.xml file.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 20, 2004, 01:58:00 AM
QUOTE (kaisersose77 @ Mar 20 2004, 11:12 AM)
# Edit the infos below, for local file : replace '\' by '\\'
# Source can be an url ('http://' is needed) or a local file
# If you let the source empty (source = '') it will display a file selector
#source = 'E:\\Torrent\\'
#source = ''
source = ''
destination = 'E:\\Games\\'
dirselect = 'E:\\test\\'

Thats what i have setup, and i have some torrents in the torrent folder which i put in the e drive. But it still says select a torrent file, no directory. And its says IMDB in white on the left hand side, should that be coming up? Can some one tell me what im doing wrong?

source = '' <- this means display a file selector
destination = 'E:\\Games\\' <- where the downloadedfile go
dirselect = 'E:\\test\\' <- file selector folder

so it will display all the .torrent files in 'E:\\test\\'
then select the torrent file you wish to download.
If the script stops it means your torrent file has abnormal format.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Dooser on March 20, 2004, 04:29:00 AM
can someone post a 'normal format' torrent so i can see if i can get that working under the python script. this way if it doesn't, i'll know it's something else wrong. and ya'll can try to help me from there?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: kaisersose77 on March 20, 2004, 12:02:00 PM
When i try and download a torrent with my pc it downloads fine, but when i select it on the xbox, it just says connecting to peers in time left section and doesnt change. The other scripts work fine such as google news.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 20, 2004, 12:17:00 PM
QUOTE (kaisersose77 @ Mar 20 2004, 10:02 PM)
When i try and download a torrent with my pc it downloads fine, but when i select it on the xbox, it just says connecting to peers in time left section and doesnt change. The other scripts work fine such as google news.

so download it on pc, not on xbox  blink.gif

The python script is not responsible of the torrent sources.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Butcher_ on March 20, 2004, 05:24:00 PM
QUOTE (manasol @ Mar 21 2004, 01:18 AM)
Well just LOOK OUT OTHER FELLOW NOOBS that were lost and flamed because of this.

Yes it does. It's right where it always was in CVS.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Butcher_ on March 20, 2004, 05:26:00 PM
For those having issues with python because they got their build off an inept monkey who deleted it, you can download python.rar here: http://cvs.sourcefor...on.rar?rev=HEAD
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Matty B on March 21, 2004, 03:22:00 AM
Hrmmm question do the scripts have to put in the base of the scripts folder or in seperate folders

eg: scrips/startupsound
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: SigTom on March 30, 2004, 05:54:00 PM
The Project Mayhem WS Skin is quite nice for this.  No buttons up top.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 30, 2004, 11:12:00 PM
Just edit the script, find the ControlLabel function and the first two values are X and y position (or read the documentation if you want to change colour etc...)
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: stevie_mac on March 31, 2004, 03:53:00 AM
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 31, 2004, 04:27:00 AM
now way to have xbmc libs in PC
the debug mode on xbox is not very pretty but it works!

I'm coding on Windows, using the python console mode and after that I just add the xbox specific datas and there's almost no debug this way
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on March 31, 2004, 04:45:00 AM
Anyone know of any xbmcgui methods to clear the output screen?  Also a way to capture the event of a user entering the output screen would be nice..
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 31, 2004, 09:14:00 AM
QUOTE (kaisersose77 @ Mar 31 2004, 07:05 PM)

I got the 31/03 cvs buld of xbmc, and i set up an email account with hotpop, but when i edit the stmp file and put in my details and then send an email, it just says error.

# Your smtp server
smtpserver = ""
# Your email address
fromaddr = "*********"

Thats what i put in( - thats the stmpserver info i got when i registered)

Do u know if it works with todays xbmc? or im doing something wrong again!

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on March 31, 2004, 11:27:00 AM

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: SigTom on March 31, 2004, 11:57:00 AM

I can understand your reluctance to keep on developing and doing all the tech support for these scripts all by yourself.  I know youve been asking for help, and some are stepping up as they are able, so hopefully all that will help at some point.  Like the above poster said, just stop answering them so often.  I guess what you really need is a go to guy, one person you can point to to answer any tech support type questions, even tho you do include a good readme with your scripts.  Could I just suggest you write your scripts, release to one or two people who in turn will be the ones to answer the questions raised.  That in of itself sounds like a lot of work to just get going, who to choose and all that, would anyone do it and be reliable enough, as well as do they already have to much on thier plate already, but its a suggestion.  

If not, thank for the pioneering spirit youve shown on getting the development as far as you have.  Its already the best addition to XBMC Ive seen outside of their dev team.  Hopefully any one who has decided to bone up on Python will in turn keep on making new scripts and people will just learn to do a little more research on thier own to figure everything out.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Beelzabub on March 31, 2004, 08:05:00 PM
I edited my to fit the tv I am using my XBox on to show perfectly just for anyone who is wondering what position I used here they are

for the first:

self.strAction = xbmcgui.ControlLabel(57, 394, 100, 20, '', 'font14', 'FFFFFFFF')

and for the second:

self.strActionEmail = xbmcgui.ControlLabel(57, 424, 100, 20, '', 'font14', 'FFFFFFFF')

by the way as you may notice the color hex code is different I choose to make mines white to match the rest of my XBMC skin hope this helps anyone who had my problem by the way I got the xbox running on a 32" TV

also for those who use the RSS Feed script thought I would share these backends with you guys to use with the script this site contains backends to Nforce, VCDQuality and some other cool sites.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: riffraff on March 31, 2004, 08:11:00 PM
QUOTE (Beelzabub @ Apr 1 2004, 06:05 AM)
also for those who use the RSS Feed script thought I would share these backends with you guys to use with the script

There were a lot of talk early on in this thread about a rss script but I never saw a link to it. Where can it be found?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Beelzabub on March 31, 2004, 08:13:00 PM
QUOTE (muerte @ Mar 12 2004, 12:08 AM) <-- right click and save to get the modified (more like ava's rss feed)

* news feed now positioned in a better place (best viewed with newest skin)
* changes news topic every 5 seconds

Future junk
* scrolling newsfeed
* multiple news feeds

if you want to run the script automatically, goto, and change the line in it to this: xbmc.executescript('q:\\scripts\\').  then rename the file to  you can also change the rss feed's url by changing RSS_URL = '' to be whatever rss url you want.

here ya go
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 01, 2004, 05:45:00 AM
I was wondering when you were gonna snap alx.  Anyways, I got a script addition for that "torrent site" browser.  Not 100% bug free, but I have downloaded torrents and files with it.  
It is coded badly!!!
Its ongoing (At this point it can only access and download torrents from the list_news page).
It needs a place to live (I have no way of hosting it)
It's bugs are not the fault of Alx5962!
I'm also nearly done programming in the ability to browse the entire local system for torrent files, should have that today too.  And I'm pretty close to finding a way to have output updated to xbmc windows.  
All this Python is coming together for me.  I also wanna write a torrent editor/creator for xbmc.  If anyone has a page for scripts (Alx, or whoever else) let me know where to send them.  And anyone who thinks they can help bridging python and javascripts let me know...
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on April 01, 2004, 01:15:00 PM
you think you could add something to the torrent file which truncates torrent file names when they are too long (it should also truncate the torrent name extracted from the torrent)
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 01, 2004, 04:51:00 PM
you think you could add something to the torrent file which truncates torrent file names when they are too long (it should also truncate the torrent name extracted from the torrent)

I did that last night for both torrents and the actual files.  I needed to to get any success with internet torrent sites.  I have most of the filename glitches captured.  With my latest addditions I've only found one torrent file that had a name that I couldn't parse.
I hope I don't get bitched at by ops, but Alx's Bitbox with my additions are on ftp
port 21
user snbitbox
pass snbitbox
Its the only actual file on the acct, so I don't think I'm breaking any rules.  I'll take it down if Braham Cohen or Alx ask me to.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 01, 2004, 10:16:00 PM
Just out of curiousity has anyone been able to determine how much the average transfer rates are affected by watching vids etc while running bittorrent?  I find that the script sometimes hijacks the clock cycles outside of videos, but videos are flawless.  Strange unless its just an xbmc input issue.  As far as I can tell though rates are unaffected (Although I wasn't getting good speeds at the time either way)
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 02, 2004, 01:37:00 AM
triggernum5 i'm proud you continue to work on my scripts. They are released under GPL so of course you can update them, and I encourage everyone to do so.

Also, I hope the documentation I wrote helped some people too.

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 02, 2004, 05:48:00 AM
triggernum5 i'm proud you continue to work on my scripts. They are released under GPL so of course you can update them, and I encourage everyone to do so.

Also, I hope the documentation I wrote helped some people too.

I'm just getting started..  I'll email you the updated, and a mirrors.ini file so you can add them to your site.  As for the documentation, I'm not sure which docs you are talking about.  Your code is what I mainly used to figure out the xbmc/xbmcgui modules at first.  So seeing as I haven't been fluent in french for almost 10 years now, and I managed to learn from your french scripts.  I'd say you did an ok job.  You wouldn't want to have to do that with my code I guarantee!
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 02, 2004, 12:25:00 PM

It's nice to send me your script triggernum5, but my python page has no planned update So I advice you to create your own site in the future. I'll have a look at your python code as i'm curious to know how you managed to understand mine  tongue.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 02, 2004, 04:43:00 PM
It's nice to send me your script triggernum5, but my python page has no planned update So I advice you to create your own site in the future. I'll have a look at your python code as i'm curious to know how you managed to understand mine
Whatever,  I don't care about distibution that much..  I'm willing to share, but not gonna do all the work.. Only 1 person has hit my ftp.  I purposely tried to dumb the code down for the sake of others learning.  I've been tweaking my own copy to be super streamlined.  I was always annoyed by theclock hijacking.  My next scipt will be either an Xbox-scene topic reader, or a voice chat script. (useless without 2 usb mics.) Haven't decided which one I want more yet, and haven't actually figured out if xbmc specifics are gonna screw my voicechat plan..  The X-S reader is simple but time consuming its actually a good starting script for learning ppl  (hint)  

BTW Alx how does that script work for you.  There are a couple of flaws (like if the torrent name contains "at(" but I'll burn that bridge later, right now I wanna leech
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: SigTom on April 02, 2004, 06:38:00 PM

I tried last night after you posted that you had the scripts up on FTP, but I kept on getting timed out when trying to connect. I was using the right user name/pwd, it would just get stuck when trying to read the directory.  Figd you would want to know.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: nian on April 03, 2004, 02:11:00 AM
Hi what a great job you have done with all the scripts

a question how do i start a script from xbmc?

do i allways have to go into settings\scripts or can i link a button or somthing.

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 03, 2004, 04:20:00 AM
trigger there are many free hosts around, but if you don't want to find one you are welcome to upload it at the link above. your file would be found at:
Thanks dude, I'll do that.  I just HATE setting up accts all over the place. (I don't know why I signed up here even. But I'm glad)  There are now a couple bugs to work out first, cause I dove into it last night when I was drunk, and now it is either mangled (I thought I was just changing text output) or perhaps I just need to update the mirrors.ini file..
I tried last night after you posted that you had the scripts up on FTP, but I kept on getting timed out when trying to connect. I was using the right user name/pwd, it would just get stuck when trying to read the directory. Figd you would want to know.
Was kinda wondering due to the lack of traffic.  Wierd though, I've used that server for years so I'm pretty sure its setup right.  Besides, one person loged in as snbitbox and got the files.  Screw the ftp, it will be at that link soon.
a question how do i start a script from xbmc?

do i allways have to go into settings\scripts or can i link a button or somthing.
You answered your own question.  And there is no more convenient way.  I too would like to see the scripts more directly accessible in xbmc.  If you primarily use scripts, then you might set your start window in the xml file.  You can also use the script if you want autostart

Actually, is there a way to invoke python in shortcuts?  I don't think there is, but tht would be sweet!
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 03, 2004, 04:50:00 AM
There are now a couple bugs to work out first, cause I dove into it last night when I was drunk, and now it is either mangled (I thought I was just changing text output) or perhaps I just need to update the mirrors.ini file..
YAY it was just the mirrors.ini file..  (Why do I fear that I'm gonna have to tell 354765i ppl to edit that file) Anyways I'm uploading it now.

- Does not yet autoupdate mirrors.ini
- Will not correctly parse torrent names containing "at(" (Possibly more)
- Will not handle multifile torrents (yet)
- Will freeze if you check info while "Checking existing file"
- Pressing "Back" while at a selection list selects current item
- Will not stop script while downloading torrent list (Freezes at "Stopping")
- Will take forever to reload info if you leave it on the info screen for too long
- List downloading is kinda glitchy if the connection lags.  Try again... (Gotta figure out http errors with FancyURLopener() )
- If fewer items appear than are supposed to then the script will freeze when
you scrolls to the bottom item
-If all else fails, rebbot xbox to close/unlock open files, and delete. (This used to solve problems.  I think I've eliminated the usefulness of this step)

And it is now at http://members.lycos...bpage/files.php
Thanks Rosso..  BTW decent web page..  Do you work with python scripting at all yourself.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: muerte on April 03, 2004, 04:35:00 PM
bump up for trigger's excellent work
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: SigTom on April 03, 2004, 05:39:00 PM

Excellent work, your gonna make me never leave my couch.  Really, this is a nice addition to alx's script.   Was able to browse 22 pages or so, found something small, and its working now.  If I have any additions to the mirrors.ini, I will of course add them to my own, would you like any updated lists as well?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 03, 2004, 06:42:00 PM
Excellent work, your gonna make me never leave my couch. Really, this is a nice addition to alx's script. Was able to browse 22 pages or so, found something small, and its working now. If I have any additions to the mirrors.ini, I will of course add them to my own, would you like any updated lists as well?

I just gotta thank alx for doing the initial work for me..  Actually as soon as I heard xbmc handled python it clicked that Bittorrent was written in it and I started doing what Alx did, although it probably would have been another piece in my gallery of nearly finished programs..  As far as the mirrors go, I don't think its a matter of collection..  At any given time there are like 2 diff mirrors thats the torrents are on.    This morning when I fell out of bed I couldn't get any torrents.  So I got pissed off and went ahead and screwed up my working code cause I couldn't remember what I had changed while I was drunk last night.
Anyways I glanced at the mirrors and the domains were the same, but the directory structure had changed (See mirrors.ini).  Had I followed my own advice I could have saved myself a couple hours of work (and stress about being flamed for sending ppl garbage)
Actually, there must be a way to collect the proper mirror from the page (there are some numbers I couldn't figure out, try viewing the torrentlist.htm file in a text editor.  torrents start with "at(" and end with a semicolon.  Its pretty simple when you separate the lines) Please help me figure this out
Hopefully tommorow we should be able to support multifile torrents  (I have the pseudocode worked out to be super easy to read the .torrent, I just hope I don't have issues with crashes from too many open files)  Python exhibits some behaviour that really confuses me.  Like my bug with the torrent list downloading when its quick its bug free, but it will sometimes stall and then return like 4-150 torrents then crash when I scroll to the end of them.  I try again with the exact same list, from the exact same site and its lickity split.
BTW Get up, go out, explore...  Trust me there are things out there that not even the most comfortable couch can replace.

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 04, 2004, 07:00:00 AM
Hey everyone, I noticed a weakness with my code to reduce the filename length.  Seeing as sequences of TV episodess and music typically have the unique component of their filenames at the end, and we're truncating it there is a good chance it will end up with all exact filenames if someone keeps the series in the  torrent location. (Downloaded files have 4 unique chars before the .ext already but might as well pad tht too)

This replace will almost guarantee safety:
Line 120:
torrentfile = torrentfile[:25] + torrentfile[len(torrentfile) - 16:]
Line 171:
finalname = finalname[:25] + finalname[len(finalname) - 16:]
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: chilin_dude on April 04, 2004, 08:35:00 AM
alx there are no downloads off your site anymore?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Horiz0n on April 04, 2004, 09:22:00 AM
BTW Alx, can you or know of someone who could create a script that would do sports scores?  It would be sweet to get on and check all scores instead of going to the this possible?  Maybe it adds something like My Sports after My Weather.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 04, 2004, 10:23:00 AM
BTW Alx, can you or know of someone who could create a script that would do sports scores? It would be sweet to get on and check all scores instead of going to the this possible? Maybe it adds something like My Sports after My Weather.

Any thoughts on a specific source?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 04, 2004, 12:02:00 PM
QUOTE (Horiz0n @ Apr 4 2004, 06:22 PM)
BTW Alx, can you or know of someone who could create a script that would do sports scores?  It would be sweet to get on and check all scores instead of going to the this possible?  Maybe it adds something like My Sports after My Weather.

my script page will be online for a long time so no need to worry, and the lil arrow is there to download.

Sport scores? first you need to choose a sport but of course it would be possible to create a script to have them. But why to not use the xbox internet browser to get them? I think python scripts should be used for non existing things instead of things like this.
There's many possibilities to create things with Python and i'm not sure sport score is the most important script to create for now.
But it should not be very hard to create so read the tutorial and try to code it yourself  rolleyes.gif

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 04, 2004, 12:14:00 PM
I decided to release a script that I sent to betatesters some weeks ago:
it's an email client that must read most of the emails (from plain to html).
It's very buggy but i will not correct it so take it as it is. I noticed some good python coders here so they may update it if they wish.

python email client

And don't email me or send message about update. If this script doesn't work or the email body is weird it's normal as it's a very early beta script.

Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 04, 2004, 03:58:00 PM
But it should not be very hard to create so read the tutorial and try to code it yourself
Are you ditching the coding scene for a while?  Or are you just sick of the easy time consuming stuff?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 05, 2004, 12:59:00 AM
QUOTE (triggernum5 @ Apr 5 2004, 12:58 AM)
Are you ditching the coding scene for a while?  Or are you just sick of the easy time consuming stuff?

- It was a pain to manage all the emails received with stupid questions inside
- bored of people complaining all the time when the answer is in the readme
- motivation to code is gone now so. The only thing I may update is the documentation
- and now people can code themself, they have everything to do so.

Anyway i'm off for some days as I need surgery so my mind is not into Python for now.

I learnt a lot with Python coding, but I also learnt how annoying it can be for developers to manage lazy people. So in the future I will no more give my email address or keep my code for myself. I thought at first it was nice to share but now I know I was wrong. I thought I could have nice feedback and constuctive ideas but it was never like this most of the time. I talked to some other dev of the xbox scene and they told me it's the same for them. So I guess one day they will stop coding too because of those stupid/lazy people.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Butcher_ on April 05, 2004, 01:31:00 AM
QUOTE (alx5962 @ Apr 5 2004, 09:59 AM)
I learnt a lot with Python coding, but I also learnt how annoying it can be for developers to manage lazy people. So in the future I will no more give my email address or keep my code for myself. I thought at first it was nice to share but now I know I was wrong. I thought I could have nice feedback and constuctive ideas but it was never like this most of the time. I talked to some other dev of the xbox scene and they told me it's the same for them. So I guess one day they will stop coding too because of those stupid/lazy people.

Welcome to our world. tongue.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 05, 2004, 05:25:00 AM
- It was a pain to manage all the emails received with stupid questions inside
- bored of people complaining all the time when the answer is in the readme
- motivation to code is gone now so. The only thing I may update is the documentation
- and now people can code themself, they have everything to do so.

Anyway i'm off for some days as I need surgery so my mind is not into Python for now.
See ppl we screwed up a good thing..  Hope your surgury goes smoothly.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: exq on April 07, 2004, 01:50:00 PM
I might have solved my own problem. I commented out the line where the IP_TOS parameter is set in (simply put a # on the beginning of the line) and it seems to work! I guess the IP_TOS (IP Type Of Service apparently) is not that important? The error messages have vanished and I get the feeling that my download rates have increased. I'll let it be over night and I'll post my results tomorrow...
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 07, 2004, 04:52:00 PM
I might have solved my own problem. I commented out the line where the IP_TOS parameter is set in (simply put a # on the beginning of the line) and it seems to work! I guess the IP_TOS (IP Type Of Service apparently) is not that important? The error messages have vanished and I get the feeling that my download rates have increased. I'll let it be over night and I'll post my results tomorrow...

I'm impressed..  I have never once seen that error, I'm gonna play around with and see what happens.  I personally have no problem replying to errors that aren't trivial such as path errors, router etc as there might be something to learn.  As for the download speeds, I think everyone goes through what you do.  I do notice some major diffs between clients, but in general sometimes I'm the leech, sometimes I get leeched from.  Wierd thing is, I have good weeks and bad weeks moreso than good minutes and bad minutes..
What is your ISP, router, xbox version, bios, and are you running xbmc as app or dash?Are you directly connected to the router, or statically forwarded?  Any wireless connections between the xbox and routerIts odd that you get errors I do not considering xboxes are basically identical.  I'd like to peg this down cause I have noticed some really wierd behavior with python's internet modules that doesn't register as an error.
BTW there is an April 3rd xbmc on bittorrent, although 03-09 should be fine.  And the 03-27 build is availiable with a new onscreen keyboard python.rar although it might just be an upgrade..  Is there anything in the python.rar that the ops here don't like us to link to?  If they say thats ok then I can update you
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: nagmine on April 08, 2004, 12:41:00 AM
crazy errors as well to the point i stopped using it. What was odd is if i didnt have the ports for bittorrents open i didnt get them... which made it go extremely slow though. When i opened the ports and restarted the bittorrent it would get so many ip_tos errors xbmc would freeze up. I asked about it a few times with no solution. I was gona try editing the rawserver but i figured eh ill just use this on the pc tongue.gif good job though solving it  biggrin.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 08, 2004, 05:37:00 AM
crazy errors as well to the point i stopped using it. What was odd is if i didnt have the ports for bittorrents open i didnt get them... which made it go extremely slow though. When i opened the ports and restarted the bittorrent it would get so many ip_tos errors xbmc would freeze up. I asked about it a few times with no solution. I was gona try editing the rawserver but i figured eh ill just use this on the pc  good job though solving it
Now that is strange..  To be honest I'm not sure what ports I have open on my router..  I'm not concerned with security, so other than Mac filtering for my wireless I basically work on an open door policy.  So anyways, you huys are on the same page as me, but you didn't post your info.
What is your ISP, router, xbox version, bios, and are you running xbmc as app or dash?Are you directly connected to the router, or statically forwarded? Any wireless connections between the xbox and routerIts odd that you get errors I do not considering xboxes are basically identical. I'd like to peg this down cause I have noticed some really wierd behavior with python's internet modules that doesn't register as an error.

I'm on cable,
Linksys - B wireless router,
xbox 1.0,
Using xbmc as Dash from c:
No wireless conection between xbox/router
When plugged to router its great
When statically patched via proxy its buggy (
I've had success with 02-12, 03-08, 03-09, 03-17, 03-23, 03-27, 04-03 (Not all are official I know)
Oh and what have you read about this?  Anything?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 10, 2004, 03:18:00 AM
I updated the documentation to reflect the latest changes on Python.

I will only reply to questions regarding this documentation now here so no need to ask infos about all other things.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 10, 2004, 11:19:00 AM
If you've ever been in a position even remotely silmilar to Alx's, then you'd understand how badly you can be swarmed by ppl asking the DUMBEST questions.  (If it includes paths or firewalls or personal settings, don't ask me either).  So until I get annoyed I will try to answer intelligent questions if I can. After that we're gonna need another coder to take up the slack.  BTW, has anybody else been working on any scripts?  I've been stuck trying to get multifile torrents working. (Well, it works technically, but sooo buggy.  I'm thinking it will be time to give up soon), I was thinking about trying to make an xbox RAR/ISO extractor script next.  Any suggestions or help would be nice..
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 10, 2004, 11:44:00 AM
QUOTE (riffraff @ Apr 10 2004, 04:53 PM)
And oh - welcome back from surgery Alex! Hope all went well...

thank you to mind about my health smile.gif
The hospitals sucks so they decided to postpone the surgery sad.gif

BTW if someone notices typo in my doc please msg me
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 10, 2004, 02:04:00 PM
Has anyone been able to get Xbox Media Center (XBMC) 04-10-2004-rar.torrent using the script?  The mirrors needed to be updated, but it seems this one file is being tricky.  Its either an http error, filename issue, or a typo I keep overlooking.  I downloaded it from same location with PC.  Granted, I haven't slept in a while, so its probably something dumb on my part.  Just posting here to see if its universal.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: riffraff on April 11, 2004, 10:56:00 PM
QUOTE (ges @ Apr 12 2004, 01:12 AM)
is there a win32 or linux build of the guilib for faster development?

Sure there is. Read the excellent tutorial written by Alex on his web site.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 11, 2004, 11:11:00 PM
No it's not the guilib library on my site, just the documentation !
XBMC libs are not ported on PC yet
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: ges on April 12, 2004, 01:16:00 AM
i already read the manual its good, but there is nothing said about developing GUI under windows.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 12, 2004, 12:14:00 PM
my method to write scripts :
i write them using console mode under windows and then i port them on XBMC.
So almost no debug on Xbox.

About Python, even if i don't really create new scripts for now, I decided to work on a bigger step : XBMC itself smile.gif Very basics things for now but that way I will be able to add functions I need in the xbmc/xbmcgui library.  I'm not a very good C++ dev, and XBMC is a very huge project and very hard to understand the sources but for now everything I wanted to add is working  smile.gif

riffraff don't take it like this, it 's always nice to help people and I appreciate you do this.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 12, 2004, 05:32:00 PM
Do you have XDK?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 13, 2004, 03:01:00 AM
user posted image

New functions  biggrin.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 13, 2004, 01:08:00 PM
My code is in the CVS now  biggrin.gif

I also added the ability to erase the debug python screen by pressing the white button but it's not added yet in the CVS
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Amything on April 13, 2004, 01:19:00 PM
Good job.

Can you add a funtion to check if there is any media playing, or XBMC has been idle?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 13, 2004, 06:54:00 PM
Can you add a funtion to check if there is any media playing, or XBMC has been idle?
I'm sure you can write a script to do that with existing modules.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: LaundroMat on April 14, 2004, 01:54:00 AM
Thanks to alex for the excellent tutorial, but I was wondering whether there are any docs on the inner workings of the XMBC python modules?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 14, 2004, 02:03:00 AM
QUOTE (LaundroMat @ Apr 14 2004, 10:54 AM)
Thanks to alex for the excellent tutorial, but I was wondering whether there are any docs on the inner workings of the XMBC python modules?

Darkie just added one so wait for the next binaries release of XBMC.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 16, 2004, 04:17:00 AM
Just added a multiple torrent downloader script on my page.
It's an early beta so it's very buggy for now.
Don't bug me about updates, just feel lucky to have this beta script  biggrin.gif

Just edit the script and edit the directory with your torrents files, then download will be placed there.
More torrents files = more memory so XBMC may crashes!
Anyway, this scirpt was just a proof of concept and I may never update it again.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: georgc on April 16, 2004, 07:09:00 AM
ALX i started using you BT client for XBMP and it works wonderfully. I thank you for your time you spent on pythin script. Besides your page are there anyother scripts out there?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 16, 2004, 08:01:00 AM
thank you
all my released scripts are on the website in my signature.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 18, 2004, 11:36:00 AM
do you have the latest version of my xbox port?
When you say crash, you mean xbmc crashes and you have to reset the xbox?
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 18, 2004, 01:11:00 PM
seem to have a problem in the original BT client. It will freeze after some time. I am downloading a file that is 625 mb it got to 575 but it crashes everytime it scans the file before download. Is there any way to prevent the thing from crashing/
Yea, I found that bug.  It happens if you try to view the script output while it is still checking the existing file.  625 MB can take a really long time.  Don't check the status until you see the network light going.  It takes me about 5 min to recheck 350MB be patient.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 18, 2004, 06:59:00 PM
Well you could calculate it by checking the percentage intervals between updates once the checking is done.  I believe the default time between updates to the output is 60 seconds.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 19, 2004, 09:49:00 AM
I don't think this thread should be pinned, but Alx's tuts/examples should be...
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 19, 2004, 04:28:00 PM
triggernum5 - have you figured out the new ** DO NOT ATTEMPT TO POST LINK TO THAT WAREZ TORRENT SITE ** directory structure yet?
Well, about a week ago they changed the string that denotes the start of a new item to the script..
line#85 tntnum = string.count(tntstring, 'at(')
to         tntnum = string.count(tntstring, 'at2(')
line#93 fieldstart = string.find(tntstring, 'at(', fieldstart)
to         fieldstart = string.find(tntstring, 'at2(', fieldstart)
I've found the site to be unresponsive alot lately.  Its been up since about 2:00pm GMT-5h today.  Sorry if I didn't post this already, I thought I had.  BTW.  I'm guessing these changes will be common.  If you look in the torrentlist.htm file downloaded you can figure out any minor changes easily enough.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 21, 2004, 07:32:00 AM
Just added a YAC listener to my scripts page.

Before asking a question, read the readme!

And if you don't know what YAC is and how it works, I cannot help you so don't email me.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 22, 2004, 03:23:00 AM
I updated the documentation with latest functions and added a child window tutorial.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: uberx on April 22, 2004, 03:52:00 PM
*deleted* [found original thread that i thought had been deleted, please help if you can! -bittorrent links-(client) topic] thank you!
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Beelzabub on April 25, 2004, 09:48:00 PM
I think I have just found a bug. Where if the yac listener script is listening(running) in the background and you go and watch a movie and a call comes in or so you then wont be able to use your controller/dvd remote to pause play stop the movie... The movie will continue to play fine but you can not use your controller/remote at all only thing you can do is reset the xbox or shut it off and reboot
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on April 27, 2004, 04:01:00 AM
I think I have just found a bug. Where if the yac listener script is listening(running) in the background and you go and watch a movie and a call comes in or so you then wont be able to use your controller/dvd remote to pause play stop the movie... The movie will continue to play fine but you can not use your controller/remote at all only thing you can do is reset the xbox or shut it off and reboot
Are you sure you can't use it AT ALL?  With other scripts I find that the script will hog the cpu and I need to repeatedly press buttons to get a response.  (Basically frozen, not truly)  Try pressing a button a few hundred times to see if its truly frozen, or if its bogged.  When I use bitxbox I find that the movie playback doesn't suffer at all, but it doesn't like to accept input either.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: Beelzabub on April 27, 2004, 10:42:00 AM
I have waited for about 10-15 min and pressed buttons it just wont work I also had a friend try and samething happens to him, I can even go via the web controling of XBMC and the stop function wont work.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: alx5962 on April 27, 2004, 12:31:00 PM
as sad in the doc , it's a very basic YAC listener in early stage so don't expect to have a perfect script for now.
But the script is released under GPL and everyone is allowed to make it nicer.
In a side note, when I wrote it and tested it, i haven't noticed such problem with it.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: NFCTinken on May 09, 2004, 08:02:00 AM
First off, many thanks to alx5962 for his excellent work! I just had a question about all the other scripts in my scripts dir. I only use for downloading torrents, so do I need all the other scripts or can I delete them? I just didn't know if they had any associations or if it is safe to delete them. If you could please let me know if this is okay, I would appreicate it. Thanks again, this is great. No more noisy PC to get torrents.  biggrin.gif
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on May 13, 2004, 05:49:00 AM
You don't need the Bittorrent folder to grab the torrents.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: triggernum5 on May 14, 2004, 02:59:00 AM
Anyone wanna get in on doing up an nntp binaries reader?   There are lots of options to port.  I'm trying to get Pyne ported, and I'd like to get it finished asap.  Anybody who thinks they can help speed it up  (Perhaps work on an xbox gui) Let me know.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: riahc3 on February 19, 2005, 05:35:00 AM
Sorry about bumping this up from so long but i was looking for Bittorrent client for Xbox and found this thread. But it seems the page in the first post is dead. Can anyone help me?

Yep dont worry I have turned on the red light alert for a n00b. Dont be alarmed...
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: JayDee on February 19, 2005, 06:49:00 AM
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: xtrmplayr on November 18, 2006, 12:23:00 PM
is sthere a new website because is also dead i believe. can some1 plz tell me where i can get a copy of bitxbox or another similar program. thank you in advance and i hope that u will not regard this as a waste of ur time.
Title: Python Scripts
Post by: cricket on August 10, 2008, 12:27:00 PM
Yes I would like to know where to get it as well...
I've read all the threads about it on xbmc, xbox-scene forums.. all links are dead! sad.gif
Even xbmcscripts does not have it! There are even chinese sites that have articles about it, also with dead links!
Don't believe me? Have a look:

So you think it doesn't work, you don't like it... whatever.. I don't care I still want to download it.
I think its called or   

Thanks for any help in advance.

P.S. To the mods:
No Torrent, Newsgroup Or Emule Script Crap, NO TEXT IN POST, TOPIC IS CLEAR ENOUGH!

The topic is actually unclear to me. No text in post? What text is not allowed in post, the word torrent? I don't understand.. This thread not being locked and the people who participated in it also leads more to my confusion because it would seem permissible because of this tolerated behavior of discussion in this thread.