
Xbox360 Forums => P => Xbox 360 Specific Game Chat (wip) => Xbox360 Game Forums => Prey => Topic started by: 89c4l98 on July 11, 2006, 04:21:00 PM

Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: 89c4l98 on July 11, 2006, 04:21:00 PM
I just bought prey and got my little gay figurine smile.gif anyway is it worth opening the game or returning it and rent it.... ???
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: 89c4l98 on July 11, 2006, 06:30:00 PM
played for a while.. so far it's cool...
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: Heet on July 11, 2006, 06:42:00 PM
Its pretty much Doom3 with an Indian.  If you want to play that game again then ya, open it.
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: Reaper527 on July 13, 2006, 08:53:00 PM
the game seems pretty cool to me so far, however it seems pretty short. the multiplayer is fun though, so if you should keep it or rent it is basically a question of if you see yourself playing the game on live (just a heads up though, from what i can tell multiplayer == live, i actually don't see any split screen offline option)
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: crobar on July 14, 2006, 06:53:00 AM
QUOTE(Heet @ Jul 12 2006, 01:49 AM) View Post

Its pretty much Doom3 with an Indian.  If you want to play that game again then ya, open it.

um have you fucking played this game its nothing like all...its fun.
the only way this game is like doom is the fact that is uses the doom 3 engine...thats it.
doom 3 sucks ass, its borring and doesnt engage you and anyone who says this is just doom with an indian hasnt played the game to know how dam cool this game is.

so far  im on level 15 and the game is awesome it gets you thinking differently like walking on walls changing gravity, crazy portals, spirit walking, and puzzle like chalenges dealing with all of those, and fighting  some crazy enemies...this game rocks.
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: melongstrike on July 14, 2006, 07:07:00 AM

I mean I only tried teh demo. The game looks good but I can't change my controller configuration to my liking.

For example: On halo I have to play with legacy/green thumb. Maybe the real game has more controller/buton config's but for right now I am not buying if this can't be adjusted.

yes, I can play with the defaults but it takes to much thinking.. I have to actually think about what I am doing instead of just playing...
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: Reaper527 on July 14, 2006, 10:06:00 AM
judging by the prey icon in the thread starters gamertag i'd say he made his decision smile.gif
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: ConRad911 on July 14, 2006, 10:17:00 AM
usualy when i BUY a game, i open it and try it. and if i beat it/ dont like it. i sell it on Redflagdeals. lol
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: 89c4l98 on July 15, 2006, 05:31:00 PM
The only thing that disappoints me is that you do not really DIE... I'm still trying to decide if thats good or bad.... but otherwise this game is kick ass.. deffinitley worth the $60 for a plastic disc.
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: Reaper527 on July 15, 2006, 09:34:00 PM
QUOTE(89c4l98 @ Jul 15 2006, 07:38 PM) View Post

The only thing that disappoints me is that you do not really DIE... I'm still trying to decide if thats good or bad.... but otherwise this game is kick ass.. deffinitley worth the $60 for a plastic disc.

i'm undecided about that too, on cherokee mode, they took out the healthpacks, and you wouldn't notice except for the fact that there where so many in normal mode. in single player health packs are truely useless. in cherokee mode the only part that was a little bit challenging was at the end of the last full level (21) i ended up running low on ammo for most of my powerful guns.
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: hamwbone on July 16, 2006, 01:42:00 PM
im glad, single player was awsome, but i ran thru it in 3 days. it was pretty amazing, but i just dont see anyreason to play thru it again. totally on rails it felt like. the multiplayer is complete garbage.  totally unplayable. i dont understand how a company can release something like that...
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: Reaper527 on July 16, 2006, 10:11:00 PM
well, i like the multiplayer because i think the weapons are pretty interesting, i'm so sick of ww2 and modern day weapons its nice to see something creative for a change. this game has the cooloest looking grenades i've ever seen
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: hamwbone on July 17, 2006, 09:18:00 AM
dont get me wrong, multiplayer on the pc version is awsome! because it works, no lag at all! 360 version=lagfest
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: slaves290 on August 02, 2006, 05:52:00 PM
QUOTE(89c4l98 @ Jul 11 2006, 11:28 PM) View Post

I just bought prey and got my little gay figurine smile.gif anyway is it worth opening the game or returning it and rent it.... ???

you know what? you shouldnt buy it. my dad was gonna buy me prey, i rented it first, i beat within 24 hours and instead of buying prey, i bought COD2. my advice to you: rent prey and beat it in almost no time instead of buying it, playing it, beating and then playing a lagging multiplayer for the rest of the time that that game works. take my advice. RENT IT!!
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: kimbonious on August 05, 2006, 04:18:00 AM
IMO Yes,

I really liked the game, and those that say it is doom with a cherokee, yeah it is, just like halo is half life with a chief.  It is a FPS so yes you will have similarities.  But jeez, there was so much difference.  
Only complaint, too short.  8 hrs normal difficulty.  6 1/2 on cherokee.  Come on now.  way too easy,.
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: Maverick0984 on August 07, 2006, 03:36:00 PM
QUOTE(kimbonious @ Aug 5 2006, 05:25 AM) View Post

IMO Yes,

I really liked the game, and those that say it is doom with a cherokee, yeah it is, just like halo is half life with a chief.  It is a FPS so yes you will have similarities.  But jeez, there was so much difference.  
Only complaint, too short.  8 hrs normal difficulty.  6 1/2 on cherokee.  Come on now.  way too easy,.

lol, halo is not halflife with a chief.  people say prey is doom with a cherokee because it is the same or at least very very similar game engine, and everything feels very very similar.  halo does not feel like halflife...that being said, i'm not by any means saying prey is a bad game.  i loved doom, so a game similar to doom i would think i would like as well.
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: Reaper527 on August 30, 2006, 09:27:00 AM
QUOTE(trentdadi @ Aug 28 2006, 03:18 AM) View Post

Can you go more in depth into the whole puzzle thing?  Thats where games lose me when I have to figure out stupid puzzles through the game, it kind of ruins the pace I think.  I couldnt even bring myself to finish Doom3 because I got so tired of running around and looking for keys and running back through stuff searching through the dark for some PDA.  It just got annoying and tiring when I just wanted to kill shit.

basically you'll be in a room, and there will be things on the wall that play with the gravity and turn the room to make the ceiling the floor and the floor the ceiling , and you need to make your way across using those to avoid death pits etc.

there are some puzzles, but its nothing major, all the "puzzles" are simple and straight foward and won't take long to figure out.
Title: Is Prey Worth Buying?
Post by: jude on March 27, 2007, 12:49:00 PM
This game is what FPS is supposed to be about.