
Xbox360 Forums => F => Xbox 360 Specific Game Chat (wip) => Xbox360 Game Forums => Full Auto => Topic started by: twistedsymphony on February 06, 2006, 10:25:00 AM

Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: twistedsymphony on February 06, 2006, 10:25:00 AM
yeah I saw that in the OXM I got in Saturday's mail  sad.gif

I can see where they're coming from because I saw a lot of their negative comments right in the demo.

I don't have the mag with me but from what I remember their reasons were:

-not even an attempt at a background story, no time or location setting, at least they could have gone with the typical "post apocalyptic" thing.

-very dull and repetitive, no configurations of the cars what so ever, most of the cars drive the same and most of the guns shoot the same

-no points for anything like causing damage, the only motivation to cause damage is... there isn't any.

-no interesting game modes, the winner is he who comes in first place be it by driving or shooting, that's it, that's the whole game.

They did say that the graphics were good and that the reverse time feature was interesting but useless once you were halfway good at the game.
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: revs on February 06, 2006, 10:42:00 AM
Its a pity they put all that work into the game, and then release it, and it sucks. They should have made it more like Carmageddon
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: dabigdilla on February 06, 2006, 11:21:00 AM
Did they say anything about multiplayer?
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: deakphreak on February 06, 2006, 11:29:00 AM
yea that is pretty harsh but those points made sure make it sound like a failure.  I loved the demo but it only lasts for so long.  This one is going to be a rental for me.
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: miggidy on February 06, 2006, 12:26:00 PM
I thought the demo was fun, but from what Twisted posted you can see that there wasn't much difference between the demo and the finished product.

In short, the game might be fun (depends on who you ask to begin with) for the first few minutes,
but that's about it....

Too bad if you ask me, this is one of those games that a lot of people were looking forward to pop.gif

Hey Twisted, any playable X360 demos in the latest disk?
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: KAGE360 on February 06, 2006, 12:27:00 PM
well thats a damn shame.  i was really impressed by the demo and saw a lot of potential.  i dont know why they would knock it for not having a backstory, what racing game does?  also i thought the point to the destruction was to refill your boost and rewind time functions.  ill probably still rent it just to get a feel for it.
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: crobar on February 06, 2006, 12:30:00 PM
i think very soon your going to see game devs realese game concept demos...
that way they dont waste  $$$$$$$$$$ bring  the public games they dont care for...
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: twistedsymphony on February 06, 2006, 01:57:00 PM
QUOTE(miggidy @ Feb 6 2006, 02:33 PM) View Post

Hey Twisted, any playable X360 demos in the latest disk?

yeah Quake 4 and Condemned

So far it's been
Jan - Kameo & Full Auto
Feb - COD2 & FFXI
Mar - Quake 4 & Condemned

here's hoping next month's is something new and not yet available.

Tonight I'll grab the mag and get some more accurate info on what they said if you people are interested. pop.gif

As for Full Auto being like Carmageddon... I'd much rather have a modern version of Interstate '76 That was one of the coolest car combat games, totally customizable too, like an automotive FPS  biggrin.gif
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: lostboyz on February 06, 2006, 03:28:00 PM
wow interstate 76 havent played that in forever, best game ever

dr. radar missles were so excellent
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: prankfurter on February 06, 2006, 05:12:00 PM
interstate 76 was awesome... interstate 82 not so much....

but i had high hopes for this game.... hopefully other reviews are better but i doubt it... will be a rental
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: BanjoK on February 06, 2006, 05:34:00 PM
Full Auto looked like it had huge potential. It is a pity that it did badly. Also lostboyz has a signature that is too large. I am warning him before any moderator sees it.
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: Altima NEO on February 06, 2006, 06:09:00 PM
sucks... so are there any games to look forward to?
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: crobar on February 06, 2006, 06:49:00 PM
nope...this is it, geo wars  is all we get...
give it some time good games are on the way oblivion soon and the "new" burnout title
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: twistedsymphony on February 06, 2006, 07:31:00 PM
Full Auto
Full of something...

Once you scrape a little of the shiny next-gen paint off Sega's new car-combat game Full Auto, you get a clear glimpse of the no-frills, standard factory model vehicle that lies underneath. For all of Full Auto's slick chrome exterior, which looked so promising earlier in the game's development, it's clear that the time invested under its hood wasn't spent on really fleshing out the game beyond its initial concept. The thrill of blowing up enemies while tearing around a track only lasts as long as it takes to learn Full Auto's core mechanics: Unwreck, turbo, shoot, and steer. In other words, the thrill is gone pretty quickly.

Describing the game as "Burnout with guns" is misleading. Burnout is innovative and addictive, and it evolves the arcade driving experience with features like Crash Mode and Revenge during races. Full Auto, unfortunately, never moves past its basic drive-fast-shoot-everything concept. It's more like Need For Speed II with guns, really. The 17 various game types found within Career Mode don't break up the one-note gameplay much,  either. They just define what kind of track you race on - point-to-point or circuit with minor variations - or who you're racing against.

Maybe if the weapons were more creative, or if you could choose any of them to mount on any hard point on your car, the gameplay would be more varied and satisfying. Instead, you choose from a limited number of weapon loadouts, resulting in every race in every mode feeling incredibly similar, combat-wise. Go as fas as you can or blow up as many opponents as possible - it really doesn't matter because there are no power-ups and no particularly clever game types, and Full Auto doesn't force you to employ much strategy other that keeping the gas and trigger fully depressed. At least if you play it online you can talk a little trash, but even the cookie-cutter multiplayer mode doesn't go out of its way to redeem the gameplay.

The addition of the Unwreck feature (one button press lets you rewind time a la Prince of Persia, giving you a do-over on badly navigated turns or another chance to avoid clumsily rolling over a mine) make a good attempt at differentiating the game from the racking pack. But in the face of the crushing dullness of everything else in the game, it has little chance to shine. Neither does the way the game lets you blast everything in the environment to smithereens - and what's not beautiful about that? - but sadly, there's little consequence or payoff for doing so other than spectacular eye candy and the boost to your nitro and Unwreck meters. Despite creating easy-to-avoid obstacles, it doesn't add much. Where's the depth?

Another incredibly strange thing about Full Auto is that there doesn't appear to be any story. We're not stupid. We know this is an arcade racer with guns, not War and Peace, but we'd like an explanation as to why our little street racing club has resorted to such extreme violence. The lack of backstory isn't a huge ding against Full Auto, but in a game that works entirely on a visceral, cosmetic level, it's just another void left gaping.

If you can find a video store that'll let you rent this game for exactly one hour, do it. That's about how long it'll take you to realize that Full Auto is pretty disappointing for an Xbox 360 game and for car combat games in general. Cars with guns should equal good times, but Full Auto's skin-deep thrills last only as long as it takes for a quick test drive.

+ They nailed the cool Unwreck feature.
- Limited weapon options.
- No story or plot, not even a thin one.
? What happened to good old-fashioned post-apocalyptic wastelands as a background story?

Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: tonloc79 on February 06, 2006, 09:04:00 PM
Im extremely sadenned by this, gonna go cry now. I wish i knew this yesterday, i met (At a Super Bowl party)and was hanging out with a guy who worked for Sega and worked on both Condemned and Full Auto(His name was in the Condemned manual), i would of called him out on it!
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: tonloc79 on February 07, 2006, 02:33:00 PM
5.5 out of 10? I have a theory about this and let me know what u guys think!  
I think that somebody from the FULL AUTO TEAM slept with the girlfriend/wife of the guy who reviewed this game from OXM! Regardless of anything else, in the back of FEB OXM on Pg. 83 theres all 18 360 reviews and no other game scored below 6.5 and that was RR6 and FIFA. I think we need to read between the lines here, theres no way this game can be that bad......................................right?
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: tonloc79 on February 07, 2006, 05:22:00 PM
QUOTE(jaskerzada006 @ Feb 7 2006, 10:53 PM) View Post

If oxm gives it a 5.5, then I give it a 3.0 and i've only played the demo.

WOW, so you review games based on a demo? Thats a brilliant comment! sleeping.gif
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: alsybub on February 08, 2006, 04:20:00 AM
QUOTE(tonloc79 @ Feb 8 2006, 12:29 AM) View Post

WOW, so you review games based on a demo? Thats a brilliant comment! sleeping.gif

I wouldn't review a game based on a demo but the demo for Full Auto points to it being a huge stinking pile of something that stinks. I don't care that it's 'work in progress'. It didn't exactly bode well. Supposedly we buy games based on a demo so why wouldn't the game mechanics be virtully the same in the final version? Graphical tweaks are generally the only real changes between a demo and final version.
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: twistedsymphony on February 08, 2006, 07:31:00 AM
QUOTE(Topey327 @ Feb 8 2006, 09:14 AM) View Post

In this IGN hands-on article, the developers mentioned that the demo was from august 2005 and is extremely outdated compared to the final product. It has been greatly enhanced/tweaked/fixed etc since then.

yeah it's true, it's the same demo shown at Zero Hour back in November

The graphics in the screenshots of the OXM review look AMAZING but graphics arn't everything.

I think the OXM review was a bit harsh (I really HATE OXM, I only subscribe for the discs, most times I throw out the mag because their idiot journalists annoy and frustrate me) But if the demo is any indication of the gameplay and general game feel then I don't think I'll like it very much.

I bet it will still do very well though, being one of 2 releases in the Post-launch slump.
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: twistedsymphony on February 08, 2006, 08:22:00 AM
QUOTE(jaskerzada006 @ Feb 8 2006, 09:39 AM) View Post

If i play a shitty demo, why would I waste money on the game?

Please enlighten.

maybe you liked the demo

maybe you didn't play the demo

maybe you pre-ordered because it looked interesting and there was nothing else coming out

maybe you're bored with the current games out and wanted to try the full version even if you didn't quite like the demo.

There have been numerous games where I played the demo, hated it, then decided to rent or borrow the full version and ended up loving it.

I'm sure if someone got a chance to read only ONE of your many posts and pass judgment on you they might not decide to try the full version either.

Despite my boredom with the demo and despite OXMs poor review I plan on at least renting this game to give the full version a try.
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: LowProfileWurm on February 08, 2006, 08:48:00 AM
It's sad (and hellishly frustrating) that Sega dropped a 6 month old build of the demo on the Marketplace.  I too disliked the demo severly and I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to car combat.  It's almost like they know its going to suck and they shouldn't bother putting together a more recent demo.  Regardless, I'll give this a rental just because I know that the demo is old.  What can I say, I'm an optimist.
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: prankfurter on February 08, 2006, 10:50:00 AM
more reviews are coming up

but none from any sites i trust as much as OXM...

i will wait and see what gamespot and ign have to say. hopefully its not as bad as oxm feels.... :|
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: Rubix42 on February 08, 2006, 12:13:00 PM
Based off the demo, here's my impression

The cars give you no sense of speed.

The fact that I can't aim, shoot, and hit the gas at the same time without pretzelling my hand is very dissapointing.

The rewind is neat, but about as useful as tits on a log.  Fun to play with, but things never really go anywhere.

The weapons don't look like they do any damage, and then after a strange period of time, the car blows up.

I was never able to refill my shielding on the car, so unless I'm missing something, it seems like you're gauranteed to get smoked at least once per race.

I would say that 5.5 is a generous score based off the demo.  They would need to do some major changes for the final game to earn my $60.
Title: Oxm Reviews Full Auto According 2
Post by: LowProfileWurm on February 08, 2006, 12:22:00 PM
QUOTE(Rubix42 @ Feb 8 2006, 02:20 PM) View Post

Based off the demo, here's my impression

The cars give you no sense of speed.

The fact that I can't aim, shoot, and hit the gas at the same time without pretzelling my hand is very dissapointing.

The rewind is neat, but about as useful as tits on a log.  Fun to play with, but things never really go anywhere.

The weapons don't look like they do any damage, and then after a strange period of time, the car blows up.

I was never able to refill my shielding on the car, so unless I'm missing something, it seems like you're gauranteed to get smoked at least once per race.

I would say that 5.5 is a generous score based off the demo.  They would need to do some major changes for the final game to earn my $60.
That seems like a pretty good assessment there, Marvin.

I really laughed at the 'tits on a log' comment.  laugh.gif