
Xbox360 Forums => F => Xbox 360 Specific Game Chat (wip) => Xbox360 Game Forums => Fallout 3 => Topic started by: M16GANKSTA on September 18, 2009, 10:46:00 PM

Title: Paradise Falls Endless Caps And Slave Collar Glitch
Post by: M16GANKSTA on September 18, 2009, 10:46:00 PM
One other thing is I can still enslave other NPC even though Grouse gives me 250 caps and a collar every time I go into Paradise falls and come back out.  Also, I can fast travel all over the map and come back and the glitch it still active.  I'm up to 14,000 + caps and20 slave collars.  I think this is the coolest glitch ever.  I can buy anything my heart desires. Not that it matters, I'm level 30 and completed every quest cept for a 2 DLC (ThePitt, and Operation Anchorage) which I am Dowloading tonight.  I rented WET, and I  WAS VERY DISAPPOINTED. This game had great hopes for me but is too hard, too technical, and not fun.  Note to game DEVS.  We do not want super hard games.  We want FUN GAMES> See Fallout, Gears of War,CoD4 Left 4 Dead and GTA IV as a few examples...those games have the right balance of AI but you will not stand around pulling you hair out trying to get past a certain point.... Also, need more MMO for 360 that don't suck and are really good.  That would be awesome.  A MMO for 360 like Fallout....that would Rox.
Title: Paradise Falls Endless Caps And Slave Collar Glitch
Post by: M16GANKSTA on September 22, 2009, 05:37:00 AM
This glitch is nuttier than a shithouse rat.   It was cool for a little while but now I have 60 slave collars eating up all my inventory space because  the game does not allow me to stash my extra collars in my locker because really you should not ever need room for more than 1 and the game treats it like a quest object. It is kind of cool enslaving multiple people @ once though...get's kind of interesting. I'm a level 30 and really do not feel like starting a new character but this glitch is a fun killer and the HEAD of STATE quest glitching and not ending is  holding me back from getting 100% completion. I am missing that 1 trophy. It irks me so bad.  I have every single achievement but 1 and it looks like I will be starting a new character.   Maybe a female character this time around.  It is a miracle anything works in this game.  I have had had many problems with quests glitching and weird things happening so save often. Playing off the HDD seems to help a little bit.