
Xbox360 Forums => D => Xbox 360 Specific Game Chat (wip) => Xbox360 Game Forums => Dead Rising => Topic started by: bigballer101 on August 17, 2006, 11:32:00 AM

Title: Zombie Genocide?
Post by: bigballer101 on August 17, 2006, 11:32:00 AM
has anyone attempted 2 get it or have it yet? im finishing over time then ill attempt infinity mode if i unlock it but im pretty sure i can get it but yeah 54k zombies good for yalls? it takes about 2 and a half hours 2 do
Title: Zombie Genocide?
Post by: Shinamano on August 18, 2006, 06:04:00 AM
I got it as well...slightly different method.

Same convertible...go down ramp take a right then your first left followed by another right (this is a dead end...also the place you get the maintanence key...the reason you go here is it spawns a ton of zombies right behind you). Turn around and take a right and another right.

At the end of the road there will be a white sedan...get in and go straight...all the way to a dead end parking lot (again this spawns massive zombies)...turn around and take your first right and then your next right...follow this tunnel all the way (it curves up and left) to massive ammounts of zombies and a truck...

Get in the truck go out the way you came...go all the way down this road until you come to a T this point you can turn around and go to the exit ramp (up and on your left) which takes you back to the convertible...rinse and repeat.

A couple of want to hit as many propane tank zombies as possible and remember that you can look at your map if you get lost. This method left me about 35 hours (after starting at 72) which time I got the Karate Champ and I would have got the Gourmet had the Pizza I had gone bad before the chopper came... grr.gif

I am going to work on Saint and Census taker this weekend...
Title: Zombie Genocide?
Post by: CreziB on August 18, 2006, 05:13:00 PM
I'm workin' on it right now.  I'm at 25k.  I just slap on my megaman boots, my pro wrestler underwear, and jump in the van/truck in the tunnels, do a lap to the white sedan, drive back to the van.  Go in the butcher shop, come out, get back in the van. repeat.

Turned the volume off and just listening to music
Title: Zombie Genocide?
Post by: CreziB on August 19, 2006, 08:48:00 AM
As long as it takes to do this, and the 72 hour mode, I can't imagine the time to do 5 day or 7 day survival.  I'm not interested in Arthur's shorts, so 5 day for a light sabre should do fine.

Especially with no saves, people are saying it takes 14 hours, 2 real hours for every day.
Title: Zombie Genocide?
Post by: Shinamano on August 20, 2006, 10:56:00 AM
This only took me about 3 hours...I have not tried to get the infinate modes yet (I am working on Saint) ...but I have to have Aurthers shorts...even if it kills me wink.gif
Title: Zombie Genocide?
Post by: Spud_Hed on September 08, 2006, 09:50:00 AM
wheres the fun in usin a car! ive done the 10000, i did it with broadswords, katanas, battleaxes and hand to hand all powered by the criminal book, will do the full 54k this week, if youre gonna do it, do it right! biggrin.gif
Title: Zombie Genocide?
Post by: Maj Tom 360 on September 15, 2006, 08:00:00 AM
Now there's a guy that knows how to do things  muhaha.gif