
Xbox360 Forums => D => Xbox 360 Specific Game Chat (wip) => Xbox360 Game Forums => Dead Rising => Topic started by: no0b123 on August 12, 2006, 03:11:00 PM

Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: no0b123 on August 12, 2006, 03:11:00 PM
I need serious help with this game here. I find Isabella in the Mall next to the food market with about one minute to spare. She is riding on this motorcycle which is her main weapon. I have two options: Kill her, or run away. If I kill her, a short cut-scene shows her leaving me behind which results in a "case expired" screen and the game restarts. If I run away, I automaticaly lose. Tell me, what am I supposed to do? When the time limit runs out, I can still fight her or choose to not fight her. Either way, the game wont end until I kill her or run away.

Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: CreziB on August 12, 2006, 07:11:00 PM
*re-read your post/deleted mine.  I'm on that mission, but not to her, yet.

This post has been edited by CreziB: Aug 13 2006, 02:13 AM
Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: no0b123 on August 12, 2006, 08:44:00 PM
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I completely ignore her, I dont think the game will continue....
Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: scbandit4 on August 13, 2006, 11:36:00 AM
when i got to that i just threw my katana at her until her health was EXTREMELYYYY LOWWWW (i dont believe she died) and then it went to a cutscene where frank tackled her and they talked
Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: no0b123 on August 13, 2006, 02:51:00 PM
I knew what was 5 started at 12:00 and I was getting to her at exactly 11:50 which meant I had 10 minutes ingame time to beat her (which is like 45 secs. in real-time). Unfortunatly, I had to restart  dry.gif
Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: CreziB on August 13, 2006, 11:13:00 PM
damn, that's exactly what I said in my post before I deleted it.  I said that it sounds like you had a sucky save spot and would likely have to restart which blows.
Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: Raul602 on August 14, 2006, 02:22:00 AM
Your not killing her in the time allowed.

I managed to kill her very fast because i grabbed a sniper rifle from the sniper mission with the dad and two sons.

After i killed her she falls of the bike then tells me she is gonna talk to carilitos and meet me in some room in the north plaza.
Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: sofa king dumb on August 17, 2006, 10:51:00 PM
any suggestions on how to kill her, ive been jump kicking her but that doesnt seem to work
Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: Shinamano on August 18, 2006, 06:12:00 AM
Best way to kill her is get into the fountain and shoot her. She did not touch me and zombies dont really pose a threat there as well.
Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: mayonnaise on August 18, 2006, 06:36:00 AM
The best way to kill her I found was to get her in a small area and use a melee weapon, only takes a few swings.
Title: Girl Hunting
Post by: saunders73 on August 18, 2006, 09:07:00 AM
one smg will kill her as long as you take shots to the head from inside the fountain. or if you happen to have the gun from the convicts jeep then that will kill her in under 10 seconds