
Xbox360 Forums => B => Xbox 360 Specific Game Chat (wip) => Xbox360 Game Forums => Battlefield 2: Modern Combat => Topic started by: leo5111 on May 25, 2006, 11:14:00 AM

Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: leo5111 on May 25, 2006, 11:14:00 AM
if you are talkin about joining a buddy who is in a game just have him send you a invite then you will get in and i notice even if you look for games sometimes you get dropped into the middle of a game
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: Vhayne on May 25, 2006, 02:18:00 PM
to answer your 2nd question....

At the end of the round,  you get to vote on the next map.  Get used to playing Backstab alot.   Map is very good, but way overplayed.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: Nascasho on May 25, 2006, 03:07:00 PM
..but i always get dropped followed be the error "could not connect to EA servers..." yep.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: mike_jacko on May 26, 2006, 03:51:00 PM
yea the graphics kinda suck...but it's fun...not as good as cod2!! but it's prepared to see the same 2 maps ALOT lol
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: Kernal69er on May 26, 2006, 06:48:00 PM
QUOTE(mike_jacko @ May 26 2006, 05:58 PM) View Post

yea the graphics kinda suck...but it's fun...not as good as cod2!! but it's prepared to see the same 2 maps ALOT lol

BF@ MC is way better for multi=player online than COD2, and the graphics aren't anything spectacular, but comapred to COD2 they are better
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: Corrosive Substance on May 28, 2006, 10:00:00 AM
QUOTE(Kernal69er @ May 27 2006, 01:55 AM) View Post

BF@ MC is way better for multi=player online than COD2, and the graphics aren't anything spectacular, but comapred to COD2 they are better

Battlefield 2:MC is alot better than COD2, but graphic wise COD2 is superior.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: alsybub on May 28, 2006, 11:03:00 AM
QUOTE(paranoia4422 @ May 28 2006, 04:04 PM) View Post

Not really, COD2 would have been superior had it kept its pre release AF'ed goodness, but they dropped the AF for AA and now everything looks blurry.

Only BAD looking thing in BF2 is the shadows, as with every EA game. Its graphically superior to pc version however.

BF2 on the 360 may have more graphical techniques implemented but BF2 running on my PC looks waaaaay better.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: Corrosive Substance on May 28, 2006, 12:23:00 PM
QUOTE(alsybub @ May 28 2006, 06:10 PM) View Post

BF2 on the 360 may have more graphical techniques implemented but BF2 running on my PC looks waaaaay better.

In some parts yes but like the way the soldier is designed it looks nothing like the Xbox 360's model and the guns look better. Vehicles look pretty much the same in both.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: alsybub on May 28, 2006, 08:01:00 PM
QUOTE(Corrosive Substance @ May 28 2006, 05:30 PM) View Post

In some parts yes but like the way the soldier is designed it looks nothing like the Xbox 360's model and the guns look better. Vehicles look pretty much the same in both.

The PC version wipes the floor with the 360 version. The only thing the PC version doesn't really utilize is bump mapping.

I literally just took these grabs of BF2 running on my PC @ 1280x1024 with FX57 precessor, 2x 7800gtx graphics cards in SLi and 2gb RAM. It's all running with 16x anti aliasing as well.

You cannot say the 360 version looks better! PLUS it's 64 player!
IPB Image
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: Corrosive Substance on May 28, 2006, 08:43:00 PM
Wow, I must have been watching videos of the game that were running on low settings because that looks amazing.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: alsybub on May 28, 2006, 08:51:00 PM
Yeah that games still blows me away even now. It;s very tacticle as well. The 360 version is better for ease of access and the social side. For example on PC there are no friends lists and I only know maybe three other people who play it and even then I've only ever been in the same game as them once.

It does on the oher hand have a brilliant feature where you can create squads within your team of up to 6 people. You always resporn with your sqausd and your squad leader cascades order from your commander and places nav points so you can see where you are attacking and defending. The other good feature is that you can upgrade weapons etc. Which is a much better isentive to rank up than just being a higher rank.

Although I did feel pretty good when I got to Warrant Officer on 360. I'm averaging 84pph at the moment.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: Corrosive Substance on May 28, 2006, 09:10:00 PM
QUOTE(paranoia4422 @ May 29 2006, 04:08 AM) View Post

All but the first look like shit to the 360 version(which i just got done playing) your crazy, the textures look like shit on the outdated pc version, and judgeing by your screenshots theres no comparison on the gun/vehicle models are vastly better on the 360.

Again, all your pc version has on it is shadows(wtf is with EA and block shadows on the 360?)

I agree with you on the guns but the way the level is designed it is clear. On the Xbox 360 version it is either too dark or either blurry.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: alsybub on May 28, 2006, 09:12:00 PM
QUOTE(paranoia4422 @ May 29 2006, 02:08 AM) View Post

All but the first look like shit to the 360 version(which i just got done playing) your crazy, the textures look like shit on the outdated pc version, and judgeing by your screenshots theres no comparison on the gun/vehicle models are vastly better on the 360.

Again, all your pc version has on it is shadows(wtf is with EA and block shadows on the 360?)


Obviously these are down scaled images of the actual screen but you can still see the clarity. Also I have BF2 running at 720p and it simply doesn't compare. to the PC and finally EA didn't make BF2 on the 360 or the PC. Dice did, who are based in Chertsey England. EA is just the publisher.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: alsybub on May 28, 2006, 09:17:00 PM
QUOTE(paranoia4422 @ May 29 2006, 02:22 AM) View Post

I agree, i miss the crispness of the pc version, especially the jets and huge maps(its a shame) but i cannot let someone say the PC version looks better.
Clear-er yes but it still looks like shit.

Yes. As I said earlier. the 360 version uses many more graphical techniques than the PC version BUT the PC version still looks better.

AA and drawdistance as those ARE NOT the ONLY VISUAL QUALITYS OF GAMES

I didn't say that. You did.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: alsybub on May 28, 2006, 09:24:00 PM
At the end of the day I agree with you that the 360 version is technically superior to the PC (graphically) but the PC version is much easier on the eye, I can see everything properly, the water effects actually look like water and the characters eyes don't pop out when you kill them.  Don't get me wrong, it's the best game on 360 at the moment.

BF2 Mine2 Trailer
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: alsybub on May 28, 2006, 09:28:00 PM
QUOTE(paranoia4422 @ May 29 2006, 02:34 AM) View Post

Lol the eye popping made me go WTF when i saw it at first, it looks so stupid

Also the wierd shit where their legs bend when they die. laugh.gif

Looks like they have like 4 knees in one leg!
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: alsybub on May 28, 2006, 09:36:00 PM
Yeah. What is that about?

I hope they release some fixes for it. Especially the shadows. Squads and sqaud chat would be nice as well. I don't always speak to the other people in the game because quite often voice doesn't seem to work.

BF2 could potentially have a very long life.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: Corrosive Substance on May 28, 2006, 11:06:00 PM
Yeah there are some weird graphical glitches.
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: paranoia4422 on May 31, 2006, 10:19:00 AM
QUOTE(Walker42 @ May 31 2006, 05:18 PM) View Post

I picked up Bf2 MC and love it.   It's a really great game, even though it doesn't live up to the PC versions hell even bf1942 Desert combat from my opinion.  You really can see where this Genre can go on the 360.

They should have just ported the PC version instead of doing MC.    It would have been such a better game.

The things that bug me the most about it are...
1) The horrible shadows.
2) No NVGs for the dark maps that I'm aware of.
3) No freelook in vehicles
4) No secondary fire or Coaxle machine guns.
5) Distance draw is too short.

Given that this if first gen for the 360 I'm letting that stuff slide and enjoying the game.    The next installment better be on the ball though.   biggrin.gif

I tried cod2 demo and did a lot of research on GRAW.   The way they did the online game ruined it with me with no joins in progress.   I really prefer the ease of access bf2 MC has, and the ability to just stay in one game for an extended length of time rolling from map to map is what sold me on it.  

Plus nothing beats bailing out of a doomed chopper, landing on a roof and taking up a sniper position.  smile.gif

Freelook? no, third person view? yes
Title: Can You Join Games In Progress For Bf2 Mc?
Post by: Walker42 on May 31, 2006, 11:09:00 AM
You have a third person view, however in the light vehicles you cannot look around while driving.   You get a stright ahead view with no pan what so ever.    It Really limits the strong points and situation awareness of the fast attack vehicles without that.