
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox360 Game Forums => Xbox 360 Games General Chat (wip) => Topic started by: Legendary Badass on February 13, 2006, 10:31:00 PM

Title: Tmnt On Xbla Petition
Post by: Legendary Badass on February 13, 2006, 10:31:00 PM
Here is the link that will hopefully open Konami's eyes

Title: Tmnt On Xbla Petition
Post by: gcskate27 on February 14, 2006, 04:06:00 AM
online petitions do nothing...
Title: Tmnt On Xbla Petition
Post by: Joergen on February 14, 2006, 08:56:00 AM
And demanding somebody to port an old title over will just guarantee whoever does the port doesnt even care about it.

If somebody loves their titles enough to port them over properly (like Street Fighter) the end result is better. I think Geowars retro evolved is a good example. They've put their best shots into making a classy revamp of the old game and succeeded with flying colors.

Give the port-job to some other company/outsourced and we'd all be playing the "Classic" version.
Title: Tmnt On Xbla Petition
Post by: twistedsymphony on February 14, 2006, 09:13:00 AM
I agree with both of you  laugh.gif

as with what gcskate27 said... for all the 100s of online petitions I've seen NEVER ONCE have I ever seen anything come as a result from one..

If you have some examples you can link me too to prove me wrong, by all means please do, but I've never seen it before.
Title: Tmnt On Xbla Petition
Post by: deftonesmx17 on February 14, 2006, 09:18:00 AM
Yes some online petitions do have results. One of the previous FIFA games (I believe it was 2004) for PC did not have a LAN play option, only an internet online play option. An online petition was started and within a couple months, EA released a patch that supported LAN play.

There was also one for the PC port of Metal Gear Solid 2, the petition was for konami to release a patch that would give support to ATI chipsets and not just Nvidia chipsets(since it was a port of the xbox version and konami was lazy). Guess what, Konami later released a patch that gave full support for ATI chipsets.

But back to the original topic, I doubt a petition for an old game being ported to XBLA is going to be noticed.
Title: Tmnt On Xbla Petition
Post by: Master X on February 14, 2006, 10:42:00 AM
TMNT is shit happy.gif