
OG Xbox Forums => Software Forums => Xbox Homebrew Software => Topic started by: bludvlkg on December 19, 2002, 11:57:00 AM

Title: Dvdx 2 Audio Output
Post by: bludvlkg on December 19, 2002, 11:57:00 AM
I haven't watched a whole lot of dvd's on my xbox since I modded it, so I just noticed this last night while watching Austin Powers in Goldmember (using DVDx 2, using optical cable obviously (just to avoid dumb questions)).  I chose the DTS output, and got nothing.  When I chose Dolby Digital, I got a Pro Logic output (I know this because my rcvr has different displays for all the different audio formats).  I brought up the DVDX setup menu, and tried to change the audio outputs, and each time I opened that menu, the settings had reset to the first value.

I'm pretty sure that my xbox did Dolby 5.1 and DTS before I modded it, so I left the movie in the player, and from the EVOX menu, I booted to the Xbox Dashboard (with the DVD Playback kit plugged in).  This allowed me to use the original XBOX DVD player.  When looking at the audio setup while the movie was playing, it menu said it was outputting Dolby Digital 5.1, but the rcvr still saw ProLogic and DTS didn't work at all.  I tested my rcvr using my ps2, just to make sure it was reading the proper audio formats, and it was fine for both DD and DTS.

This isn't a huge deal, I can just use my PS2 or my other DVD player to watch movies, but it's still frustrating...Anyone got any ideas?
Title: Dvdx 2 Audio Output
Post by: kkattfish on December 19, 2002, 12:10:00 PM
did you say you did go into the ms dash and look at the audio options there??  sorry if you say you did.  if not though you may want to go there those settings may override everything else.   :beer:
Title: Dvdx 2 Audio Output
Post by: bludvlkg on December 19, 2002, 12:20:00 PM
I didn't say it, but I did do it.  Here's the thing, since it's been a couple of months since I modded, I can't remember this one thing.  In the audio options in the original MS Xbox Dash, is there a choice specifically for Dolby Digital, or does it just say Dolby Surround?
Title: Dvdx 2 Audio Output
Post by: kkattfish on December 19, 2002, 12:22:00 PM
hmm, i think it just says dolby surround but like you i haven't been in there in a while and i am at work right now.  sorry maybe somebody at their xbox could confirm this for us.   :beer:
Title: Dvdx 2 Audio Output
Post by: ewok on December 19, 2002, 06:17:00 PM
In the original Dash you have to put the settings of sound to 5.1 AND DTS.

Easy as that!
Title: Dvdx 2 Audio Output
Post by: bludvlkg on December 20, 2002, 08:19:00 AM
No, not easy as that, if it were, it would be done by now.

The only choices my ms dash gives me is "Mono", "Stereo", and "Dolby Surround" (Is there supposed to be a Dolby Digital option and a DTS option in the original Dash Audio Setting menu?  It's been long enough that I can't recall)...  

When I play a dvd through the original Xbox DVD player (with the playback kit of course), the Audio setup within the dvd player says it's playing the correct track, but the audio stream output by my box is not correct (like I said before, if track is DTS, no output from box, if track is Dolby 5.1, output is worthless ProLogic)
Title: Dvdx 2 Audio Output
Post by: RDJ on December 20, 2002, 10:08:00 AM
Since I can't lock my drive with an v1.1 XBOX (warnings about EPROMMER 045 are also found on this site) I can't start the MSDASH (Not sure BTW??   uhh.gif  I've been told this is not possible) anyway it's not on my HD anymore right now.  mad.gif

I will copy all the original files from my old v1.0 XBOX to the C-root. And try to start MSDASH. Or I will config it to Dolby Surround on a original XBOX (v1.1) and find the differences after I have selected the DD/DTS option.

Anyway I am sure will have an awnser tonight (CET)  ;-)
And will give an update (if there is).
Title: Dvdx 2 Audio Output
Post by: Numpty on December 20, 2002, 10:51:00 PM
Hmm.. Dam this dont sound good.. I NEED DTS for my dvds...
Title: Dvdx 2 Audio Output
Post by: Numpty on December 23, 2002, 05:50:00 PM