
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox 360 Hacking Forums => Technical Harddrive / SATA Forum => Topic started by: SharkUW on June 20, 2006, 04:55:00 AM

Title: Quick Clarification Needed For Hitachi Detection In Slax/windows
Post by: SharkUW on June 20, 2006, 04:55:00 AM
Of course

Title: Quick Clarification Needed For Hitachi Detection In Slax/windows
Post by: widow maker on June 20, 2006, 12:03:00 PM
i have a promise controller and cannot get it to find my drive either,  does anyone know if theres compatability problems with promise sata controllers?
Title: Quick Clarification Needed For Hitachi Detection In Slax/windows
Post by: ereet1 on June 25, 2006, 07:56:00 AM
login (root/toor)
dmesg | more  <-- lists the boot screen

dmesg | grep CD  <-- should show the dvd's detected

dmesg | grep HL  <-- should return something if the hitachi is present

dmesg -A10 SATA <-- should return the sata drives.

don't see it? It's not there. My case the Poweredge SC420 used ICH6 for PATA but used an ADAPTEC raid controller for sata (odd).

I think the best hands down board is the Output/Fry's $69.99 combo sempron 3100+/NFORCE 3 mobo. Nforce mobo's are like the most compatible on the planet, xp,xp-64,vista,vista-64,etc.  you are guaranteed to NOT have problems with this cheap pc. I use mine with a WESTY 42" LCD using SVGA port which feeds nas video to the xbox. I should load it up with MCE2005 XP and see if it can watch some movies or vista. Vista or MXE2005 can feed videos to the 360. but not as gracefully as XBMC.

It's sometimes cheaper to just build a compatibility boxen for doing various tasks.