
OG Xbox Forums => Software Forums => Homebrew & Ported Games => Topic started by: wraggster on March 27, 2005, 07:13:00 PM

Title: Fenix Port To Xbox
Post by: wraggster on March 27, 2005, 07:13:00 PM
The GP32 and Dreamcast have enjoyed a mass of dos type games all thanks to Fenix an interpreter which was ported to both systems by Chui, the Fenix interpreter uses SDL which xbox has ported.

Heres the source link -->

heres a link to all the dreamcast releases of Fenix Games

The xbox could swell with another 150 plus games plus once the runtime is on your xbox the downloads for new games would be legal, <
Title: Fenix Port To Xbox
Post by: Horscht on March 28, 2005, 04:16:00 AM
Right. This and a "proper" BoR interpreter (one that allows you to select from different mods/paks) are my only remaining wishes for my box. <
Title: Fenix Port To Xbox
Post by: EugeneEW3RD on March 31, 2005, 06:17:00 PM
I think that a port of Fenix to XBOX would be an excellent idea since there are many games written in Fenix being released espically for DC & GP32. A Fenix port to XBOX would allow us XBOX fans to be able to get more homebrew games since many games a written in Fenix.

Fenix which is located at is a scripting language prog for creating games. It can also compile games written using Div Games Studio but only if the authors release source code to their Div Games. Many Div games are located at .