
OG Xbox Forums => Software Forums => Development => Topic started by: davidtbaron on December 05, 2002, 04:09:00 PM

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: davidtbaron on December 05, 2002, 04:09:00 PM
OK Maybe im doing something wrong last night ben jeremy explained to me how the colors work in his menux v0.9 program. Here is my skin.ini











The only success i have had is to change the MenuBackColor in which i used blue 0xff0000ff no problem the menuback was blue

now i go to change the TitleColor and SubTitleColor to Yellow 0xffffff00 and no change still white text. I have tried many colors and none of them have worked in changeing the color of the game title text

My main goal is to have a menuboarder and menuback(Black)
                                       gametitle and description text (Yellow)

Dont think i am doing anything wrong since i had no problem changing the menuback to blue
but then maybe i am

any help would be greatly appreciated

[email protected]

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 05, 2002, 04:25:00 PM
TitleColor and SubTitleColor refer to the "Title Screen" which is what you see when MXM starts up...

; Border and background color for the box that surrounds the menu selections

; Text Color and Shadow color of an unselected item in the menu selections

; Text color and shadow color of the SELECTED item in the menu selections

; Text and shadow color of the Description text for the currently selected game

; Main title displayed on the initial "Disc Title" screen
; Text and shadow color of the main title (top line displayed)

; Text and shadow color of the subtitle (2nd line displayed)

I hope this clears up some confusion. There is an open issue that I haven't finished making EVERYTHING defined in the skin happen on the screen, but most of the colors are handled.

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: davidtbaron on December 05, 2002, 04:58:00 PM
OK What the hell am i doing wrong here .i am having no luck here is my skin.ini is it ok because i am still getting white text when i entered black text with a yellow shadow









Sorry to be such a pain but i not having any luck with this.

[email protected]
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 05, 2002, 05:28:00 PM
Well, I'm a bit puzzled at the moment...

The next version will not have this shortcoming, but for some reason, I'm not able to change it. Very strange, it almost looks like the wrong colors are somehow getting set into the skin configuration, because the drawing routines work.

Sorry about that. I'll figure it out.

I did write an INI to XML converter, as the next version will be moving to that format, so converting skins will be relatively painless (I used the tool already to convert my existing skins). Sorry in advance for that abrupt change, but at the moment, it's quicker then reading the ini file and I'd prefer consistency (since the complex skins will REQUIRE the flexibility of XML to describe the layouts)
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 05, 2002, 06:18:00 PM

Man, I'm incredibly absent minded these days!!!! I gave you the wrong key names!!!

Try these:

; Background color of menu selection area
; Border color of menu selection area

; Shadow color of unselected menu items
; Color of  unselected menu items

; Background color of menu selection area for SELECTED items
; Border color of menu selection area for SELECTED items

; Shadow color of selected menu items
; Color of selected menu items


; Background color of short game description

; Border color of short game description

; Shadow color of short game description

; Color of short game description

; Yes/No... Draw the short game description

Yeah, I forgot that I changed these keynames to be more consistent. I am truly sorry about that. As it was, I wasn't using the new names in my own skins!!

The shadow colors are not supported in the latest release, they will always be black... sorry about that one. Likewise, I don't think I draw the background and box for the selected item.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 07, 2002, 04:40:00 AM
The next version will have a option to turn off auto-config.

Remove the ones in the ini file for now.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: jj42 on December 07, 2002, 11:21:00 AM
Yep, now everything's fine (removing them from the INI).. thanks!
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 07, 2002, 11:27:00 AM
QUOTE (jj42 @ Dec 7 2002, 02:21 PM)
Yep, now everything's fine (removing them from the INI).. thanks!

                                    Great... as Weavus said, it's already fixed for the next version. I hope he found the W-I-P files that were up last night.

I may release a new version Tomorrow night. We'll see what I can get done this weekend.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 07, 2002, 07:43:00 PM
QUOTE (maidenman @ Dec 7 2002, 08:54 PM)
Ben here's a simple idea that should be really easy to implement. How about remembering the last game run, and defaulting to that one when Media X loads? (I mean highlighting it on the list, for a single-button run).

Or, even better, how about waiting five seconds and then automatically booting that game. (Similar to the Windows multi-boot menu). This way, those who use Media X as their dashboard can have their current game of choice boot automatically, no user-intervention, when they turn on their Box! This should be an option than can be disabled in the .ini.

If you want to get fancy, remember how many times every game on the menu has been loaded, and re-order the menu so most popular games are on top, the way the Windows XP start menu works. Those games you have on the Hard Drive just for the occasional demo for friends will automagically be positioned on the end of the list.

                                    Interesting ideas....

It already remembers the last game ran...

The auto-run is kind of scary, though; it would be easy enough to impliment. Definitely a config option that defaults to off for most people.

The ordering thing is very interesting... it's not as simple to impliment, but once version1.0 is out, I'll be reorganizing a lot of stuff (actually, I've been busy reorganizing stuff anyway).

Just to fill people in on what's going on...

I've been trying to get the system to put something up quicker. There's a fade-in now when the system comes up. There's been a LOT of reorganizing, particularly as I feel my way around the Xbox environment and figure out better ways of doing things.

The next version is XML only but I've already written a converter to change over existing ini files to the new format. I wanted to make the jump before leaving beta status.

WMV files may be used anywhere an image is used in the skins or as sceenshots. These files MUST have video AND sound, even though sound is defaulted off. I may go back in to see why it can't handle WMV video-only files, but at the moment, I'm busy wrapping up other things.

There are also more options, including the ability to disable auto-config.

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 01, 2002, 09:39:00 PM
Well, here it is, Sunday night, and another release of MXM.

As usual, the MXMReadMe.txt has been posted in and; I'm sure once you find that, you should be able to figure out where to find the binaries

I promise you, though, this is a nice one.... We didn't get the IR Remote stuff into it (perhaps next release), but...

Media X Menu Version 0.9 Beta

Beta 0.9
* AutoConfig!! See the section on AutoConfig for complete details.
* Sped up menuing by offloading screenshots to a seperate thread.

At the moment, I'm looking at cleaning up the remaining skinnable items, random local soundtrack and maybe fixing the PersistDisplay() issue.

NOTE: Do not use 0.5 or 0.6 on a DVD-R. There was a bug that is now fixed in
0.7 and above... sorry for the confusion.

Media X Menu is a menu system to launch applications from a DVD collection or from
a hard drive. It is intended to be very configurable and allow new "themes" to be added
in, both with simple visual changes, or adding 3D effects to the presentation of the
menus by re-writing the software.

It is now in "Beta" status. It should be stable to use on DVD-R discs, but who knows?
As usual, use at your own risk.

I am releasing this source code for others to use for both their own projects, and
hopefully, to enhance this project. The current features are as follows:

There *ARE* still some bugs with this thing.... but I've tried to do as much testing as
possible without spending three weeks on it. I believe most of it relates to the
handling of the soundtracks at the moment, but tracking down everything is time consuming
and at the moment, it seems to work 99.9% of the time. My suggestion would be to not use
"random" soundtrack play, and it will be turned of by default.

* Impliments the "Simple" theme, allowing a title screen, menu screen, loading screen
 and saver screen, each with configurable elements (custom backgrounds, custom bouncing
 logo for the screen saver)
* Simple theme uses Skins based in subdirectories, and can use randomly selected skins
 on every run of the program.
* Launches applications from the hard drive and the CD/DVD drive.
* Screen saver!
* Can play one or more music tracks, with multiple options, such as-
 - Disc-specific tracks (played from subdirectory, for example)
 - Can play from the XBox soundtracks the user has on his hard drive
 - Can play random or in order
* Supports BMP, PNG, TGA, and JPG image formats
* All settings are done via INI file support, a format familiar to most users.
* Supports 640x480 at the moment. Sorry, just ran out of time to get the multi-res
 support in.

===   Auto-Config Items                        ===

To make things a bit more bulletproof, MXM now supports "Auto-config" I would
encourage those who make software releases for the Xbox to include a game/logo
screenshot and an MXM_Entry.ini file as part of the release.

Auto-config loading sequence:
1. First MXM loads all the entries in the MXM.ini file
2. MXM then searches the IMMEDIATE subdirectories for MXM_Entry.ini
  files. If found it will attempt to load those values... missing values
  or non-existant files will cause MXM to fall back to the following steps.
3. If an executable has not been assigned by the MXM_Entry.ini file, MXM will
  look for "default.xbe", failing to find default.xbe, it will search for the
  FIRST *.xbe file it finds in the directory and use that.
4. If an executable has been found, but no title has been assigned, it will
  use the title stored as part of the XBE's built-in certificate.
5. Lastly, if there is no game/logo screenshot assigned at this point, the system
  will look for the first MXM_SS.* file that is a JPG, BMP, TGA, PNG or GIF and use
  that file.

So the easiest thing to do, for each game, is to simply through a screenshot in the
directory named "MXM_SS.jpg" (or whatever the extension is for the chosen format).

Next easiest thing is the above screenshot file, with an MXM_Entry.ini file including
the following:


Title=Mame Vol#3
Description=CAPCOM collection!


The [Item] Section may also include the following:

Media=<image filename>
 The image file, relative to the location of this entry ini file.
Exe=<xbe filename>
 The filename only, of the XBE to use in this directory.
 Ex: "Exe=XMarbles.xbe"                                    

This post has been edited by BenJeremy: Dec 2 2002, 05:43 AM
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: N00bvin on December 02, 2002, 12:03:00 AM
Very nice program BenJeremy!!!  I would like to see some features you have integrated with Evox... I would switch to yours completely if there was some networking options...

I'm not complaining at all though... I think your program is great!!!  Awesome for burning mutiple backups to discs! :)

Keep up the good work!!!                                    
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Spyrothebutcher on December 02, 2002, 10:55:00 AM
Yeah I heard great things about this program, only problem is I can't find it anywhere (note this is no request), so I'm still using the Hacked Menu thing.

But hey I'll find it some day. smile.gif
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 02, 2002, 10:59:00 AM
QUOTE (Spyrothebutcher @ Dec 2 2002, 01:55 PM)
Yeah I heard great things about this program, only problem is I can't find it anywhere (note this is no request), so I'm still using the Hacked Menu thing.

But hey I'll find it some day. smile.gif

                                    Well, the "MXMReadMe.txt" was uploaded to about 4 usenet newsgroups. I believe #xbins usually gets it as well, for IRC users.

Look for "MXM" or "Media X Menu" to locate it. I'm sure once you do, you'll be able to find what you seek (hint, hint).
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Spyrothebutcher on December 02, 2002, 11:08:00 AM
hehe, thx allready Ben.

I'll continue my search :)                                    
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Spyrothebutcher on December 02, 2002, 01:49:00 PM
Little Update, finally found a version of your neat little program, it's the 0.8 version, but is it normal with this version to lockup for a sec when changing games in the game menu??                                    
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 02, 2002, 03:50:00 PM
QUOTE (Spyrothebutcher @ Dec 2 2002, 04:42 PM)
Little Update, finally found a version of your neat little program, it's the 0.8 version, but is it normal with this version to lockup for a sec when changing games in the game menu??

                                    That's due to the loading of the screenshots.

It's one of the things cleaned up in 0.9                                    
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: gcompton on December 02, 2002, 06:31:00 PM
Ben, cool tool but I have one problem.
I have added 38 items to the menu and the Title Text on the menu appears very small on the selection screen.
Is this due to the amount of items in the .ini?

Thanks again for all you hard work.                                    
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 02, 2002, 07:01:00 PM
QUOTE (gcompton @ Dec 2 2002, 09:24 PM)
Ben, cool tool but I have one problem.
I have added 38 items to the menu and the Title Text on the menu appears very small on the selection screen.
Is this due to the amount of items in the .ini?

Thanks again for all you hard work.

                                    It relates to the size of the largest title in the group of items.

The only way to compensate for this would be to adjust the skins you use to make area used for the titles wider.

Example from LCARS menu:
; Position of upper left corner of menu items
; size of area for menu items
; Number of items to be displayed

By adjusting NumItems to a smaller number, you may increase the size of the text, but most likely, in this case, it would require an adjustment of the Left and Width parameters.

Finally, you'd probably have to touch up the skin's menu background to make the new, wider, menu look alright.                                    
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 02, 2002, 09:35:00 PM
Well, since SpOok over at was kind enough to provide the IR Remote additions to the code, I've released version 0.9b to the masses.

Beta 0.9b
* Added IR support, courtesy of SpOoK from the forums
 (See the section on the IR support)
* Fixed 'overzealous' keypress issue.
* Changed dashboard sequence for the controller from BACK+START to RIGHT STICK+LEFT STICK
 It remains "PrntScr" for the keyboard.

===   IR Remote Support                                                                  ===

Thanks to d7o3g4q and RUNTiME for releasing their source code as without this Remote support wouldn't have been possible.

Here is the latest Build with full IR Remote Support.

The COntrols are as Follows:

IR Remote up/down = scroll trhough the menu list
IR Remote Select  = Select's the Game / Emulator
IR Remote Info    = Media X Menu Version Info Displayed
IR Remote Back    = Return To Media X Menu Title Screen
IR Remote 0       = Reboot XBOX back to Dashboard

Any button on the IR Remote will come out of the screensaver and skip past menu's like the Controller does.

Note: If start or Select is pressed on the controller or remote on the Title screen MXM will execute the game / app that is selected in the main menu. Is this a bug or is it how it should be?
(This will be considered a bug.... Fixed in this version)

IR Support By SpOoK with thanks to d7o3g4q and RUNTiME for their IR Remote Code.                                    
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 03, 2002, 06:35:00 AM

Here is a picture of the theme I'm currently doing....


At the moment I have to use the box cover/text/screenshots as one large image. Any chance you can add some more fields so that I can split them up and not have to have an image for the text?

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 03, 2002, 06:46:00 AM
Wow... that's slick looking.

Well, I've considered doing a "complex" 2D theme... using XML to define the elements more precisely and allowing more complex descriptions and whatnot.

It would have to include mask layers and some other interactions (heh heh... this thing is starting to grow into a monster...).

I'll start playing around with it. It would be nice to have cover art, along with primary and secondary screenshots, but I'd probably want to include indicators to show there are more games to be viewed.

Very nice.  smile.gif
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 03, 2002, 07:10:00 AM
Thanks for the quick reply!

The bar at the bottom that is blank is where the game list appears. I use 3 lines of games in that box.

I dont need to do anything really fancy with masks and such at the moment as I'm happy to have the screenshots include the surrounding frame and shadow.

All I really need are fields called:


I think the first three would be easy as you already have one graphic field and it would be just a case of adding a couple more.

I think the slightly harder part would be the description as it would need to be multiline and wrap around the defined area. It would also be nice if it could scroll in the future so you could add a complete review and have it slowly scroll up the description box while you are on the selected title.

Toodle Pip!                                    
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 03, 2002, 07:38:00 AM
QUOTE (Weavus @ Dec 3 2002, 10:03 AM)
Thanks for the quick reply!

The bar at the bottom that is blank is where the game list appears. I use 3 lines of games in that box.

I dont need to do anything really fancy with masks and such at the moment as I'm happy to have the screenshots include the surrounding frame and shadow.

All I really need are fields called:


I think the first three would be easy as you already have one graphic field and it would be just a case of adding a couple more.

I think the slightly harder part would be the description as it would need to be multiline and wrap around the defined area. It would also be nice if it could scroll in the future so you could add a complete review and have it slowly scroll up the description box while you are on the selected title.

Toodle Pip!

                                    Good suggestions.

I would also like to add the ability to display help... I might put the 3D gamepad model in and display the functions of each item for the game - though a simpler method might be ti simply allow a "help" image to be used.

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 03, 2002, 07:39:00 AM
The help screen would be a very nice feature.

It would also be very handy if some kind person sent you in a pre-made ini file for each game available so you could package it up with the distribution and save people a lot of effort.

Perhaps you could add the image for now and work on the fields method later when you get time.

Also, dont forget my requests for Release Date/Genre/Players/Publisher fields wink.gif

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: jmelendez on December 03, 2002, 11:55:00 AM
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 03, 2002, 12:35:00 PM
QUOTE (jmelendez @ Dec 3 2002, 02:55 PM)
hell yeah, that looks great!

I think everyone and their brother would use this as a replacement launcher for games and stuff.

                                    Yes, it does look great....

Only now I'll have to work overtime to make it Weavus-worthy.  rolleyes.gif  A programmer's work is never done :::sigh:::  smile.gif
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 03, 2002, 12:43:00 PM
QUOTE (Weavus @ Dec 3 2002, 12:35 PM)
While I'm on the subject of whishes, can I request a new way to display selections.

Instead of going up and down a list I'd prefer going left to right with a graphical element displayed if there is a left or right.

Here is an example:

user posted image

The two arrows show because the user could go left or right to another game. If they were at either end of the list then the direction arrow would not appear.

I think it looks nicer as it uses the space available in a better way.

A nice fast but smooth scroll left/right as you change selections would also be very nice! smile.gif

Any comments?

                                    I'll have to look at doing a couple of things for the simple theme skins.... Selection orientation and single item menu boxes (with left/right or up/down indicators)

It shouldn't be too hard to do.

At the moment, I've also worked up an XML-based method for defining "complex" 2D skins.

I'm looking at adding the ability to read a generic "GameDescr.txt" file laid out as such:

 to end of file>

Such that you might have:

----------------start of file------------------
Combat Evolved!
First Person Shooter
1-4 Players
Play the part of Master Chief in his powered armor
as you fight alien hordes and discover the secret
of Halo.
----------------end of file------------------

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 03, 2002, 02:57:00 PM
QUOTE (Weavus @ Dec 3 2002, 05:42 PM)
QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Dec 3 2002, 07:35 PM)
Only now I'll have to work overtime to make it Weavus-worthy.  rolleyes.gif  A programmer's work is never done :::sigh:::  smile.gif

Come on now...I made that skin in about 3 hours with my limited graphic skills. How long have you been coding MXM? I think its more like I'm making a skin thats MXM-worthy smile.gif

I have plenty more ideas/suggestions for MXM. Would you like me to post them here or email them to you?

                                    Please post them.... public commentary always spurs more creative input from others (at least, I hope it does).

I have an XML parser that should work well on the Xbox, and I'm working out the details on getting complex skin definitions working. As it will be more 'generic' in some ways, it might happen sooner than later. smile.gif
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 04, 2002, 03:32:00 AM
Can you do away with having to have 'item_1' 'item_2' 'item_3' etc etc. Its a huge pain to remove a program and then have to renumber all the items in the ini file.

I suspect this will change when you develop an xml(ish) way of describing items. It also may be fixed by the auto-config functionality but I have not had a chance to test it yet.

I'd like to see something like:

   <subtitle>Great Homebrew</subtitle>
   <date>October 2002</date>
   <description>A great game of Marbles ....
   Fun for all the family.

On reading the MXM readme file about auto-config it seems that it is designed for use on DVD-R's rather than a hard drive at the moment.

I will be using MXM on the C drive but my applications/games are on the F drive. I cant see how autoconfig will work for me unless there is a paramter in the mxm.ini file that points to a base directory to start the search for MXM_Entry.ini's.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 04, 2002, 04:18:00 AM
After asking in a previous post for a single left/right selector I have a further request for the future to make using MXM easier.

A quick select menu.... (This screen is a bit rough as I did it in about 5 mins)

user posted image

Pressing a button on the controller would bring up this screen which would display smaller boxshots for each app and you can naviagte it using the controller and pressing A would bring up the normal screen for that app.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 04, 2002, 04:20:00 AM
Can you make it possible to use the analogue controller to also navigate MXM. Everyone who uses my Xbox always tries to use the analogue controller first and I dont see why you shouldnt allow both to be used.

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 05:57:00 AM
QUOTE (Weavus @ Dec 4 2002, 07:20 AM)
Can you make it possible to use the analogue controller to also navigate MXM. Everyone who uses my Xbox always tries to use the analogue controller first and I dont see why you shouldnt allow both to be used.


                                    Well, this one is easy enough to do smile.gif

I'm working on the others... I may go 100% to XML, as the parser seems to be working well.

At the very least, game descriptions and "complex" 2D skins will use XML (and I'll probably write a converter to update "simple" skins to the "complex" format).
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 04, 2002, 06:23:00 AM
QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Dec 4 2002, 12:57 PM)
I'm working on the others... I may go 100% to XML, as the parser seems to be working well.

At the very least, game descriptions and "complex" 2D skins will use XML (and I'll probably write a converter to update "simple" skins to the "complex" format).

Thats great news. XML is a nice way to define things esp config files. Its pretty easy to knock up a windows client that can edit it and the best thing is it wont break in the future if you add/remove fields (it can just ignore them).

This program is going to be the ultimate launcher in the near future smile.gif
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 06:34:00 AM
QUOTE (hugobenard @ Dec 4 2002, 09:00 AM)
I 'm a nexbie, and I'm French. I try to explain my problem with this program.

I don't know the file that I must modify.

For the moment, I modify :
Title=Conflict Desert Storm
Description=Conflig desert storm en FR

Title=Gauntlet Dark Legacy
Description=Gauntlet Dark Legacy

Title=Star Wars Jedi Outcast
Description=Star Wars Jedi Outcast en FR

and I don't modify mxm.ini.

When I launch the DVD, I can just see the first page with "my collection" and "mame". I can do anything.

I don't understand how the automatique configuration for the games.

Pease help me, and sorry for my English. I hope you understand every thing.

                                    MXM_Entry.ini is intended for "auto-config".... there is one in EVERY SUBDIRECTORY of MXM that has a game or app you wish to launch.

In the MXM_ENTRY.ini, you don't number the items, because there is one item only. The system looks in each subdirectory and locates this file, then it knows where to find the executable. It also looks for the MXM_SS.* inthat directory.

E:\MXM <- your MXM.xbe and MXM.ini
E:\MXM\DefaultSkin <-skin subdirectory(s)
E:\MXM\GAME1 <-Game files, MXM_ENTRY.ini and MXM_SS.jpg (or whatever extension)

So if GAME1 contained Conflict: Desert Storm, it would also contain an MXM_Entry.ini with the following:

Title=Conflict Desert Storm
Description=Conflig desert storm en FR

The xbe file MUST exist in that directory, or it won't be listed.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 04, 2002, 06:37:00 AM

Sub Menus...

As I want to use MXM as an evox replacement I would like to have a few different menus so that I can seperate Apps/Emus/Games and not have them in the same menu.

I was thinking that I could have a MXM as a launcher for futher MXM's (i.e. one for each sub-menu I want) and I think it would work ok but I might have problems going from the sub-menu back to the main menu.

I think I really need that 'launch this xbe when quiting' parameter (mentioned in a previous post) in the mxm.ini so I can have sub-MXM's calling the program that loaded it.

Can you see any other problems I might have in doing this? Or are you planning on adding sub-menus in the future?
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 06:48:00 AM
QUOTE (Weavus @ Dec 4 2002, 09:37 AM)
Next request wink.gif

Sub Menus...

As I want to use MXM as an evox replacement I would like to have a few different menus so that I can seperate Apps/Emus/Games and not have them in the same menu.

I was thinking that I could have a MXM as a launcher for futher MXM's (i.e. one for each sub-menu I want) and I think it would work ok but I might have problems going from the sub-menu back to the main menu.

I think I really need that 'launch this xbe when quiting' parameter (mentioned in a previous post) in the mxm.ini so I can have sub-MXM's calling the program that loaded it.

Can you see any other problems I might have in doing this? Or are you planning on adding sub-menus in the future?

                                    Well, I've had plans on allowing an item to actually launch another MXM configuration.

It would be nice to even support other skins.... but that's getting a bit complicated at the moment.

Submenus might not be too hard, but I'll have to look at making it a bit more flexible in that area. It's currently set up to load everything at startup.

I'll try and add an "exit XBE" option in 1.0.... a lot of people seem to be using MXM as a dashboard.

So far a pretty decent wish list. Some will happen sooner than others, of course.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 04, 2002, 08:31:00 AM
QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Dec 4 2002, 01:48 PM)
So far a pretty decent wish list. Some will happen sooner than others, of course.

                                    I dont suppose you happen to have a prioitised list of things you plan to implement in the next few versions?
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 09:07:00 AM
QUOTE (Weavus @ Dec 4 2002, 11:31 AM)
QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Dec 4 2002, 01:48 PM)
So far a pretty decent wish list. Some will happen sooner than others, of course.

I dont suppose you happen to have a prioitised list of things you plan to implement in the next few versions?

                                    Not at the moment... but that list is getting rather big smile.gif

Here are items currently fixed for the next version:

* Added the ability to navigate using the thumbsticks
* Fixed the PersistDisplay() issue. Loading screens now display.

I'm still cruising along on the xml stuff. I've been sick with the flu, so I haven't been able to get too into the groove (that's why I'm home from work today), but hopefully later tonight I'll feel well enough to hammer on some more stuff and make up a prioritized wish list.

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 10:34:00 AM
Cool... syn3rgy over at helped me put the pieces in place to get YUV2 working as a texture format.

What does that mumbo-jumbo mean?

VIDEO IMAGES. The next release will support WMVs used in any place images can be used (screenshots, backgrounds, etc), both for 2D and future 3D!!

This is going to be VERY sweet.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 11:27:00 AM
QUOTE (Weavus @ Dec 4 2002, 01:56 PM)

Can I now request a means of adding any number of images to a screen wink.gif

Ohh, and could you start posting the readme to the newsgroups using something like PowerPost (PowerPost Homepage)? Whatever tool your using currently dosnt work very well as I've never managed to get the file from the newsgroups.

                                    Flipping the display between images would be merely a matter of putting everything into a WMV file.

This is very cool, I modified a skin to display the "bike.wmv" sample as a backgorund, and a screenshot is using the "skydive.wmv" sample. Both videos run simultaneously...

It will default to no sound, looping, until I decide to add the options, but it should make for some nice animated backgrounds.

...and yes, I'll have to look at powerpost. I'm using newsbin pro at the moment. I'm hoping a site will host the files; I sent them off to, and he's pretty good about posting the bins on his site.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 12:45:00 PM
QUOTE (Weavus @ Dec 4 2002, 02:42 PM)
QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Dec 4 2002, 06:27 PM)
Flipping the display between images would be merely a matter of putting everything into a WMV file.

No I meant the ability to have numerous images/videos on the screen apart from the boxshot/screens etc.

Things like animated logos/other snazzy effects...

Anyway, I'll let you get back to work wink.gif

                                    Well, the XML-based "complex" 2-D format would allow you to create "virtually" unlimited combinations of images (including video) on screen at once.

Basically, you'd set up a LayoutElement of type "Image" and describe the location, name, etc... sources would include files (loaded from the skin directory, for example) or generic "screenshots" for example, that would also be defined in another section.

I'm still hammering out the details. Essentially, the XML would load up a relatively generic format to skin up. There are still 'basic' things like a menu screen (or, for example, your thumbnail screen) that the system is aware of, as well as basic sources of images and text, but you'd have incredible layout flexibility.

When it's done, I'll probably junk the "simple" 2-D and just have a converter to convert the skins over to the new format.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 04, 2002, 01:08:00 PM
Small bug:

If you try and launch an xbe that it cant find all sorts of funny things happen. You might want to catch that the same way that you do with screenshots that dont exist.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 01:11:00 PM
QUOTE (Weavus @ Dec 4 2002, 04:08 PM)
Small bug:

If you try and launch an xbe that it cant find all sorts of funny things happen. You might want to catch that the same way that you do with screenshots that dont exist.

                                    Well, in autoconfig, it does check.

I might throw a check in the MXM.ini loaded entries as well, before the 1.0 release.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: jmelendez on December 04, 2002, 01:20:00 PM
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 04, 2002, 01:49:00 PM
QUOTE (jmelendez @ Dec 4 2002, 08:20 PM)
hey! I wanna test too! dont leave us out in the cold!

seriously, this does look pretty cool...cant wait to try it out...

                                    Find version .09b and try it then (Hint read the 1st post)! This isnt a closed test smile.gif
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 01:59:00 PM
QUOTE (Weavus @ Dec 4 2002, 04:11 PM)
Maybe bug:

When I boot the Xbox from poweroff MXM seems to always use the default skin. If I reboot the Xbox using the xecuter bios controller reset method then MXM loads the correct skin that I set in the mxm.ini.

I set the parameter Theme=Weavus in the mxm.ini file and have a directory called Weavus under the MXM dir.

Is it just doing random skins, have I got the wrong setting or is it a bug?

                                    Sorry about that.... it ALWAYS loads random skins, if there is more than one skin available.

Yes, I need to add a parameter for this. Likely to be the "Skin" parameter.

"Theme" is intended to support other styles of menu display entirely... that's why I refer to "simple" vs. "complex" themes - both are 2-D themes. 3-D themes may be much less flexible.

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: jmelendez on December 04, 2002, 02:12:00 PM
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 04, 2002, 02:31:00 PM
Try xbins ftp
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 04, 2002, 02:35:00 PM
This ones a minor wish for the future.

Would it be possible to speed up the displaying of the title screen when you launch MXM?

Perhaps you could have an xbe that just loads the title screen and displays it and then launches another xbe which loads the menu system which obviously takes longer. Kind of like the loading screen when you launch an app in MXM.

I think it would make MXM more graphically slick.

Also, how about fading between screenshots/boxcovers etc....
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: gdwrench29 on December 04, 2002, 06:57:00 PM
Awesome prog BenJeremy. I have one difficulty I can't figure out. On my game select screen,  when I scroll through my list of games, if I scroll back up, the xbox locks up, can't do anything. Any suggestions?
















Description=BMXXX Racing

Thanks in advance!
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 07:02:00 PM
QUOTE (gdwrench29 @ Dec 4 2002, 09:57 PM)
Awesome prog BenJeremy. I have one difficulty I can't figure out. On my game select screen,  when I scroll through my list of games, if I scroll back up, the xbox locks up, can't do anything. Any suggestions?
















Description=BMXXX Racing

Thanks in advance!

                                    Hmmmm.... everything looks ok. The only time I've ever had a problem with lockups was with bad images, but that's been mostly cleared up, and if it displayed it before, there's no reason why it should display it on the way back 'up'

I'm running the video screenshots here, scrolling off and on again, without a problem.

Does this happen on EVERY item, or only on one specific item?
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: BenJeremy on December 04, 2002, 07:10:00 PM
QUOTE (davidtbaron @ Dec 4 2002, 10:08 PM)
Ok hope some one can help me i am using menu x and i am having a problem with assigning colors
maybe im just stupid but i dont understand the decimal and hex concept. I found a chart and all the colors start with a # sign then there are six digits. For instance #000000 is black. tried that and it didnt work.I couldnt help noticing in the skin.ini file that came with the menu9.rar has color asigned with 10 digets. can anyone PLEASE help me i have been working for days on this and i am ready to add color to my text in the skin i made. its pretty awesome skin just want to finish it and i will post a link for others to download it. Any info would be greatly appreciated and who ever created this menux 9 .has done an excellant job. Keep up the great work.

please e-mail or reply

[email protected]
[email protected]

                                    I just replied to you in the other thread....

the main problem is that there's an "alpha" channel, which makes for the neat transparency effects you can have for text and boxes in MXM. I've detailed a better explaination in the other response.
Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 05, 2002, 03:04:00 AM
Hopefully simple request...

While 0.9b improved the menu by slowing it down slightly could I ask that you add two parameters to the ini file.

MoveDelay - Time between pressing down/up and the menu changing selections.
RepeatDelay - Time between holding down/up and the program repeating the move.

Also, another simple request...

Could you add a parameter to the ini file that allows you to have circular menus. I.E when you get to the bottom of the menu it goes to the top, and vice versa.

Title: Media X Menu 0.9 (beta)
Post by: Weavus on December 05, 2002, 09:05:00 AM
Can we also have a user defined 'not found' for screenshots/boxcovers. Might need one for each as I wouldnt want them scaled to fit.
