
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox 360 Hacking Forums => General Technical Hacking Discussion => Topic started by: Xbox-Scene on March 18, 2006, 11:03:00 AM

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Xbox-Scene on March 18, 2006, 11:03:00 AM

Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video-- Posted by XanTium on March 18 12:27 EST
As you know TheSpecialist and his team were working on a modified firmware for the Xbox 360. He already managed to make one for the original Xbox a while ago, and he announced this method was highly likely possible with the Xbox 360 too. From TheSpecialist on


Months of hard work have come to an end. The 360 FW security details were posted a few days ago already, so why not make it official :-) It's been done.

Respect to all the people on this board who made it possible with their brilliant contributions:
Anita999, Geremia, Nayr, Bluecop, Interestedhacker, MacDennis, Phantasm, Marvin, Tiros, SpenzerX, Team Modfreakz, Fuzzylogic, Takires, loser, jasper, SMO, Groepaz, Zobyone, Jumba, Amadeus, Tser, DjHuevo, oz_paulb, DaveX, darkfly, evestu, Robinsod, Dark_Neo, Gael360, Seventhson, probutus.

Just for fun, here's a little video:

And no, the team decided not to release a hacked FW. The security details are proof itself. The team advocates hacking, not piracy.

What is this? A bit more info...
The hack is a modified firmware of the Xbox 360 Hitachi-LG GDR-3120L DVD-ROM drive (the security in the Toshiba/Samsung TS-H943 is said to be similar, so it's probably also possible with this drive ... but it does require it's own hacked firmware of course).
As you (should) know, all Xbox 360 executables (XEX files) are signed by Microsoft (with a private key only MS has). This means that if you try to change anything to the XEX file, the signature will be wrong and the file will not boot.
Now ... to protect from booting an exact copy of a game from a DVD-R or other recordable media, microsoft gave each XEX file a 'mediaflag'. This mediaflag tells the Xbox 360 from which media (cd-r, dvd-r, dvd+r, dvd-rw, hdd, dvdxbox, dvdxbox360, ...) the XEX is allowed to boot. Changing this mediaflag in the XEX header is not an option as it'll break the signature of the file (see above), so ... what's done in this firmware hack is 'break' the detection of the disc.
Retail games usually get a mediaflag where they only allow 'dvdxbox360' (Xbox 360 discs - different than a normal DVD because it has some specific bad sectors and special info in lead-in/out that can't be written with a standard dvd burner). The modified firmware will trick the DVD drive into reporting a DVD-R (or other) as a DVDXBOX360 to the Xbox 360.

How can you do this?
Well, right now you can't. The firmware has not been released to the public because it would mostly be used for piracy and that's not what this team wants (unlike the original Xbox hack this can't be used (atleast not directly) for homebrew and linux fun). But the research done by these guys is public as you can read their discussions of the last few months on the forums, so people with good assembly experience should be able to duplicate this hack.

If the firmware was released, what would it mean?
Right now the Xbox 360 DVD firmware can't be flashed via PC (and for us, end-users, even less directly by the Xbox 360 itself (Microsoft could probably flash the drive from Xbox360 tho)), because there's no software to do this. Of course, drivers and flashing software for Xbox360 DVD drives could probably be written (and some people have been working on this), but so far this has not been done (atleast not publicly).
So, that means you'd have to open your Xbox 360, open your DVD drive and desolder the chip where the firmware is stored on.
Each Xbox 360 DVD drive has a unique key, if that key doesn't match what your console is expecting your DVD drive will not work.
So next you will need to read your current firmware chip with special hardware (flash programmer), to find your unique DVD 16 byte key (stored at 0x4F00). Then you'll have to insert this key in the modified firmware (or patch your original firmware) and program this modified firmware back on the firmware chip. Then put the firmware chip back in the drive, close DVD drive and Xbox 360 and I guess you're done.
As said above the hack would allow you to run MS-signed and unmodified XEX files only, so that also means the game must be of right region (as changing the regionflag in the XEX header would break the signature). Unsigned, homebrew executables would of course not work, again because signature check would fail.

LIVE and Updates ...
Can you go on LIVE with this hack? Well the firmware isn't released, so noone can try, but I'd guess it would work yes. The Xbox 360 itself is fully in 'normal state', nothing is modified to the Xbox 360 itself, it just gets 'wrong' info from the DVD drive. Of course if you start modifying non-signed files (like textures, ini files, ...) in order to cheat on LIVE or so MS could easily check for that.
Can Microsoft stop this firmware hack with forced LIVE updates? They could probably try detect a basic modified DVD firmware, but anything the Xbox 360 asks to the DVD drive goes via the DVD firmware, and if the firmware is 'open' in the hands of the hackers the firmware can probably each time be modified again to give the reply that the console expects. Microsoft could maybe do more with a HW security update ... but I'll let them analyse that.

(Note that all info above is based on all stuff I read ... if I made any mistakes, let me know)

*UPDATE* A next-day follow-up news post about this hack is available here.

Download Firmware: illegal and not released (see above)
Download Video: here[youtube], here[], here[xbox-scene]

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: deakphreak on March 18, 2006, 11:12:00 AM
Sweet, i wonder what will come out of this if anyone else can replicate it and get the info out to others.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: snowcrash8 on March 18, 2006, 11:15:00 AM

This post has been edited by snowcrash8: Mar 18 2006, 07:15 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jisboss on March 18, 2006, 11:17:00 AM
Very nice.
you guys are impressive.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: feflicker on March 18, 2006, 10:42:00 AM
I can't believe anybody would spend months to hack it, just to sit on it. I like hacking as much as the next guy, but that just seems like a waste of life to me... Post some "hints" or something, FTLOG.  blink.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Ces2k3 on March 18, 2006, 11:21:00 AM
WHILE IMPRESSIVE,  in a sence as we can make back ups, but i think its not worth the trouble to hack it just for this. hopefully this will inspire more people to hack it so we can finally get some homebrew stuff.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: OpticNurv on March 18, 2006, 11:24:00 AM
i give it a week or 2 before the hacked firmware hits the net due to a leak or a recompilation from a different team, jst be patient guys, and yes... Congratz  biggrin.gif  muhaha.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: HELLTICK on March 18, 2006, 11:27:00 AM
I believe they want someone else to figure it out and release it.
Thats why they keep saying its ALL in the H/W section of the site.
Someone else gets it out, spec's team dont get in shit, and still get the credit they deserve for doing it first.
Its win,win,win.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: OcnewB on March 18, 2006, 11:28:00 AM
This is good news however its still far from homebrew..

Nice to see though!!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: prankfurter on March 18, 2006, 11:29:00 AM
That is great news. And I also think its great that he is not releasing it to the public.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: snowcrash8 on March 18, 2006, 11:30:00 AM
QUOTE(prankfurter @ Mar 18 2006, 01:00 PM) *

That is great news. And I also think its great that he is not releasing it to the public.

someone will release it soon....
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: JohnnyVegas on March 18, 2006, 10:55:00 AM
Very nice work guys.

Did anyone else notice the nifty little waffer board on the left of the dvd tray?

Happy to see they are doing the right thing. wink.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: DaddyO21 on March 18, 2006, 10:56:00 AM
sleeping.gif Man boring , anybody want to make a hacking team and release it to the public , power to the people , Open Source forever!!!  muhaha.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: mlapaglia on March 18, 2006, 11:34:00 AM
great work guys. im with ya on not releasing it. keep it up!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: guvna on March 18, 2006, 11:34:00 AM
I aggree, although there is the unfortunate devide between homebrew and piracy.

I mean, does this mean that the technical ppl who can create such homebrew programs can now start doing them for the 360?
if this is the case, then I'm well up for sticking some modded firmware on my drive. I already have 2 xbox's, and did so for this reason. i can use one for legit xbox live purposes, and the other to hack to bits and run other stuff on.
I'd like to get rid of the xbox 1 if stuff gets ported over like emulators and other great programs that have appeared.
I understand the legal implications about said great ppl releasing this onto the net, and i fully understand that no-matter how good they feel about doing this, they fear for everything if they do so.
I'm not interested in piracy. I've bought every single xbox and 360 game that i own. Purely because I like to go live with most of them.
Yes, i have a chipped xbox1, but that's only because of the things i can do with it. like running media center, or surreal, or mame. fantastic.
I can't wait for these programs to run on the 360.
Thanks for everything "the specialist" and a few others. you've inspired a few ppl to get involved a bit more, and without your help, a lot of things wouldn't have progressed.
The way I'm thinking however, is that I want to get my 360 modded so I can start chucking other stuff on it.
Long live those that are techincal. And short live those that stop them.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 18, 2006, 11:35:00 AM
Well, I guess my 360 can continue scratching my retail games for a while until someone leaks the complete process, it may be complicated for now but Ill go to great lengths to avoid wasting money on rebuying games.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: rasstar on March 18, 2006, 11:00:00 AM
QUOTE(DaddyO21 @ Mar 18 2006, 07:03 PM) View Post

sleeping.gif Man boring , anybody want to make a hacking team and release it to the public , power to the people , Open Source forever!!!  muhaha.gif

MS will send an update to kill it or something. Plus I really don't want to go through the banned from Xbox Live again. That was a pain.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: sbma44 on March 18, 2006, 11:36:00 AM
I hope this is genuine.  Without something released that can be independently verified, though, there's no reason I can see why there couldn't be a second 360 connected to the rear inputs on the TV.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: rasstar on March 18, 2006, 11:01:00 AM
QUOTE(Questioner @ Mar 18 2006, 07:06 PM) View Post

Well, I guess my 360 can continue scratching my retail games for a while until someone leaks the complete process, it may be complicated for now but Ill go to great lengths to avoid wasting money on rebuying games.

Care your games and stop moving the system while it's on.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: `rzr on March 18, 2006, 11:38:00 AM
Awsome job guys.. really impressive. Just got a thought:

Could MS update the xbox with a patch that overrides the firmware, or something else ms-sneaky?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 18, 2006, 11:02:00 AM
QUOTE(rasstar @ Mar 18 2006, 06:07 PM) View Post

MS will send an update to kill it or something. Plus I really don't want to go through the banned from Xbox Live again. That was a pain.

I think most of us have accepted the fact that it will not be possible to play backups on live, which is fine, hopefully there will be a solution to be able to run both retail and backups offline without live detecting it at some point, without having to buy another 360.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: JustinT9669 on March 18, 2006, 11:03:00 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: rasstar on March 18, 2006, 11:03:00 AM
QUOTE(rasstar @ Mar 18 2006, 07:08 PM) View Post

Care your games and stop moving the system while it's on.

They blocked the demo disc so I don't see any reason why they couldn't do the same for this
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 18, 2006, 11:04:00 AM
QUOTE(rasstar @ Mar 18 2006, 06:08 PM) View Post

Care your games and stop moving the system while it's on.

This is my 3rd system, the other 2 were sent back for other technical problems, this one works but I noticed its leaving more scratches on discs no matter what I do. I don't feel like waiting for a 4th, MS can go fck themselves.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: OcnewB on March 18, 2006, 11:41:00 AM
I guess someone is peeing his pants atm in ms headquarters..

Bill, we have a problem..
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ephesith on March 18, 2006, 11:42:00 AM
nice... very nice.  Now is there only 1 type of dvd rom for the 360? Or are there multiple
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: xs2man on March 18, 2006, 11:43:00 AM
This is good news.  Great in fact.  Well done, and I'm with you for not releasing also.

I have one question though?  How would M$ even know it was a backup your playing if you were to go online with this?  Surley the disc is exactly the same?  And its only the dvd drives firmware that is hacked, so does M$ scan for that?  Can they scan for that?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: OcnewB on March 18, 2006, 11:09:00 AM
QUOTE(Questioner @ Mar 18 2006, 07:09 PM) View Post

I think most of us have accepted the fact that it will not be possible to play backups on live, which is fine, hopefully there will be a solution to be able to run both retail and backups offline without live detecting it at some point, without having to buy another 360.

Well if you cared to read the topics you would know that with this hack you CAN go on live without it detecting you. The 360 does not know that you are using a backup as far as the console goes it is an original. The 360 isnt exactly hacked.. the dvd drive is hacked. The xbox still stops any sort of application that isnt signed by ms.

The original xbox does not stop these applications because that one IS completely hacked. So what we will get later on in this process is like what we have now
dvd flashes for people with no intention of using homebrew (so only)illegal copies and people that will install a chip for homebrew (and games).
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Achtung on March 18, 2006, 11:46:00 AM
I have to say all this "I hacked the 360", "oh yeh how did you do it", "We're not telling for the greater good" is a complete joke.

 Seriously I want to puke when I hear these nobel reasons as to why these people who think they are the king of kings or something, and that everyone should lisen to them as the shame us as not being as nobel as thee.

 Give me a break, your telling me they are not just playing backups non stop and going on live probbily bragging about it. I don't really know what happened to everyone but I remeber when I first got into the xbox modding it seemed everyone was more than willing to help each other out and share in the interests.
Now it seems to be like little spolied children saying "Mine Mine and you cant have it!".

I find this all soo ridiculas, and to totally be honnest Its made lose interest especially anything that comes out of people like this.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: kics on March 18, 2006, 11:46:00 AM
this is great, and not releasing it to the public is the right move (for now...) i can't wait till somebody starts making homebrew for the 360 then making a hack to run in, that's where the fun really starts....
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 18, 2006, 11:47:00 AM
QUOTE(OcnewB @ Mar 18 2006, 06:16 PM) *

Well if you cared to read the topics you would know that with this hack you CAN go on live without it detecting you. The 360 does not know that you are using a backup as far as the console goes it is an original. The 360 isnt exactly hacked.. the dvd drive is hacked. The xbox still stops any sort of applictation that isnt signed by ms.

Well, yes, at the moment you can, but the specialist also said it would be rather easy for MS to detect the change and ban users.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: General_Zod on March 18, 2006, 11:14:00 AM
QUOTE(Achtung @ Mar 18 2006, 07:17 PM) View Post

I have to say all this "I hacked the 360", "oh yeh how did you do it", "We're not telling for the greater good" is a complete joke.

 Seriously I want to puke when I hear these nobel reasons as to why these people who think they are the king of kings or something, and that everyone should lisen to them as the shame us as not being as nobel as thee.

 Give me a break, your telling me they are not just playing backups non stop and going on live probbily bragging about it. I don't really know what happened to everyone but I remeber when I first got into the xbox modding it seemed everyone was more than willing to help each other out and share in the interests.
Now it seems to be like little spolied children saying "Mine Mine and you cant have it!".

I find this all soo ridiculas, and to totally be honnest Its made lose interest especially anything that comes out people like this.

I agree. I'm glad this has finally been done but i'm not sure about whole purpose of doing it and not releasing how. It's like breaking into a bank vault, showing everyone you did it, and not taking any money. What's the point? What's the point in hacking the box, showing the world, and not releasing how you did it except to gloat?

I used to hack software was back in the day and we'd release it the same night it was hacked. We wouldn't put out a message saying "we hacked the latest and greatest game, but we just did it to prove it can be done so worry all you kiddies out there ha! we r0xor. " That's just stupid.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: deadparrot on March 18, 2006, 11:15:00 AM
QUOTE(Achtung @ Mar 18 2006, 06:17 PM) View Post

I have to say all this "I hacked the 360", "oh yeh how did you do it", "We're not telling for the greater good" is a complete joke.

 Seriously I want to puke when I hear these nobel reasons as to why these people who think they are the king of kings or something, and that everyone should lisen to them as the shame us as not being as nobel as thee.

 Give me a break, your telling me they are not just playing backups non stop and going on live probbily bragging about it. I don't really know what happened to everyone but I remeber when I first got into the xbox modding it seemed everyone was more than willing to help each other out and share in the interests.
Now it seems to be like little spolied children saying "Mine Mine and you cant have it!".

I find this all soo ridiculas, and to totally be honnest Its made lose interest especially anything that comes out of people like this.

Seriously, think about the legal implications.  If they purposely released it, MS could openly sue them for supporting piracy.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: snowcrash8 on March 18, 2006, 11:51:00 AM
QUOTE(General_Zod @ Mar 18 2006, 01:21 PM) *

I agree. I'm glad this has finally been done but i'm not sure about whole purpose of doing it and not releasing how. It's like breaking into a bank vault, showing everyone you did it, and not taking any money. What's the point? What's the point in hacking the box, showing the world, and not releasing how you did it except to gloat?

I used to hack software was back in the day and we'd release it the same night it was hacked. We wouldn't put out a message saying "we hacked the latest and greatest game, but we just did it to prove it can be done so worry all you kiddies out there ha! we r0xor. " That's just stupid.

hmmm, legal reasons?  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: big_boludo on March 18, 2006, 11:52:00 AM
This is from Team Xecuter regarding The Specialist's hacked firmware on the first XBOX DVD Drive:

This last week has seen the fruits of a massive amount of work by "The Specialist" over at - he managed to hack the DVD firmware to enable and Xbox (1) to play backups with no need for a modchip or softmod. Although this type of hack is restricted to the machines own region and none homebrew, however its fine work and we can imagine how he felt when he acheived this - we've had many of those times ourselves in the past.

I would think then that you would be able to play backups on live, since it is in fact a signed XEX and is region compliant.  The xbox thinks it is a real disk, and so would xbox live.  I doubt very much that MS would be able to reflash the DVD drive's firmware over live--it has to require some type of hardware to reflash the firmware.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MeanMF on March 18, 2006, 11:52:00 AM
PLEASE don't release this.  While it doesn't allow you to modify executables, it will allow you to modify any UNSIGNED information that's on the DVD.  And looking at games like GRAW that might include everything other than the executable itself.  Depending on the game, that could lead to all sorts of hacks & cheats that could be used on Xbox Live.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Areohbe on March 18, 2006, 11:54:00 AM
yes its cool, but who would run their xbox with an original game disc resting on the

i wanna see that disc after an hour of

peace biggrin.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Xavierking on March 18, 2006, 11:22:00 AM
QUOTE(General_Zod @ Mar 18 2006, 01:21 PM) View Post

I agree. I'm glad this has finally been done but i'm not sure about whole purpose of doing it and not releasing how. It's like breaking into a bank vault, showing everyone you did it, and not taking any money. What's the point? What's the point in hacking the box, showing the world, and not releasing how you did it except to gloat?

I used to hack software was back in the day and we'd release it the same night it was hacked. We wouldn't put out a message saying "we hacked the latest and greatest game, but we just did it to prove it can be done so worry all you kiddies out there ha! we r0xor. " That's just stupid.

my gosh.... you people...... what is wrong with you? this type of thing is clearly not meant to be released... and if it is to be released.. its to be released gradually... this hack does no good to anyone except those damn dirty pirates. good god. lets just be happy for the guy, huh? jesus christ..... some of you are just like those kids in the store... "i want THAT!" "oh.. no! i want THAT!" "i want BOTH!!"........... ugghh........ you people.....
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: alsybub on March 18, 2006, 11:25:00 AM
QUOTE(rasstar @ Mar 18 2006, 06:07 PM) View Post

MS will send an update to kill it or something. Plus I really don't want to go through the banned from Xbox Live again. That was a pain.

This is nothing like a mod-chip. The whole point of this with the Xbox was that it is undetectable by M$ through LIVE and I would assume that it will be the same with the 360. That is why they will not be releasing it, no one would need a mod chip and M$ would have no way of stopping people playing on LIVE with backups (h-hum).

It's a pretty big deal even if we will never get our hands on it. The point is that it's been done.

QUOTE(Xavierking @ Mar 18 2006, 06:29 PM) View Post

my gosh.... you people...... what is wrong with you? this type of thing is clearly not meant to be released... and if it is to be released.. its to be released gradually... this hack does no good to anyone except those damn dirty pirates. good god. lets just be happy for the guy, huh? jesus christ..... some of you are just like those kids in the store... "i want THAT!" "oh.. no! i want THAT!" "i want BOTH!!"........... ugghh........ you people.....

I totally agree with you. Releasing this would do nothing but damage to the brand and us as consumers. Alarm bells will be ringing at M$ even if it will never see the light of day and THAT is the point.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: OcnewB on March 18, 2006, 11:31:00 AM
QUOTE(alsybub @ Mar 18 2006, 07:32 PM) View Post

This is nothing like a mod-chip. The whole point of this with the Xbox was that it is undetectable by M$ through LIVE and I would assume that it will be the same with the 360. That is why they will not be releasing it, no one would need a mod chip and M$ would have no way of stopping people playing on LIVE with backups (h-hum).

It's a pretty big deal even if we will never get our hands on it. The point is that it's been done.

Well, this will be released. If I know asia and their piracy.
Not that im glad or something but it is inevitable.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: leorimolo on March 18, 2006, 12:08:00 PM
$hit I crapped my pants  biggrin.gif  These guys are incredible kudos to the speacialist, also you should release the firmware with a signature you have so you sign legit apps, also give the firmware to trusted xbox scene hackes or codders. For theyre it be able to be a hombrew comunity.

LEo--Simply AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: .:Dino:. on March 18, 2006, 11:34:00 AM
woah great news, mad props to all of those involved  biggrin.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Midnight Tboy on March 18, 2006, 12:12:00 PM
what exactly is peoples beef about this potentially enabling people to cheat on live?

I know obviously some ppl love to play on live but what is the big deal....there will always be cheaters, and yeah some stupid kids will no doubt install the cheat for a few days and have a good play about and ruin the game......but at the end of it, playing with infinite health etc will sharp get boring for the cheater.  Its not going to mean some team are suddenly leaps and bounds ahead of the competition as any proper clan match would notice something fishy and be reported....only in those random practice games with random players are you going to see any shortterm problem.

And yes, please withhold the hack for now, until some homebrew is released (even if its such simple homebrew - like telling me the time on screen biggrin.gif)..then at least they have a leg to stand on if it ever came to court....besides...I dont yet own a 360 and prob wont until they get some true XBMC-like divx player on there as thats the primary use of my regular xboxs
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: team_toyo on March 18, 2006, 11:37:00 AM
pop.gif Entertaining, but how did they make the backup, I haven't been up to date with the scene about 6 months now. So if its already been posted, forgive me, but cool none the less.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Midnight Tboy on March 18, 2006, 11:37:00 AM
it could of course be a fake too wink.gif

I want a video panning the camera round the back of a telly to see if theres another 360 plugged into an AV2 scart socket out of site tongue.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: _iffy on March 18, 2006, 12:15:00 PM
This still doesn't change the fact there aren't any good games for the 360.
Oblivion is the only one that has me interested, and i think i just might get it for the PC instead.

A modded 360 will never be as cool as a modded original xbox.

That is incredible work, but really, it doesn't make me want to go and buy a 360.

*still unimpressed*
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nateh90 on March 18, 2006, 11:41:00 AM
If they were to realease this, it would kill the Xbox 360 bussiness. Eventually the modification would become so easy to attempt no matter how comlicated or easy it is now. This does not allow unsigned code, only running "backups". And dont give me that sh*t that you guys are running backups for safety. Not to be cynical, by for every one person who legitamatly wants to backup their games, there are at least ten people who simply do not wish to pay for games. Job well done to the specialist and friends though, your work always inspires cool.gif  Thanks - Nate
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: snowcrash8 on March 18, 2006, 12:17:00 PM
QUOTE(_iffy @ Mar 18 2006, 01:46 PM) *

This still doesn't change the fact there aren't any good games for the 360.
Oblivion is the only one that has me interested, and i think i just might get it for the PC instead.

A modded 360 will never be as cool as a modded original xbox.

That is incredible work, but really, it doesn't make me want to go and buy a 360.

*still unimpressed*

thanks for your post which has nothing to do with the topic.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: SupraKid on March 18, 2006, 12:18:00 PM
There are worse things that were released for the original Xbox than this.... very impressive feat I must say though.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: KingRasta on March 18, 2006, 12:18:00 PM
these guys have no balls. nothing more to say.
think about it.thats the reason  why we will work for 2 $/h soon.coz there are no one left with balls between his legs.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jonny_eh on March 18, 2006, 12:20:00 PM
I wouldn't worry about cheating on Live. Even though you may be able to change the unsigned content on the disc, ie to make see through walls, they could release a game patch that check's the data files' hashes, and prevent people with altered data from joining. They do this with PC games, but this would be even harder to get around, since you can edit any of the program code.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: .:Dino:. on March 18, 2006, 12:20:00 PM

these guys have no balls. nothing more to say.
think about it.thats the reason why we will work for 2 $/h soon.coz there are no one left with balls between his legs.

what are you talking about, maybe show sum respect, if you dont like it then dont take interest, but you should respect the fact that they hacked it, if they dont want to release it, you respect that aswell, if your not happy, go hack it yourself idiot

This post has been edited by .:Dino:.: Mar 18 2006, 08:21 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Eraser77 on March 18, 2006, 12:21:00 PM
You guys are FOOLS if you truly belive that this is going to stay private.

1) the specialist pointed out the key to this is drive firmware, SOOO...
2) the specialist isnt the only hacker that is screwing around with the 360, someone els is bound to do the same-type of hack on the firmware that the specialist did, and not keep it private.

^^ my 2 cents.

This post has been edited by Eraser77: Mar 18 2006, 08:22 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Dominader786 on March 18, 2006, 12:22:00 PM
Just curious, when TheSpecialist cracked the firmware for the original xbox, did it finally get released to the public yet?  It seems like it wasn't a huge priority since modchips and softmods were already out.  However, with the 360, this is the first groundbeaking achievement, so the timeframe may be different on how fast it gets released to the public.

Props to TheSpecialist for his achievement, and for his realization that publicly releasing can get him in extreme trouble by M$.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ZakMcRofl on March 18, 2006, 12:27:00 PM
The problem is: you can't get homebrew to run if you have no way to modify the console.
This firmware would enable thousands of people around the world to look for game data exploits in all games available. Right now we're limited to stuff like the demo disc or savegame exploits.

With the drive hacked, all we need is find a game that has a video/font/audio exploit. Which is pretty pointless unless you can modify the disc's content.

About cheating on live: sure people might be able to swap textures or player models but without editing the XBE itself you won't get far. I highly doubt that cheating as in inifinite health would be possible.

OTOH I can understand that they don't want to go through all the trouble. So IMHO its either:
Scenario 1:
they code it, release all specs and wait for someone else to re-code it

Scenario 2:
they code it, release all specs, form a new "group" and release their work under a different name anonymously.

or, which would be sad:
Scenario 3:
they really have no intention of this getting out, in that case I'm sure their HW section will be either misleading or missing vital parts.

My bet is on 1 or 2.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: skylined on March 18, 2006, 12:28:00 PM
i thought running back ups of originals that you actually owned was legal? so from a back up point this is legal i think... i know peeps would use this to play games that they didnt purchase. i'll be honest i probably would too. i wont do this though. i liked having all my "backups" on a hd easy access no disk's to worry about. plus homebrew (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) good work though. o and i like the song. prodigy rules.  o, one more thing. you guys should call up MS and tell them about your work and ask them about how many achievement points that would unlock? jk

This post has been edited by skylined: Mar 18 2006, 08:31 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: tikiboy on March 18, 2006, 12:29:00 PM
QUOTE(sbma44 @ Mar 18 2006, 07:07 PM) *

I hope this is genuine.  Without something released that can be independently verified, though, there's no reason I can see why there couldn't be a second 360 connected to the rear inputs on the TV.

QUOTE(Midnight Tboy @ Mar 18 2006, 07:44 PM) *

it could of course be a fake too (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

I want a video panning the camera round the back of a telly to see if theres another 360 plugged into an AV2 scart socket out of site (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

Thank you!  After the recent outbreak of fake video iPod pictures, I'm not ready to accept anything without some very solid evidence.  I'm not arguing on moral or ethical grounds for or against releasing the firmware, but the fact that this was a very tight shot and that these results have yet to be confirmed by even one trusted 3rd party leave me less than impressed.

Here's all you have to know:
The TV had rear inputs, there was a second Xbox 360, and the disc in the drive of the "proof of concept" box was someone's burned copy of a Dave Matthews abum.  Sure, it's a clever ruse, and it took at least $900 of 360 goods to pull it off, but that's it.  This is fake.  Let's have some more solid proof before we all get excited about this.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: BlackDwarf on March 18, 2006, 12:29:00 PM
Meh. I'm calling bullshit.

As people have said, could easily be a 2nd box plugged in round the back.

Release it, then I'll believe you. Not many people are gonna have the skills/knowledge/flashing device to actually do it, so who cares?

Its gonna happen some time anyway, why create it and not release it? Sorry. Dont believe you. rolleyes.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: .:Dino:. on March 18, 2006, 12:31:00 PM
like i said, either accept it as proof or not, xantium would not post it if it were another fake 360 hack. The specialist is known to be very intelligent and active in 360 hacking.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Crackmonger on March 18, 2006, 12:32:00 PM
They still haven't proved beyond a reasonable doubt that this hack even exists.  The camera man is careful to pan up and down slowly so that there is no chance of a cut away, but he also keeps the same portion of the video cable out of sight at all times.  Also, there is no shot of the back of the TV, where a second Xbox could have easily been hooked up.  All he had to do was have someone in the shot pick up the controller and start playing the game.  

We already know that M$ has signed the DVD drive itself, is it possible that they just decided not to sign the data that makes up the firmware?  Maybe, but until the hack is public I'll be sceptical.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: TheLos on March 18, 2006, 12:34:00 PM
Damn. People are making a huge deal out of this. This is  pu$$y $hit if you ask me; I mean, I already hacked the PS3 like 2 months ago. Oh ya, and did i forget to mention that I did it with my teeth because my hands were tied behind my back?  cool.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: throwingks on March 18, 2006, 11:58:00 AM
IPB Image
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: G0t M4xx 21 on March 18, 2006, 11:59:00 AM
Isn't it ironic though that piracy is a much bigger threat to M$ than homebrew, and, although the strong security in the kernel side of things will surely prevent homebrew for a while, they left the door wide open for their worst enemy?

Stupid, Stupid M$. they will never learn.

And yeah, I'm sure this will be released soon. However, I hope that it will be a very difficult process to limit the number of n00bs and cheaters on Live. I would NOT want so see a software based flasher so all you have to do is plug the dvd drive into your PC and hit a button to reflash. I would much rather have it require desoldering the flash from the dvd drive and placing it in a programmer to read the 16 byte encription key then reflash, which is what is being done currently (notice the board on the side of the drive in the video). Not only would this keep more idiots from screwing up their 360 (the sheer difficulty of the mod would scare em away), but it could be a business opportunity for some of the more skilled modders around here  tongue.gif

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 18, 2006, 12:35:00 PM
Some people are just clueless. Could this be a fake? Sure, but the chances are far less than all previous videos. This story has several things all others don't:

1. The hack was at least partially researched and developed on the xboxhacker forums, you can find many lines of code there and technical progress made day by day. A video or website requires much less effort than all of this programming, a lot to go through by many people just for a scam.

2. The hack was developed by several people with a history of being legitimate hackers who are not out simply to joke with people or scam them.

3. Xbox-scene has posted it as news info, has not locked threads about it, and believes it is legitimate.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ZakMcRofl on March 18, 2006, 12:00:00 PM
QUOTE(Dominader786 @ Mar 18 2006, 07:53 PM) View Post

Just curious, when TheSpecialist cracked the firmware for the original xbox, did it finally get released to the public yet?  It seems like it wasn't a huge priority since modchips and softmods were already out.  However, with the 360, this is the first groundbeaking achievement, so the timeframe may be different on how fast it gets released to the public.

Props to TheSpecialist for his achievement, and for his realization that publicly releasing can get him in extreme trouble by M$.

The original Xbox firmware hack hasn't been released or recreated yet but its totally different from this.
There are many easy ways to launch legal backups on Xbox, so making such a firmware would only have one benefit in comparison:
-you can play backups on live

On 360 OTOH it would:
-allow for new game data exploits to be found
-be the first method to make legal backups
-also allow you to play on Live with a backup

So the makers of this hack have weighted the first two points against the danger of Live enabled copies and decided its not worth it. But as it has been pointed out before, there's lots of skilled coders out there and we only need one who thinks otherwise and there may very well be a public solution soon.

How about we make a joined fund and whoever releases this to the public get the money ;-) Like the 13000$ that some guy got for presenting a OSX/XP dual boot solution. I'm sure at some point one of the team members will cave  biggrin.gif
(just kidding, that would be evil)
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Avenger 2.0 on March 18, 2006, 12:39:00 PM
There goes MS big Xbox 360 security...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: .:Dino:. on March 18, 2006, 12:04:00 PM
you know what i would do if i hacked the 360 first.
i wouldnt tell ANYONE
then take an xbox 360 to ms and show them it booting a backed up game.
Then say, bill old friend, how much you willing to pay for me to show you.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Greyfoxwolf on March 18, 2006, 12:42:00 PM
[excuse my engrish]

props for hacking it BUT
jeez, what a load of bs.
"look we have hacked it, but we will not release it"

This nothing more than gloating, only 8 year old kids do this. If you are so afraid of prosecution or if you are a noble knight of ethics then dont show it to the public, hack what you want to hack and keep it to yourselve(s).
Because you will gain NOTHING but only a few wow's, some oooh's and a grrrr.
If i was M$ i would be fscking pissed off, i would wait untill one (or more) of the team members makes a mistake and pounce on him/her like a facehugger in Alien, just for the fun of serving a cold dish of sweet revenge.

from all the Warez/hack groups i have seen rise and fall, the ones who never seeked recignition are still at large. Everyone can tell you that wanting recignition/credits for an illegal act is just....wel...stupid. Fame will get you somewhere but notority wil only get you deeper into shit.

But, hey i could be wrong, they could be planning a "leak", though that would be pretty stupid if not done VERY coutiously.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: VOlition on March 18, 2006, 12:43:00 PM
Nice the xbox 360 is hacked, but, do you really need to open the 360 like in the video. If so, I am not horribly interested then and wait for a *real* modchip.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: deakphreak on March 18, 2006, 12:09:00 PM
QUOTE(Avenger 2.0 @ Mar 18 2006, 08:10 PM) View Post

There goes MS big Xbox 360 security...

The system is still secure, only the dvd drive firmware was hacked.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: CrazyCowPie on March 18, 2006, 12:45:00 PM
If this indeed is real (just like the original Xbox DVD FW hacked), then the genie is out of the bottle.  Eventually the FW hacked will be on the net.  There is no way of keeping this locked tightly.  Just be patience and the info will surface. IMHO

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: rasstar on March 18, 2006, 12:09:00 PM
QUOTE(ZakMcRofl @ Mar 18 2006, 08:07 PM) View Post

The original Xbox firmware hack hasn't been released or recreated yet but its totally different from this.
There are many easy ways to launch legal backups on Xbox, so making such a firmware would only have one benefit in comparison:
-you can play backups on live

On 360 OTOH it would:
-allow for new game data exploits to be found
-be the first method to make legal backups
-also allow you to play on Live with a backup

So the makers of this hack have weighted the first two points against the danger of Live enabled copies and decided its not worth it. But as it has been pointed out before, there's lots of skilled coders out there and we only need one who thinks otherwise and there may very well be a public solution soon.
How about we make a joined fund and whoever releases this to the public get the money ;-) Like the 13000$ that some guy got for presenting a OSX/XP dual boot solution. I'm sure at some point one of the team members will cave  biggrin.gif
(just kidding, that would be evil)

They already said it would be easy for MS to detect.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: JohnnyVegas on March 18, 2006, 12:46:00 PM
I'm a little torn on this release sh*t...

In the end I have to say LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY. Release it. It's MSs problem, not ours. MS attempts to protect there equiptment in the wild, it was hacked. So what.

It's our 360's and in the end I trully feel we can do with it what we want. Sounds to me like big brother has gottin into the heads of the scene.

It's not like the people able to do this control the destiny of the video game industry. I haven't seen my local game stores shut down or fuc*in Walmart have every title instock even though you could modify your PS2, GC and XBOX.

Last I saw Blockbuster and Hollywood video are still running strong and stocks on the way up even though people can copy movies MUCH easier then games.

Keep running scared and don't stand up for your consumer rights.

Rant over
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 18, 2006, 12:47:00 PM
QUOTE(deakphreak @ Mar 18 2006, 07:16 PM) *

The system is still secure, only the dvd drive firmware was hacked.

Secure my arse, the dvd and its firmware is not part of the 360 system? The fact is MS, whether foolish or not, believed they could stop people from playing pirated copies or backups. They failed once again.

This post has been edited by Questioner: Mar 18 2006, 08:48 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: SlammedNiss on March 18, 2006, 12:11:00 PM
QUOTE(.:Dino:. @ Mar 18 2006, 01:11 PM) View Post

you know what i would do if i hacked the 360 first.
i wouldnt tell ANYONE
then take an xbox 360 to ms and show them it booting a backed up game.
Then say, bill old friend, how much you willing to pay for me to show you.

That, would be the best thing the specialist could have done.

Also, to these people who say the video is a fake. Seriously, there is no pleasing you people.

"Pan around to the back of the tv to show there isn't another 360 plugged into the back."

When the icemod dipshits were will trying to fake people, it was relatively logical to see they weren't showing every detail. This video shows a DVDR, spinning in a 360, with the wires clearly plugged into a tv. I can see it now, if they had indeed showed the backside of the tv, with no wires plugged into it, somebody would be like, "he changed out all the insides of the tv with another one, and it's getting it's signal wirelessly"

C'mon people, quit yer bitchin'. If you're so pissed he ain't gonna release it, which I wouldn't either, f'n do it your damn self.

QUOTE(VOlition @ Mar 18 2006, 01:14 PM) View Post

Nice the xbox 360 is hacked, but, do you really need to open the 360 like in the video. If so, I am not horribly interested then and wait for a *real* modchip.

With a modchip, you'll still have to open the 360 up. I would imagine the reason the 360 in the video is open the way it is, is to show the dvdr game booting in the player.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: tikiboy on March 18, 2006, 12:49:00 PM
To clarify my position...

I'm not saying that a lot of work hasn't already gone into this.  I've been reading the XBH posts, and it seems like they're making a lot of excellent progress.  Part of me really likes how inaccessible and foreign the shop talk is to most people; Xbox hacking, once it was pioneered, got painless for most of its enthusiasts.  None of them had to deal with assembly code, chip diagrams, expensive trial-and-error...  I applaud TheSpecialist and all of the dedicated unsung heroes of console modding.  

And I'm not urging a public release of a fully modified firmware.  To those who know the process, and I've seen some in this thread, that's not exactly the easiest thing to do at this point.  This isn't softmodding, folks; there's a little work involved.

If this is legitimate and universal (this is only proof of concept for PGR3, it was said to have been made to work for anything after the video was released--read XBH), it's only a matter of time before smart, determined people with the right tools and talent start offering drive modification online, or the sale of pre-modified consoles.  This isn't homebrew, it's not kernel hacking, but an Xbox 360 that can play burned games will be a very hot commodity.  Expect rip-offs galore.

And we don't even know if this is real yet.  I want to believe, but the video, which is going to attract much more attention than some technical discussions in a forum, offers too much room for doubt.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: CattyKid on March 18, 2006, 12:49:00 PM
First, to all those doubting it, it IS real.  Do you know how I know?  Because the Specialist released it.  Because he proved it with Xbox.  Because he is known to be a 360 hacker.  Because his process is documented.  Because he, right now, is just about as reliable as Team Xecuter.  
And that brings me to Xbox Modchip Makers.  Notice the Waferboard next to the DVD drive in the video.  Think it's there for nothing?  Hmm??  I would say not.  It does SOMETHING.  So, you can bet that if the process is entirely documented that someone else, or a modchip maker, will soon replicate the hack and release it on THEIR new chip and make boatloads of money (assuming that there is little to no modification of the DVD drive (and the top doesn't have to be off).

QUOTE(General_Zod @ Mar 18 2006, 01:21 PM) *

I agree. I'm glad this has finally been done but i'm not sure about whole purpose of doing it and not releasing how. It's like breaking into a bank vault, showing everyone you did it, and not taking any money. What's the point? What's the point in hacking the box, showing the world, and not releasing how you did it except to gloat?

I used to hack software was back in the day and we'd release it the same night it was hacked. We wouldn't put out a message saying "we hacked the latest and greatest game, but we just did it to prove it can be done so worry all you kiddies out there ha! we r0xor. " That's just stupid.

Apparently, you do not have the hacker mentality.  Have you ever done something just because people said you couldn't or it would take years, or it was near impossible?  Have you ever done something as a CHALLENGE to yourself?  Have you ever done something just to say you did it?  Because it's mentally stimulating?  
Have you ever played a game just to beat it and gotten all the unlockable content, but not put the gamesave online for everyone to use?  <<<< Same scenario.  
To all those complaining about Him (there is a reason that is a capital H) not releasing this, go do it yourself.  It is possible, as we have been shown.  What, can't hack/write code you say?  Then learn.  If you want something badly enough, you can do it.(IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

I applaud you, The Specialist as well as your team, for everything you have done.  Keep up the good work and work on that unsigned code.

On another note, could this be used as a bargaining chip for Homebrew people?
The Specialist sends a "more convincing (apparently this wasn't good enough for some)" video to M$.  They say, "We want to talk."  The Specialist and his guys say, "Look.  We want you to sign some of our homebrew apps.  They won't let you do anything illegal, and you can review them before signing them as long as you want.  If you, don't well then, what if all this info were to be out in the open?"  Obviously it wouldn't be said that way (and could constitute blackmail, which may be bad).  
What about that?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: manu_xl on March 18, 2006, 12:52:00 PM
let this firmware hack boot linux ... tux will do it!

salvation is on its way ;-)

in the mean time, great props to the specialist and his precious team  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/jester.gif)

This post has been edited by manu_xl: Mar 18 2006, 08:53 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ShornYeti on March 18, 2006, 12:55:00 PM
QUOTE(SlammedNiss @ Mar 18 2006, 09:18 PM) *

That, would be the best thing the specialist could have done.

Not really - assuming he's in the US he'd just get thrown in jail. Anything that circumvents copy protection is illegal under the DMCA. Not that I GAF, look forward to playing backups when it does get released (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

However, if it allows me to run homebrew on the 360 its another matter. MS have been so ultragay over the failure to support xVid/DivX in the MCE and I desperately want to unplug my Xbox1 and benefit from HD streaming video
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Diablohead on March 18, 2006, 12:57:00 PM
For what I understand you can only play 100% 1:1 backups because right now, still, if you edit anything in the game you break the key, causing like with a normal game, no bootup.

This just tells the 360 that the dvd-r is in fact an xbox360 legimet dvd, so I dont think cheating in games would come from this...yet, anyway.

i'm interested, mostly in whats being done and achieved through he x360 and modders, its way too advanced for my own attempts to do right now but something i've been waiting to hear.

I also agree that they should have used a wired pad to play the game on their video, it could still be semi-fake, but then the team is pretty legit
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Sallad_Tobar on March 18, 2006, 01:00:00 PM
well done.... i think it's the right thing to do by not releasing it .

i do hope though that they would go on to create a multiregion dvd hack which would let you either play original dvd movies or games from other regions.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: SlammedNiss on March 18, 2006, 12:24:00 PM
QUOTE(ShornYeti @ Mar 18 2006, 01:26 PM) View Post

Not really - assuming he's in the US he'd just get thrown in jail. Anything that circumvents copy protection is illegal under the DMCA. Not that I GAF, look forward to playing backups when it does get released biggrin.gif

However, if it allows me to run homebrew on the 360 its another matter. MS have been so ultragay over the failure to support xVid/DivX in the MCE and I desperately want to unplug my Xbox1 and benefit from HD streaming video

Perhaps, but consider MS's stance. Do you really think they want the gemeral public to know that you will be able to run backup's? It's already proven that they lose money on every console made. So, if Joe Public runs out and buys a 360, with the only intentions of playing backups, MS will lose millions in the long run. They'd be better off, hiring a person, such as the Specialist, to help better design security on their systems.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ZakMcRofl on March 18, 2006, 01:03:00 PM
QUOTE(Diablohead @ Mar 18 2006, 08:28 PM) *

For what I understand you can only play 100% 1:1 backups because right now, still, if you edit anything in the game you break the key, causing like with a normal game, no bootup.

Ok lets explain it one more time:
You can't modify the XBE (executeable) which contains the code itself.
You can however modify every other file on the disc, unless the XBE makes a check on that file.

So you could modify videos, textures, sound files, maps, tracks, you name it. You could make custom content, put in your own music and so on.

But you're right about the cheating, it wouldn't be a big issue IMHO. Mainly because the code itself would still be protected and also because a game developer could easily check data files for authenticity (MD5 checksum or at least check for correct size) from the XBE.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: gusradio on March 18, 2006, 01:09:00 PM
Way to go Specialist!!

Thank you for all your Hard Work and for releasing your research data.

I'm glad your not releasing it not only becasue it would lead to rock solid lawsiuts and the throw down of many heavy hammers but becasue the scene needs to have people like yourself and other hackers verify and double check and perfect the process before someone else can Anonymously release the hack with full easy to understand instructions for underlings like myslef.

thanks you are a patriot!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Sanitarium on March 18, 2006, 01:11:00 PM
It's a good start that's for sure.  M$ must have spent millions on the security aspects alone.  I'm going to have Bill Gates sign my 360 so I can run unsigned code. smile.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ShornYeti on March 18, 2006, 12:35:00 PM
QUOTE(SlammedNiss @ Mar 18 2006, 09:31 PM) View Post

Perhaps, but consider MS's stance. Do you really think they want the public to know that you will be able to run backup's? It's already proven that they lose money on every console made. So, if Joe Public runs out and buys a 360, with the only intentions of playing backups, MS will lose millions in the long run. They'd be better off, hiring a person, such as the Specialist, to help better design security on their systems.

Maybe, if they've changed their policy - it used to be the case that if you were a hacker they had nothing to do with you. The thing with code is that its very difficult to determine whether someone with a dubious background (e.g. a hacker) hasn't put some sort of backdoor in.

The Xbox business model is interesting for MS - in a way they aren't that much of a software publisher (certainly not as much as Sony are for example). Only software publishers care about backups being run. Of course they will support a secure system because it means they sell more content, which means you get more killer apps and MS sells more consoles...

I still don't understand why MS have hobbled the Media Center functionality to exclude formats like xVid and DivX, a huge missed opportunity to own the (growing) media center market. As it is, that market is still owned by their hacked and expensive (for MS - they make a loss on every box) Xbox 1...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: kics on March 18, 2006, 01:12:00 PM
now the next big news i will expect is what M$ has to say about this, about all the new improvements they made with the security and bla bla bla... so, can't wait to hear from them..
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: zikronix on March 18, 2006, 01:14:00 PM
very impressive i must say...Currently though the things that will need to happen for average joe to do this

They said each drive has a unique key.

some one will need to come put with a a way of getting that key then modifiying a firmware and putting that key in it then flashing it via software...While I think it will be released i think you will see a rash of "The firmware doesnt work on my box" or "I killed my box with the firmware"

unless these "simplifications" are made.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: .:Dino:. on March 18, 2006, 01:15:00 PM

Nice the xbox 360 is hacked, but, do you really need to open the 360 like in the video. If so, I am not horribly interested then and wait for a *real* modchip.

haha thats funny, good luck with your external modchip.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nooodle on March 18, 2006, 01:19:00 PM
*waits for ms to patch his 360 over Live*
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: SlammedNiss on March 18, 2006, 12:43:00 PM
QUOTE(ShornYeti @ Mar 18 2006, 01:42 PM) View Post

Maybe, if they've changed their policy - it used to be the case that if you were a hacker they had nothing to do with you. The thing with code is that its very difficult to determine whether someone with a dubious background (e.g. a hacker) hasn't put some sort of backdoor in.

The Xbox business model is interesting for MS - in a way they aren't that much of a software publisher (certainly not as much as Sony are for example). Only software publishers care about backups being run. Of course they will support a secure system because it means they sell more content, which means you get more killer apps and MS sells more consoles...

I still don't understand why MS have hobbled the Media Center functionality to exclude formats like xVid and DivX, a huge missed opportunity to own the (growing) media center market. As it is, that market is still owned by their hacked and expensive (for MS - they make a loss on every box) Xbox 1...

I can definately see your point. It would take a lot of balls to walk into MS HQ and say, "Hey, I need to talk to somebody about Xbox 360 security."

I would imagine they don't want to run xvid or avi, simply because it isn't wmv.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Mega_mil on March 18, 2006, 01:25:00 PM
I don't get why people are so amped up.  I guess some people didn't read the WHOLE article.  You need special machines to flash the ROM chip and then you have to open your xbox to get the drive.  Take the drive apart and desolder the rom chip.  Are you willing to risk that just to play some backup games.  Would probably end up ruining that 360.  I think people need to read that whole article.  It's not just a simple 360 to PC swap and flash.  It's pretty tedious and requires that you know some assembly.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Diablohead on March 18, 2006, 12:51:00 PM
QUOTE(ZakMcRofl @ Mar 18 2006, 07:34 PM) View Post

Ok lets explain it one more time:
You can't modify the XBE (executeable) which contains the code itself.
You can however modify every other file on the disc, unless the XBE makes a check on that file.

So you could modify videos, textures, sound files, maps, tracks, you name it. You could make custom content, put in your own music and so on.

But you're right about the cheating, it wouldn't be a big issue IMHO. Mainly because the code itself would still be protected and also because a game developer could easily check data files for authenticity (MD5 checksum or at least check for correct size) from the XBE.

That makes alot of sence, thanks for the summery (again) smile.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 18, 2006, 01:29:00 PM
QUOTE(Mega_mil @ Mar 18 2006, 07:56 PM) *

I don't get why people are so amped up.  I guess some people didn't read the WHOLE article.  You need special machines to flash the ROM chip and then you have to open your xbox to get the drive.  Take the drive apart and desolder the rom chip.  Are you willing to risk that just to play some backup games.  Would probably end up ruining that 360.  I think people need to read that whole article.  It's not just a simple 360 to PC swap and flash.  It's pretty tedious and requires that you know some assembly.

I guess you didn't see the part where the specialist knows there is already a software process in development to flash the drive.

But in any case, people will be more than willing to pay for premodded 360s with this hack or send theirs in for modding. It's not really any more complicated than an 80 wire modchip install.

This post has been edited by Questioner: Mar 18 2006, 09:30 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: G0t M4xx 21 on March 18, 2006, 01:32:00 PM
hmm i remember them old 29wire modchips for the Xbox 1, but 80???

I havent popped open my 360 dvd drive in a while, but if memory serves me right, the flash chip is around 30-40 pins. Desolder, stick into programmer, relfash, and solder back into drive. (or software based flasher may be released like for the Sammy 616T or the 8163b)

This post has been edited by G0t M4xx 21: Mar 18 2006, 09:35 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MeanMF on March 18, 2006, 12:58:00 PM
QUOTE(ZakMcRofl @ Mar 18 2006, 08:34 PM) View Post

Mainly because the code itself would still be protected and also because a game developer could easily check data files for authenticity (MD5 checksum or at least check for correct size) from the XBE.

They could, but they generally don't...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Gmc on March 18, 2006, 01:34:00 PM
I dont believe this...why is everybody so excited?

I'll never believe somethings been hacked unless we see it many fake vids did we see before, before xbox was cracked?

Plus...he doesnt show the -entire- video cable at all once in the video - seriously, go ave a look, you never see the entire left side of the cable, where there could full well be another 360 plugged in.

I donno eh, plus its only playing copied games no-one here should be interested in that tongue.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Gman22 on March 18, 2006, 01:35:00 PM
QUOTE(SlammedNiss @ Mar 18 2006, 01:31 PM) *

Perhaps, but consider MS's stance. Do you really think they want the gemeral public to know that you will be able to run backup's? It's already proven that they lose money on every console made. So, if Joe Public runs out and buys a 360, with the only intentions of playing backups, MS will lose millions in the long run. They'd be better off, hiring a person, such as the Specialist, to help better design security on their systems.

You claim that MS will lose millions.  How?  From all the games that the pirates weren't going to buy anyways?

Just like the music industry, they blame crappy sales on piracy, when in fact it has nothing to do with piracy.  It's because it was a crappy album that just flat out didn't sell.

And no, I do not support piracy.

Nice job TheSpecialist and your team.


This post has been edited by Gman22: Mar 18 2006, 09:36 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: adamscybot on March 18, 2006, 01:35:00 PM
What are poeples thoughts regardin xbox live?

Surely, a DVD firmware check will be put in place (probably a cheksum) and you will be banned.

I bet you could connect 2 DVD drives toy uor 360 (one hacked one not) and hacve a switch on it. Interesting...

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 18, 2006, 01:36:00 PM
QUOTE(Gmc @ Mar 18 2006, 08:05 PM) *

I dont believe this...why is everybody so excited?

I'll never believe somethings been hacked unless we see it many fake vids did we see before, before xbox was cracked?

Plus...he doesnt show the -entire- video cable at all once in the video - seriously, go ave a look, you never see the entire left side of the cable, where there could full well be another 360 plugged in.

I donno eh, plus its only playing copied games no-one here should be interested in that (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

Ugggg, please look back in this thread for the numerous explanations as to why this is different from any past fake mod.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: BlueCop on March 18, 2006, 01:37:00 PM

they mentioned my nick on xbox-scene news page. i feel soo special.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: X-Clusion on March 18, 2006, 01:41:00 PM
Don't believe this either...
OK the team is known for their hacking skillz but it's almmost an exact copy of any backup playing using the hotswap method so... I'll believe it when I see a tv + 360, the 360 gets booted, the backup gets inserted and it's playing...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: BlueCop on March 18, 2006, 01:43:00 PM
X-Clusion: watch closer. no hot swaping. they put the disc in and then turn the console on.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: X-Clusion on March 18, 2006, 01:10:00 PM
Oepz biggrin.gif Damn, didn't see that biggrin.gif was more focused on the dvd+laser movement biggrin.gif
Thx anyway for clearing that up biggrin.gif
I'm a believer now biggrin.gif

But to complicated to go and do this yourself(Atleast for the general people... Like Me)
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: adamscybot on March 18, 2006, 01:11:00 PM
QUOTE(BlueCop @ Mar 18 2006, 10:14 PM) View Post

X-Clusion: watch closer. no hot swaping. they put the disc in and then turn the console on.

very much correct. I definetly beleive it.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: sew3521 on March 18, 2006, 01:47:00 PM
i really dont know how MS would check for the firmware....Im not skilled enough to be considered a hacker, so correct me if im wrong but is it possible for MS to implment code into the kernal over a live update that would check the firmware? If so well that would suck but i dont think MS would be able to do that because it would open the door for alot of problems.  These problems would not be worth stoping the xbox modding community because well while we are big we really arnt that big in the whole scheme of things...I'm the only one i know personally that has a modded xbox...

Also i have seen all these ppl saying that this will only lead to illeagle backups, well what about legal backups?  I refuse to buy a game after MoH got scratched up, and no i did not move my counsole or anything like that...I make copies of all the DVD's I OWN that way if they get scratched i can make a copy of my origional again.  I hope they release this mod but if they dont well what can i do about it?  I could make it myself but if i did i would not release it to the public for fear of MS's legal team, therefor i understand why the wont release it.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: psxpirate1 on March 18, 2006, 01:52:00 PM
The X-S forums are quickly degenerating into the DC Emulation boards. It's no wonder we have less coders and people posting projects.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: mandrake001 on March 18, 2006, 01:52:00 PM
the laser already reading divr sector's on startup that is not possible on unmd fw drive it stops at first sec with reading from disc
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Gmc on March 18, 2006, 01:55:00 PM
QUOTE(Questioner @ Mar 18 2006, 10:07 PM) *

Ugggg, please look back in this thread for the numerous explanations as to why this is different from any past fake mod.

No its not. Alot of groups even having released stuff in the past, will still do stupid things like this for attention.
Ave a look thru the PSP scene, its happened (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) lol
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: adamscybot on March 18, 2006, 01:20:00 PM
QUOTE(sew3521 @ Mar 18 2006, 10:18 PM) View Post

i really dont know how MS would check for the firmware....Im not skilled enough to be considered a hacker, so correct me if im wrong but is it possible for MS to implment code into the kernal over a live update that would check the firmware? If so well that would suck but i dont think MS would be able to do that because it would open the door for alot of problems.  These problems would not be worth stoping the xbox modding community because well while we are big we really arnt that big in the whole scheme of things...I'm the only one i know personally that has a modded xbox...

Also i have seen all these ppl saying that this will only lead to illeagle backups, well what about legal backups?  I refuse to buy a game after MoH got scratched up, and no i did not move my counsole or anything like that...I make copies of all the DVD's I OWN that way if they get scratched i can make a copy of my origional again.  I hope they release this mod but if they dont well what can i do about it?  I could make it myself but if i did i would not release it to the public for fear of MS's legal team, therefor i understand why the wont release it.


ms can check your firmware for sure by using an update (as far as I can see).

Your point on backups is interesting. You are what we would call a legit user. But unfortunetly, most people wouldnt use it this way and would just play backups illegaly.

I wont be surprised when this pops up as assembled on xbins or something along them lines.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: pirichios on March 18, 2006, 01:57:00 PM
wow i cant believe that something like this type of hack would happen so early in this genertaion of xbox 360
its a great hack now its only a matter if other people take it up to themselves to replicate this hack
btw amazing job for all the guys who did this
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: kezor on March 18, 2006, 01:57:00 PM
ok this hack is stupid first because getting all the media hype and all that stupid shit, just release it if you want to be made famous, the programming the dvd drive chip wouldn't be so hard, solder wires to each pin, hook it up the LPT port of a pc, LPT is used in flashing xbox 1 chips so, I wouldn't think it would be hard to flash it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: JimmyGoon on March 18, 2006, 02:04:00 PM
So... MS will start using a different type of DVD drive.. whoopde doo.

Props to the developers. My money's on a leak or someone anomously releasing it... but really MS could prevent this on all future consoles.

that and piracys bad. shame on you kids. (lol)

This post has been edited by JimmyGoon: Mar 18 2006, 10:05 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: BlueCop on March 18, 2006, 02:07:00 PM
So... MS will start using a different type of DVD drive.. whoopde doo.

they already did. this hack they are showing is only for the hitachi.

the toshiba-samsung are in all the new 360s

i got the toashiba-samsung with my premium.

there are people developing a hack for it as well.

piracy isn't always bad for a company. take early version of windows. they were pirated all the time and that only helped the company. it gave them market share.

This post has been edited by BlueCop: Mar 18 2006, 10:09 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 18, 2006, 01:38:00 PM
QUOTE(Gmc @ Mar 18 2006, 08:26 PM) View Post

No its not. Alot of groups even having released stuff in the past, will still do stupid things like this for attention.
Ave a look thru the PSP scene, its happened tongue.gif lol

If you consider all aspects of it, there has never been a more elaborate fake attempt if by some miracle it is. It's far more than just a video or website coming out of the blue. It's weeks of dozens of people or perhaps a few posters posing as dozens of people sharing and developing code publically.

I don't recall any previous fake being supported by xbox scene or the other respected scene sites.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jizmo on March 18, 2006, 02:27:00 PM
Some people seem to miss the big picture here. Backup booting can enable very nice side effects when the right data files are modified. Original soft modding was harder because you had to initiate it from the untouched original, try to get it running some save games etc - now some smart hacker can inject stuff straight to the data files to try to make it behave in unexpected ways.

Getting the XBMC running with some sort of modified loader under BC would be so sweet.

Also, when people say that this hack doesn't enable homebrew, that just isn't entirely correct. It allows the DVD+R version of the original kiosk disc to be bootable again enabling homebrew Flash dev again.

This post has been edited by jizmo: Mar 18 2006, 10:31 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: SlammedNiss on March 18, 2006, 01:52:00 PM
QUOTE(Gman22 @ Mar 18 2006, 02:06 PM) View Post

You claim that MS will lose millions.  How?  From all the games that the pirates weren't going to buy anyways?

No, not from the lost sales of games, but the actual sale of the hardware. Remember, they LOSE money everytime they sell a console. As much hype as the 360 has generated just since it's release, more people will want to buy one if they knowingly can run pirated games.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: CattyKid on March 18, 2006, 01:57:00 PM
QUOTE(kezor @ Mar 18 2006, 03:28 PM) View Post

ok this hack is stupid first because getting all the media hype and all that stupid shit, just release it if you want to be made famous, the programming the dvd drive chip wouldn't be so hard, solder wires to each pin, hook it up the LPT port of a pc, LPT is used in flashing xbox 1 chips so, I wouldn't think it would be hard to flash it.

Look, these people don't want to be famous.  They are telling us all that something can be done and how to do it.  Why let them do all the work and have all the fun?  If they wanted to be famous, they would give us their real names, addresses, etc.  Oh wait, they didn't, now did they?  Maybe it's because they don't want MS there, but they didn't.
I can think of some things that I believe are pretty stupid as well, ahheemmm... sig violations. tongue.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: lilbplaya3406 on March 18, 2006, 02:01:00 PM
What the hell, i saw llamma do this along time ago with the same game. These guys could of done the same thing and said it was there own. Heres a video that was posted on December 27, 2006.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MrPhunkee on March 18, 2006, 02:38:00 PM
DOnt believe till the release, so for now its a hoax
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: SlammedNiss on March 18, 2006, 02:06:00 PM
QUOTE(lilbplaya3406 @ Mar 18 2006, 03:08 PM) View Post

What the hell, i saw llamma do this along time ago with the same game. These guys could of done the same thing and said it was there own. Heres a video that was posted on December 27, 2006.

the llama video is a hotswap. the new video doesnt have any hotswapping.

You might want to watch the videos a little closer next time.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: BlueCop on March 18, 2006, 02:45:00 PM
It allows the DVD+R version of the original kiosk disc to be bootable again enabling homebrew Flash dev again.

how do you figure that? it was the media flag on the kiosk xex that allowed it to be booted from dvd-r. this hack fakes the media and authentication so signed xexs(with a media flag for orginal discs) can be booted from dvd-r.

i bet they baned the title id for the the kiosk xex and not just made it bootable from an orginal disc. i doubt this will allow the kiosk disc to boot. my bet is the update allowed certain already signed xexs to be baned. i don't think the kiosk stuff will boot from any media. now or ever again. till a actual modchip comes around.

there are newer kiosk discs that would probably work but i doubt the pi released one will.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: limbfilter on March 18, 2006, 02:12:00 PM
QUOTE(adamscybot @ Mar 18 2006, 03:06 PM) View Post

What are poeples thoughts regardin xbox live?

Surely, a DVD firmware check will be put in place (probably a cheksum) and you will be banned.

I bet you could connect 2 DVD drives toy uor 360 (one hacked one not) and hacve a switch on it. Interesting...


each drive has a specific to box key....I don't think this would be possible....l
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: BlueCop on March 18, 2006, 02:52:00 PM
each drive has a specific to box key....I don't think this would be possible....l

true but you can extract the key from one drive and write it to another and it will work fine. This has been tested by people on the xbox hacker forum and posted about.

i think a better option would be to have 2 flashes for your dvd drive and have them wired in parrellel with some kind of switch. that is if you were to do something along those lines. so you wouldn't have to have another physical drive in your box
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: G0t M4xx 21 on March 18, 2006, 02:54:00 PM
Sure it could both drives would just have the same key.

Or, like a modchip, you could have two or more "banks" on a larger size flash chip, and a switch so jump from the orig FW to hte hacked one.

Edit: ahh bluecop beat me to it

This post has been edited by G0t M4xx 21: Mar 18 2006, 10:54 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: JohnnyVegas on March 18, 2006, 02:54:00 PM
QUOTE(BlueCop @ Mar 18 2006, 10:23 PM) *

true but you can extract the key from one drive and write it to another and it will work fine. This has been tested by people on the xbox hacker forum and posted about.

i think a better option would be to have 2 flashes for your dvd drive and have them wired in parrellel with some kind of switch. that is if you were to do something along those lines. so you wouldn't have to have another physical drive in your box

Ahh yeah forgot about that point. The idea of having a switch would be very nice.
Errr.. if we had the firmware we could get to working on something like this.. LOL

This post has been edited by JohnnyVegas: Mar 18 2006, 10:54 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: flashfreak on March 18, 2006, 02:19:00 PM
DON'T RELEASE IT. While MS are pretty dodgy, a hack within 6 months is kinda sad. If its released, it will kill the console and get all these n00bs ruining theres.

Good work getting it done, but don't release it. I don't want to. I've turned good this round tongue.gif I'll only get a chip if it will allow me to play xvid videos in the mce.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: kics on March 18, 2006, 02:23:00 PM
QUOTE(lilbplaya3406 @ Mar 18 2006, 02:08 PM) View Post

What the hell, i saw llamma do this along time ago with the same game. These guys could of done the same thing and said it was there own. Heres a video that was posted on December 27, 2006.

read carefully HOT SWAP ... this is not the same as FIRMWARE ....
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MrPhunkee on March 18, 2006, 02:59:00 PM
????????? Like who gives a fuck on playing xvids on a 400$ machine?? Then why dont u buy a divx player? How much are the? maybe 50$ or so. Come on..
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jizmo on March 18, 2006, 03:02:00 PM
QUOTE(BlueCop @ Mar 18 2006, 11:16 PM) *

how do you figure that? it was the media flag on the kiosk xex that allowed it to be booted from dvd-r. this hack fakes the media and authentication so signed xexs(with a media flag for orginal discs) can be booted from dvd-r.

there are newer kiosk discs that would probably work but i doubt the pi released one will.

The actual kiosk disc is reported still to run, so backups made of it should also run if media check is bypassed.

This post has been edited by jizmo: Mar 18 2006, 11:06 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: deacon187 on March 18, 2006, 03:03:00 PM
im not saying the video is fake especlally since it is from a reputable source, but it would be nice to see the counsel and tv at the same time, like either powered off completely, or at the dash, then run the game and have all viewable in the video, that would put the icing on the cake
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: downlowfunk on March 18, 2006, 03:08:00 PM
Well, that is a beatiful thing, theres always a possibility of Camera Trickery.  I feel this is legit, the disc is spinning, and the laser appears to be moving in an orderly fashion.  

All I can say is thank you specialist, for putting a smile on my face, and reinvigorating my appreciation of the Xbox-scene.  I thought, it was going the way of dullsville.  Boring PS3 surveys, and relase information.  

Im more than convinced a software based PC/Mac flash system will be released.  I totaly see a possible clip on firmware chip and external switch like the ones used for solderless PS2 chips, in the works, as well.     Keep on it man,   Order Chip Clip Switch.  attach to USB and flash with questionable code from the usual places.  Attach Clip, Mount switch on outside of case, and play on.   Backups are important, to those with children, those that live in sandy enviroments (IRAQ for instance), and  those that just cant take care of their CD/DVD's.   All my movies sit in their cases on the shelf, while I keep my backups in a book for use.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MrPhunkee on March 18, 2006, 03:09:00 PM
could easely be 2 360's in the room. Ok, reputable source, but still. And dont care anyway. Som clever peeps just need 2 code it into a pc flash program
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: shodanjr_gr on March 18, 2006, 03:13:00 PM
People must realize that the ONLY usage for this hack at the moment (and probably for the future) is to boot non-original copies of XBOX 360 games. It WILL NOT allow you to run homebrew (you still have to sign the damn executable to get it to run), it will NOT allow you to run stuff of the hard drive.

This hack only "forces" the dvd drive to keep telling the rest of the console that "Hey im running a game of an original dvd" regardless of wether the disk actually inserted is an original or not. Thus the console assumes that the media the game is written on (which in our case is a DVD-R) is the same as the media specified in the media flag proportion of the executable signature.

I am VERY VERY glad that the specialist did not release this hack (or the XBOX 1 version of it). It would only allow lamers to get pirated copies running and it could possibly allow people to cheat on live by modifying the media files of a game (for instance maps etc) since those files ARE NOT signed (most of the time).

Thus to all of you who keep saying crap about The Specialist, please stfu and go buy yourselves some original games or get some skill in Perfect Dark Zero....
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Funkadelik on March 18, 2006, 03:16:00 PM
Just wanted to stop by and say congrats on the accoplishment.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ILLusions0fGrander on March 18, 2006, 03:17:00 PM
sadly, what i see from this is backups that work on live, and a lot more cheating.

kinda sucks, i liked mod chips where you couldnt go on live with a backup disc.
this could potentially cripple the online service if this is widespread and abused.

unless im missing something...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: sheepie on March 18, 2006, 03:17:00 PM
great that they did this, would be nice if it could have helped xbmc to be ported to the x360
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: flashfreak on March 18, 2006, 03:18:00 PM
Yeah, its legit, thespecialist wouldn't screw us over.

I reckon MS will either hate him, or offer him a job. Think I'm stupid? If a company makes something 'unhackable' and some1 hacks it, they are obviously better than the people MS got to protect it in the first place, so MS would hire him (or try) to he can help them make it harder to hack, as he knows how teams like his work.

Though I doubt he would change sides, hes just doing this for fun, and as people have said, thats why hes not going to release it.

The only thing this hack does is promote piracy, it has nothing to do with homebrew, unless they can somehow modify the data sent to the cpu, and 'pretend' that its signed.

Edit: MS can check for this hack, they could use a dash patch to check the 'version' (firmware) of the dvd-rom, and if its different to an original copy, ban the user. Pretty simple, and seems like the way to do it

This post has been edited by flashfreak: Mar 18 2006, 11:21 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: chr0ma on March 18, 2006, 03:22:00 PM
A hacker is a hacker!  So this Specialist dude goes on the forums and brags(claims that he is trying to educate.. blah!) and tells everyone I'm hacking the FW for the 360 but I don't want to release it because it will bring the heat and allow people to pirate.   Well heads up dude, the heat is already on..  MS and the feds you can bet will be taking a close look at you.  A hacker is no worse than a pirate...  Guess what that Firmware you hacked is a COPYRIGHTED PIECE OF SOFTWARE that you modified..   SO you are no better than any pirate whether you release it or not...

What has happened to the scene?  Are people actually that niave that now they are starting to believe all the propoganda that has been thrown to the public to make pirates seem like the doom of the music, movies and software industry when in fact its the quality and business models these companies use?  And all these HIGH AND MIGHTY people spouting off stuff about piracy without even getting educated about it and realising how much the consumer is given the shaft when it comes to media sales today.. I mean just look in the last few months how much has been discovered about Sony and their Payola scandals and their copy protection software that sits secretley on your machine slowing it down and breaking many.

I sure am glad Bunnie and previous hackers weren't so freaked out about their work.  If they would of had the same attitude as this Special guy we would not be as far along as we are in the homebrew and hacking scene.   And before anyone says GET THE INFO AND MAKE IT YOURSELF..  Even though many of the details are posted there are still holes in the info that unless you have make it useless...

I have to give props to the guy for doing it, but doing it in public and in essence saying I HAVE IT AND YOU CANT HAVE IT makes me want to punch this dude in the throat..    See you on courtTV Specialist...

PS - flashfreak, MS can detect it but then it will be easy to change the code and reflash again.. So in essence it will be like the PSP 1.5 hack.. Where MS will patch and then everyone reflashes..  They cannot reflash the DVD firmware so basically they will have to come up with something else or it will be a back and forth game we will be playing.  The Specialist said himself that the hole in the FW MS left undermines the whole live patching process..

This post has been edited by chr0ma: Mar 18 2006, 11:27 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: darthgrizavy on March 18, 2006, 03:25:00 PM
I don't see why they call themselves a team if they aren't releasing their info.  They aren't helping the community by posting a video and a "yeah we did it" article. Where are the tutorials, the hacked firmware?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: flashfreak on March 18, 2006, 03:28:00 PM
He did this hack for his own personal gain, to teach himself something, not to kill MS or help the scene. He did it, good for him, proves hes smart. He never anywhere said that he was planning on releasing it.

Yeah, MS will be watching him, but im sure they know how he feels. As long as hes just doing this for personal gain, they won't do shit. Its like taking candy from a baby, unfair if they're not doing anything wrong.

He never tried to say "you can't have it" either. Just showing whats possible and giving hope for others, hes proud of his work. And as i said before, its only gain is piracy, and that is bad. Homebrew is the kinda stuff this whole scene is here for, not piracy.

Now quit being so selfish and give this guy a break, hes done something you'll never be able to do.

Edit: 1600th post! w00t!

Edit 2: Just looking at u guys' post count, its obvious u don't know what this scene is all about.

This post has been edited by flashfreak: Mar 18 2006, 11:29 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: TGD on March 18, 2006, 03:29:00 PM

But i question the longitivity of this hack, what i mean is MS will eventually get to the bottom of this exploit and fix this, eventually this method of booting backups might  be impossible with future versions of 360's.

Im not saying this is gonna be the case, but its a very good possibility this exploit  wont be working with future 360's.

This post has been edited by TGD: Mar 18 2006, 11:41 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Achtung on March 18, 2006, 02:54:00 PM
QUOTE(flashfreak @ Mar 18 2006, 10:26 PM) View Post

DON'T RELEASE IT. While MS are pretty dodgy, a hack within 6 months is kinda sad. If its released, it will kill the console and get all these n00bs ruining theres.

Good work getting it done, but don't release it. I don't want to. I've turned good this round tongue.gif I'll only get a chip if it will allow me to play xvid videos in the mce.

You make me laugh.

 You turned good I see, so you want to play xvids of your retail bought movies right.  

And as someone just stated go out and buy a player to play them,  whats stopping you. Waiting for such a hack would be hurting all the companies that produce such players so how dare you your going to kill them and all the noobs are going to ruin theres.

So all the  "illigal defined" acts that went into the creation of hacks are all fine by you, as well as some exploits that come as a resault , but god forbid back ups because that would just be wrong and no one should be interrested in those it could hurt the companies  laugh.gif

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: flashfreak on March 18, 2006, 02:57:00 PM
I forgot xvid's were illegal, mostly. So no comment tongue.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MacDennis on March 18, 2006, 02:59:00 PM
QUOTE(MrPhunkee @ Mar 18 2006, 10:40 PM) View Post

could easely be 2 360's in the room. Ok, reputable source, but still. And dont care anyway. Som clever peeps just need 2 code it into a pc flash program
Believe what you want. It HAS been done.

And people, if you want to learn more about what's involved in this hack, may I suggest reading the (technical) xboxhacker forums?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MrPhunkee on March 18, 2006, 03:36:00 PM
They want publicity so they can be hoocked up with modchipmakers so they can pick up some cash from it. And if they dont release something in public, keep uw mouth shut! They know news as this gets tons of peoples freaked out. Its like I have the last lolypop on earth and u cant have it because i'm the one who found the treasure on the map. Nanananaanana.

No kudos from me but a slap on the face
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jizmo on March 18, 2006, 03:38:00 PM
QUOTE(shodanjr_gr @ Mar 18 2006, 11:44 PM) *

People must realize that the ONLY usage for this hack at the moment (and probably for the future) is to boot non-original copies of XBOX 360 games. It WILL NOT allow you to run homebrew (you still have to sign the damn executable to get it to run), it will NOT allow you to run stuff of the hard drive.

This hack only "forces" the dvd drive to keep telling the rest of the console that "Hey im running a game of an original dvd" regardless of wether the disk actually inserted is an original or not. Thus the console assumes that the media the game is written on (which in our case is a DVD-R) is the same as the media specified in the media flag proportion of the executable signature.

It seems to me that all people here have understood the mechanics and possibilities of the hack, thanks to the lenghty description on the main page. You just reformulated the same information, Mr Obvious.

And I'd still urge people not to say this doesn't enable any homebrew if you don't know any better. In addition to possible Flash homebrew, modifying the data files on discs is the very key to a softmod, if there's ever going to be any.

This post has been edited by jizmo: Mar 18 2006, 11:42 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: chr0ma on March 18, 2006, 03:40:00 PM
Erm, actually Flash you can't be any farther from the truth.  I've been involved in the "scene" since the Commodore 64 days and have been thru all the consoles.  There are a TON of websites and just because I don't choose to post here doesn't mean that I don't know what I'm talking about.  Personally the paranoia on this site when it comes to mention anything but homebrew turns me off from it..

But anyway, yes the Specialist did this for fun.. so WHY did he document his process publicly?   If he wanted to do it just to see if he can, then FINE do it offline and don't post 10 messages a day saying how I DID THIS and I DID THAT!!  Seems to me that he just wants his ego stroked..  Just hack it and STFU..  He's surely not done anything to get people to not talk about him..  He wants recognition, which is a strong motivator for many hackers(and pirates) which in turn is just to say I GOT IT AND YOU DON'T!  To hide behind the pretense of educating the community is BS..

This post has been edited by chr0ma: Mar 18 2006, 11:41 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Zenofex on March 18, 2006, 03:43:00 PM
So now im split, i dont know what to think, Yes TheSpecialist did an awsome job reverse engineering the 360's firmware, but who really wants to go throught the whole court process (and maybe even jail) for it.  I think the best thing to do would be not to critisize him about not releasing it, but to form a anonymous team (prefferably not based in the U.S.) that would take all the knowledge in the XBH forums and try to rebuild the work that TheSpecialist and his team did. Now i know that everyone is saying that there are holes in the information, but what better time than to talk about the "holes" with the group that suceeded in the first hack on the 360.  I mean there around right now but whats to say that if we dont take action theyll "disapear" within the next month and some of the info that everyone wants will be a lot harder to find.  Plus there are a lot of really really really smart hackers out there that may not even need there help.

Sorry about the rant, i tried to avoid doing that. But I would really like a fw image to be released just so that my 360 games would stop getting stolen!  I dont care how hard it would be to get the chip out, or even if the firmware image was in a non-working stage. At least it would be a start.

just my 2 cents.


Check out my online game at:
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MacDennis on March 18, 2006, 03:09:00 PM
QUOTE(MrPhunkee @ Mar 18 2006, 11:07 PM) View Post

They want publicity so they can be hoocked up with modchipmakers so they can pick up some cash from it.

Fact: a modchip maker can't even make a profit from this hack. Why? Because it can quickly be copied in a day. And such a device is illegal in many countries ..

QUOTE(MrPhunkee @ Mar 18 2006, 11:07 PM) View Post

And if they dont release something in public, keep uw mouth shut!

You're not the one who decides that. Proof that it CAN be done is newsworthy.

QUOTE(MrPhunkee @ Mar 18 2006, 11:07 PM) View Post

No kudos from me but a slap on the face

That's your problem.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: constanboi on March 18, 2006, 03:46:00 PM
QUOTE(chr0ma @ Mar 18 2006, 11:53 PM) *

A hacker is a hacker!  So this Specialist dude goes on the forums and brags(claims that he is trying to educate.. blah!) and tells everyone I'm hacking the FW for the 360 but I don't want to release it because it will bring the heat and allow people to pirate.   Well heads up dude, the heat is already on..  MS and the feds you can bet will be taking a close look at you.  A hacker is no worse than a pirate...  Guess what that Firmware you hacked is a COPYRIGHTED PIECE OF SOFTWARE that you modified..   SO you are no better than any pirate whether you release it or not...

What has happened to the scene?  Are people actually that niave that now they are starting to believe all the propoganda that has been thrown to the public to make pirates seem like the doom of the music, movies and software industry when in fact its the quality and business models these companies use?  And all these HIGH AND MIGHTY people spouting off stuff about piracy without even getting educated about it and realising how much the consumer is given the shaft when it comes to media sales today.. I mean just look in the last few months how much has been discovered about Sony and their Payola scandals and their copy protection software that sits secretley on your machine slowing it down and breaking many.

I sure am glad Bunnie and previous hackers weren't so freaked out about their work.  If they would of had the same attitude as this Special guy we would not be as far along as we are in the homebrew and hacking scene.   And before anyone says GET THE INFO AND MAKE IT YOURSELF..  Even though many of the details are posted there are still holes in the info that unless you have make it useless...

I have to give props to the guy for doing it, but doing it in public and in essence saying I HAVE IT AND YOU CANT HAVE IT makes me want to punch this dude in the throat..    See you on courtTV Specialist...

PS - flashfreak, MS can detect it but then it will be easy to change the code and reflash again.. So in essence it will be like the PSP 1.5 hack.. Where MS will patch and then everyone reflashes..  They cannot reflash the DVD firmware so basically they will have to come up with something else or it will be a back and forth game we will be playing.  The Specialist said himself that the hole in the FW MS left undermines the whole live patching process..

best comment here so far.

I completely agree with you in EVERYTHING!!!!!! well said man.... i wont comment because i would just be echoing what you just said... so thanks for saving me time from typing  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: darthgrizavy on March 18, 2006, 03:46:00 PM
I agree, I'm not impressed and releasing this wouldn't be hurting the 360 community.  Why get involved if you aren't going to release your findings, just do it offline.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MacDennis on March 18, 2006, 03:16:00 PM
QUOTE(darthgrizavy @ Mar 18 2006, 11:17 PM) View Post

I agree, I'm not impressed and releasing this wouldn't be hurting the 360 community.  Why get involved if you aren't going to release your findings, just do it offline.

Some findings have been published. You people just don't look hard enough. And everyone seems to forget that this was actually a team effort. Did anyone actually watch the video?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Achtung on March 18, 2006, 03:16:00 PM
QUOTE(chr0ma @ Mar 18 2006, 11:11 PM) View Post

Erm, actually Flash you can't be any farther from the truth.  I've been involved in the "scene" since the Commodore 64 days and have been thru all the consoles.  There are a TON of websites and just because I don't choose to post here doesn't mean that I don't know what I'm talking about.  Personally the paranoia on this site when it comes to mention anything but homebrew turns me off from it..

But anyway, yes the Specialist did this for fun.. so WHY did he document his process publicly?   If he wanted to do it just to see if he can, then FINE do it offline and don't post 10 messages a day saying how I DID THIS and I DID THAT!!  Seems to me that he just wants his ego stroked..  Just hack it and STFU..  He's surely not done anything to get people to not talk about him..  He wants recognition, which is a strong motivator for many hackers(and pirates) which in turn is just to say I GOT IT AND YOU DON'T!  To hide behind the pretense of educating the community is BS..

I completly agree man,

And I personally have to say anyone that compares the number of posts to another person as a sign of some sort of superiority of knowlege should STFU also, actually I think personally they share the same kind of additute people like the specialist have.

Any idiot can submit 100 posts a day, because others have more to do with there time doesnt make there opions not count.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: epsilon9090 on March 18, 2006, 03:19:00 PM
Does anyone know if it would be possible to flash this without desoldering the chip? I know that you can flash firmware to PC dvd drives all the time to make them better, so if someone wrote drivers for the drive could they not flash it themselves?

 ph34r.gif  ph34r.gif  ph34r.gif

BTW, the specialist is probably just an interested hacker that doesn't want to get nabbed by the feds. He would probably have to ship his firmware on a cd to china to singapore to japan to india to europe to switzerland and then upload it there from underground using someone's wireless connection which is entunnel enabled to someone else's internet proxy. Oh yes, and it won't be the specialist who does it, it will be his secret clone (like Saddam).

Oh yes, and he will have to live in a hole for the rest of his days. But then again, MS could still find him because he would need to logon to xbox live. jester.gif

 ph34r.gif  ph34r.gif  ph34r.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MrPhunkee on March 18, 2006, 03:56:00 PM
He only can play backups. Isnt that ironic? They dont support piracy.. But still their actually wasting their time 2 get 2 run a copy of a game. I really don't get the point here.. Why not wasting ur time on something else? Homebrew 4 example?

This post has been edited by MrPhunkee: Mar 18 2006, 11:59 PM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: s0ftm0d on March 18, 2006, 03:59:00 PM
How could this not hurt the 360 community.  All of you people crying because this isn't going to be released are morons.  This hack does nothing but support piracy.  I read all the time about people crying of the high game prices, with this out, and the new form of piracy, bring on the higher prices.  Also, people saying that MS could reflash this to stop the piracy, they could do that to stop the 'brew so that argument doesn't really help anything.   XBMC is a great app, but its not worth not going on live for.  Seriously people, think this out before crying that you can't pirate that new game.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: NerdENerd on March 18, 2006, 03:59:00 PM
This does not bring my dreams of XBMC 360 and MAME 360 any closer. I hope this hack doesn't get realesed as it only helps piracy, does not help the homebrew scene. I will buy an Xbox 360 once you can run unsigned code on it, in the mean time I will stick with my XBMC and MAMEoX capable box.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Satanic Sheep on March 18, 2006, 03:26:00 PM
QUOTE(chr0ma @ Mar 18 2006, 09:53 PM) View Post

A hacker is a hacker!  So this Specialist dude goes on the forums and brags(claims that he is trying to educate.. blah!) and tells everyone I'm hacking the FW for the 360 but I don't want to release it because it will bring the heat and allow people to pirate.   Well heads up dude, the heat is already on..  MS and the feds you can bet will be taking a close look at you.  A hacker is no worse than a pirate...  Guess what that Firmware you hacked is a COPYRIGHTED PIECE OF SOFTWARE that you modified..   SO you are no better than any pirate whether you release it or not...

What has happened to the scene?  Are people actually that niave that now they are starting to believe all the propoganda that has been thrown to the public to make pirates seem like the doom of the music, movies and software industry when in fact its the quality and business models these companies use?  And all these HIGH AND MIGHTY people spouting off stuff about piracy without even getting educated about it and realising how much the consumer is given the shaft when it comes to media sales today.. I mean just look in the last few months how much has been discovered about Sony and their Payola scandals and their copy protection software that sits secretley on your machine slowing it down and breaking many.

I sure am glad Bunnie and previous hackers weren't so freaked out about their work.  If they would of had the same attitude as this Special guy we would not be as far along as we are in the homebrew and hacking scene.   And before anyone says GET THE INFO AND MAKE IT YOURSELF..  Even though many of the details are posted there are still holes in the info that unless you have make it useless...

I have to give props to the guy for doing it, but doing it in public and in essence saying I HAVE IT AND YOU CANT HAVE IT makes me want to punch this dude in the throat..    See you on courtTV Specialist...

PS - flashfreak, MS can detect it but then it will be easy to change the code and reflash again.. So in essence it will be like the PSP 1.5 hack.. Where MS will patch and then everyone reflashes..  They cannot reflash the DVD firmware so basically they will have to come up with something else or it will be a back and forth game we will be playing.  The Specialist said himself that the hole in the FW MS left undermines the whole live patching process..

there's a lot of stupid posts in this thread but I fully agree with yours mate!

I can understand the Specialist not releasing the info BUT if this was for my own benefit and I was worried about my safety then I wouldn't have posted anything online!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MrPhunkee on March 18, 2006, 04:07:00 PM
[quote name='Satanic Sheep' I would have done everything offline if it was for my own benefit and safety.


Ok, it has been done! Newsflash is over!
TS will be deleted from mankinds memory within 2 days
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: CaptainPoop on March 18, 2006, 04:08:00 PM
It was pretty convenient that the video didn't show the inputs on the rear of the TV.

I call shenanigans.  People are working on ways to alter a drive's firmware, yes, but I don't believe that anyone has succesfully gotten to the point where you can boot backups.

TheSpecialist claims to have done so on the Xbox1, but released no proof or evidence.

Now we have some new people doing the same thing with the 360.  Gimmie a greak.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ZildjianKX on March 18, 2006, 03:32:00 PM
QUOTE(NerdENerd @ Mar 18 2006, 02:30 PM) View Post

This does not bring my dreams of XBMC 360 and MAME 360 any closer. I hope this hack doesn't get realesed as it only helps piracy, does not help the homebrew scene. I will buy an Xbox 360 once you can run unsigned code on it, in the mean time I will stick with my XBMC and MAMEoX capable box.

Actually you're wrong... being able to modify the usigned files on any game released to date makes the dreams of XBMC a whole lot closer.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: speck311 on March 18, 2006, 04:09:00 PM
I have to admit at first I thought it would be a good idea to keep the hack quiet - but as I think about it more it was bad.  
After the letdown that is the 360 I would love to see M$ take a huge hit in their profits. The Media Center functionality of the 360 is crap - The games that were supposed to be BC are not - but hey....I can buy Gamer pics!

Anyway - M$ chose to take this risk so they could try to corner the market before Sony ever had a chance. They used DVD because it was easier and quicker to get their console out.  Everybody knew except for arrogant M$ that this would happen.  Sony is not so foolish in this case - even if their console is hacked there is no easy or affordable way to burn your own blu-ray discs that I know of.
If you ask me - M$ hastily slapped out their product and they deserve to be hacked.

Not to mention I enjoyed working on my xbox trying to get everything to work, experimenting with things, and etc. I enjoyed that a lot more than the actual games. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by speck311: Mar 19 2006, 12:15 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Schismatized on March 18, 2006, 04:10:00 PM
woah this hack is awesome. theyre prolly just think of a way to make $$$ with it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Achtung on March 18, 2006, 03:36:00 PM
QUOTE(s0ftm0d @ Mar 18 2006, 11:30 PM) View Post

How could this not hurt the 360 community.  All of you people crying because this isn't going to be released are morons.  This hack does nothing but support piracy.  I read all the time about people crying of the high game prices, with this out, and the new form of piracy, bring on the higher prices.  Also, people saying that MS could reflash this to stop the piracy, they could do that to stop the 'brew so that argument doesn't really help anything.   XBMC is a great app, but its not worth not going on live for.  Seriously people, think this out before crying that you can't pirate that new game.

Uh last time I checked,  for the last 3 years  the number one main purpose of the xbox1 modchip was backups. And I dont see them hurting to much.

Before you go on posting everyone that says to create this hack, ( which sole purpose is to ONLY allows "THEM the specialist/co and who ever he does tell"  to play backups which they demo quite enthusiastically with video I might add  in the face of everyone else), as morrons because they wont share it with the comunity.

Man maybe your calling the wrong people Morons
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: sgr215 on March 18, 2006, 04:16:00 PM
Isn't it a bit hypocritical how when Team Xecuter put out a statement saying a solution to play backups would be out soon everyone was really happy and not a single person said "Oh my god, piracy WAH WAH". I'm to lazy to find the thread, but I remember seeing the vast majority say "Hey, thats great. One small step towards a fully modded 360!" Now, someone totally unrelated to Team Xecuter comes out with no intent to profit from it, and shows us there is a method to boot backups. Most importantly, a method that would require no middle man to do, and thus no financial gain for a company like Team Xecuter. Now, various people are saying "WAH WAH, piracy. No one has a need for just backups". I guess this is a capitalist country though and if money can't be made on it, people will probably cry about it. Sadly, most of this comes down to the fact it might hurt the modchip scene.

Fact: If Team Xecuter released a modchip that could only play backups at least 80% of all of you whining about this firmware hack would purchase it.

On the other hand, The Specialist has every right to be concerned about the implications in releasing such hacks. It isn't very wise to mess with a large company such as MS and not have any legal representation advising you on the consequences of such actions. It's easy to say "he's a loser, he has no guts, etc." when it isn't you looking down at the barrel of a multi-billion dollar shotgun. Matter of fact, if I had found a similar hack I wouldn't release it either. Oddly, I also wouldn't be going around telling the world it was I who did it. That's just me though.

Anyhow, congrats to The Specialist.

This post has been edited by sgr215: Mar 19 2006, 12:26 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: aepuppetmaster on March 18, 2006, 04:17:00 PM
this guy is retarded, why even say anything if ur not gunna release it.  Thats like ur friend buying a 360, telling you about it, but when u go to his house, u are not allowed to play it.  i could care less if there is a firmeware hack as long as i can't get it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: _DiGiTaL_ on March 18, 2006, 04:21:00 PM
QUOTE(sbma44 @ Mar 18 2006, 07:07 PM) *

I hope this is genuine.  Without something released that can be independently verified, though, there's no reason I can see why there couldn't be a second 360 connected to the rear inputs on the TV.

A really good point, someone did that a little of a year ago with the gamecube before it was actually hacked. They had a second gamecube hookd up to the TV in the rear a/v inputs. I'm not doubting this 360 firmware hack but who knows we could actually see a repeat (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Satanic Sheep on March 18, 2006, 04:21:00 PM
QUOTE(sgr215 @ Mar 18 2006, 10:47 PM) *
Oddly, I also wouldn't be going around telling the world it was I who did it. That's just me though.

exactly, I'd have kept it to myself.

I wouldn't be suprised if MS try to track him down and charge him with what he's already done.  It appears the Specialist has taken the first steps to cracking the XBox and I would think MS would want to make an example, regardless of whether or not he's made the info publicly available.

This post has been edited by Satanic Sheep: Mar 19 2006, 12:25 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Alex548 on March 18, 2006, 04:21:00 PM
It's now been proven to work TWICE. I'm in complete agreement with them regarding release of this hack. Unfortunately, it'll probably be released by someone else anyway. At the moment, this hack only benefits the pirates and not the homebrew community. If we were to see a breakthrough with the homebrew stuff, then I'd definitely want to see this thing released.

Once again, great work.... only 4 months after release. Mr. Bill has probably seen this video by now and he probably crapped his pants.  ohmy.gif

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: tomgreen99200 on March 18, 2006, 04:29:00 PM
You guys are a bunch of hypocrits everyone here pirates games, DVd, Cds, pornos, ps2, gamecube, dreamcast,PSP, Nintendo DS and EVERYTHING else.  This isent any different, dont be so fullish.   bong.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: downlowfunk on March 18, 2006, 04:29:00 PM
QUOTE(sgr215 @ Mar 18 2006, 11:47 PM) *

Isn't it a bit hypocritical how when Team Xecuter put out a statement saying a solution to play backups would be out soon everyone was really happy and not a single person said "Oh my god, piracy WAH WAH"

Fact: If Team Xecuter released a modchip that could only play backups at least 80% of all of you whining about this firmware hack would purchase it.

Anyhow, congrats to The Specialist.

Well the X2 bios worked just fine with TSOP, I didnt see a need to purchase a modchip when I had a perfectly good one in my xbox.  Also... I know there are others out there that will share the much anticipated crack with us.   It is only a matter of time...  I waited 4 months, I can wait a bit longer.  Im sorry, I wish I knew assembler, and knew advanced methods of soldering, and other things that would allow me to help.   But unfortunatly I dont.  So thank you great humans who love to tinker, and develop, and share your "crack".   Some people are Dope Fiends, some are Coke Fiends, we are modded Xbox Fiends, and we will get our Fix.    

XMA  Xbox Modders Anonymous.  Modders Helping Modders, to quit spiking D0, and booting LPC.  To stay on a Clean MS BIOS.   1 mod is too much, and a 1000 is never enough.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MrPhunkee on March 18, 2006, 04:30:00 PM
95% of modchip sale is sold for only playing copies. And that's a fact! Cuz I installed a couple hundreds of them and only a few wanted to make a mamebox out of it or just a good mediacenter. And now like 80% in this thread mod for only homebrew? right..

U can do more with ur pc then the xbox, better emulation. All codecs for mediacenter. Then just get a TV card imo, if u want to be able 2 do that on tv instead of a pc. Running linux on a 733mhz machine isnt a thrill either.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ybaig123 on March 18, 2006, 04:31:00 PM
damn this thread has turned into a hate-fest...don't people have better things to do?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MacDennis on March 18, 2006, 04:38:00 PM
QUOTE(_DiGiTaL_ @ Mar 18 2006, 11:52 PM) *

A really good point, someone did that a little of a year ago with the gamecube before it was actually hacked. They had a second gamecube hookd up to the TV in the rear a/v inputs. I'm not doubting this 360 firmware hack but who knows we could actually see a repeat (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

This is the real deal. It has been confirmed working from various reliable sources. It has been done on the TS drive too so I heard.

Anyone with some MN103 assembly knowledge and enough time and ambition can do the same. Enough pointers have been published already.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Qu-Bit on March 18, 2006, 04:41:00 PM
All I want is to be able to run a XBMC like app on the 360. Perhaps in a year or two that might be possible but I am not holding my breath. The 360 as a media center is DRM'd to death and I am sure will never see the upgrade cycle like the wonderful devotion the XBMC team has poured into the XBMC. Until then, I will stick with Xbox 1.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Rustmonkey on March 18, 2006, 04:50:00 PM
Ok, great job on the FW hack - lots of kudos because this is vastly beyond my capabilities... a few comments:

1.  Granted the hack openly promotes/allows for piracy... but so do hacked Xbox 1 bios images... wierd - hacking either is illegal

2.  Second, everyone whining about running homebrew... most of you use the examples of XBMC and emulators - both are also clear violations of copyright acts because - XBMC was compiled using an XDK - not open source (to my knowledge anyways) - emulators allow you to run PIRATED games because I SERIOUSLY doubt each and every person that runs MAME has that arcade cabinet sitting in their house...

Anyways, in the essence of making backups, this is great - but honestly, I have NEVER damaged one of my original games enough that they wouldn't boot - this does carry some serious implications for the XBOX LIVE community as it could totally destroy the competition -

and my final thought, as far as a modchip goes... wouldn't it be possible (theoretically) to install a chip that would boot the hacked FW when enabled, and allow the stock FW to boot when disabled???

There's my 2 cents smile.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: lobango on March 18, 2006, 04:54:00 PM
QUOTE(Rustmonkey @ Mar 19 2006, 12:21 AM) *

and my final thought, as far as a modchip goes... wouldn't it be possible (theoretically) to install a chip that would boot the hacked FW when enabled, and allow the stock FW to boot when disabled???

There's my 2 cents (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

they installed it on a vector board, i'm sure it's very easy to implement a mod such as what you suggested.

and i also think that this hack will leak out very soon, to companies that want to make money.  unless he knows every person on that team personally, i'd expect something soon enough. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

This post has been edited by lobango: Mar 19 2006, 12:55 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: HELLTICK on March 18, 2006, 05:00:00 PM
People buy modchips to play backups...Simple! Sure the perks of homebrew emus,media players,and such appeal to a few customers and is the icing on the cake for some. However the bulk of customers just want to play backups.

Its been this way forever...what happened? They dont come wanting a chip installed to play some classic mario or another port of doom.
There is money to be made here...make it, we'll buy it!

Split the firmware file into 4 chunks and serve it at different locations, make it so the end-user has to make the decision to compile and flash it to the chip via user friendly pc flashing utility.

It was said that chip makers cant profit from this because it can be copied? I say bullshit...they wont get the whole lunch, but there is still money here.

I mean you dont have to call it "X360 Modchip" just call it a "32 pin flash rom compatible with X360" supply the chip and a win32 flashing utility...firmware not included.

There has to be a way.

This post has been edited by HELLTICK: Mar 19 2006, 01:09 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: m0dhe@d on March 18, 2006, 05:01:00 PM
QUOTE(aepuppetmaster @ Mar 18 2006, 03:48 PM) *

this guy is retarded, why even say anything if ur not gunna release it.  Thats like ur friend buying a 360, telling you about it, but when u go to his house, u are not allowed to play it.  i could care less if there is a firmeware hack as long as i can't get it.

maybe your retarted. if you dont want to know you shouldnt have read the shit. i dont think hes really worried about priracy more so getting sued by MS. he did this to the xbox 1s hitachi dvd drive and never released it. and you can go on live with a burned game. altough right now you cant run a edited one even with this firmware. it would eventually esculate to that point with newer firmware hacks released. and if someone goes out and ruins live by putting a shitload of cheaters on it i dont think id be the only one to want to kick his ass. if you want it so bad do it yourself. and release it and you can get sued.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: .:Dino:. on March 18, 2006, 05:02:00 PM
how much you think ms would pay him not to leak it and to show where ms went wrong, well i spose they already know now so they jus gotta touch up on the firmware security for mediaflags, maybe hard code a check against a few other measures kinda thing.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: HSDEMONZ on March 18, 2006, 05:06:00 PM
Definitely an interesting developement.

To those not wanting to release such hacks publicly, it's very understandable. The repercussions, direct and indirect can be staggering. that doesn't mean though that it won't get into the wild shortly. With those who participated in the research, and having accomplished this feat now being inundated with requests for help and how to questions.. It's either a matter of time before a leak occures.. or someone steps up and makes someone in the research circle an offer they can't refuse.

To everyone bitching and calling these "hackers" names for not releasing.. sign onto XBH, get an account and start reading.. (not like you need an account there to do so.. )

If you want the hacked firmware before those who have it are willing to part with it, make your own. The research is there.. and so are the hints, clues and pointers.

This isn't a sexy or elegant mod.

To those who can make a simple switchable device (modchip) to enable an off board flashrom to boot and execute in place of the stock dvd one, there is money to be made.. even if it's just short term. Do I think we'll see one? sure. the 360 market is growing.. more or less at the pace of a million consoles per month give or take a couple 100000. Some, will undoubtedly want their modded 360 and pirate booty.

I won't turn down such a device myself. Personally though.. I'm more interested in seeing other developement out of XBH and XS along the lines of full memmory card and Hard drive manipulation, and of course.. homebrew (XBMC).
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: stezo2k on March 18, 2006, 05:07:00 PM
Good news, looks like this chap is pretty talented heh. I knew it was going to be hacked sooner or later, my hats off to him.

I do believe this video isn't a fake as some people seem to think it is

Now that he's given some info how hes done it maybe somebody else will crack it and release it (maybe)

least its a start anyway, hopefully we'll see some progress on homebrew soon too
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: garry on March 18, 2006, 05:09:00 PM
whats the bet MS will make sure that any new xbox 360s they produce will be fixed and not be able to run this sought of hack,its only early days and they have only sold so many machines world wide so if they stopped it now and made sure no other dvd drive could be hacked then it would only be the older machines that could use this sought of hack.

This post has been edited by garry: Mar 19 2006, 01:12 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Altima NEO on March 18, 2006, 05:13:00 PM
Im sure MS will find a way to quickly patch up this problem.

I think its a good move on his part not to release this, considering all it can do is play pirated copies.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: amongstones on March 18, 2006, 05:16:00 PM
QUOTE(_iffy @ Mar 18 2006, 07:46 PM) *

This still doesn't change the fact there aren't any good games for the 360.
Oblivion is the only one that has me interested, and i think i just might get it for the PC instead.

A modded 360 will never be as cool as a modded original xbox.

That is incredible work, but really, it doesn't make me want to go and buy a 360.

*still unimpressed*

Excatly, who cares.  Until the 360 has some decent games, who cares whether this is released or not.

And I love all the kids here.  Keep on making arses of yourself, if you ever bothered to read the forums at xboxhacker, you'd see that anyone involved in this hack loves nothing more that to mock the "kids" over here.  Thanks for helping to ruin the "scene"!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: gli7ch on March 18, 2006, 05:17:00 PM
Great job TS!  cool.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: shodanjr_gr on March 18, 2006, 05:19:00 PM
QUOTE(jizmo @ Mar 19 2006, 12:09 AM) *

It seems to me that all people here have understood the mechanics and possibilities of the hack, thanks to the lenghty description on the main page. You just reformulated the same information, Mr Obvious.

If everyone actually understood the mechanics of this hack, there wouldnt be people dising THe Specialist for not releasing this, cause they would actually realise the consequences.


And I'd still urge people not to say this doesn't enable any homebrew if you don't know any better. In addition to possible Flash homebrew, modifying the data files on discs is the very key to a softmod, if there's ever going to be any.

A softmod isnt a softmod if it requires flashing the firmware of a part of the console.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: TGD on March 18, 2006, 05:25:00 PM
Im amazed how so many people in this thread arent even thinking how easily MS can find a solution to stop this hack from working. Im a few months, we'll probally see 360's that will not work with this hack

This post has been edited by TGD: Mar 19 2006, 01:27 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: tronxoe on March 18, 2006, 05:30:00 PM
If they can change the way DVD responses on Media flag, the Region flag is not far away.
-> If the firmware is released, Region hack is not an issue.
-> And there will be a modchip installed on DVD drive. Customers don't have to flash the DVD drive firmware.
-> Some body (modchip manufacturers) will pay big bucks for this hacked firmware.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ssj4android on March 18, 2006, 05:35:00 PM
Was there ever a hack like this for the original xbox DVD drive? My original Halo 2 disk is really scratched up, and it would be nice if I could get it to run faster, while still going on Live. Although, I'm not sure how fast it read the DVD-R. Just curious if such a thing exists.

And  I can't believe MS didn't see this coming. Even I thought changing the media response would be a weakness. And I'm guessing they didn't get the eject working in the firmware hack?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: pash on March 18, 2006, 05:38:00 PM
ph34r.gif  KUDOS  ph34r.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: spoone on March 18, 2006, 05:43:00 PM
damn it, that's nice! why didn't i do that?
keep on modding,
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: JUANVAN on March 18, 2006, 05:47:00 PM
This is AMAZING - Props to the Team, Can't wait to run homebrew on this baby!!!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: HoRnEyDvL on March 18, 2006, 05:52:00 PM
All these people talking about cheating on XBL can you or can you not read? Or are you reading what u just want to read?, This lets u play backups of your games which still have a valid signiture in the xex. unless a game is using INI files to control important stuff like speed etc then no cheating on live yet..
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: j0ey on March 18, 2006, 05:54:00 PM
Why say you hacked the firmware,  fully knowing youre not going rls it?
There's Millions in this hack, so expect some type of 'product' soon...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ruciz on March 18, 2006, 05:55:00 PM
The goal of the site is to provide a mean for homebrew opportunities on the 360 console, yet they opt for spending 4 months fixing the mediaflag in the DVD drive when they know that will not help them boot unsigned code.. which is what their goal is supposed to be.

Just must be me.. I donno.

Congrats on the hack - The race is on now to see who is the first to make something that can sign their own xex's with MS's key, then we are home free.

I can't see this ever being for n00bies as you are going to have to haul the key from the chip at some point to flash the DVD Drive or you got yourself a useless console, cause the key is wrong and the xbox goes boom.

This post has been edited by ruciz: Mar 19 2006, 01:56 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: .:Dino:. on March 18, 2006, 06:03:00 PM
the fact is we can run backups of games without needing to mod the 360 nor the files on it, as far as the 360 is concerned we are just running purchased games. We havent even reached that in xbox modding. But if x360 modding continues down this ruit we will be looking at a softmod as primary mod, as everyone will be looking for a way to exploit.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: krumbman on March 18, 2006, 06:04:00 PM
So. once i have the .bin file for the flash, is there some sort of (program) utility that i could flash with or must the chip be removed? thanks
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: mattcooper on March 18, 2006, 06:11:00 PM
Hey Guys,
               The guy in the video used his backup copy of PGR....I don't want this question to sound illgeal but I have many kids in my family and normaly a new disc will be scratched within 1 week....So I am wanting to back them up now before thay scratch them... And one day when this hack becomes public then be able to use the disc...So how is it possible to back up your games? That we AUS fork over $120 for...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: psxpirate1 on March 18, 2006, 06:21:00 PM
The idea of putting a modchip on the dvdrom wouldn't work. The region lockout would still be in place because of the xbox's native origin PAL or NTSC, not to mention breaking the signature of the disc. I hope to be proven wrong though.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: NEUROMODS on March 18, 2006, 06:38:00 PM
This hack seems like a pure waste of time.... To hack the Xbox 360's DVD firmware allowing it to read backed up games just to come on net and brag saying, "hehehe I hacked it but hey fuck faces I'm not gonna release it to anyone"... What a stupid childish thing. I liked the guy who made the post that back in the days anything that happened with the original Xbox was posted and people were glad to help. Now it seems like a bunch of childish retards doing things and keeping it to themselves.

I find it more fucking stupid TheSpecialist talks of piracy and don't want it released yet you know damn well he sits at home with downloaded games playing on Live bragging.

This could be a useful thing for those of us with shitty DVD drives. I'm sick of my games getting scratched up by the 360 and people saying, don't move it and shit. I don't even touch the damn thing and it does it. He is worried of piracy yet, sooner or later modchips will be out and what you think will happen then? No different at all...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: mitchell2345 on March 18, 2006, 06:38:00 PM
sweet...... getting closer anyway!!!

This post has been edited by mitchell2345: Mar 19 2006, 02:39 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: rony2211 on March 18, 2006, 06:43:00 PM
QUOTE(tomgreen99200 @ Mar 18 2006, 06:00 PM) *

You guys are a bunch of hypocrits everyone here pirates games, DVd, Cds, pornos, ps2, gamecube, dreamcast,PSP, Nintendo DS and EVERYTHING else.  This isent any different, dont be so fullish.   bong.

shit how did you know i pirate porn  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif) on a different note good job guys and remember this was a team project so my hat is off to all that were involved ,would i like it released ya sure ,can i do it myself no ,i do pay for my games and at 60 bucks a pop i would love to have a backup of them (yes i pirate porn but i delete it when im done lol .
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jubilex on March 18, 2006, 06:50:00 PM
QUOTE(chr0ma @ Mar 18 2006, 10:53 PM) *

PS - flashfreak, MS can detect it but then it will be easy to change the code and reflash again.. So in essence it will be like the PSP 1.5 hack.. Where MS will patch and then everyone reflashes..  They cannot reflash the DVD firmware so basically they will have to come up with something else or it will be a back and forth game we will be playing.  The Specialist said himself that the hole in the FW MS left undermines the whole live patching process..

Wouldn't they simply check the firmware, and if it doesn't match that shipped from the factory, you are banned?  You could reflash the drive, but your 360 eeprom or whatever would still be banned, and without homebrew, there would be no way to change that. You'd be off Live for good. Hell, they could have it disable your 360 entirely if it detected the modified firmware, so even if you reflashed your drive back to the original, you still wouldn't be able to play anything at all, and you'd be left with a very expensive brick. Even if they didn't do that, many games require updates, and being banned from Live, you would have no way to get them.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: faster90 on March 18, 2006, 07:01:00 PM
This thread need a MOD to delete a bunch of stupid post. If people don't appreciate the hack, why are you here?

The only reason they show this hack as just to prove the 360 can be hack. On the other hand, releasing this firmware would be bad!!! You can't flash a Hitachi firmware on a Samsung DVD or other way around. Doing so can corrupt your drive.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: mattcooper on March 18, 2006, 07:04:00 PM
QUOTE(mattcooper @ Mar 19 2006, 11:12 AM) *

Hey Guys,
               The guy in the video used his backup copy of PGR....I don't want this question to sound illgeal but I have many kids in my family and normaly a new disc will be scratched within 1 week....So I am wanting to back them up now before thay scratch them... And one day when this hack becomes public then be able to use the disc...So how is it possible to back up your games? That we AUS fork over $120 for...

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: axess68 on March 18, 2006, 07:10:00 PM
Well, with all the anti-piracy talk (leveled against even people playing backups of their OWN games), I would bet dollars to doughnuts that The Specialist and the majority of his team are renting and copying Xbox 360 games like mad right about now. wink.gif

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nwo504 on March 18, 2006, 07:15:00 PM
free firmware  included with marrowwind lol
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ciaspook on March 18, 2006, 07:21:00 PM
Would MS even risk releasing a firmware upgrade if they could? If the flash goes wrong the 360 is useless. Seems a big risk to me...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: General_Zod on March 18, 2006, 07:26:00 PM
QUOTE(CattyKid @ Mar 18 2006, 08:20 PM) *

Apparently, you do not have the hacker mentality.  Have you ever done something just because people said you couldn't or it would take years, or it was near impossible?  Have you ever done something as a CHALLENGE to yourself?  Have you ever done something just to say you did it?  Because it's mentally stimulating

This is interesting. I don't know you and you don't know me but I did mention in my post that I did software hacking, and I did, for quite a few years. I guess i'm from the "old school" of hacking where once you hack it you share the knowledge and release everything you can so that others can help refine the hack. I didn't post "Look how great I am" videos and the like. I think the Specialist is much more interested in his ego than actually helping any of us. If you want to applaud someone like that, go right ahead. If the specialist is a REAL hacker he would know plenty of ways to release the code without getting it traced back to him - but perhaps posting a video all over the internet wasn't a good idea? If it's real, hopefully he'll come to his sences and release it. If it's fake it wouldn't surprise me because he's not behaving like a hacker that really has done the job.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Dracc on March 18, 2006, 07:28:00 PM
Am I the only one who sees that this video is not necessarily legit. Not to be a nay sayer or anything... but the camera never shows all of the video cable... either a bad choice on the part of the cameraman, or they are hiding something? Anyway, the disc continues to spin, which means it is most likely a legit video... I just don't believe anything on the net these days.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: mik30 on March 18, 2006, 07:37:00 PM
QUOTE(.:Dino:. @ Mar 18 2006, 08:02 PM) *

like i said, either accept it as proof or not, xantium would not post it if it were another fake 360 hack. The specialist is known to be very intelligent and active in 360 hacking.

Well, I can not read that glorification of these guys anymore without the necessity to puke...

Let us regard the facts for once:

1. The famous so called "hacking thread" - on which the defenders of this hacker always refer to - does *NOT* describe at all how the firmware has to be patched to make the hack.
2. The thread itself just deals with speculations about how a hack might work.
3. TheSpecialist itself, which is often praised here nearly like a hero in hacking is truly such a lamer that he even asked a few days before he released his success message how to send packet commands to the XBOX drive connected to the pc. Can you imagine how a guy who does not know such a basic thing is capable of hacking a firmware?
4. TheSpecialist wrote that he denies to release the firmware because he tries to obey the law. This is by far the most  rediculous & stupid excuse I ever read from a faker. The truth is, that according to the law, reverse engineering is forbidden at all. So if he would obey the law he would not change the firmware in the first place. In addition to this, he also wrote in the notorious thread, that he got several informations about how the authentication check might work directly out of the secretly spread source code from the original´s XBOX firmware. Simply having this MSs source code is against the law. So what is this liar trying to fool us with if he excuses his denial with a cheap referal to the law that he is constantly breaking himself, according to his own statements.

So I would advice this fool that he either proofes his hack by a detailed description that anybody can repeat himself to verify his success or by releasing his hacked firmware to verify the hack.
Otherwise read this sucker: Just shut the fuck up or tell your lies to yourself....

This post has been edited by mik30: Mar 19 2006, 03:47 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Bizquick on March 18, 2006, 07:38:00 PM
I agree with his choice to not release this firmware. I think it only supports backups. Unless the homebrew teams all had dev kits with ways to sign there code. This will not help the scene much. I can only see now MS doing everything they can to bad xbox's that try this hack. I don't belive MS could reflash  the drives and break the hack. but I do belive that it could be detected to some degree. well maybe some other groups will do what they have done and find a universal hack for all drives but I would not hold your breath I think most groups will do the same question about releasing it. Good job on your hack and hope full we can see some other good things from simular hacks.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: babyface_snoop on March 18, 2006, 07:38:00 PM
QUOTE(deadparrot @ Mar 18 2006, 06:22 PM) *

Seriously, think about the legal implications.  If they purposely released it, MS could openly sue them for supporting piracy.

Am not begin funny or nothing but there breaking the law anyway!! if ms see's the video of them playing a backup there sue the people who made the hacked firmware,sue them for burning a ms game and in court there have proof that a backup was seen playing in the video and that is piarcy!!!

plus i noticed in the video they had the master retail copy of the game on the side of xbox360 . they put that there so ms thinks oh they got the orignal copy there so its ok! we cant get them done

 Well guess what the law states now even if u got ur master retail copy its still against the law to make a backup regardless of you having the orignal!!!! so either way not releasing the hacked firmware or releasing it there still get in the shittttttttt for playing a backup and copyright hacking with out the permission of ms!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)


This post has been edited by babyface_snoop: Mar 19 2006, 03:51 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: antz1970 on March 18, 2006, 07:39:00 PM
all this "video is a fake" crap has to stop lol , the team that released it are a well respected bunch both on here and on xbh , props to the whole team and props for not releasing it , i do own a few copys of games for xbox1 , but any game i have liked i have went out and bought purely so i could play on live , i personally would welcome a hack with open arms , but i would prefer it if it could only play backups/homebrew , i dont want anything to ruin live i dont want to or i dont want people playing backups as tho they are originals on xbl ,it was the one thing that was understood about xbox 1 , kinda like an unwritten rule , "thou shall not play backups on xbl"lol and anyone who thinks they were wrong to announce it and not release it obviously does not understand the whole point of "hacker kudos" ok i know all this has been said already , but its just my tuppence worth , respect to the whole crew  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/pop.gif)

edit whoa snoop m8 , u need to change the font size m8 lol

This post has been edited by antz1970: Mar 19 2006, 03:40 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: mark_in_2k on March 18, 2006, 07:40:00 PM
QUOTE(Dracc @ Mar 18 2006, 08:59 PM) *

Am I the only one who sees that this video is not necessarily legit. Not to be a nay sayer or anything... but the camera never shows all of the video cable... either a bad choice on the part of the cameraman, or they are hiding something? Anyway, the disc continues to spin, which means it is most likely a legit video... I just don't believe anything on the net these days.
I agree with you. The cable that we see in the video could be from the modded 360, but who's to say that there's not another 360 hidden away that is plugged into the TV from the back. It's certainly possible.

I'm not usually a sceptic when it comes to the modding scene, but there's always a load of fakes running through the net when a system has still to be hacked.

Anyway...back to some more GRAW (now where did I put that desoldering tool? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) )!

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: AbRASiON on March 18, 2006, 07:41:00 PM
QUOTE(Achtung @ Mar 18 2006, 07:17 PM) *

I have to say all this "I hacked the 360", "oh yeh how did you do it", "We're not telling for the greater good" is a complete joke.

 Seriously I want to puke when I hear these nobel reasons as to why these people who think they are the king of kings or something, and that everyone should lisen to them as the shame us as not being as nobel as thee.

 Give me a break, your telling me they are not just playing backups non stop and going on live probbily bragging about it. I don't really know what happened to everyone but I remeber when I first got into the xbox modding it seemed everyone was more than willing to help each other out and share in the interests.
Now it seems to be like little spolied children saying "Mine Mine and you cant have it!".

I find this all soo ridiculas, and to totally be honnest Its made lose interest especially anything that comes out of people like this.

What are you? fucking 12 years old?

Do you have any concept of what going through a legal battle is like, do you know what MS could do to these people if they released it? - You're lucky they even released the information on how it's done in a text form.

MS could fuck their lives, their families lives - their careers very fucking easily - you're lucky to have the info you have

Stop your fucking whining.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: clownbow on March 18, 2006, 07:45:00 PM
seeing is beleiving. when i see it in person i will beleive. the ice chip was more convincing.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: j0ey on March 18, 2006, 07:55:00 PM
Everyone needs to stop getting emotional...

We must answer:
Did TS do this to gain glory and boost his ego or to make money?
I say to make money... he's in the NL (I think), so I dont know how their laws work, but a lot of people will pay top dollar for his info. Look at much $$, the xbox has generated for chip sellers... he'd be nuts to rls his info without his cut.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Cyberdude93 on March 18, 2006, 07:59:00 PM
QUOTE(tronxoe @ Mar 19 2006, 02:01 AM) *

If they can change the way DVD responses on Media flag, the Region flag is not far away.
-> If the firmware is released, Region hack is not an issue.

Doesn't work like that.  The Xbox has direct access to the XEX file.  It asks the DVD drive what media it's on, and compares it with what the XEX says, in this case, dvdxbox360 with dvdxbox360.  The region?  It compares the XEX with the Xbox's region.  Nothing to do with the DVD Drive.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ruciz on March 18, 2006, 07:59:00 PM
QUOTE(babyface_snoop @ Mar 19 2006, 03:09 AM) *

Am not begin funny or nothing but there breaking the law anyway!! if ms see's the video of them playing a backup there sue the people who made the hacked firmware,sue them for burning a ms game and in court there have proof that a backup was seen playing in the video and that is piarcy!!!

plus i noticed in the video they had the master retail copy of the game on the side of xbox360 . they put that there so ms thinks oh they got the orignal copy there so its ok! we cant get them done

 Well guess what the law states now even if u got ur master retail copy its still against the law to make a backup regardless of you having the orignal!!!! so either way not releasing the hacked firmware or releasing it there still get in the shittttttttt for playing a backup and copyright hacking with out the permission of ms!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)


haha, good point, one flaw.

Theres no physical proof that the images being displayed on the screen actually came from that xbox, or that the disc is actually a burnt copy of PGR3. It might be a live update disc or the kiosk demo disc burnt with PGR3 written on it and another console displaying the image with a legit PGR3 game.
Unless they track down The Specialist and physically verify he does indeed have illegally made copies of 360 games, has an illegally modified unit to play the games theres not much that can be done.
BTW, laws are different in different places in the world - modchips and backups are perfectly legal in Australia for example. Sony lost that court battle. Europe on the other hand is 100% against everything.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MacDennis on March 18, 2006, 08:05:00 PM
QUOTE(j0ey @ Mar 19 2006, 03:26 AM) *

We must answer:
Did TS do this to gain glory and boost his ego or to make money?
First of all, it was a team effort. Did you watch the video?
Second, don't make false claims like that. This news was made public to proof that it's actually possible to modifiy the drive firmware.
Third, should they withhold the information that it's actually possible? You tell me.

QUOTE(j0ey @ Mar 19 2006, 03:26 AM) *

I say to make money... he's in the NL (I think), so I dont know how their laws work, but a lot of people will pay top dollar for his info. Look at much $$, the xbox has generated for chip sellers... he'd be nuts to rls his info without his cut.
Do some research first before posting wild speculation. A drive firmware modchip CAN NOT be sold by any company because it would be a 'circumvention device'. Such a device is illegal in many countries. Why do you think the current 'modchips' can be sold? Simple. They DO NOT contain copyrighted code at all ...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MacDennis on March 18, 2006, 08:20:00 PM
QUOTE(mik30 @ Mar 19 2006, 03:08 AM) *

4. TheSpecialist wrote that he denies to release the firmware because he tries to obey the law. This is by far the most  rediculous & stupid excuse I ever read from a faker. The truth is, that according to the law, reverse engineering is forbidden at all. So if he would obey the law he would not change the firmware in the first place.

He doesn't even own a x360 silly.

QUOTE(mik30 @ Mar 19 2006, 03:08 AM) *

So I would advice this fool that he either proofes his hack by a detailed description that anybody can repeat himself to verify his success or by releasing his hacked firmware to verify the hack.
Otherwise read this sucker: Just shut the fuck up or tell your lies to yourself....

It has been hacked. Get over it.

You are just a freeloader, face it.

This post has been edited by MacDennis: Mar 19 2006, 04:21 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: babyface_snoop on March 18, 2006, 08:22:00 PM
QUOTE(ruciz @ Mar 19 2006, 02:30 AM) *

haha, good point, one flaw.

Theres no physical proof that the images being displayed on the screen actually came from that xbox, or that the disc is actually a burnt copy of PGR3. It might be a live update disc or the kiosk demo disc burnt with PGR3 written on it and another console displaying the image with a legit PGR3 game.
Unless they track down The Specialist and physically verify he does indeed have illegally made copies of 360 games, has an illegally modified unit to play the games theres not much that can be done.
BTW, laws are different in different places in the world - modchips and backups are perfectly legal in Australia for example. Sony lost that court battle. Europe on the other hand is 100% against everything.

Good point very true man..

aust lucky bastards lol.I only joined this site cause i read on about this topic and i got lead here (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif).. if they get caught there still get in trouble!! If there country let them play backups then sony couldnt sue these people!!! But if they aint releasing it incase they do get sued that means there in a country which is against this kind of issue!! So there get in trouble if they dont release the firmware or if they do... they cant pick the blue pill and they cant pick the red pill they have to pick both get mee!!  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

This post has been edited by babyface_snoop: Mar 19 2006, 04:30 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MacDennis on March 18, 2006, 08:22:00 PM
QUOTE(ruciz @ Mar 19 2006, 03:30 AM) *

Theres no physical proof that the images being displayed on the screen actually came from that xbox, or that the disc is actually a burnt copy of PGR3.
Fact is, every video can be faked nowadays.

QUOTE(ruciz @ Mar 19 2006, 03:30 AM) *

It might be a live update disc or the kiosk demo disc burnt with PGR3 written on it and another console displaying the image with a legit PGR3 game.
Wild speculation. Fact: the video is real.

QUOTE(ruciz @ Mar 19 2006, 03:30 AM) *

Unless they track down The Specialist and physically verify he does indeed have illegally made copies of 360 games, has an illegally modified unit to play the games theres not much that can be done.
Fact: he doesn't even own a x360.

QUOTE(ruciz @ Mar 19 2006, 03:30 AM) *

BTW, laws are different in different places in the world - modchips and backups are perfectly legal in Australia for example. Sony lost that court battle. Europe on the other hand is 100% against everything.
True. But these hackers don't live in Australia unfortunately.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: sgr215 on March 18, 2006, 08:27:00 PM
Taken from Team Xecuter:

The scene can expect a hack for all drives very soon (It's currently only
Hitachi) - you can be assured that it will be released although I don't think
modchips will be any kind of business as its a pure piracy mod - no homebrew at
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: rony2211 on March 18, 2006, 08:29:00 PM
QUOTE(MacDennis @ Mar 18 2006, 09:51 PM) *

He doesn't even own a x360 silly.
It has been hacked. Get over it.

You are just a freeloader, face it.

dude alot of us have read your forums and know that this is a team effort hell of a job they are just mad cuz you guys did not hand them a pretty software package to hack there own drives i know you feel the need to defend yourself but your not going to convince a bunch of crying dumbasses when there only pob is they cant do it themself so to you and the rest of the team have a  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/beerchug.gif) on me
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ILLusions0fGrander on March 18, 2006, 08:30:00 PM
regardless.. to be able to backup your games and not worry about scratching them is a valuable mod.
also, you would get a higher resale price when you sell your original with no scratches or fingerprints.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: zeroprobe on March 18, 2006, 08:31:00 PM
The Specialist is a talented attention seeking whore.

Why not just STFU go to an internet cafe remote location, upload it somewhere and nobody knows any better. Non traceable.........but you are traceable as you couldnt keep the mouth shut.

Kudos on the work btw very impressed, you just got the wrong way of going about it.

PS everybody on here is a pirating asshole so dont give me that anti piracy crap. Who are you kidding??

I don't give to flips though as im waiting for ps3, unless of course you can get hdtv running through 360

This post has been edited by zeroprobe: Mar 19 2006, 04:35 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: rony2211 on March 18, 2006, 08:36:00 PM
QUOTE(zeroprobe @ Mar 18 2006, 10:02 PM) *

The Specialist is a talented attention seeking whore.

Why not just STFU go to an internet cafe remote location, upload it somewhere and nobody knows any better. Non traceable.........but you are traceable as you couldnt keep the mouth shut.

Kudos on the work btw very impressed, you just got the wrong way of going about it.

PS everybody on here is a pirating asshole so dont give me that anti piracy crap. Who are you kidding??

bullshit i only pirate porn lol
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: pdottz on March 18, 2006, 08:44:00 PM
here's a question i thought about this morning after reading about this hack.

you guys ever think that ms doesn't try so hard to fill the stores with xbox360s during this time of shortage?

my main reason for thinking this is that MAYBE ms did this as a way to have hackers and programmers test the security out on the consoles already released and bought and played. using the consumer as the secondary test team. i mean, who's going to actually play the console more than the testers at ms?

release a few hundred thousand/millions at launch and see what happens in the coming months. like with the kiosk disk.

now this hack is reported (not released) but will definately get ms looking into it and patching up any holes it finds for future xbox360 stock.

just a thought.

This post has been edited by pdottz: Mar 19 2006, 04:45 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: akarnid on March 18, 2006, 09:00:00 PM
No wonder these boards have gone downhill in later times.  16 pages of mostly inane chatter when finally they show proof of the firmware hack  blink.gif

And make no bones about it, that video is real,  don't you think that Xant and HSD and the crew don't double check on news like this when they hit?    And once and for all, like has been stated many times here and on XBH, Spec is not gonna release the hack because of personal preferences.  He doesn't owe any of you jack shit, much less some 'liability' to release without prejudice what he has found and DOCUMENTED EXTENSIVELY, now both on the XBH boards and with this video.  The proof and methodology has been writ, and it doesn't take a bunch of electronics engineers to replicate what he did.  All it takes is someone who wants to release it for their own gain, both financial and not.  It won't be the modchip crews, they stand to gain nothing from it.

*grumbles about clueless idiots*
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nj12nets on March 18, 2006, 09:06:00 PM
most likely its not because they care about piracy in general but because if they release it t hey are conspiring to pirate compyrighted material and have to go to jail/pay HUGE fines.  I agree with their decision because fuck yall i ain going to jail but the facti t can be done also shoots the 360's security expectations down a bit and takes ms's confidence away somewhat.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: HSDEMONZ on March 18, 2006, 09:14:00 PM
QUOTE(akarnid @ Mar 18 2006, 10:31 PM) *
No wonder these boards have gone downhill in later times.  16 pages of mostly inane chatter when finally they show proof of the firmware hack  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)

And make no bones about it, that video is real,  don't you think that Xant and HSD and the crew don't double check on news like this when they hit?  

We've made a few mistakes over the years. We try and verifiy stories that sounds fishy. When we faulter, appropiate edits, changes, and if needed apologies are made. Last I checked we are human. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

That's doesn't always mean we will be the first with a story. Being first isn't our intention. We try and have the right story. Let others rush to get a story up. We work under the best of intentions, and never to misguide the readers/members. People do trust us.. and we do take that seriously.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: sgr215 on March 18, 2006, 09:20:00 PM
Thats exactly it, many don't realize the repercussions of releasing such FW and saying "HEY LOOK AT ME, I DID IT!" Then again, with no offense to the younger ones acting appropriately, a lot of young kids don't consider the consequences of their own actions and with all do respect, there are many young kids on here.

Yet another point so eloquently put by someone else, The Specialist truly doesn't owe you anything. Later down the road I'm sure you'll be worshiping him when you're flashing the FW discovered by The Specialist and released by "Hey it just showed up on the newsgroups". Of course, when that time comes you'll say "I always knew The Specialist was real. He's a God to the scene".  dry.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Virtucon on March 18, 2006, 09:27:00 PM
I thought the "backups" were just file dumps.  didn't xbox games need to be put in the fatx format before they would play in an xbox?  shouldn't this be true with 360 games?  I didn't know there were any ways to convert the file dumps into 360 compatible .iso's.  also don't we need 360 XDKs before any homebrew apps can begin to get off the ground?

just my thoughts

2 more cents.  other than the xbox, hasn't every other CD based console been modded solely for piracy/backups?  meaning NO HOMEBREW.  not sure but I think that is correct.

I really don't care either way, released or not.  I think it could be patched and I enjoy LIVE way too much to go without it.

This post has been edited by Virtucon: Mar 19 2006, 05:36 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: adeon on March 18, 2006, 09:29:00 PM
Props To The Specialist


Im really happy that theres progress with the 360..

this opens doors to homebrew., in some way, or another.. we are getting closer..

and for piracy use.. I am going to admit, that I MYSELF would TRY IT..


I dont know.. about you guys.. But I LOSE interest in that... once I see it boot.. I will be more than happy To just SEE, that the disk boots,,, not happy that I can play a BACKUP,

The specialist made my day today... even though I cant see it infront of me.. Im still happy theres proggress being made

Dont kill the 360

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nwo504 on March 18, 2006, 09:30:00 PM
This is an ill marketing attemp by m$. Now a few more people will buy 360s just because of this.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: -Rogue5- on March 18, 2006, 09:37:00 PM
If you talk badly about TheSpecialist (and/or his team), you are a moron.

TheSpecialist is RELEASING EVERYTHING except the actual firmware.  He is giving everyone the details of the teams work - step by step.  I mean, the dude probably spent quite a bit of his free-time these last 4 months figuring out how to hack the 360, telling everyone how to do it, and just because he doesn't release the firmware some of you people are ragging on him. Shut the fuck up.  Because you aren't smart enough to hack it yourself or to follow his instructions, doesn't give you the right to blame him for not releasing.  If anything, you could have spent the time learning how to replace/write optical drive firmwares these last few months.  So get off your own ass if you aren't patient enough to wait for someone else to provide you with a solution.

If this mod doesn't get release by one of the other teams, the only reason will be because they won't be making money off any kind of chip sale... and THAT would be way more shelfish/greedy than anything TheSpecialist has done.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: xmod4u on March 18, 2006, 09:54:00 PM
I find this so funny!
If there wouldnt be piracy, this site wouldnt exist! and thats a fact! period!

Think i modded my box to play x-lime! Comon! lol

Now in any reality, anyone claiming to have done something just to tease people and not release it, is just a buch of crock! Why announce it to the world if ya aint gonna do nothin about it!
PLUS,  in any case, now if it does get released, they will know who did it! lmfao.

Wanna avoid piracy, fight to bring down prices, worked for cigarettes!

In the meantime, hope someone out there workin on a real way to backup my 80$ games, so i can leave them in the case.  lol

later doods
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: CattyKid on March 18, 2006, 09:55:00 PM
QUOTE(HSDEMONZ @ Mar 18 2006, 10:45 PM) *

We've made a few mistakes over the years. We try and verifiy stories that sounds fishy. When we faulter, appropiate edits, changes, and if needed apologies are made. Last I checked we are human. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

That's doesn't always mean we will be the first with a story. Being first isn't our intention. We try and have the right story. Let others rush to get a story up. We work under the best of intentions, and never to misguide the readers/members. People do trust us.. and we do take that seriously.

Not to pry, but what has X-S news ever gotten wrong?  I can't specifically remember anything in my last year and a few months here.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Moltdar on March 18, 2006, 09:58:00 PM
I hope we see 360 DVD drives on ebay soon with the FW patched smile.gif that'd be the best thing since you wouldn't need to take the chip out of yours to get the key and if something goes bad you put back your old one back in!

But does anyone knows if your DVD drive is tied to your motherboard? if not then someone's gotta buy a ton of Compatible DVD drives, and serial mod them then everyone's happy (ebay or not)!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: CattyKid on March 18, 2006, 10:02:00 PM
QUOTE(xmod4u @ Mar 18 2006, 11:25 PM) *

I find this so funny!
If there wouldnt be piracy, this site wouldnt exist! and thats a fact! period!

Think i modded my box to play x-lime! Comon! lol

Now in any reality, anyone claiming to have done something just to tease people and not release it, is just a buch of crock! Why announce it to the world if ya aint gonna do nothin about it!
PLUS,  in any case, now if it does get released, they will know who did it! lmfao.

Wanna avoid piracy, fight to bring down prices, worked for cigarettes!

In the meantime, hope someone out there workin on a real way to backup my 80$ games, so i can leave them in the case.  lol

later doods

As to this.... umm...
I advise you to check out (free programs, like many Xbox ones out ther.  Fine, that's not a good example.  
Or, how about this product (it is a Media Center Extender)  Why pay hundreds of dollars when something you already have (an Xbox, access to Xbins, and a softmod) can get you something better for free?  An Xbox (running XBMC) was recently voted as the best Media Center Extender you can get.  Or how about Xbox Linux?
Yes, piracy is a big chunk of modding.  But nowhere near the whole thing.  I ask you to please PM Twisted Symphony, a good mod around here.  Ask him how many Xboxes he has.  I'm sure he'll answer you.  
Oh, and ask what he uses them for.

QUOTE(Moltdar @ Mar 18 2006, 11:29 PM) *

I hope we see 360 DVD drives on ebay soon with the FW patched (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) that'd be the best thing since you wouldn't need to take the chip out of yours to get the key and if something goes bad you put back your old one back in!

But does anyone knows if your DVD drive is tied to your motherboard? if not then someone's gotta buy a ton of Compatible DVD drives, and serial mod them then everyone's happy (ebay or not)!

Yes, it is "tied"/locked to your mobo, much like an Xbox (1) HDD is.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: eminvil_12 on March 18, 2006, 10:08:00 PM
QUOTE(Achtung @ Mar 19 2006, 05:17 AM) *

I have to say all this "I hacked the 360", "oh yeh how did you do it", "We're not telling for the greater good" is a complete joke.

 Seriously I want to puke when I hear these nobel reasons as to why these people who think they are the king of kings or something, and that everyone should lisen to them as the shame us as not being as nobel as thee.

 Give me a break, your telling me they are not just playing backups non stop and going on live probbily bragging about it. I don't really know what happened to everyone but I remeber when I first got into the xbox modding it seemed everyone was more than willing to help each other out and share in the interests.
Now it seems to be like little spolied children saying "Mine Mine and you cant have it!".

I find this all soo ridiculas, and to totally be honnest Its made lose interest especially anything that comes out of people like this.

Wow, Im no expert on law or anything but i would definately be worried of M$ taking me to court if i released this.

I think the team did the right thing, the firmware has been hacked and they also KNOW that the firmware will DEFINATELY be replicated and RELEASED by someone other than them.

Very smart in my opinion
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: adeon on March 18, 2006, 10:08:00 PM
Heh.,, Umn... I havearound...


5... then...

Non ... ??  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nwo504 on March 18, 2006, 10:18:00 PM
Steve Jobs is about to get his revenge
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: BIGMANSLIM on March 18, 2006, 10:20:00 PM
kind of off topic, but y doesnt M$ just work with us on homebrew? Like they could allow anyone to create a homebrew, submit it for certification, then they could sign it or watever, and then whoever made it could distribute it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nwo504 on March 18, 2006, 10:31:00 PM
because they dont want to sign stuff without getting paid
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Sanitarium on March 18, 2006, 10:38:00 PM
QUOTE(BIGMANSLIM @ Mar 18 2006, 10:51 PM) *

kind of off topic, but y doesnt M$ just work with us on homebrew? Like they could allow anyone to create a homebrew, submit it for certification, then they could sign it or watever, and then whoever made it could distribute it.

Because they wouldn't have complete control over it and they don't want XDKs out in the wild for anyone to tinker with.  That and the whole money issue as in they love money and by that method they would see very little of it.

It's the same as when the soft mod was discovered on the Xbox and the people who made it offered M$ a chance to work with them to allow Linux to be loaded without the method being released to the public.  You know the rest.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ruciz on March 18, 2006, 10:38:00 PM
seems sony is going to do that with their PS3 for homebrew.. I think more of a forum setting tho - remember each revision will need to be signed too which could be a lot of signing.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: NEUROMODS on March 18, 2006, 10:41:00 PM
Anyone ever stop and think that he has 2 copies of PGR3? One that we see on the side, and one with a white label on it made to look like a simple DVD-R.... Pretty easy to do and make look like a backup. That would explain why he don't wanna post how to do this.. He speaks of obeying the law. blah blah yet he has broken the law if this is in any way  true...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: cregan on March 18, 2006, 10:42:00 PM
When somebody else replicates this hack they should keep their identity unknown and then threaten MS to release it to the public if they dont give us a way to run unsigned code lol... Also, with the news that the PS3 is going to have linux on it, MS should make a version of windows for the 360 to fight back! Amazing work thespecialist! That hack is very impressive!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: sew3521 on March 18, 2006, 11:04:00 PM
Ok i kno this post is a few pages bakc but still i find it to be rude and out of line

Edit 2: Just looking at u guys' post count, its obvious u don't know what this scene is all about.

I only have 30 forum posts but i have been around here since 4/8/04....I just choose not to post unless i need help, am tryign to help, or am interested in a topic.  So are you saying i dont know how this community works/what it is all about?  My friend i kno how it works and what it is about.  So please do not make comments like this, it really is not fair to people like me, or people who have been in the scene for a long time but have used sites like XBH instead of this site
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 18, 2006, 11:06:00 PM
I wish people would stop focusing on the video, I wish they didn't even make a video. More convinving that hack is real is the work done on the forums in plain sight and who it was done by.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: kics on March 18, 2006, 11:32:00 PM
QUOTE(NEUROMODS @ Mar 18 2006, 10:12 PM) *

Anyone ever stop and think that he has 2 copies of PGR3? One that we see on the side, and one with a white label on it made to look like a simple DVD-R.... Pretty easy to do and make look like a backup. That would explain why he don't wanna post how to do this.. He speaks of obeying the law. blah blah yet he has broken the law if this is in any way  true...

dvd-r is blue/purple on the bottom.... xboxdvd is greyish... LOOK !!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: xfire on March 18, 2006, 11:34:00 PM
Nice Job Specialist

next project... get a life!

this is why you'd get wedged and hung up on a fence or have your head jammed in a toilet in your youth.

your soooo scary smart, but won't release (share) a damn thing. call it whatever u want, but i say your a selfish little biaatch.

now go and play your backups with all your girlfriends.

man, i fell sorry 4 u.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Fragger420 on March 18, 2006, 11:40:00 PM
WTF??? is this for real its not edited wow he put the cd on the cd tray then put some little circle thing on top then it  played on tv wow these ppl are 1337 h4x0rs holy crap!! and the 360 is open does the help the cooling too? also i noticed they laid the game disc on top of the hot as hell cpu heatsinks.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: NoFace on March 18, 2006, 11:42:00 PM
Any released info to the effect of xbox 1 backups working?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: luther349 on March 18, 2006, 11:44:00 PM
he did it to prove the 360 can still be hacked like anything else in the world. then again ms didnt say the 360 was totaly unhackable they said it would just be harder. look at all the stuff he had to do to make this hack work desolder the chips flash them with speical hardware etc. knothing any normel modder would whant to do. not relesing it to the puplic was wise to sence it has no room for homebrew yet.

im shure if the firmware is weak thers plenty of other weaknesses we havent found yet. once we figure out where and how the 360 checks xex keys we can probly bypass that as well like we did with the orignal xbox. hell i eee a softmod possable look how often 360s crash and freez im shure we can take advantage of that.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: THDVL on March 19, 2006, 12:14:00 AM
QUOTE(Fragger420 @ Mar 19 2006, 12:11 AM) *

WTF??? is this for real its not edited wow he put the cd on the cd tray then put some little circle thing on top then it  played on tv wow these ppl are 1337 h4x0rs holy crap!! and the 360 is open does the help the cooling too? also i noticed they laid the game disc on top of the hot as hell cpu heatsinks.

Wow.. youre a smart one arent ya?  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)
Moron. The guy hacked the dvd firmware.. I consider that pretty awesome. If you can do better then by all means show us what you got. Also he had his 360 opened up because in the process of hackin the dvd firmware he had to... bahh I shouldnt have to explain this to you. If you cant understand what is going on in the video than there's no hope for you.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nwo504 on March 19, 2006, 12:15:00 AM
screw homebrew and backups
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: haki1112 on March 19, 2006, 12:17:00 AM
Instead of flaming each other how abot some of u guys try to make this hack.
how u think The Specialist did it

This post has been edited by haki1112: Mar 19 2006, 08:18 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: eminvil_12 on March 19, 2006, 12:22:00 AM
QUOTE(haki1112 @ Mar 19 2006, 05:48 PM) *

Instead of flaming each other how abot some of u guys try to make this hack.
how u think The Specialist did it

This hack will be released.
Thats something that is definate.

And hopefully soon.

Just in time for our Aussie launch (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) of the 360
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: haki1112 on March 19, 2006, 12:25:00 AM
QUOTE(eminvil_12 @ Mar 19 2006, 07:53 AM) *

This hack will be released.
Thats something that is definate.

And hopefully soon.

Just in time for our Aussie launch (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) of the 360

i know it will be released i can wait for it im just saying why dont ALL the people saying release it go make there  own from the work done on xboxhacker that way they can be happy
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: eminvil_12 on March 19, 2006, 12:33:00 AM
QUOTE(haki1112 @ Mar 19 2006, 05:56 PM) *

i know it will be released i can wait for it im just saying why dont ALL the people saying release it go make there  own from the work done on xboxhacker that way they can be happy

Because they are lazy, and incapable of developing a hack like this lol.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: sumdude on March 19, 2006, 12:35:00 AM
Not too bad, now to find some softmod exploits with some software so they can get some good mods going. That way we can run homebrews without opening up the box. Oh and where there's homebrew. There's always gonna be piracy. Sorta yin to yang thing going on.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: haki1112 on March 19, 2006, 12:36:00 AM
QUOTE(eminvil_12 @ Mar 19 2006, 08:04 AM) *

Because they are lazy, and incapable of developing a hack like this lol.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ybaig123 on March 19, 2006, 12:37:00 AM
you know what guys..i think its bad ass that he did it..and i'm expecting someone to get it out soon..and even if they didnt...who cares...i mean shit if i get it handed to me on a silver plate tomorrow morning i'd think twice cuz i enjoy whopping ass on madden a little to much online to give that up for playing pirated games...oh well (although i wont bullshit..its very tempting)

i think specialist has just hurt all you guys' feelings ...all the flaming is kinda sad  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by ybaig123: Mar 19 2006, 08:38 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: haki1112 on March 19, 2006, 12:40:00 AM
QUOTE(ybaig123 @ Mar 19 2006, 08:08 AM) *

you know what guys..i think its bad ass that he did it..and i'm expecting someone to get it out soon..and even if they didnt...who cares...i mean shit if i get it handed to me on a silver plate tomorrow morning i'd think twice cuz i enjoy whopping ass on madden a little to much online to give that up for playing pirated games...oh well (although i wont bullshit..its very tempting)

i think specialist has just hurt all you guys' feelings ...all the flaming is kinda sad  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

yep he is sitting back with a beer laughing lol
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: kevhonda on March 19, 2006, 12:41:00 AM
First off i agree with "G0t M4xx 21" its funny M$ made it easier to play backups than run homebrew far anyway.  All this bitching and name calling is just gonna discourage the next hacker from devoting his/her time to the 360, its probably at best that its not released, but eventually it will be duplicated.  I think TS did a great thing he just took us all to the next level and gave other groups that are working on other hack methods HOPE, lets just hope that they didnt do this just to be the first and retire at an early age lmao.  So give the guy his glory and lets all get back to what we do best wait for some homebrew shiznit smile.gif For now im content w/ my xbox1 until someone is running XBMC on a 360 ill stay where im at....
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: haki1112 on March 19, 2006, 12:46:00 AM
QUOTE(kevhonda @ Mar 19 2006, 08:12 AM) *

First off i agree with "G0t M4xx 21" its funny M$ made it easier to play backups than run homebrew far anyway.  All this bitching and name calling is just gonna discourage the next hacker from devoting his/her time to the 360, its probably at best that its not released, but eventually it will be duplicated.  I think TS did a great thing he just took us all to the next level and gave other groups that are working on other hack methods HOPE, lets just hope that they didnt do this just to be the first and retire at an early age lmao.  So give the guy his glory and lets all get back to what we do best wait for some homebrew shiznit (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) For now im content w/ my xbox1 until someone is running XBMC on a 360 ill stay where im at....

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: enkur on March 19, 2006, 12:47:00 AM
What a I dont understand is that these noble hackers say they are not releasing the hack because it promotes piracy.. but soon enough these same hackers may crack the 360 itself to run homebrew... what then are they not going to release that either. If they release that hack dont you think everyone is goign to use it for piracy too. Come on tell me how many people actually use xbox hack for only homebrew. I would say that 99% of the people have used "backups" at one time or another.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: eminvil_12 on March 19, 2006, 12:58:00 AM
QUOTE(enkur @ Mar 19 2006, 06:18 PM) *

What a I dont understand is that these noble hackers say they are not releasing the hack because it promotes piracy.. but soon enough these same hackers may crack the 360 itself to run homebrew... what then are they not going to release that either. If they release that hack dont you think everyone is goign to use it for piracy too. Come on tell me how many people actually use xbox hack for only homebrew. I would say that 99% of the people have used "backups" at one time or another.

It's their choice, get over it.
You complain about the hard efforts these people have gone to and yet you still are dissatisfied with their work?

Until you start hacking the 360 or anyone else on these boards complaining because the team has not revealed the hack just be happy with this hack.

It's the first breakthrough which lets you play backups and you complain.
Give it a rest !!!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: MrCodeDude on March 19, 2006, 01:40:00 AM
QUOTE(enkur @ Mar 19 2006, 08:18 AM) *

What a I dont understand is that these noble hackers say they are not releasing the hack because it promotes piracy.. but soon enough these same hackers may crack the 360 itself to run homebrew... what then are they not going to release that either. If they release that hack dont you think everyone is goign to use it for piracy too. Come on tell me how many people actually use xbox hack for only homebrew. I would say that 99% of the people have used "backups" at one time or another.
They don't want to advocate piracy; like they've said multiple times, they only advocate hacking. They've already provided a great amount of openly available research which should help other groups either continue or start on the correct foot.

What they want to prevent is people like you, enkur, from using their hard work and research to break the law. You should respect their wishes. They've proven that it can be done, which is quite the feat.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: poopiepig on March 19, 2006, 01:44:00 AM
Ok, let me start by saying I read most of these posts, but do not post a lot myself, but after reading 15 pages of this topic I feel I need to give mt 2 cents worth. This topic keeps going on and on mostly people repeating themselves over and over.

1) "MS will lose millions if this hack is released"  Of course they will, ppl have mentioned that m$ is not a big game developer...this is true, as is the fact that they lose money on every 360 sold, but they do get a PER DISK liscencing fee from every other developer.  they press ALL 360 disks (with thier hologram in the hub, and get somewhere in the neighborhood of $10 per disk of every copy of every game made.

2) "Cheaters will ruin xbox live"  Let's get some perspective people...I mean seriously, you have to deal with cheaters an most aspects of life, either directly or indirectly.  These are GAMES, and if cheaters ruin your day then you have bigger issues in life to deal with.  What were the ratio of cheaters to non cheaters in live for the original XBOX? 1000 to 1 maybe?

3) "If this hack is released it will kill the 360"  For every dedicated pirate, there are a hundred people lining up to buy not only the awesome games, but the shitty ones too.  Not to mention the "pirates" who will actually buy the awesome ones.  Ways to copy games have been around since the beginning of consoles, and will always bee around.  I personally owned a device that could copy an ATARI 2600 cart to a $5 blank cart, and still the console flourished.

4) "I don't support piracy, I have no interest in backups, all I want is homebrew"  Let's examine the homebrew scene shall we?  MAME, RAINE, SNESX and all other emus..the emu is legal, but all the rom files are PIRATE.  Even if you own the cart, the rom file violates the DMCA.  XBMC? Even if you own the DVD or VHS tape your xvid, divx, etc are PIRATE.

Concerning hackers I see two basic types...There is the "profiteer" who sees the rights or privlages of the people restricted, and finds a way to sell that which is by the law stolen.  IE. people who sell pirate movies, CD's or games, mod chips and all thier ilk.  The other type is the "Freedom Fighter"  who hacks for curiosity, and that they believe that information should be free.  The Truth is that our rights have been trampled for years by media companies, and much of what they call "theft" is untrue, they in fact have been the thieves for so long that they have convinced the public that everyone else is.  If I step on my $300 win XP pro disk, and snap it in two, I can send it to M$ and get another for $5.  Why?  Because I bought a liscence to use that software, not the media itself.  In fact you can get win XP pro on FLOPPY disk from them.  They will piss and moan, but you can get them to do it.  When I snap a CD in half too bad, go buy another one.  Not to mention records and cassettes...If I paid for a liscence to use that music and not the media, then why don't the record companies have to replace an album, 8 track, or cassette with a cd for a FAIR fee?  THe fact is that most of us have paid many times for the same liscence for the same music or software.  If you break a console disk can you get another for say $5? NO you can't.  Also How can they charge $40 to $50 for one season of a show that was freely broadcast such as friends?  That show was paid for by advertisers,  then they want you the consumer to pay a premium for something that should cost no more than $10-$15 after all the package production people have been paid.  WHat about shows like the Sopranoes?  I've had HBO for about 17 years now at about $10 a month.....Why should I have to pay $90 for each season of the show?  Most people in this country have some sort of cable tv, sattelite, etc.  How is that piracy to have an xvid of a movie that's played 2 times a week on TBS?  WE are the ones being robbed, not the media companies, I fully support the artists that produce media or other art  getting paid, but the problem is that the media companies rip them off too, just do a little research and you will see.  I've been on the "net" since the 70's when 300 baud state of the art, and hacking wasn't about profit, it was about the freedom of information, not how someone could profit by it.  We've strayed a long way from our roots and the corperations have truely cowed us and I find it to be such a shame........ Just my 2 cents worth

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ybaig123 on March 19, 2006, 01:57:00 AM
QUOTE(poopiepig @ Mar 19 2006, 08:15 AM) *

Ok, let me start by saying I read most of these posts, but do not post a lot myself, but after reading 15 pages of this topic I feel I need to give mt 2 cents worth. This topic keeps going on and on mostly people repeating themselves over and over.

1) "MS will lose millions if this hack is released"  Of course they will, ppl have mentioned that m$ is not a big game developer...this is true, as is the fact that they lose money on every 360 sold, but they do get a PER DISK liscencing fee from every other developer.  they press ALL 360 disks (with thier hologram in the hub, and get somewhere in the neighborhood of $10 per disk of every copy of every game made.

2) "Cheaters will ruin xbox live"  Let's get some perspective people...I mean seriously, you have to deal with cheaters an most aspects of life, either directly or indirectly.  These are GAMES, and if cheaters ruin your day then you have bigger issues in life to deal with.  What were the ratio of cheaters to non cheaters in live for the original XBOX? 1000 to 1 maybe?

3) "If this hack is released it will kill the 360"  For every dedicated pirate, there are a hundred people lining up to buy not only the awesome games, but the shitty ones too.  Not to mention the "pirates" who will actually buy the awesome ones.  Ways to copy games have been around since the beginning of consoles, and will always bee around.  I personally owned a device that could copy an ATARI 2600 cart to a $5 blank cart, and still the console flourished.

4) "I don't support piracy, I have no interest in backups, all I want is homebrew"  Let's examine the homebrew scene shall we?  MAME, RAINE, SNESX and all other emus..the emu is legal, but all the rom files are PIRATE.  Even if you own the cart, the rom file violates the DMCA.  XBMC? Even if you own the DVD or VHS tape your xvid, divx, etc are PIRATE.

Concerning hackers I see two basic types...There is the "profiteer" who sees the rights or privlages of the people restricted, and finds a way to sell that which is by the law stolen.  IE. people who sell pirate movies, CD's or games, mod chips and all thier ilk.  The other type is the "Freedom Fighter"  who hacks for curiosity, and that they believe that information should be free.  The Truth is that our rights have been trampled for years by media companies, and much of what they call "theft" is untrue, they in fact have been the thieves for so long that they have convinced the public that everyone else is.  If I step on my $300 win XP pro disk, and snap it in two, I can send it to M$ and get another for $5.  Why?  Because I bought a liscence to use that software, not the media itself.  In fact you can get win XP pro on FLOPPY disk from them.  They will piss and moan, but you can get them to do it.  When I snap a CD in half too bad, go buy another one.  Not to mention records and cassettes...If I paid for a liscence to use that music and not the media, then why don't the record companies have to replace an album, 8 track, or cassette with a cd for a FAIR fee?  THe fact is that most of us have paid many times for the same liscence for the same music or software.  If you break a console disk can you get another for say $5? NO you can't.  Also How can they charge $40 to $50 for one season of a show that was freely broadcast such as friends?  That show was paid for by advertisers,  then they want you the consumer to pay a premium for something that should cost no more than $10-$15 after all the package production people have been paid.  WHat about shows like the Sopranoes?  I've had HBO for about 17 years now at about $10 a month.....Why should I have to pay $90 for each season of the show?  Most people in this country have some sort of cable tv, sattelite, etc.  How is that piracy to have an xvid of a movie that's played 2 times a week on TBS?  WE are the ones being robbed, not the media companies, I fully support the artists that produce media or other art  getting paid, but the problem is that the media companies rip them off too, just do a little research and you will see.  I've been on the "net" since the 70's when 300 baud state of the art, and hacking wasn't about profit, it was about the freedom of information, not how someone could profit by it.  We've strayed a long way from our roots and the corperations have truely cowed us and I find it to be such a shame........ Just my 2 cents worth

he gets my vote  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: vydex on March 19, 2006, 02:30:00 AM
Oh it comes from a reliable source and respected hacking community? Duh well it must be real. NA DONT THINK SO


Until its released publicly and proved by the wider community its fake in my opion. Too much crap like this has surfaced on the internet over the years, remember that movie with guys on the gamecube in their masks stating we own your gamecube dude?! Everyone raved how it must be real then a few weeks later it was proved to be fake.

The evidence for me is anicdotal at best and until i read a paper or other methods of proof beyond all doubt then I remain skeptical im afraid, and it just stinks of a couple of hackers trying to get as much publicity as possible, till MS come along and say "hey guys if you stop this hacking 360 we will give you a job at 100 grand a year and a company car"...

Oh and before I get slated I also dont condone piracy and yes I have a degree in computer science.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: clownbow on March 19, 2006, 02:36:00 AM
I live in australia and all i want, is to be able to play the games that are on sale in asia(mulyiregion) as they are half the price of australia. so just a region free trick will make me happy. about this hacked 360 news.  we have heard it all before. remember that guy that claimed he had hacked the PSP so you could downgrade it and he was proved to be fake and he was a well known hacker. and then their was the ICE team LOL.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: adamscybot on March 19, 2006, 02:42:00 AM

Why are people moaning about them not releasing it. It wont be long before someone does it again and its on the internet.

I can fully understand why they didnt release it. But the points made here against that are very convincing.


This post has been edited by adamscybot: Mar 19 2006, 10:43 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: celicagt1993 on March 19, 2006, 02:45:00 AM
QUOTE(poopiepig @ Mar 19 2006, 09:15 AM) *

Just my 2 cents worth

That's my line!!!   (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)   but you have good points, i'll let you use it....  i didn't get there in time...

anyway...  you have a really good point about friends and such, and it makes sense.  i for one like the idea of making a back up of my stuff...  when you have a 3 year old, it can make things a mess...  i forgot how many cd's i've rebought before i found media center and packed the disks away after copying them.  but this type of freedom is mared by the people that are so vocal about releasing this so they can start torrenting games off the net so they don't have to buy it.  think about it...  how would alot of things in life be cheaper if people were HONEST???????  taxes would be, we wouldn't have to pay for police, judges, and so on....  think of walmart!!!  they loose millions a year to theives, so where do they come up with the extra money for the security camara's and staff?  by increasing their items to more than they paid...  i've seen toys that cost $5 in parts to make, and about 20 min to put together, so that's roughly $15 per toy for parts and labor, and how much does it cost to buy?  $50-$100...  i can almost bet $25 of that is for security.  games would come down, you would be able to buy 1 game for the xbox and play it on 3 boxes if you had that many because MS would know that people wouldn't make a copy and give to a friend.  That would be something i would like!!!!!  but the only way to keep people from doing this is to make it where it's not possible (by easy means) to do it.  

by the way, i would like to personally thank each and everyone of the people that in some form or fashion causes over $600 of my hard earned money to come out of my check a month due to taxes for pirecy!!!!!  in a round about way (not directely) I am paying for you.

just my 3 cents worth (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

:edit:  I agree, there COULD be ways this video was doctored (2nd 360 some where)  all i've got to say is good job if it's real, shame on you if it's not, but i really don't care untill I can use homebrewed, but it's nice to be in the right direction.

This post has been edited by celicagt1993: Mar 19 2006, 10:48 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: krawhitham on March 19, 2006, 02:47:00 AM
QUOTE(feflicker @ Mar 18 2006, 06:49 PM) *

I can't believe anybody would spend months to hack it, just to sit on it. I like hacking as much as the next guy, but that just seems like a waste of life to me... Post some "hints" or something, FTLOG.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)

They will sell the info to one of the mod chip makers, the modchip makers will come up with a kit that when soldered to the xbox and connected to your PC it will read the Key and reflash the chip with the hacked firmware with your key.

they knew when they started to hack the DVD drive firmware that it could only be use for piracy, but yet they still did it.  Then they blame the only use being piracy as the reason they will not release it

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Skuggi on March 19, 2006, 02:53:00 AM
I keep hearing of the 360 in the background that this is a fake crap.   Brought me back to post actually.  All I have to say is I took a pic.


Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: CocodaMonkey on March 19, 2006, 02:58:00 AM
I've read a lot of this thread, but I think one major point which a lot of people are missing is that even if this was released they couldn't do jack with it. Odds are anyone smart enough to actually figure out how to flash their DVD's firmware could also hack the firmware. Granted having pre hacked firmware would be quicker and easier, but flashing it right now would be a huge pain. Even if it was released this thread would simply change from people complaining that they can't use it, instead of complaining they don't have it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: chaosbee on March 19, 2006, 03:01:00 AM
Skuggi - that is not the best pic of this. Go here and check it out:

No doubt there is a 360 in the background. All this is a hoax. Maybe created by MS to throw the community of course?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: willpower101 on March 19, 2006, 03:08:00 AM
wow, yeah there is definatley a 360 in the background. but the size relative to the tv puts that thing at a distance of at least 7 or 8 feet. It's prolly just another one they fried.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: explosive2 on March 19, 2006, 03:10:00 AM
Someone else with enough hacking capabilities Should do the same and Offer It To The PUBLIC since that is the only thing that actually helps (not seeing how some guys have it but not able to get it).
Or this team should probably offer the service of hacking your DVD Drives and I am sure they would get a lot of demand and $$$ of course.
I really see no point of doing something for almost no one to enjoy. dry.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: adamscybot on March 19, 2006, 03:11:00 AM
God damn it is real! All the tehnical details are on the xbox hacker forums.

I have to admit, thats a 360 in the background. But yeh, its probably just a second one they fired earlier.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: DcJunkie on March 19, 2006, 03:14:00 AM
Impressive! I thought the Xbox would be nearly "unhackable" but now... MS has ab BIG Problem!
I think its okay that you wont release it - I would do the same!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: clownbow on March 19, 2006, 03:19:00 AM
QUOTE(chaosbee @ Mar 19 2006, 10:32 AM) *

Skuggi - that is not the best pic of this. Go here and check it out:

No doubt there is a 360 in the background. All this is a hoax. Maybe created by MS to throw the community of course?
Now i call that busted. they will have to admit to the second xbox360 shown in the pic.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: willpower101 on March 19, 2006, 03:23:00 AM
as soon as they hacked the firmware for the first xbox we knew it would only be a matter of time.

Btw: yes it's real. if you don't believe it then go to and read up on it. If you still don't believe it then that's only because you need an engineering degree or equivalent knowledge to understand   what the hell they are talking about.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: chaosbee on March 19, 2006, 03:29:00 AM
yeah I read it, though I question the DVD drives ability to do anything when you remove the mediaflag.
Before someone else does the exact same thing I'll take this with a grain of salt.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Skuggi on March 19, 2006, 03:36:00 AM
wow that ones even better, the 360 isnt even on, and you can clearly see theres no wires coming from it what so ever.  I have no doubt this has been done, really dont care either... well thats a lie, I loved modding my original, but unless i get 2 360s I dont have enough faith in my hands to mod something i just spent 2 weeks pay on and waited 12 hours in the cold for lol.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: pdottz on March 19, 2006, 03:56:00 AM
QUOTE(pdottz @ Mar 19 2006, 04:15 AM) *

here's a question i thought about this morning after reading about this hack.

you guys ever think that ms doesn't try so hard to fill the stores with xbox360s during this time of shortage?

my main reason for thinking this is that MAYBE ms did this as a way to have hackers and programmers test the security out on the consoles already released and bought and played. using the consumer as the secondary test team. i mean, who's going to actually play the console more than the testers at ms?

release a few hundred thousand/millions at launch and see what happens in the coming months. like with the kiosk disk.

now this hack is reported (not released) but will definately get ms looking into it and patching up any holes it finds for future xbox360 stock.

just a thought.

not to bump my own post for nothing, but does anyone have any thoughts on this instead of the usual ranting for not releasing. i counted MAYBE 4 unique posts in this entire thread. (not counting the good, ie. kudos to them) but i refuse to get involved in that argument. just wanted to see if anyone have any thoughts on my post.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Guerrilla on March 19, 2006, 04:06:00 AM
*claps for poopiepig*

so true, just had to give you kudos for this...

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: vintage_guitar on March 19, 2006, 04:23:00 AM
Hard to believe I thought this was another case of the boy who cried wolf at first. Finally, we see progress.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: flashfreak on March 19, 2006, 04:50:00 AM
poopiepig, awesome speech, its all so true, and u 2 celicagt1993.

If people were honest, man, just thinking about it now, the world would be completely different, its never gonna happen though, we're straying further and further from world peace everyday.

That that 360 in the background, thespecialist would have more than one, hes an in depth hacker, and look at the pic, wheres the ring of light? That 360 is off, and too far away to be connected
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: _Access_ on March 19, 2006, 05:15:00 AM
for all these who are moaning about the firmware not been released and been released well, it will be available some time soon with appropriate apps wink.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: cja100 on March 19, 2006, 05:44:00 AM
QUOTE(_Access_ @ Mar 19 2006, 11:46 AM) *

for all these who are moaning about the firmware not been released and been released well, it will be available some time soon with appropriate apps (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

so you know someone that is working on this then?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Satanic Sheep on March 19, 2006, 05:47:00 AM
QUOTE(Skuggi @ Mar 19 2006, 09:24 AM) *

I keep hearing of the 360 in the background that this is a fake crap.   Brought me back to post actually.  All I have to say is I took a pic.


I see nothing.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/blink.gif)
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Predtech on March 19, 2006, 08:54:00 AM
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: adamscybot on March 19, 2006, 08:59:00 AM
This description. I only see chatting amongst each other which ends around february. Im guessing im looking the wrong topic...

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 19, 2006, 09:29:00 AM
Um, this is their second video, who knows who made that:
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: memturbo on March 19, 2006, 09:34:00 AM
I made that video as a joke .

Seriously does anyone here have a sense of humor .

If you read the description on the video it is clear.

Here's a hint in the description write down all the capital letters
in order . dry.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Fuel90 on March 19, 2006, 09:44:00 AM
I'm laughing...... tongue.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Lizotte on March 19, 2006, 09:58:00 AM
QUOTE(jedimaniac @ Mar 19 2006, 02:08 PM) View Post

 Even if this did get released i dont think m$ is crapping themselves. One quick update on xbox live and its all over. I can probably guarantee they are already working on this now.

Now some of you are thinking, well thats ok i will never go on xbox live. yeah that will work temporaraly but the next ganeration of games released will prob have mandatory updates on the dvd and bang! back to square one.

Not true really. With each firmware being unique the only way live or dvds could check is to a) be able to read the firmware directly (which from what I can tell the xbox 360 "application layer" can't and cool.gif do a hash of some sort that is individual per machine. Either one of those has its exploitable holes as well, and either mechanism creates a whole set of headaches for MS to manage over the lifetime of the console.

QUOTE(jedimaniac @ Mar 19 2006, 02:08 PM) View Post

In fact the odds are m$ are rubbing there hands together themselves because sales trippled once the original xbox was hacked.

Umm sales CANT triple on the 360 because they still can't even meet global demand. Have you walked into a store and seen stacks of 360s sitting there? I have yet to walk into a store and see a single 360 other than the kiosk unit.... So no, MS won't be happy and unlike the original xbox mod chips, this firmware is a direct absolute violation of the DMCA. There is no reasonable use here other than playing backups. Whoever releases this hacked firmware into the wild will be tracked down, and better plan to never visit the US if they live outside of it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 19, 2006, 09:58:00 AM
Buzz has died down finally, and may stay so until another group figures it out and releases it or tries to profit from it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: mik30 on March 19, 2006, 09:59:00 AM
QUOTE(MacDennis @ Mar 19 2006, 03:51 AM) View Post

He doesn't even own a x360 silly.
It has been hacked. Get over it.

You are just a freeloader, face it.

I do not care to be called a freeloader at all. That does not hurt me.
It also does not matter if TS owns a 360 or not.
If you would have read, what I wrote, correctly, you would have understood
that I wrote about the original´s XBOX firmware hack.

In contrast to most of the lamers supporting here your claims of success
I indeed read the whole thread about the XBOX firmware hack.

Deal for once with the facts I wrote.
1. The truth is that the notorous thread does *NOT* describe at all how
    the firmware has to be patched to make the hack.
2. The thread itself just deals with speculations about how a hack might work.
    Nothing more. There are no facts in it about the place of the auth. code in the firmware.
    What would be easier to release a commented source code of the firmware
    and the hack? So anybody could verfy the results on his own.
3. TheSpecialist itself, which is often praised here nearly like a hero in hacking is
    truly such a lamer that he even asked a few days before he released his success
    message how to send packet commands to the XBOX drive connected to the PC.
   Can you imagine how a guy who does not know such a basic thing is capable of
   hacking a firmware? Get real...
4. TheSpecialist wrote that he denies to release the firmware because he tries to obey
    the law. This is by far the most rediculous & stupid excuse I ever read from a faker.
    The truth is, that according to the law, reverse engineering is forbidden at all. So if
    he would obey the law he would not change the firmware in the first place.
5. In addition to this, he also wrote in the notorious thread, that he got several
    informations about how the authentication check might work directly out of the
    secretly spread source code from the original´s XBOX firmware.
6. Simply having this MSs source code is against the law.

So what is this liar trying to fool us with if he excuses his denial with a cheap referal
to the law that he is constantly breaking himself, according to his own statements.

I go beyond this: What is cool about a hack that is claimed to be done with the
official source code of the XBOX BIOS right beside you? NOTHING

@MacDennis: You are just a moron if you back up this faker.

All these claims look to me very similar to the claims about the so called "cold fusion"
that got published in the well known scientific magazine NATURE. After all the whole
thing was just a fake.

I am indeed a disbeliever and I do not care to be accused of blasphemie...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: blagmaster on March 19, 2006, 10:13:00 AM
QUOTE(constanboi @ Mar 19 2006, 05:33 PM) View Post

wow, if that is really their second video.. then wow... these people are looking more and more like team ice.... seriously, its SO EASY to make a believable video... and they make these pathetic attempts of a video. i mean COME ON PEOPLE.. its NOT hard!!!!!!!!
p.s dont tell me that crap that the proof is on xh.. i WENT there and READ all i could find.. and there is NO proof there.. all there is theorys and speculation + tons of gaps and holes............ so NO.. at first i was a believer.. but after these 2 videos and the pathetic reasons they have given to not release it.. im starting to think this is all BS... (god, please let me be wrong)....

p.s2 for anyone that says "its obvious why they wont release it, ms will sue them dead..." well ask yourself these 2 questions, 1- do you really think that what theyve done is legal? if ms was able to catch them, theyd be in a heat of trouble, 2- if they REALLY are against piracy, why did they waste 4 months trying to do this? fully knowning they would only be able to run backups? and then the fact that they did it publicly, and now say that they wont release it because theyre against piracy? seriously... I just cant understand their hypocritical mentality......

Because they fucking can, and you can't....bitch. love.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: javace79 on March 19, 2006, 10:30:00 AM
I wonder if the X360 DVD drive is also able to recognzie and play backed up regular XBOX 1 games and emulate them correctly, or if the check M$ performs is different for XBOX 1 game discs.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: sexb0xxx on March 19, 2006, 10:30:00 AM
QUOTE(mik30 @ Mar 19 2006, 05:06 PM) View Post

I do not care to be called a freeloader at all. That does not hurt me.
It also does not matter if TS owns a 360 or not.
If you would have read, what I wrote, correctly, you would have understood
that I wrote about the original´s XBOX firmware hack.

In contrast to most of the lamers supporting here your claims of success
I indeed read the whole thread about the XBOX firmware hack.

Deal for once with the facts I wrote.
1. The truth is that the notorous thread does *NOT* describe at all how
    the firmware has to be patched to make the hack.
2. The thread itself just deals with speculations about how a hack might work.
    Nothing more. There are no facts in it about the place of the auth. code in the firmware.
    What would be easier to release a commented source code of the firmware
    and the hack? So anybody could verfy the results on his own.
3. TheSpecialist itself, which is often praised here nearly like a hero in hacking is
    truly such a lamer that he even asked a few days before he released his success
    message how to send packet commands to the XBOX drive connected to the PC.
   Can you imagine how a guy who does not know such a basic thing is capable of
   hacking a firmware? Get real...
4. TheSpecialist wrote that he denies to release the firmware because he tries to obey
    the law. This is by far the most rediculous & stupid excuse I ever read from a faker.
    The truth is, that according to the law, reverse engineering is forbidden at all. So if
    he would obey the law he would not change the firmware in the first place.
5. In addition to this, he also wrote in the notorious thread, that he got several
    informations about how the authentication check might work directly out of the
    secretly spread source code from the original´s XBOX firmware.
6. Simply having this MSs source code is against the law.

So what is this liar trying to fool us with if he excuses his denial with a cheap referal
to the law that he is constantly breaking himself, according to his own statements.

I go beyond this: What is cool about a hack that is claimed to be done with the
official source code of the XBOX BIOS right beside you? NOTHING

@MacDennis: You are just a moron if you back up this faker.

All these claims look to me very similar to the claims about the so called "cold fusion"
that got published in the well known scientific magazine NATURE. After all the whole
thing was just a fake.

I am indeed a disbeliever and I do not care to be accused of blasphemie...


another 12 year old spotty kid who is crying that they wont release the hack so he can play backups

all the information is on the xbh forums for you to replicate it yourself, but you are blatently too dumb to understand the information there.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: JUANVAN on March 19, 2006, 10:39:00 AM
Since they have passed the MediaFlag test, could there be a way to allways tell the security check the sig is good with a firmware hack?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 19, 2006, 10:41:00 AM
Hmmm, I have to say I just noticed the dvd in the video is single layer, project gotham is more than 7 gb in size.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: NEWLiNE on March 19, 2006, 10:44:00 AM
HA! Theirs proof in itself, PGR on a single layer dvd-r!, such a Fake! sleeping.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 19, 2006, 10:45:00 AM
QUOTE(NEWLiNE @ Mar 19 2006, 05:51 PM) View Post

HA! Theirs proof in itself, PGR on a single layer dvd-r!, such a Fake! sleeping.gif

It wouldn't be proof but it's supposed to be a 1:1 copy.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: cja100 on March 19, 2006, 10:45:00 AM
well pgr3 gamedata its self is not 7gb, maybe you dont need the security sectors. i have been following this hack and i thought you did need them.

p.s. how can you tell its a single layer disc? can you give an example?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 19, 2006, 10:46:00 AM
LOL, you can tell when you deal with as much media as I do.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: cja100 on March 19, 2006, 10:51:00 AM
looks like youve posted on, lets see if spec answers it
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: NEWLiNE on March 19, 2006, 10:51:00 AM
QUOTE(Questioner @ Mar 19 2006, 05:53 PM) View Post

LOL, you can tell when you deal with as much media as I do.

 biggrin.gif  laugh.gif  muhaha.gif  jester.gif  happy.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: xoverburnx on March 19, 2006, 10:53:00 AM
QUOTE(Questioner @ Mar 19 2006, 12:53 PM) View Post

LOL, you can tell when you deal with as much media as I do.

I actually wanted to know also, I hate vague answers like yours
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 19, 2006, 10:54:00 AM
Well, I believe I know the media code of the dvd in the video also, but let's give them a chance to confirm themselves.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: cwindsor2003 on March 19, 2006, 11:11:00 AM
QUOTE(lilbplaya3406 @ Mar 18 2006, 04:08 PM) View Post

What the hell, i saw llamma do this along time ago with the same game. These guys could of done the same thing and said it was there own. Heres a video that was posted on December 27, 2006.

U dumb shit.... That is a swap trick!

The people that end up here...?

What is up with everyone filming in the dark?

Also MEMTURBO... (Live Name) Do videos like that and let MS see your Live! name... Remeber the part you filled out called name and address...?

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: throwingks on March 19, 2006, 11:14:00 AM
What doesnt the Specialist do something like this?:
Click Here
According to the courts its ok. You can't post the code. But you can post a picture of the code.

Note to Mods:
If you don't like this, take it off. But, I assume it's ok.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: PENiX on March 19, 2006, 11:16:00 AM
I see valid points from both sides, but imo people shouldn't be mad at them for not releasing the firmware hack. And not to interrupt anything, but I got a question: Since they assume backups would work on xbox live for the 360, does this mean that the Xbox 1 firmware hack did work on xbox live? I'm assuming so, right?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: adamscybot on March 19, 2006, 11:35:00 AM
QUOTE(memturbo @ Mar 19 2006, 08:33 PM) View Post

Ha thats funny If this was a real video, and I already said it wasnt ,
I could care less if MS know where I live .

Have you ever heard of Fake name and address ?

You heard of the saying " Cant get blood from a turnip" ,
Well give me the software and Ill be happy to distribute it ,Cause I don't give a F$@K what
MS says or does .

So your saying the video YOU posted is fake?? Whyd o that and admit it (ive got a feeling im all jumbled up and I dont know what im talking about)

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: brandogg on March 19, 2006, 11:40:00 AM
How the Hell can you tell if it's a single layer DVD-R or dual layer?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: DaddyO21 on March 19, 2006, 12:00:00 PM
QUOTE(memturbo @ Mar 19 2006, 05:41 PM) View Post

I made that video as a joke .

Seriously does anyone here have a sense of humor .

If you read the description on the video it is clear.

Here's a hint in the description write down all the capital letters
in order . dry.gif

Have you ever heard of DIVX!!? , 97Mb mpeg file goddamn it.  blink.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ybaig123 on March 19, 2006, 12:03:00 PM
you guys are pathetic...i'm gonna go jerk something useful with my time.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: antz1970 on March 19, 2006, 12:45:00 PM
watch this some nasty group will release an app to "supposedly"(sp) flash the dvd drive with the hacked firmware , but it will turn out the firmware wont work and hundreds will "brick" thier dvd drives huh.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: adamscybot on March 19, 2006, 12:50:00 PM
QUOTE(Ubitsa @ Mar 19 2006, 09:45 PM) View Post

Looks like revolution has released some hacked firmware for the dvd drive...

Now time will tell before people start asking where to get it.

EDIT: I was beaten to it. Someone already asked. lol

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: DaddyO21 on March 19, 2006, 12:55:00 PM
If is real you cant simply flash it , you need to edit the flash file with the correct key that your DVD Drive haves and that means reading the flash chip which would need desoldering and hardware to read it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: bubbathemaster on March 19, 2006, 12:55:00 PM
w00t w00t ! thats some serious w00tness guys !
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nwby on March 19, 2006, 12:58:00 PM
this drive has a software flash available

check here no de soldering is needed
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 19, 2006, 01:00:00 PM
That didn't take long, everyone knows you still need to desolder, but the secret is out, and most likely it won't be long before either people are selling premodded consoles or there is an easier way to flash.

QUOTE(nwby @ Mar 19 2006, 08:05 PM) View Post

this drive has a software flash available

check here no de soldering is needed

"you need to edit the flash file with the correct key that your DVD Drive have"
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Xlink-Kai on March 19, 2006, 01:03:00 PM
Too bad I have the Samsung drive  mad.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jack_pearce on March 19, 2006, 01:04:00 PM
This is awesome news biggrin.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Master X on March 19, 2006, 01:05:00 PM
Hey guys I know this may sound stupid but I watched the DVD and say no gameplay. Maybe they just could have put a video on that disk and let it auto launch from start up?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: t_mac_ca on March 19, 2006, 01:07:00 PM
i dont think it would be illegal to release some kind of patch that you apply to your own firmware? would it
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 19, 2006, 01:08:00 PM
QUOTE(Drunkn_Munky @ Mar 19 2006, 08:12 PM) View Post

I must admit, I've purchased the odd pirate game before (only a few because they wern't good enough to warrant wasting £40 of my hard earnt money). Having said that, I agree that it's for good reasons not to release this. What some of you don't seem to understand, that all this can be used for is backups. Releasing this, when its sole purpose is pirates, will mean games will most likely go up FOR US. With the main factor that put people off chipping the Xbox1 (Xbox Live) not a problem, it could potentially ruin the gaming market.

Anyway, 99% of you pirating cry babies wouldn't have the guts/knowledge to open your 360 and start desoldering chips and flashing.

The same people wouldn't install 40 wire mod chips either. We knew either the pro mod chippers or premodded console sellers would benefit at first.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nwby on March 19, 2006, 01:09:00 PM
"I must admit, I've purchased the odd pirate game before (only a few because they wern't good enough to warrant wasting £40 of my hard earnt money). Having said that, I agree that it's for good reasons not to release this. What some of you don't seem to understand, that all this can be used for is backups. Releasing this, when its sole purpose is pirates, will mean games will most likely go up FOR US. With the main factor that put people off chipping the Xbox1 (Xbox Live) not a problem, it could potentially ruin the gaming market.

Anyway, 99% of you pirating cry babies wouldn't have the guts/knowledge to open your 360 and start desoldering chips and flashing."

dont be so stupid you clown... ruing the games industry.. yea like the PS1, PS2, PSP, XBOX and dreamcast did..

When the mods were released each systems sales went thru the roof.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: krayzie on March 19, 2006, 02:02:00 PM
and not to forget there is no such thing as a replacement firmware. The user still would have to inject his own unique key in the code
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Questioner on March 19, 2006, 02:46:00 PM
Its real but not hacked or new.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: clownbow on March 19, 2006, 02:48:00 PM
QUOTE(Questioner @ Mar 19 2006, 10:53 PM) View Post

Its real but not hacked or new.
i think what i just found is for xbox 1. just to show what a hoax this xbox 360 firmware is. they had to release the old firmware just for kicks.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: brakken on March 19, 2006, 02:50:00 PM
MaxConsole has used part of this news post text per text and named it as their own. I just wanted to point out the paglarism going down. Trust me, I'm not trying to promote that site.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jonels on March 19, 2006, 02:50:00 PM
QUOTE(clownbow @ Mar 19 2006, 11:55 PM) View Post

i think what i just found is for xbox 1. just to show what a hoax this xbox 360 firmware is. they had to release the old firmware just for kicks.

No, these files are not dated 2006, i don't know why it's reporting that to you. One of those files is listed as 2003.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: M-K-E! on March 19, 2006, 02:53:00 PM
QUOTE(nwby @ Mar 19 2006, 09:16 PM) View Post

dont be so stupid you clown... ruing the games industry.. yea like the dreamcast did..

actually, yeah.  system sales might go through the roof, but software sales wont, meaning developers will probably not make as many games for the system, just like the dc.  once there was self booting games, it wasnt long before it was dead.  piracy caused the early death of the dc, so yeah, let's do it again...
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: clownbow on March 19, 2006, 03:04:00 PM
QUOTE(jonels @ Mar 19 2006, 10:57 PM) View Post

No, these files are not dated 2006, i don't know why it's reporting that to you. One of those files is listed as 2003.

My mistake it changes the dates after it downloads them.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ChelseaDude on March 19, 2006, 03:06:00 PM
QUOTE(M-K-E! @ Mar 20 2006, 12:00 AM) View Post

actually, yeah.  system sales might go through the roof, but software sales wont, meaning developers will probably not make as many games for the system, just like the dc.  once there was self booting games, it wasnt long before it was dead.  piracy caused the early death of the dc, so yeah, let's do it again...

Why has piracy not killed the xbox then if what you are saying is true?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: mku on March 19, 2006, 03:12:00 PM
QUOTE(brakken @ Mar 19 2006, 09:57 PM) View Post

MaxConsole has used part of this news post text per text and named it as their own. I just wanted to point out the paglarism going down. Trust me, I'm not trying to promote that site.


MaxConsole clearly state "The following comes from an article at Xbox-Scene." before the bit that was taken from the news post. Xbox-Scene is even bold since it's a link.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: M-K-E! on March 19, 2006, 03:20:00 PM
QUOTE(ChelseaDude @ Mar 19 2006, 11:13 PM) View Post

Why has piracy not killed the xbox then if what you are saying is true?

why? because MS has the resources to keep the devolper's coming back,   sega did not.  plus, with the dc all you had to was burn the disk and you could play it. no softmod to instal or anything- all you needed to know was how to burn a cd image, or know someone who would burn it for you.

i can almost gaurentee you that if there were a self booting xbox system (wich there is not yet) like the dc had, the xbox would be phased out in a year or 2.  because right now, you can not play a backup on live. yeah, there's xlink and xbconnect but that is not live.  so, my self included, when i do buy a game i usually make sure it's a live enabled one- or i buy it specifically to play on live. if people dont need to buy a game to play on live, they wont.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: pdottz on March 19, 2006, 03:23:00 PM
piracy did not cause the early death of the dc.

i use to work for a video game store. the only thing that caused the death of the dc was the ps2.
i always tried promoting the dc (i owned about $1000 worth of games i bought.)  almost 90% of customers that i tried to convince buy a dc said this "ill just wait for the ps2"

ps2 hype destroyed the dc. not piracy. im not saying i promote piracy in anyway or form but please get your facts straight before blaming something like piracy for the death of a system.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: M-K-E! on March 19, 2006, 03:29:00 PM
no, i did not work for a game store, but commone sense, if the games were there, the sales would be there.  other then mostly first party titles, there were not many "killer apps" for the dc, because piracy was so easy, hardly any 3rd party developed for the system. yeah, there were a few, but most of them were sega's own dev studios.  there were only a few dozen games, if that, that are on the dc and other systems, and most of them were early launch games like tony hawk.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: zikronix on March 19, 2006, 03:58:00 PM
QUOTE(clownbow @ Mar 19 2006, 10:49 PM) View Post

here is the name of the new files i found at the usal place.

firmware flashing tools
all dated 20th march 2006

maybe this is real.

These are for xbox 1 and are not the hacked frimware from the specialist. These are just modded and stock firmwares from those drives.

These firmware will not allow you to play burned games on the xbox1 with out a mod chip.

As far as i know the modded firmware that allowed play of back ups with out a chip for the 1 model of xbox1 dvd drive hasnt been released

neither has the 360 mod...the 360 mod is going to require alot of work.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: 0794 on March 19, 2006, 04:01:00 PM
Congratulations....i guess.

This news is pretty useless as basically it is just "look at what i did and i am not going to show you how."  Sure the main reason that they won't release this is because of MS’s lawyers, which I fully understand, but research like this can only be useful if shared and built upon to reach the common goal of unlocking the 360's hardware to be used to its potential with linux or xbmc-like programs.  Widespread piracy is not even an issue with this release as the difficulty to place the hacked firmware into the drive is beyond most.  So unless they plan to help those actually willing to spread this information, then I don’t care at all about what they have accomplished in secrecy.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nj12nets on March 19, 2006, 04:17:00 PM
i wish i was a moderator on here and just delete the bullshit posts.  seriously stop bitching, caould you do it before? no. can you do it now? no. so stfu. seriously thespecialist did it along with many other people who would not like to be #1 on ms's hitlist.  believe it or not to anyone that has a average iq it makes some fucking sense.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: majik655 on March 19, 2006, 04:17:00 PM
lots of things have changed on X-S since it has opened.

People or groups use to share knowledge with the masses.  Not ONLY within their so called "teams" or "groups"
groups and teams used to share the knowledge that they learned or created.

Because no matter how smart you are there are always those who are smarter in other areas, or even the area the teams were working on.
Teams and groups used to realize that the masses are smarter than few.  And even some joe blow can get lucky and figure out some way for homebrew to work.

Such as a programmer that just needs the firmware hack to start working or trying to get something working.. that the teams couldn't or maybe didn't even have time to try.

Give the knowledge or TOOLS in this matter to the masses.
out of 250000 people here on X-S you can bet more than likely just 1 of them could figure out a way to get something like homebrew running that the lonely 10 couldn't or did not have time to try or think about. if only he had the tool to try it with.

THAT is how things get done.   Minds of many are alot smarter than the minds of few (just look .. how many people are on M$ team to stop pirating.  lets say 100 probably high.   then 250000 people take a look at it and wow amazing... groups of people are figuring out a way to hack it and are being successful)

I am done.. I am sounding like the old man telling stories of how things used to be.   Guess things change.

great job to the individuals that figured this out, I would love to give you more props but I am kinda affraid that by saying thank you M$ may come after me too   lol
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: 0794 on March 19, 2006, 04:33:00 PM
QUOTE(nj12nets @ Mar 19 2006, 05:24 PM) View Post

i wish i was a moderator on here and just delete the bullshit posts.  seriously stop bitching, caould you do it before? no. can you do it now? no. so stfu. seriously thespecialist did it along with many other people who would not like to be #1 on ms's hitlist.  believe it or not to anyone that has a average iq it makes some fucking sense.

"average iq," huh...from your vocabulary and the fact that you cannot even read a post correctly (since i mentioned that i understand them not making a direct release due to MS's repercussions, but that they should allow it to arise from the scene) i give you about low-average at best...

...and it actually sounds from your post like you were the one "bitching" as you put it...not me.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Sonic_22 on March 19, 2006, 05:10:00 PM
QUOTE(pdottz @ Mar 19 2006, 05:30 PM) View Post

piracy did not cause the early death of the dc.

i use to work for a video game store. the only thing that caused the death of the dc was the ps2.
i always tried promoting the dc (i owned about $1000 worth of games i bought.)  almost 90% of customers that i tried to convince buy a dc said this "ill just wait for the ps2"

ps2 hype destroyed the dc. not piracy. im not saying i promote piracy in anyway or form but please get your facts straight before blaming something like piracy for the death of a system.

You cant say Piracy was never a factor in the demise of the dreamcast, sure there were many reasons contributing to the demise of the dreamcast like Sega's poor finacial situation, the hype of the PS2, but you cant dis credit piracy for hurting its software sales.

Sure piracy was not the only reason dreamcast died, but it sure did assist in the death of it since it was so easy to do.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: dante327 on March 19, 2006, 05:16:00 PM
my personal opinion is that if they are not going to share then why should they be recognized, i mean i definetley have respect for them doing it because god know that i cant, we all knew it would happen and knew that it could so y give them props. there not helping us out any, only for the simple fact that we all knew that it would be done sooner or later, unfortunetly the people who did crack it are just gonna tell us they did and sit on it. i just dont think that they should have any recognition for this because in all honesty they are not helping the community by waving what they did in our face and not sharing. i mean come on you cant stop piracy and it will be cracked by a respectible team that is going to release the info so why not just give it up. piracy sucks but there is just no way around and it is inevitable
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: speck311 on March 19, 2006, 05:22:00 PM
QUOTE(chr0ma @ Mar 18 2006, 10:53 PM) View Post

A hacker is a hacker!  So this Specialist dude goes on the forums and brags(claims that he is trying to educate.. blah!) and tells everyone I'm hacking the FW for the 360 but I don't want to release it because it will bring the heat and allow people to pirate.   Well heads up dude, the heat is already on..  MS and the feds you can bet will be taking a close look at you.  A hacker is no worse than a pirate...  Guess what that Firmware you hacked is a COPYRIGHTED PIECE OF SOFTWARE that you modified..   SO you are no better than any pirate whether you release it or not...

What has happened to the scene?  Are people actually that niave that now they are starting to believe all the propoganda that has been thrown to the public to make pirates seem like the doom of the music, movies and software industry when in fact its the quality and business models these companies use?  And all these HIGH AND MIGHTY people spouting off stuff about piracy without even getting educated about it and realising how much the consumer is given the shaft when it comes to media sales today.. I mean just look in the last few months how much has been discovered about Sony and their Payola scandals and their copy protection software that sits secretley on your machine slowing it down and breaking many.

I sure am glad Bunnie and previous hackers weren't so freaked out about their work.  If they would of had the same attitude as this Special guy we would not be as far along as we are in the homebrew and hacking scene.   And before anyone says GET THE INFO AND MAKE IT YOURSELF..  Even though many of the details are posted there are still holes in the info that unless you have make it useless...

I have to give props to the guy for doing it, but doing it in public and in essence saying I HAVE IT AND YOU CANT HAVE IT makes me want to punch this dude in the throat..    See you on courtTV Specialist...

PS - flashfreak, MS can detect it but then it will be easy to change the code and reflash again.. So in essence it will be like the PSP 1.5 hack.. Where MS will patch and then everyone reflashes..  They cannot reflash the DVD firmware so basically they will have to come up with something else or it will be a back and forth game we will be playing.  The Specialist said himself that the hole in the FW MS left undermines the whole live patching process..

Hallelujah brother - I couldnt have said it better. Props though to The Specialist and the others if this is genuine. Even if they are withholding - I still hold respect for someone who can pull that off.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nj12nets on March 19, 2006, 05:31:00 PM
QUOTE(794 @ Mar 19 2006, 06:40 PM) View Post

"average iq," huh...from your vocabulary and the fact that you cannot even read a post correctly (since i mentioned that i understand them not making a direct release due to MS's repercussions, but that they should allow it to arise from the scene) i give you about low-average at best...

...and it actually sounds from your post like you were the one "bitching" as you put it...not me.

first of all, i did not point you out specifically and wow i didn't use spell check, i must have committed a crime.  But my complaint is that people on here are trying say thespecialist didn't hack the firmware, or that hes a asshole.  The truth is most of the people posting don't understand anything about homebrew or anything like that, all they want is to download and burn games.  If he was to release the hacked firmware, assuming he's in a country that considers piracy a crime, he can recieve jailtime.  MS could track him and subpeona him.  If he allows it to arise anonymously but t he scene knows he did it where do you think MS is gonna look.  Innocent until proven guilty isn't always the case. He has stated online that he was working on the MS firmware.  Now i believe their firmware is covered under the DCMA and tampering with the firmware is a crime, even trying to hack it would be considered conspiracy to pirate copyrighted material. If someone calling thespecialist an asshole wants to do it and release it then go ahead, learn how to hack it and then release it publicly, but thespecialist chooses not to relase it for the same reason x-s doesn't host any files that would be considered illegal, because they will then be held liable.

BTW low-average is funny,  but you must be pretty self absorbed and self centered to assume i was directing my past post at you when i didn't mention any names and given there are 27 pages of posts why would mine be directed towards you?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: brakken on March 19, 2006, 05:43:00 PM
QUOTE(DaddyO21 @ Mar 20 2006, 01:40 AM) View Post

What killed the DC was SEGA running out of money after the failure of Sega CD , Sega32x and Sega Saturn.

I agree, most people blame it on the *piracy* factor, but if you compare the numbers of the amount of piracy in the USA compared to Video Game Sales you'll realize piracy is a very small percentage.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ShadowElitePro on March 19, 2006, 05:57:00 PM
Well this is good and bad. The bad is the piracy that might come from this. Also wont LIVE just just udate the firmwire through Xbox Live?
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: zerodefect on March 19, 2006, 06:11:00 PM
why dont they just give step by step instructions on performing this firmware hack? last time i checked it was not illegal to provide information for educational purposes. thespecialist cant be held responsible if us technically minded end users just do the mod ourselves. sure we can just read the forum posts and im sure someone will release a hacked firmware, but that is just so counter productive. the goal in publically working on a project is just that, it is ment to help the public, none of which is happening. just give me the file dude and ill release it. get a good proxy and upload the instructions anonymously and good luck with ms PROVING you did it. like you said with the forum instructions someone should be able to do it. how do they know it was you? quit being such a bitch.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: gehx on March 19, 2006, 06:13:00 PM
Wow, 9 pages of BULLSHIT and not one of them w/ any useful info regarding the hack.  Just a bunch of bickering/bitching children...WAHHH...give me my hack!  Get a life man! Way to go guys, you just turned this thread into a pile of heaping shit! grr.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: 0794 on March 19, 2006, 06:28:00 PM
QUOTE(nj12nets @ Mar 19 2006, 06:38 PM) View Post

first of all, i did not point you out specifically and wow i didn't use spell check, i must have committed a crime.  But my complaint is that people on here are trying say thespecialist didn't hack the firmware, or that hes a asshole.  The truth is most of the people posting don't understand anything about homebrew or anything like that, all they want is to download and burn games.  If he was to release the hacked firmware, assuming he's in a country that considers piracy a crime, he can recieve jailtime.  MS could track him and subpeona him.  If he allows it to arise anonymously but t he scene knows he did it where do you think MS is gonna look.  Innocent until proven guilty isn't always the case. He has stated online that he was working on the MS firmware.  Now i believe their firmware is covered under the DCMA and tampering with the firmware is a crime, even trying to hack it would be considered conspiracy to pirate copyrighted material. If someone calling thespecialist an asshole wants to do it and release it then go ahead, learn how to hack it and then release it publicly, but thespecialist chooses not to relase it for the same reason x-s doesn't host any files that would be considered illegal, because they will then be held liable.

BTW low-average is funny,  but you must be pretty self absorbed and self centered to assume i was directing my past post at you when i didn't mention any names and given there are 27 pages of posts why would mine be directed towards you?

my apologies nj12nets...i really thought that you were directing your comments to me as your post followed mine...(oh, not that it matters, but for what it's worth, i was referring to the cursing and not the spelling... tongue.gif )

of course i am not in the group that considers thespecialist to be a bad person nor doubt his accomplishment.  i just wish for sharing of this info.

also, to the other poster, i could care less about playing "backups" as i am not a gamer (don't have time), i just want a 360 for when the hardware can be used for its potential.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: raylar on March 19, 2006, 06:36:00 PM
since the days of Nintendo, "backups" were everywhere.  I recalled devices that copies the cartriage onto floppy disks then loads them into the console.   Then you have CD-R backups.

Yeah, piracy hurts the console business. Maybe thats why Nintendo, Super Nintendo, PS1 or PS2 didnt sell over 1 trillion unit each, like they were suppose to without piracy.  

Console like Atari's 64bit system "Jaguar" must have been a sucess because of low piracy(or at least I dont recall seeing them in Asia, the "only" place in the world that have piracy issues....)

bunch of bullsh!t.  Piracy hurts the business? People who cannot afford to buy games at $40-70/each will never buy no stupid console @ $350+.  People who wants to pirate will at least NEED to save some money to buy console(probably get a part-timie job, etc) and once they make enough to buy a console you probably can afford to buy a game or two too.  Maybe not all the time, but once a while they just might go out to buy a game they've been waiting for too. Hell, the person you want to pirate from, will need to have an original.  thats one copy sold.  With region lock and digital signature, even with pirates ISO images on the net  they are limited to a certain region, not everyone in the world.

Not releasing to public -  its like occupying an entire toilet even after you are done using it and know that there are a bunch of people waiting right outside to use it.  "I let you know how clean and nice these stools are, I can even show you videos of it, but find your own toilet like this!"   You could have just open the door and share with others, instead of having them go out of their way to find other "avalable sources".   Eventually everyone is going to get their business done and you know its inevitable.  Once its released by other group, only the hard-core hackers will remember your name.  All the "fame" will be taken by the releasing group.  The fact is most of the peopl (who dont even read these forums) will see real work hacks, and believe its releasing group's idea unless in the NFO file they claimed its from so-and-so's idea.

Or it could be just bunch of bs.  Anyone can make a un-cut video with the two xbox360 method.

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Xombe on March 19, 2006, 06:57:00 PM
QUOTE(OldGuru @ Mar 20 2006, 09:07 AM) View Post

I download games, and yes i want the xbox360 to be hacked for one reason so i can download games for free. So i dont need to pay sky high prices for games that i dont think its worth it. Stay away from it then some people might say, well fuck you is what i got to tell you, there shouldent be any other purpose of trying to hack the xbox if you aint gonna release it so all pirates can use it for their advantage. If your against piracy , drop dead and die you stinky ass mutherfukkers.

Welcome to Xbox-Scene.  Enjoy your vacation... Do what you will in your on life, but don't bring foul language for the sake of foul language onto our boards, nor take the bad-boy-pirate stance around here.

Note to others: Please remember this thread is being read and moderated.  

Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but we still have rules and opinions must be expressed under the guidelines set out under the rules and posting policy.

This falls back on what HSD said in his editorial about free speech, and the limitations reality imposes on it.

Thank you.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: m0dhe@d on March 19, 2006, 07:00:00 PM
this forum has turned into a bunch of moronic 12 year olds. get this its hacked code. it dosnt belong to him hes not allowed to distribute it. he didnt distribute it when he did it to the xbox 1 too. and its not going to happen. get this its real for those of you nonbelievers. you should stop being jerks. hes not bragging cause he hacked it. its a breakthrough in 360 hacking and releasing it would just get ms a chance to patch it and then it wouldnt even be usefull to us anymore. lets keep it under wraps it may come to some sort of use for further hacking. if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it at all this is suposed to be a technical discussion on the subject not a flamefest. you guys give a bad name to the scene this thread should be closed since its turned into this.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: M-K-E! on March 19, 2006, 07:21:00 PM
QUOTE(DaddyO21 @ Mar 20 2006, 01:40 AM) View Post

What killed the DC was SEGA running out of money after the failure of Sega CD , Sega32x and Sega Saturn.

and i mentioned that too, as to why ms still has all of it's 3rd party support, that once the dc was completely opened up, sega did not have the capitol to keep the developer's there like ms does.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ShadowElitePro on March 19, 2006, 07:36:00 PM
Wow this fight is getting nasty!  sleep.gif  The fact is piracy makes companys struggle. I dont care if some of you say " $60 for a game!" If your not going to buy it then dont steal it. Game delevopers spend tons of money paying all the workers of the game.

OFFTOPIC- gehx you can only have one image per sig.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: M-K-E! on March 19, 2006, 09:40:00 PM
QUOTE(ShadowElitePro @ Mar 20 2006, 03:43 AM) View Post
The fact is piracy makes companys struggle. I dont care if some of you say " $60 for a game!" If your not going to buy it then dont steal it. Game delevopers spend tons of money paying all the workers of the game.

OFFTOPIC- gehx you can only have one image per sig.

yeah, that's the other reason why i dont really care if this doesnt get released (wich i see now it is soon).  yeah, 60$ for a game is expensive, but if everybody that downloaded the game bought it, chances are that would be lower.

myself, i download them and play them for a day or two, and if i like them, i go buy it, or if dont like it, i dont waste my money.  i also dont like renting because i dont see paying 10$ for a game to play it for 5 days worth it, when i could pay a little more and play it whenever and however long i want to, and i also dont want to pay 10$ for a magazine to get a disc with a select few demos.

but i know plenty of people that have the money and still dont buy the game...

and also, somone mentioned that there too cheap to pay for live since there are free alternitives. well, if you think that way, then this mod is not for you. the only reason i can see someone doing this instead of just doing a softmod is to play backups on live- assuming it works (dont see why not).

either way, it's nice to see this kind of progress.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: haza55 on March 19, 2006, 11:34:00 PM
This hack IS REAL.
The Proof of it.
1. 49 Pages forums posting from december about it
2. If u put a dvd-r in the 360 the laser head would not move like that, it would probly Read it for a sec and stop because the disc is not real.
3. the board to the left of the drive has a EEPROM chip on it, and he would hav been using this as the firmware instead of the onboard eeprom.
4. WHO HAS 2 COPIES OF PGR3, two real ones because if he had 2 xbox360s y would there be the pgr3 disk there.
5. the loading is in perfect sync
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: CrystalXBOX on March 20, 2006, 01:27:00 AM
QUOTE(haza55 @ Mar 20 2006, 07:41 AM) View Post

4. WHO HAS 2 COPIES OF PGR3, two real ones because if he had 2 xbox360s y would there be the pgr3 disk

I was hearing you out till I got to #4.. lol..
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: v8azlin on March 20, 2006, 01:31:00 AM
I'm not saying that I don't believe that this is true.

I'd just like to see a video with:
i. A look at the back of the TV to show that nothing else is connected.
ii. The guy plugging in the AV cord into the back of the 360 and the TV.

 pop.gif Well done guys.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: nwo504 on March 20, 2006, 02:37:00 AM
lol @ wanting more proof
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: celicagt1993 on March 20, 2006, 02:50:00 AM
QUOTE(flashfreak @ Mar 19 2006, 12:21 PM) View Post

poopiepig, awesome speech, its all so true, and u 2 celicagt1993.

If people were honest, man, just thinking about it now, the world would be completely different, its never gonna happen though, we're straying further and further from world peace everyday.

That that 360 in the background, thespecialist would have more than one, hes an in depth hacker, and look at the pic, wheres the ring of light? That 360 is off, and too far away to be connected

well, it's nice to know that someone is actually reading this thread....  damn, i hate for the guy to come along after a weeks vacation and see the video, click the link to talk about it, get to about page 5 and say "awww fuck this, all i'm reading it people arguing about is if fake, no it's not, yes it is, here's proof, well here's proof, the world is going to hell, i'm a damn retard, i'm going to play my atari now, screw this."

oh, i forgot the part about "i'm going to stick my finger in my ass and twirl because i don't believe it"
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: spinr34 on March 20, 2006, 02:53:00 AM
i can't believe people are still debating whether it's real or not. it is real just like the original xbox one was.  also i agree with thespecialist in not releasing it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jacob019 on March 20, 2006, 03:13:00 AM
Before you talk about fakes and such read the latest technical writeup
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: ciaspook on March 20, 2006, 03:48:00 AM
Don't think we will see this firmware released any time soon, same as we still haven't seen on for the xbox "1". I understand that he doesn't want to take the risk and don't condone piracy. So hopefully someone not so worried about their back will figure this out soon...hehe
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jonels on March 20, 2006, 05:23:00 AM
QUOTE(haza55 @ Mar 20 2006, 08:41 AM) View Post

This hack IS REAL.
The Proof of it.
1. 49 Pages forums posting from december about it
2. If u put a dvd-r in the 360 the laser head would not move like that, it would probly Read it for a sec and stop because the disc is not real.
3. the board to the left of the drive has a EEPROM chip on it, and he would hav been using this as the firmware instead of the onboard eeprom.
4. WHO HAS 2 COPIES OF PGR3, two real ones because if he had 2 xbox360s y would there be the pgr3 disk there.
5. the loading is in perfect sync

Number 2 is a bit suspect, especially considering this is offered as proof of a non fake. Unless presuming the 360 will play dvd movies from dvd-/+r is  mis-guided.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: jonels on March 20, 2006, 05:38:00 AM
I'm absolutely stunned that the 360 doesn't have a toc/disk size checking, I really thought it did? So how did TS make a 1:1 copy with the bad/sector info stored as data on the copy without breaking toc/disk file checking, the only reasonable conclusion is the 360 was poorly protected from the start.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Bizquick on March 20, 2006, 05:50:00 AM
I honestly don't understand how many of you and saying fake video or crap. I mean this guy is well respected in the scene and many groups know his hack works. I mean even Team Excuter knows it. In fact I was doing some reading on the technial part of this hack (the 4 links posted on the main page). What I wonder is I would think his hack would apply to almost any video game console.  The only reason I think they were able to exploit the hack so easly. is that the Xbox and Xbox 360 are both based on regual PC parts. Meaning the DVD drives and Hard Drives are all IDE or SATA based and you can connect them in some way to your own PC. I mean last I checked you couldn't connect a PS2 Dvd drive up to your IDE bus. I mean mabey someone has but  I bet it was not an easy and required a lot work.  Another thing is I'm not a 100 precent conviced that MS would be able to patch this hack very quickly and I don't belive that they could flash an update that will break this. But I do belive they could detect it depending on what they were looking for on the firmware. at the current time frame I think they are just looking at the securty key matching the unit. but I'm sure they could just dig a little bit more and look for somthing else. So I bet this will cause a Live Ban when they do find it.  But I think they will have to hack one of there own units first to know what to look for.  Maybe they will call some of the teams for help if they can't figure it out. I would like to see a modchip for this though so we could choose to switch between the firmwares. I mean you would have to do a hardware switch and never switch the switch while the unit was on. but I would like to see that. But this does only support backups and maybe dev teams that have a way to sign there own code.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Gwil on March 20, 2006, 06:29:00 AM
QUOTE(dahlsim @ Mar 20 2006, 12:38 PM) View Post

Seems a hole easy enough to close.  

Wouldn't "on the game disk" type security patching be an option for MS to close the hole for this hack?   Something ala the PSP security model where the new games will not boot if an unauthorized change is detected in the firmware of the DVD drive?  

ie. if(!= oldUnalteredFirmware || newKeyEncryptedDvDFirmware) then {doNotPlay(); updatefirmware();}

Modified boxes are then limited to playing only games that were produced before the security patched games rendering a mod fairly useless for piracy.

I'm just thinking out loud here, but once people have an understanding of the firmware, wouldn't it be feasible that it could be made to tell the XBox it's unmodified and all is well, thus avoiding being updated?  
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: bourke on March 20, 2006, 07:05:00 AM

The (DVD Firmware security) checks are as follows:

if target address is in secret range, then do not allow.
if target address + requested transfer length is in secret range, then do not allow.

Those two rules do not cover all possible address and transfer lengh combinations that can return the secret ranges. If we use the maximum transfer length (0xFFFF) and specify an offset as close as possible to the start of a secret range, then our target address will be below the range and our target address + the transfer length (0xFFFF) will be above the range. The result is that somewhere in the middle of our dump we get the entire secret range. This works because the length of the latter two forbidden ranges are less than the maximum transfer length of 0xFFFF.

If that was the extent of the firmware security then I seriously suspect that someone in LG/Hitachi wanted to leave a hole open!
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: blue45 on March 20, 2006, 09:45:00 AM
Alright people looking good, i saw down with the specialist. Has helped us in a great tremendous way, but has traded us in the end. Power to the people down with MS. I dont care about home brew, we already have enough homebrew stuff with the modded xbox, its time for piracy and and a new high powered Dreamcast!  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif , They had 6 guys and took a year to get this far, and now with their information that we are going to steal because they basically gave it to us, we are going to shove it back in their faces with thousands of people working on this hack and have it done within hopefully a month or two. Or Think about maybe less. I think its time for me to get myself ahold of an xbox 360. Power to the people, and plans for a new high powered Dreamcast! Those days are back baby, can't wait. Time to use the old Disc Juggler program gain. lol! biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: BiggusDiccus on March 20, 2006, 10:09:00 AM
QUOTE(blue45 @ Mar 20 2006, 10:52 AM) View Post

Alright people looking good, i saw down with the specialist. Has helped us in a great tremendous way, but has traded us in the end. Power to the people down with MS. I dont care about home brew, we already have enough homebrew stuff with the modded xbox, its time for piracy and and a new high powered Dreamcast!  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif , They had 6 guys and took a year to get this far, and now with their information that we are going to steal because they basically gave it to us, we are going to shove it back in their faces with thousands of people working on this hack and have it done within hopefully a month or two. Or Think about maybe less. I think its time for me to get myself ahold of an xbox 360. Power to the people, and plans for a new high powered Dreamcast! Those days are back baby, can't wait. Time to use the old Disc Juggler program gain. lol! biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif biggrin.gif


Value added = None

It's like you're trying to tell us something I just know it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Chancer on March 20, 2006, 10:20:00 AM
QUOTE(blue45 @ Mar 20 2006, 10:52 AM) View Post
I dont care about home brew, we already have enough homebrew stuff with the modded xbox, its time for piracy

Take a 2 week vacation..... Go On.. I insist.........You have earned it.
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: longshot_swedude on March 20, 2006, 10:46:00 AM
It´s sad..  Please people keep the post to yourself. Don´t push "Add Reply"
I have browsed this forum along time. Why?! Its good. great mods, homebrew stuff etc etc. excellent work from everyone. I´am getting alot of tips from here on xbox mods and more really like reading stuff here! But this topic has shown that people just post replays with whine,fake blalba comments. Xbox-scene wouldnt have posted the news if the source wasnt 100% real. (That´s why i love this page, always 100% real no bs)

Topic -> Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked. Excellent work dudes, great work. Hope it will help the homebrew stuff in some way. But for now it´s only for games... boring . ofcoz i like some games. But the real stuff that made the xbox(1) so great and big was/is all the homebrew apps etc. That´s what i think. I wouldn´t have had six diffrent xboxes if i only could play on it. I love modding it! I love all the homebrew great stuff. xbmc <3 Anyways for me!

P.S i had to push the "Add Replay" button! look when i joined this board and how many posts i have! smile.gif  I have been here alot but when the time comes to push the Add Replay. I really feel that my post dont benefit in anyway! But i hope this do. Please think once more before posting. And give TS and the crew there many thanks for the great work they have done!  love.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: KR4ZYMAN on March 20, 2006, 11:24:00 AM
Hope someone can use this info and maybe find a way to keep everybody happy. I can only thank everybody on this site for the help that has been given over the years, good luck and keep up the work.    smile.gif
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: rastiemon on March 20, 2006, 12:57:00 PM
Reading posts in this forum has turned into complete circus.  Granted it is somewhat amusing watching different groups of 12 year olds flame each other back and forth.  but....... Anyone with any common sense knows this hack will become public and  its real and keeps getting documented more day by day.  So why not just sit back and enjoy the show until you get your full fledged n00b hack.  Or go buy Oblivion today to take your mind off how mean the Specialist is to you by not handing you your back-ups on a silver platter.


Just as the previous person stated read team xecuter's site.  Can't wait to see what the nay sayers say tonight. LMAO
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: BiggusDiccus on March 20, 2006, 10:23:00 PM
QUOTE(rastiemon @ Mar 20 2006, 02:04 PM) View Post

Reading posts in this forum has turned into complete circus.  Granted it is somewhat amusing watching different groups of 12 year olds flame each other back and forth.  but....... Anyone with any common sense knows this hack will become public and  its real and keeps getting documented more day by day.  So why not just sit back and enjoy the show until you get your full fledged n00b hack.  Or go buy Oblivion today to take your mind off how mean the Specialist is to you by not handing you your back-ups on a silver platter.
Just as the previous person stated read team xecuter's site.  Can't wait to see what the nay sayers say tonight. LMAO

Smartest post so far today.  smile.gif

That's my motto too, "Sit back and enjoy it".
Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: G0t M4xx 21 on March 20, 2006, 10:56:00 PM
yup, this has been quite amusing...

Title: Xbox360 DVD Firmware Hacked - Video
Post by: Lizotte on March 21, 2006, 04:44:00 AM
QUOTE(rastiemon @ Mar 20 2006, 08:04 PM) View Post

Or go buy Oblivion today to take your mind off how mean the Specialist is

Ah yes, a voice of reason, I can't wait to play the copy of Oblivion that I pre-ordered and paid for, and have no need of a mod to play.

Man is oblivion going to be good, there goes the chance of me accomplishing anything useful the rest of this week or weekend.