
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox 360 General Forums => Xbox360's Multimedia Features => Topic started by: unsivil_audio on August 23, 2009, 10:55:00 PM

Title: Streaming To Xbox 360
Post by: unsivil_audio on August 23, 2009, 10:55:00 PM
Am i the only one having serious problems with streaming video to my xbox 360?  .avi's .mp4's getting out of sync and playing choppy.  Don't get me wrong, a very good portion of my media play's fine, but I find this quite frustrating when I get a new movie or tv show and it won't play back smooth.

I am sharing from my laptop wirelessly connected to my router, and my 360 wirelessly connected to my router.  Although i have tested this with a straight wired connection and seen no difference, with two different routers no less.  I have checked and rechecked codecs of the files i'm playing, as well as the bitrates (all below 1000kbps). I am playing back through the dashboard as performance in WME is even worse.

Does the installed codecs on the machine your playing back files from affect playback on the 360?
Title: Streaming To Xbox 360
Post by: mod360s on August 26, 2009, 10:32:00 PM
Hey please view my guide here - I have successfully helped many people with this guide....

This guide will help if you are not transcoding though and the media can be played on the Xbox 360 Natively....

Here it is if you're keen to have a look..


This post has been edited by mod360s: Aug 27 2009, 05:33 AM
Title: Streaming To Xbox 360
Post by: unsivil_audio on August 28, 2009, 03:17:00 PM
I don't want to use Tversity.  I want the native playback through 360 that was promised to me.  I've had Tversity before and it works fine;  I just don't want to use it, nor do I like how it operates.
Title: Streaming To Xbox 360
Post by: plushh on October 26, 2009, 02:09:00 AM
this is absolutly a shot in the dark.... but maybe the wireless connection is too weak,
and what i mean by that is. the content your trying to send is too fast for the wireless.... have you tried connecting your laptop to the router VIA network cable, and seeing if that fixes your problem?
Title: Streaming To Xbox 360
Post by: DemisesAngel on October 27, 2009, 08:29:00 PM
More information would be helpful as well. What OS are you using, how are you streaming it to your XBox (TVersity, Transcode, etc...)? I'm assuming playback on your computer is fine? If you get the chance to and already use Windows. Get Windows 7. All you need with that is all the codecs installed. It is pretty simple with the Windows 7 Media Center. Mkv's are a bitch tho and still require them to be converted to something like .mp4 or .wmv.

I do kind of agree with plush, it could be a signal strength/too much data problem.
Title: Streaming To Xbox 360
Post by: icet62 on November 05, 2009, 12:18:00 PM
Just curious but does anyone know if you can still stream media via tversity or anything for that matter if you have been banned.  Just curious because I've been worried about getting online with all of this banwave going on.  Just trying to be safe but I love using the xbox for streaming media.
Title: Streaming To Xbox 360
Post by: Bearhug on November 05, 2009, 11:05:00 PM
Yes Tversity will work.  

In fact the native streaming will work if you have assigned the Divx/Xvid download licence to the current xbox you are trying to use it on.  The trick is to make sure you assign the licencing rights before you get banned if you want to use this option.  (Assigning licence can only be done through Here)

The important thing to understand is that the "streaming additonal download" will be licenced to both the gamertag used to download it with and the original 360 you downloaded it on (important if you are using a HDD from an earlier 360 you owned).  In short when online with the Gamertag it is licenced to it will always work, but not if you are offline.  For it to work offline it must be licenced to the current console you are using, hence the link for licence transfer above.

Hope this helps.

Unsivil, I've experienced similar symptons to those you have listed for either one of two reasons;

1)  network interference - are you getting enough bandwidth over the network?  If my microwave is turned on for instance it interferes with my wireless connection killing the throughput which causes streamed media to chuck up as you explained.

2)  PC HD read access/speed.  If you have other apps running on the PC (including background apps or virus/spyware etc) they can interfere with the HD read spead on the PC, which then flows through to the xbox end.  I've also seen an about to be faulty HD do something similar as well.

Without more detail can't really help more than that.  Hopefully it helps put you in the right direction.

This post has been edited by Bearhug: Nov 6 2009, 07:06 AM
Title: Streaming To Xbox 360
Post by: icet62 on November 06, 2009, 02:43:00 AM
Well I had just been reading through some of the banwave forums and was a little concerned as some people were saying with this latest banwave they are not able to stream/watch DIVX codec movies anymore.  Anymore I use my Xbox for watching tv shows and movies via streaming more then playing games online.  Scared me into thinking about blocking all internet access to my xbox and saying the hell with xbox live on that console and have another dedacated to xbox love.
Title: Streaming To Xbox 360
Post by: biggyfred on November 06, 2009, 08:23:00 AM
QUOTE(icet62 @ Nov 6 2009, 10:43 AM) View Post

Well I had just been reading through some of the banwave forums and was a little concerned as some people were saying with this latest banwave they are not able to stream/watch DIVX codec movies anymore.  Anymore I use my Xbox for watching tv shows and movies via streaming more then playing games online.  Scared me into thinking about blocking all internet access to my xbox and saying the hell with xbox live on that console and have another dedacated to xbox love.

My 360 was banned and I mostly use it as an extender. I'm not sure why (and am almost afraid to ask) but my media streaming capabilities have been completely unaffected. I can still stream xvids, music, and connect to Windows Media Center to watch live TV from my Win 7 Ultimate server.

When the ban happened, my 360 refused to connect to Windows Media Center (said I needed live to use it). I was still using a Win 7 pre release version. Yesterday I reformatted and installed the RTM and everything has worked fine.

Just throwing that out there.
Title: Streaming To Xbox 360
Post by: icet62 on November 06, 2009, 10:48:00 PM
Biggyfred thanks for the info on that I use my xbox as a media center more then game console nowadays and was very concerned about this.  Sorry to hear you were banned but thanks for testing it all out to see if will still work.