
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox 360 General Forums => Xbox360's Multimedia Features => Topic started by: loumicky2004 on December 10, 2007, 11:57:00 AM

Title: Problems Connecting To Laptop
Post by: loumicky2004 on December 10, 2007, 11:57:00 AM
Well I have finally done it after about 12 hours of trying (not all at once but spread out over a few days)

Some of this may or may not be relivent but its what I done so here goes.

I went into my windows firewall and turned it on and opened the ports
TCP ports 2869 and 10243, and UDP ports 1900, 10284, 10283, 10282, 10281, and 10280

I then went into my router ( my laptop was under wireless but under ethernet there was a unidentified device. i clicked this device and noted the physical address.

I then went into my xbox 360 system and then network settings.
Ip address and DNS are automatic then i went into the additional settings and advanced settings I gave my 360 a host name of xbox360 (original) and the physical address i got from my router I entered into the alternate MAC address without the : eg 20:12:f6:5c:2a:1a becomes 2012f65c2a1a

I have a folder on my route of my harddrive called "media" where I keep all my stuff just right click on that and click share then advance sharing tick the box and give it a name then that should be you.

Now I always had a xbox 360 icon in my wmp11 media sharing tab but now a second one appeared and low and behold I can share. It has crashed on me 1 or two times so I went into my system and turned off dep for wmp11 and it has cured that to.

hope this is of some help to someone as when i was looking i didnt recieve much (well no help) help at all.