
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox 360 General Forums => Xbox360's Multimedia Features => Topic started by: Xbox-Scene on November 02, 2007, 08:37:00 PM

Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: Xbox-Scene on November 02, 2007, 08:37:00 PM
Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Posted by XanTium | November 2 21:01 EST | News Category: Xbox360

In response to this week's Blu-ray Disc Festival in Los Angeles, Kevin Collins, director in the Microsoft Consumer Media Technology Group, defended the company's backing of the next-generation HD DVD format.
"The [Blu-ray] camp's claims about Microsoft's desire to have a format war are baseless," Collins said. "Microsoft has over 100 people working on HD DVD interactivity and we believe that HD DVD is the next-generation optical format."

During a presentation to journalists and home theater enthusiasts at the Blu-ray Festival earlier in the week, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment worldwide president Mike Dunn intimated that the format war is being perpetuated by Microsoft in the hopes of confusing consumers so much they don't support either format and ultimately buy their entertainment online. He didn't mention the computer giant by name, but blasted "the orchestrated campaigns of confusion and anti-consumerism fueled by an 800-pound gorilla that would prefer to force us all into the practice of paying tolls for the right to exchange information and enjoy entertainment."

Collins said Microsoft did not and will not bundle the HD DVD drive in Xbox 360 because the company believes that gamers are first and foremost gamers.
"If you look historically at the attach rates (i.e. the number of DVDs purchased per DVD player) you will see that game consoles have a single-digit attach rate, while dedicated DVD players have an attach rate in the mid-20s," said Collins. "Microsoft knew if we put in an HD DVD drive that we would have to raise costs and disenfranchise our customers (that are primarily gamers) as the unit would become too expensive."

Full Story:

Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: TechPagan on November 02, 2007, 08:30:00 PM
First post...W00t!  So what if MSFT is backing HD DVD.  If they feel that technology is the future than who am I to argue.  They pretty much set the standard.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: JustDanMI on November 02, 2007, 08:36:00 PM
Wow, M$ was really straight to the point with their comments, and didn't seem to be holding back on the blows.  I'm impressed.

All I read anymore is that Blu-Ray is killing HD-DVD in sales, but I guess if you compare that to how many people actually own the players and are actually buying the movies, it's still no comparison.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: codecxbox on November 02, 2007, 08:41:00 PM
There go'es the only movie maker willing to do Halo,,,LOL!!
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: thor99 on November 02, 2007, 09:21:00 PM
Hmm.. Did any1 pay attention to the last paragraph in the original article...? "Such as the $169 HD DVD player at Sears for Black Friday"... So for any1 needing a good deal on a HD DVD...
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: SueMiBlitch on November 02, 2007, 09:35:00 PM
seems to me that the competition always slanders M$ while M$ never slanders its competition. when they respond to some moron saying they suck in something they usually say why they believe what they are doing and promote it.... thats smart and and thats class

HD DVD is the cheaper way to go (getting players and all) but the thing is until everyone has a big as HDTV you won't see the difference you supposedly paid for
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: BoNg420 on November 02, 2007, 09:52:00 PM
Walmart and Best buy were selling the Toshiba A2 HD DVD player today for $100 bux.  Walmart was only today and Best Buy might still have it, but they probably sold out.  Only down part was they were only 1080i.  If HD DVD players get lower than Blue Ray faster they might get ahead.

This post has been edited by BoNg420: Nov 3 2007, 04:53 AM
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: Bubbalynch on November 02, 2007, 11:14:00 PM
People are still complaining about the 360 not having the HD drive?

Idiots.. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

I and probably many others would be without a 360 in our living room had this happened.

You wanna watch a movie put it in a DVD Player, leave the 360 alone to do what it does best. Play games. (insert RRoD insult here)  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: bobbyblaze on November 02, 2007, 10:56:00 PM
QUOTE(BoNg420 @ Nov 3 2007, 03:52 AM) View Post

  Only down part was they were only 1080i.  I

Dude, for film material (24p) there is no difference. It will still be displayed as 1080p on a flat panel screen which can only display progressive. It's like saying a dime is better than 2 nickels. They are worth the same.

Rather than transfer the information in 24 whole frames, a 1080i player will transfer the information in 48 half frames to the tv set. The tv set pieces them back together and shows them as they should be ie. 1080p. Whether the player or the tv does the deinterlacing makes no difference.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: Norco on November 03, 2007, 01:36:00 AM
Is it just me or are the Blu-Ray backers the biggest shit talkers on the block? I back the HD-DVD horse because I don't like Sony's way of doing things, simple as that. It seems that BluRay constantly tries to find ways to slander the HD-DVD camp, as if thats going to create more consumers to go BluRay. It all gets old...
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: tummybanana on November 03, 2007, 01:51:00 AM
its a good point about not including the hd dvd in the 360 cost wise, and this is why the ps3 is doing so badly, cripplingly expensive with a drive that barely anyone uses
even more hilarious is the trouble these bd fans will have trying to play any home authored stuff...linkypooh

and they call it a superior format

hd dvd for the win guys!
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: Knasen on November 03, 2007, 02:30:00 AM
For once I completely agree with MS, I bought a 360 to get a great gaming console for a reasonable price. If I wanted a HD player I will buy that separately later on. Sony is only pissed as their ps3 is selling like crap and want somebody to blame for their own mistakes.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: steveju on November 03, 2007, 01:58:00 AM
I don't get, is why people are acting so suprised about the <$200 price tag.

This whole "format war" seems kinda funny, but I must say that I hope that Toshiba/HD DVD wins this one for three reasons:
1. It's not Sony
2. Cheaper writable media for consumers
3. HD DVDs can withstand way more wear and tear than Blu-Ray discs ever could
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: the soul poet on November 03, 2007, 04:28:00 AM
Sell Cheap writable HD-DVD discs and recorders and you will have your format winner.


This post has been edited by the soul poet: Nov 3 2007, 11:28 AM
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: ludacrisvp on November 03, 2007, 03:52:00 AM
QUOTE(Norco @ Nov 3 2007, 02:36 AM) View Post

Is it just me or are the Blu-Ray backers the biggest shit talkers on the block? I back the HD-DVD horse because I don't like Sony's way of doing things, simple as that. It seems that BluRay constantly tries to find ways to slander the HD-DVD camp, as if thats going to create more consumers to go BluRay. It all gets old...

Please check your facts. SONY is NOT the only creator of Blu-Ray.
"Blu-ray Disc was started by Hitachi, LG, Panasonic, Pioneer, Phillips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, and Thomson in February 19, 2002"
Source - Blu-Ray Disc Association

It would be mighty wise of you to do some research on the topic at hand instead of just saying "oh its made by Sony and I hate Sony so I will not give it a chance." You will find out that there are several major companies that started the Blu-Ray project and there are hundreds of companies that are supporting it.

Oh What really gets old is the people that are unwilling to accept a product because they think it is made by one company that they have a grudge against, Sony is NOT the only company to develop Blu-Ray.

Have you seen a Blu-Ray movie?
Do you have a Blu-Ray player?
What is it about Blu-Ray that is so bad, aside from your personal vendetta against Sony?
Can you show me some links to the Blu-Ray Group slandering the HD-DVD camp?

@tummybanana - Well how much is an elite 360? has it at 449.99 then add on the HD-DVD drive for 179.99 and you have 629.98 plus tax shipping etc
40gb PS3 399.99 Blu-Ray drive standard, and if you want to a 120gb 2.5 inch drive can be had for 79.99 @, and you can also have built in wifi and it doesn't cost 100.00
in other words cost is not a factor in this discussion, why did i pick the elite because it was the first to have an hdmi port on it, and the hdmi enabled pro would also be more expensive than the ps3 even with the 120gb hdd.
barely anyone uses blu-ray drives hmmm.... can you provide a source to prove that?
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: itchy on February 04, 2020, 04:38:00 AM
Not forcing an HD drive onto the consumer is the way to go, however I feel that games will need more than 8gb in size down the road.  In fact the Assasin's Creed developer slipped and mentioned it's a challenge getting that game on a DVD disc due to space constraints.  As game development matures more space will be needed.

By the way, for anyone with a PS3 I highly recommend trying the Ratchet & Clank game on an HDTV.  The graphics were about twice better than any 360 game, including GOW.  It's like playing in a Pixar movie.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: 0794 on February 04, 2020, 04:57:00 AM
funny how the blu-ray folks have been very pissy lately throwing trash at HD-DVD while they keep saying that their "numbers" are superior...all the while HD-DVD players keep getting cheaper and cheaper and are finding their way into more homes...the blu-ray folks are starting to sound like they are desperate and going down on a sinking ship (albeit very slowly).

MS doesn't have to fuel the "war" nor should they care with their deep selection of Hi-Def online content, which is the real way of the future...forget optical format distribution...we will all have HD content on-demand in just a few short years for all of our choices (right now there is already a huge amount of movies and TV shows already available on-demand)...

This post has been edited by 794: Today, 12:58 PM
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: eduardor2k on November 03, 2007, 06:42:00 AM
QUOTE(BoNg420 @ Nov 3 2007, 05:52 AM) View Post

Walmart and Best buy were selling the Toshiba A2 HD DVD player today for $100 bux.  Walmart was only today and Best Buy might still have it, but they probably sold out.  Only down part was they were only 1080i.  If HD DVD players get lower than Blue Ray faster they might get ahead.

My TV has a resolution of 1366x768 that means that playing content higher than 720p is worthless that's why i only need a cheap Hd Dvd Player that can output 720p and A2 can ouput 720p/1080i, if you ask me....this player is perfect for the consumer and i bet that you can't tell the difference between 720p and 1080p or if you prefer 1080i and 1080p (i prefer progressive content than interlaced one).

my 2c

QUOTE(itchy @ Nov 3 2007, 01:38 PM) View Post

Not forcing an HD drive onto the consumer is the way to go, however I feel that games will need more than 8gb in size down the road.  In fact the Assasin's Creed developer slipped and mentioned it's a challenge getting that game on a DVD disc due to space constraints.  As game development matures more space will be needed.

I think they are going to do the same as always, 2/3 DVD's = Cheaper to produce than a Blu-Ray Disc.

Anyone remember Far Cry for PC, you could install 1 DVD or 5 Cd's.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: dvsone on November 03, 2007, 06:54:00 AM
QUOTE(ludacrisvp @ Nov 3 2007, 11:28 AM) View Post

Please check your facts. SONY is NOT the only creator of Blu-Ray.
"Blu-ray Disc was started by Hitachi, LG, Panasonic, Pioneer, Phillips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, and Thomson in February 19, 2002"
Source - Blu-Ray Disc Association

You might want to check your own facts. Sony was prototyping the format 2 years before the Blur-Ray Disc Association was even created.

Sony started two projects applying the new diodes: UDO (Ultra Density Optical) and DVR Blue (together with Pioneer), a format of rewritable discs which would eventually become Blu-ray (more specifically, BD-RE)


The first DVR Blue prototypes were unveiled at the CEATEC exhibition in October 2000.


In February 2002, the project was officially announced as Blu-ray, and the Blu-ray Disc Association was founded by the nine initial members.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: Eddie_the_Hated on February 04, 2020, 06:57:00 AM
There's no doubt that Sony has a lot of weight behind Blu-Ray, but I can understand what he was trying to say. People are beginning assume that Sony & Microsoft are the only 2 factors in the format war, which is totally false. The two prominent factors? Maybe, but certainly not the only.

an 800-pound gorilla that would prefer to force us all into the practice of paying tolls for the right to exchange information and enjoy entertainment."


So, back to this nonsense about whether or not Microsoft's trying to fuel an HD format war. This is a PR move on top of a bunch of PR moves, plain & simple. Whether they're trying to or not, there's 2 primary HD formats on the market at the moment, Blu-Ray & HD-DVD, and they're both fueling the flames of a format war.

It's an inevitability. Both companies want their product to become the dominant format, they're both going to push as hard as they can to make that happen. Whether they're trying to fuel a  format war or not, they're in competition, and therefore fueling the fire.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: steveju on November 03, 2007, 07:36:00 AM
QUOTE(ludacrisvp @ Nov 3 2007, 10:28 AM) View Post
What is it about Blu-Ray that is so bad, aside from your personal vendetta against Sony?
HD DVD discs are cheaper to make, they are more resistant to wear and tear and the movies are 100% region free.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: imdbowlgod on February 04, 2020, 08:43:00 AM
id hd dvd discs are cheaper to make, why do all hd dvd movies cost 5-7 dollars more than blu-ray?

are they trying to make the money back on cheaper players?
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: 1nsan3 on February 04, 2020, 09:57:00 AM
Mike Dunn intimated that the format war is being perpetuated by Microsoft in the hopes of confusing consumers so much they don't support either format and ultimately buy their entertainment online.

sorry m$ i will never buy movies online. Go try to control someone elses living room.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: bucko on February 04, 2020, 10:28:00 AM
Haven't read all of this thread, but the news article makes sense, but I want a PS3 at Xmas, but I don't want to be locked into Blu-Ray so I'm getting a HD-DVD 360 drive as well just in case. I think Sony is fueling the format war by including the Blu-Ray drive in every PS3.

We have seen no games that take advantage of Blu-Ray (just developers filling them up with languages and uncompressed files) so a built in HD-DVD drive on the 360 would be useless and unnecessary..

I'm not flaming anyone here I'm just says Sony needs to keep there mouth shut or they will shoot them selves in the foot if they go wrong on Blu-Ray and ala PS3 gets a bad name..

So maybe this is working in MS's favour BIG TIME?
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: tester123 on February 04, 2020, 10:40:00 AM
I have a PS3 and an XBox 360 and I prefer HDDVD's over Bluray. My 360 and PS3 both play back in 1080p via my projector, and both look great. Theres a crap load, and I mean crap load of extra content in HDdvd movies that Bluray movies doesn't have, like in movie special features (picture in picture) playback and in movie color changes to cars or other items to name few. My 360 HDDVD's play MUCH smoother as well.

I went ahead and ordered a 100$ HD-A2 for my Poineer elite that doesn't do 1080p. Should be a cheap and perfect match for each other. Now I can watch HD-DVD's on the pioneer.

I dont think the PS3 is getting it's ass kicked because they included a Bluray drive... they just dont have any games worth buying. Except for games that are going to 360 as well, and they look and play better on the 360 98% of the time.

Theres so many studios and retailers jumping the bluray ship... and China picking HDDVD format is a one two punch. If I was on the bluray camp (an investor) I would be frustrated too with all the setbacks. Those attacks are a sign of desperation.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: Norco on November 03, 2007, 12:19:00 PM
QUOTE(ludacrisvp @ Nov 3 2007, 11:28 AM) View Post

Have you seen a Blu-Ray movie?
Do you have a Blu-Ray player?
What is it about Blu-Ray that is so bad, aside from your personal vendetta against Sony?
Can you show me some links to the Blu-Ray Group slandering the HD-DVD camp?

Sure you want proof? Re-read this article you're commenting.

Also, Sony earns royalties on all Blu Ray discs sold, so therefore I call it Sony's Blu Ray.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: Mr N on November 03, 2007, 02:25:00 PM
QUOTE(Knasen @ Nov 3 2007, 09:30 AM) View Post

For once I completely agree with MS, I bought a 360 to get a great gaming console for a reasonable price. If I wanted a HD player I will buy that separately later on. Sony is only pissed as their ps3 is selling like crap and want somebody to blame for their own mistakes.

Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: RMM on November 03, 2007, 03:54:00 PM
It is very hypocritical to try and slam MS for a format war when MS released their system without any type of Hi Def DVD drive and yet Sony is the one putting Blu-ray in their systems in an attempt to win this format war.  If you want a protagonist look no further than Sony because they have done far more than MS to fuel this war.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: ludacrisvp on November 03, 2007, 05:10:00 PM
QUOTE(dvsone @ Nov 3 2007, 08:30 AM) View Post

You might want to check your own facts. Sony was prototyping the format 2 years before the Blur-Ray Disc Association was even created.
Sony started two projects applying the new diodes: UDO (Ultra Density Optical) and DVR Blue (together with Pioneer), a format of rewritable discs which would eventually become Blu-ray (more specifically, BD-RE)
The first DVR Blue prototypes were unveiled at the CEATEC exhibition in October 2000.
In February 2002, the project was officially announced as Blu-ray, and the Blu-ray Disc Association was founded by the nine initial members.

Well again you show a lack of knowledge, in your own quote you show that Pioneer was helping Sony with the DVR Blue that eventually became blu-ray in February 2002. Do you honestly think that those other 7 companies all joined on the same day in 2002? Highly unlikely... but if they were chances are they were most likely silent parters until they were ready to announce the project to the world under its real name.

QUOTE(steveju @ Nov 3 2007, 09:12 AM) View Post

HD DVD discs are cheaper to make, they are more resistant to wear and tear and the movies are 100% region free.

Region free is true, and the Blu-Ray has only 3 regions so it is not much of a big deal, besides how many movies do you watch from other regions? Have you looked at the blu-ray specifications? No you havent because if you had you would see that Blu-ray has Mandatory hard coating layer on the disc to protect it from wear and tear.

Can you provide a link that shows how much it costs to make both of them? Oh and keep in mind almost all HD-DVD movies are on the dual layer disc and 60% of blu-ray movies are still on the single layer disc.

QUOTE(Norco @ Nov 3 2007, 01:55 PM) View Post

Sure you want proof? Re-read this article you're commenting.

Also, Sony earns royalties on all Blu Ray discs sold, so therefore I call it Sony's Blu Ray.

You failed to answer the questions that I had asked of you. I fail to see how asking you if you have seen a Blu-Ray movie will be answered by re-reading the article, nor would it explain your grudge against sony and it doesnt answer if you have a blu-ray player.
And where were those links to the blu-ray disc association slandering the hddvd camp?
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: Matt Devo on November 03, 2007, 05:43:00 PM
QUOTE(bobbyblaze @ Nov 3 2007, 12:32 AM) View Post

Dude, for film material (24p) there is no difference. It will still be displayed as 1080p on a flat panel screen which can only display progressive. It's like saying a dime is better than 2 nickels. They are worth the same.

Rather than transfer the information in 24 whole frames, a 1080i player will transfer the information in 48 half frames to the tv set. The tv set pieces them back together and shows them as they should be ie. 1080p. Whether the player or the tv does the deinterlacing makes no difference.

Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: dvsone on November 03, 2007, 10:49:00 PM
QUOTE(ludacrisvp @ Nov 4 2007, 12:46 AM) View Post

Well again you show a lack of knowledge, in your own quote you show that Pioneer was helping Sony with the DVR Blue that eventually became blu-ray in February 2002. Do you honestly think that those other 7 companies all joined on the same day in 2002? Highly unlikely... but if they were chances are they were most likely silent parters until they were ready to announce the project to the world under its real name.
Region free is true, and the Blu-Ray has only 3 regions so it is not much of a big deal, besides how many movies do you watch from other regions? Have you looked at the blu-ray specifications? No you havent because if you had you would see that Blu-ray has Mandatory hard coating layer on the disc to protect it from wear and tear.

I read it. Still as far as I'm concerned Blu-Ray is Sony's creation. By your logic, MS isn't the sole creator of the 360 because they developed it in cooperation with IBM and ATI. Lame.
Title: Microsoft Exec Says Company Isn't Trying to Fuel HD Format War
Post by: steveju on November 04, 2007, 12:10:00 PM
QUOTE(ludacrisvp @ Nov 3 2007, 11:46 PM) View Post
Have you looked at the blu-ray specifications? No you havent because if you had you would see that Blu-ray has Mandatory hard coating layer on the disc to protect it from wear and tear.
That hard coating layer is mandatory, because the disc would otherwise require a cartridge. The data layer is so close to the surface that the hard coating absolutely has to be there (that's what mandatory means). HD DVD discs on the other hand do not require hard coating... at all, and can still take more damage than Blu-Ray discs due to the fact that the data layer is located as in a regular DVD disc. That is why HD DVD discs could have the same hard coating as Blu Ray discs have, but there's no need. Companies can save money and not do any hard coating on the discs, whereas on Blu Ray they have to do it in every case... or use a cartridge.

QUOTE(ludacrisvp @ Nov 3 2007, 11:46 PM) View Post
Can you provide a link that shows how much it costs to make both of them?
That depends entirely on the company making the discs and how they're making them. HD DVD's do not require hard coating and are similar to regular DVDs, that's basically what makes them cheaper to make. I don't think any company would give out that kind of information what you're requesting...