
Xbox360 Forums => Xbox 360 General Forums => Xbox360 General => Topic started by: joepipe on February 02, 2020, 05:06:00 PM

Title: Using Old Xbox Live Account On New Console?
Post by: joepipe on February 02, 2020, 05:06:00 PM
Hi, Just wondering if I can open a live account , play it for lets say 20 days return the console buy a new one and then use the same live account on the new console. Reason I am asking is because I am about to buy a new hdmi pro console but if it freezes
too much or causes problems I might just return it and wait for the newer 65nm models in Feb/March. So can I use the original live membership I just setup even though the hdd/console I just bought would have a new hdd with none of my previous live info on it ??? Is my gamertag, etc. stored online so I can retrieve it on a new machine even?

Thanks everyone.
Title: Using Old Xbox Live Account On New Console?
Post by: the_massakre on February 03, 2020, 12:31:00 AM
yeah,you can retrieve your profile from live, as long as you sign onto live at some point