
OG Xbox Forums => Xbox Online Gaming (Xbox Live, Xlink, and others) => XLink Kai Forum => Topic started by: FouR86 on October 27, 2004, 08:37:00 PM

Title: Avalaunch/xlink Kai Settings Help
Post by: FouR86 on October 27, 2004, 08:37:00 PM
I have installed the latest version of both XLink Kai engine on my windows XP box, and avalaunch on my xbox. I was able to connect to the chat room on my xp box through the pc UI but I would like to just use it as an engine and use the UI on my xbox. So I set  the engine to run as such and input my user name and password in Avalaunch, restarted and it said "Logged into Kai succesfully". About the same time I heard a balloon message come from my xp box, sure enough it read "192.168.*.* - Kai UI attached".

Back in Avalaunch, XBox Media Center now reads with a string attached to the end "( KAI: 0 )".  Same deal when I go to the games submenu. "Halo (KAI: 0)".

In Avalaunch when I go to games > halo ... and click start, select XLink Arena... it looks like it starts the UI for Kai but nothing is there but a Users (0) box in the upper left and if I wait for about 1 minute I get a pop-up message saying the following...

web engine error
404 page not found

Something similar happens when I try to launch from XBMC. I go to my programs > XLink Kai, and it pretty much looks empty, like something should be populating the screen. I select halo from the menu and it tells me to start the game and select system link to play online. I do exactly that and it can't seem to find any games online...

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Hope all is well friends...

Title: Avalaunch/xlink Kai Settings Help
Post by: FouR86 on October 27, 2004, 11:47:00 PM
I see. So is anyone using XLink UI through Avalaunch or XBMC? How would you have me setup up the platform if you were in my shoes. Would I have to wait until avalaunch updates their dash? or is there other modes beside arena? I am not sure exactly what arena mode is.
Title: Avalaunch/xlink Kai Settings Help
Post by: cybrpunk on October 29, 2004, 06:30:00 AM
The newest CVS release of XBMC fixes the Kai integration and you can now use arenas again.... Avalaunch will be soon to follow, I'm sure.