
OG Xbox Forums => Xbox Online Gaming (Xbox Live, Xlink, and others) => Xbox Live - Online Gaming Service => Topic started by: !54MUR41! on April 26, 2006, 05:57:00 PM

Title: Modded Xbox And Xbox 360 Gt Help
Post by: !54MUR41! on April 26, 2006, 05:57:00 PM
Hey everyone, I just set up my modded Xbox with Krayzie's NDURE softmod (works like a charm) and had a quick question about my GamerTag: If I already have it on my original Xbox and my Xbox 360, is it possible to delete the account save off the Xbox but not actually delete the account itself (if that makes any sense)? I want to be able to always stay connected on both consoles, but I don't want to have to worry about getting banned and ruining both my Xbox and 360 experience. Thanks for the help.
Title: Modded Xbox And Xbox 360 Gt Help
Post by: masterofdragons on April 26, 2006, 06:11:00 PM
If you have a memory card, which obviously you have some type of since you used a softmod, you can just save your XBL account to that and then delete it off the xbox, and run it from the card or just copy it to the xbox again when you are ready to use it.
Title: Modded Xbox And Xbox 360 Gt Help
Post by: !54MUR41! on April 26, 2006, 06:15:00 PM
Thanks for the quick response.

So if I copy it off the Xbox then delete it, I can still play on both consoles? I'm pretty sure I can, but want to make sure. Thanks again.
Title: Modded Xbox And Xbox 360 Gt Help
Post by: lordvader129 on April 26, 2006, 06:51:00 PM
well if you delete it on the xbox then you can use it anymore, can you? (unless you meant by using it off the memory card) but are xbox mem cards compatible with 360?

you can use account recovery, which should put it on your 360 and disable it form being used on your xbox

BTW, just because he has a softmod doesnt mean he has a memory card, he could have hotswapped his HD or used a modchip temporarilly
Title: Modded Xbox And Xbox 360 Gt Help
Post by: !54MUR41! on April 26, 2006, 07:33:00 PM
Alright...I already have put my GamerTag on my 360 (been playing on it for a few months now), so would that affect anything? I have no desire to play on Live on my original Xbox, I just want to get rid of any trace of it so I don't have to worry about getting banned.
Title: Modded Xbox And Xbox 360 Gt Help
Post by: da-goat on April 26, 2006, 08:21:00 PM
yeah dude, your fine..  all you would need to do is going into the gamesave menu on the xbox (1) and delete it.  Its just a save, not the whole account.  MS keeps those saved on their servers or where ever they are saved.  Plus, you still have it saved onto your 360.  The only way you could delete your account is if you tell MS that you dont want it anymore, then they will close it for you.

Also, if you mean banned by signing on while the softmod is enabled, all that does is ban that particular xbox from live, it doesnt harm your account at all (unless they started doing things differently lately)
Title: Modded Xbox And Xbox 360 Gt Help
Post by: !54MUR41! on April 26, 2006, 09:59:00 PM
Alright, thanks for all your help guys.