
Off Topic Forums => General Chat => The Dump => Topic started by: roar on June 10, 2003, 10:19:00 AM

Title: Anyone Watch "test The Nation" Last Night On Fox?
Post by: roar on June 10, 2003, 10:19:00 AM
Well, I watched it for a couple of minutes but then wanted to jump online and join in the 'fun' if you can call watching a live IQ test fun, anyway, I tried to join in and it wouldn't let me, until 8:00PM Pacific time, I then played a little xbox until 11:10 and missed my chance to join in that group, so I tried again this morning and was shut down again because aparently the people in Hawii were doing it, so finally this afternoon I finally got a chance to do the test, I must say I was a little disappointed in my score, I screwed up on two questions, I buzzed in a little late on one and that made me anser the wrong answer on the next, soo my final score was 50 right and in my age group that puts me at an IQ of 120, not bad, but not what it use to be that's for sure. If only I was over 55 then I'd be at 133!

If you want to try set aside 25 - 30 minutes and go to

This post has been edited by roar: Jun 10 2003, 05:20 PM