
OG Xbox Forums => Xbox Online Gaming (Xbox Live, Xlink, and others) => Other Online Gaming Options (Gamespy, etc.) => Topic started by: ---=Snyper=--- on September 02, 2003, 05:40:00 AM

Title: Xbconnect And Dual Processor Pc?
Post by: ---=Snyper=--- on September 02, 2003, 05:40:00 AM
I have dual CPUs also and i dont have your problem.. BUT

XBC 3.0 from what i can remember worked fine.. I play on it to about a week then start switchin my mod-chip off and using XBLIVE, cause  not to many peeps were playing the games i wanted to play..

Then the XBClink and the BOXLink came out so i started trying them again..

X-Link work fine for me.. Just not to many peep on it.. But BOXLink is nice..

XBConnect 3.2 ( I had to update too ) locks my computer up BAD, it blue screens..  have try XBCLink yet.. duh.. but looks to be very nice also

I cant figure out why..

sorry for not posting an answer to you problem, I just post cause i have Dual CPUs and somthing like your problem..

Title: Xbconnect And Dual Processor Pc?
Post by: flat235 on September 02, 2003, 04:04:00 PM
Hi folks,

Your problem here is with WinPCAP.... version 2.3 of winpcap didnt support multiprocesser... xlink, up until RC1 , and XBC, up until 3.0 (i think) - shipped with winpcap 2.3 ....

XLink, since RC1 has force-updated to WinpCap 3.0 (supports multiprocessor)

XBC 3.0 shipped with Winpcap 3.0 - but ONLY in the FULL INSTALL ... the upgrade release wont do it..

So, uninstall XBC completely, uninstall ALL winpcaps... then reinstall XBC FULL VERSION..
