
OG Xbox Forums => Xbox Online Gaming (Xbox Live, Xlink, and others) => Other Online Gaming Options (Gamespy, etc.) => Topic started by: hucka on February 04, 2003, 06:42:00 AM

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: hucka on February 04, 2003, 06:42:00 AM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: El-Bandido on February 04, 2003, 10:04:00 AM

So if you don't have xbl installed there are no problems
and if i click the live menu it will ask to update instead of autoupdate?

yea yea im newbie and stuff smile.gif

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Ace25 on February 04, 2003, 10:32:00 AM
Why are you brining up old topics again? This is not of much use anymore now since they have F boot bios's, searching for evoxdash.xbe, etc.. I click the update button all the time, does hurt anything as long as you have xboxdash.xbe the original MS dash..
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: fallchild1597 on February 09, 2003, 03:09:00 PM bro clicked xbox live in a game....i use evoX and i have my games on a bigger HD ...and by him clickin xbox live it erased evoX ..and i try puttin it on a cd to fix everythin and no cd's seem to load cept real ones......this is kinda the same subject as this thread i guess.....but someone pleasee help ive posted everywhere and asked everyone...and no one can help.....
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: hucka on February 11, 2003, 12:55:00 AM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Fuzzy on February 11, 2003, 11:35:00 AM
QUOTE (hucka @ Feb 11 2003, 08:55 AM)
OK, unfortunately, I still haven't gotten a valid answer, sorry about the repetition, but here's the deal:

-I don't plan on playing LIVE.....
-when I rip originals to the HD, should I just delete UPDATE.XBE from the game, will it still run ok?
-I noticed in Spliner Cell the option to download new levels wasn't selectable.  Does that mean that as long as I don't have live installed, or a connection to my XBOX, such options will not be available....
-I'm too much of a noob to try and mess with flasing or changing files, so what's the safest way to play this???

Please reply biggrin.gif

-Ok good for you
-no deleting that wont hurt the game
-play what?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: hucka on February 12, 2003, 07:08:00 AM
QUOTE (Fuzzy @ Feb 11 2003, 08:35 PM)
QUOTE (hucka @ Feb 11 2003, 08:55 AM)
OK, unfortunately, I still haven't gotten a valid answer, sorry about the repetition, but here's the deal:

-I don't plan on playing LIVE.....
-when I rip originals to the HD, should I just delete UPDATE.XBE from the game, will it still run ok?
-I noticed in Spliner Cell the option to download new levels wasn't selectable.  Does that mean that as long as I don't have live installed, or a connection to my XBOX, such options will not be available....
-I'm too much of a noob to try and mess with flasing or changing files, so what's the safest way to play this???

Please reply biggrin.gif

-Ok good for you
-no deleting that wont hurt the game
-play what?

thanx for the reply.....did a little deleting yesterday....

deleted these files:

and various language & demo dirs that I didn't need.....

all works well....
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: hucka on February 20, 2003, 02:45:00 AM

I promise this will be my last question
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 10, 2002, 01:18:00 PM
Got your attention yet?


If you are going to install the new Xbox live it is a very good idea to do the following.

1 - Before you install the new Update disk, backup C: again
2 - Rename the default dashboard back to xboxdash.xbe and reboot.
    Check that it works.
3 - With the original dashboard, working insert or boot the new Xboxlive disk.
4 - After the update, turn off the machine and backup C: yet again to another folder.
5 - Now boot the Evolution-X dash from a CD and rename the files back to how you had them.

Now here is the important part.

Unless you have backed up C:\ like I said above, under no circumstance reboot the XboxLive update disk with the games on it!


DO NOT let the Xbox Live disk boot up in your machine again!

If you do it will NUKE the MS Xbox Live dash after producing a cryptic not able to update error.

Even if you rename the MS dashboard back it back it will no longer work.

YOUR only recourse is to restore from a backup of your ENTIRE C:\ partition.

I've tried this several times with identical results.

If you want to play the games on the CD, YOU MUST copy the individual games to the hard drive and run them from there. You must not copy over the top level default.xbe file which will recreate the problem again!

The new Xbox Live games which are now out also attempt to perform an update if you accidentally or purposely hit "New Account". This creates exactly the same situation.

An friend, compatriot, sibling or relative make do you the favor of nuking your machine.

Note: If you have a flash upgradeable mod, switch to a ybox dash mod or an EvoX one.

These mod chips invoke a file called yboxdash.xbe instead of xboxdash.xbe.

In turn this means that you can leave the updated xboxdash.xbe as is, using it's proper name. Doing this prevents the "nuking" as the updaters merely see what they are expecting.

However if you have an older machine it is very important that you avoid letting any "updaters" run, including the Xbox Live setup disk or anyone accidentally hit the "New Account" entry on Live enabled games.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE backup your C: & E: partitions before and after the updates just to be sure that you have everything SAFE!
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 10, 2002, 02:02:00 PM

If you let the Xbox like disk boot up again it will PURPOSELY clobber the RENAMED msxboxdash.xbe file.

Even restoring a backup doesn't work as some other files seem also to be affected. I've tried just restoring the msxboxdash.xbe. Doesn't work.

I've tried restoring a known good one and renaming it to xboxdash.xbe, etc. all result in error 20 if the Live disk has been allowed to boot.

Some other files are being affected as well though I don't know which ones yet.

You MUST restore from a backup at this point.

Should some people not know this and not have a good backup, they may end up a non-working Xbox as a result.

Once you have performed the update and renamed the files you can use EvolutionX and even invoke the modified dash provided you haven't let the new Live disk boot again.

This means that in order to play the games, you need to copy them to the hard drive from their respective folders.

This could be MS's first minor broadside to Evolution-X, I doubt it was accidental though who knows.

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Flowzarus on October 10, 2002, 08:02:00 PM
One of the many reasons I haven't f'ed with my original Xbox drive and use that for Live.

Great info though Opjose...thanks for the heads up
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 11, 2002, 04:10:00 AM
QUOTE (N00bvin @ Oct 11 2002, 12:53 AM)
My fear is that LIVE will do periodic updates once you log in, and we'll be side-stepping M$ constantly...


WILL LIVE be updating Xboxi this way?  Or will the updates only come out as disks as this time?

It may turn into a big cat-and-mouse game... I believe this was NOT accidently as you put it opjose...

Also, how does this affect the yboxdash ?  I have never tried it that way, myself, and am interested if it would be a better option...

Since I'm NOT a beta-tester and I'm a "hands on" type guy, I really don't know how this would work...

Great job opjose... AS ALWAYS!!!

                                    yboxdash is not affected.

BTW: You can preven the games from "nuking" your Xbox by removing the UPDATE.XBE file from them.

This way they will not attempt to perform the dashboard update no matter what.

What is very disturbing is that once the damage is done, even replacing the original MSDash doesn't work.

Something else is being changed by this process.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 11, 2002, 07:28:00 AM
Some more info:

After you have updated your dash and restored evolution X, you can eliminate that annoying Xbox Live startup animation.

In my view it has no place integrated into the dashboard like that. When you click the Xbox Live tab you should drop right into the XBL control panel without this annoying mess...

Anyway, go into the /C/xodash/media/ folder and look for a file called live.xmv.

Rename it or delete it.

That's it, no more annoying video loop.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 11, 2002, 08:35:00 AM
The CD looks for the xboxdash.xbe file and screws around if it is not the right version.

So if you are using a ybox bios and have the updated dash by it's original name, xboxdash.xbe... nothing happens with the Xbox live CD, nor any of the other XbLive cd game based updates (like NBA2k3, etc.)

The problems happen when the xboxdash.xbe is not the "authentic" MS one. Then your drive gets trashed.

Apparently the NBA2k3 "updater" does exactly the same thing when you go into "New ACCOUNT" on it's Xbox Live section... Not good.

Ultimately the ybox bios is far safer in this reguard. Short of that you have to be careful that non of the disks attempt to re-apply the update.

The new Xbox live tries to every time it is booted, if it doesn't find an "authentic" dash on C:\ called xboxdash.xbe.

This is what causes the trouble.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 11, 2002, 11:32:00 AM
Good questions!

1  Correct, as long as the update routine sees the xboxdash.xbe to be what it expects everything is ok.

2  No no difference.

There IS a difference if you launch the updated dashboard from Evolution-X though.

About 1/2 the time the new XboxDash will produce strange "streams" on the screen. These are yellow, eh, "beams of light" emanating from the tabs. Very weird.

If you exit to the live dashboard and return they disappear. These may be a "beta" status artifact though.

3 No when you apply the hack, the dashboard is updated again. There must be a CRC check being run against the dash to see if the update went ok. However in this case the results are not as fatal. You merely get updated again and loose the progressive scan hack.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 11, 2002, 09:50:00 PM
QUOTE (N00bvin @ Oct 12 2002, 03:05 AM)
Wow...all I have to say is only NOW do I see the genius in the yboxdash... before I always thought... why would I ever need to do that?

                                    Yeah a true "hackers" solution, simple, workable but elegant.

I think you are also right in your assessment.

The full release of Whacked runs via Xbox Live, as does the demo. So do the other enabled games. Hmm where is the "original CD checking"?

However the dashboard update screws up Evolution-X installations royally.

It may be that this is not so much a protection mechanism, as it is "malicious oversight".

Someone KNEW this might be problematic if you did not have a MS dash and said "f**K'em" if they can't take a joke.

If anyone claims willful damage, MS points to the XBLive sign up agreement and claims a violation.

I also think that they did indeed think that the V2 hash would have spelled the end of the mod chip scene.

Remember that they practically bankrupted NVIDIA as a result of this. Not a smart thing for them to do to a major supplier in any case.

This cost them a lot of money. It will be some time before they attempt another motherboard redesign. I'll bet that there will not be any until Xbox - 2 comes out.

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Xboxer on October 12, 2002, 10:20:00 AM
Ok Im a bit lost here,but anyway..............Im at work and i cant see if my box was messed up by the NBA2k3 dash update.One thing:I got the beta LIVE cd online without the CD key and I have installed it on the runs fine even when I go to setup a new account.So I guess if you start LIVE that way it wont fuck up ur box?

Ohh I forgot.Opjose,when you restore your C drive do you delete all the files first or you just overwritwe em.I remembwer last time I tryed to do that i had I weird ass glitch on my HD (had about 100 Audio foldwers one inside another.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Gee_UK on October 12, 2002, 07:06:00 PM
hee hee. remember my post? told u this was gonna happen. hmmm. well im using an orginal ms dashboard i dl from the net. i have an xecuter installed with disable switch. will i have any problems??? i dont have evox installed.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: electronicfreak on October 12, 2002, 10:30:00 PM
Ok, so I installed the LIVE updated dash and want to get evox to coexist with it. How do I go about doing this. All I get out of this whole post is a lot of worrying. Is what Im looking for possible yet? Please lead me down the right road....

[email protected]
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 12, 2002, 11:27:00 PM
QUOTE (9ign @ Oct 13 2002, 04:10 AM)

What we need is a BIOS generator that will allow the end user to compile their own BIOS with their own boot filename, so it will be different for each user.

                                    That's exactly what SuperFro's FanCBox does.

People are way ahead of you.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 12, 2002, 11:28:00 PM
QUOTE (electronicfreak @ Oct 13 2002, 04:30 AM)
Ok, so I installed the LIVE updated dash and want to get evox to coexist with it. How do I go about doing this. All I get out of this whole post is a lot of worrying. Is what Im looking for possible yet? Please lead me down the right road....

[email protected]

                                    I outlined how to do this in the above posts!

I also posted this on other similiar threads on other groups.

Do what I said and it will work, or better yet flash a ybox bios and don't worry about it at all!
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 13, 2002, 01:00:00 AM
Re: Renaming.

yes this "fixes" things after the update.

You delete the UPDATE.XBE file from the original XboxLive installation disk (the new one) and from any game disks which contain it. This prevents accidentally starting it.

If you place the new XboxLive installation disk in without doing this, after you have restored Evolution-X, you box will be nuked!

Some Xbox enabled games (such as NFL2k3, Whacked, etc.) will also update the dashboard. You'll also need to remove this file from those disks.

In addition you must make sure that no one ever attempts to go into "NEW ACCOUNT" creation. When someone does this (btw: this has already happened to one poster here!) your dashboard gets the update over the internet again, and you are back with a dead MSDASH!

To boil down the problem into it's simplest terms.

XboxLive Update ALWAYS looks at "C:\xboxdash.xbe".

If it is NOT the MS updated dash, your MS dashboard gets totally screwed up.

Even copying it back (alone) from a backup is not enough to fix it, you need to copy the ENTIRE C:\ partition back from the backup to do so.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Paulster on October 13, 2002, 04:16:00 PM
Let me tell you that the same exact thing happened to me.

This is what i did to fix it,
i burned evox 1.8.2812 onto a cdrw with nero using finalize cd and disc-at-once and after i did that, it boots evox fine, i had a friend that was having a problem with dvds for some reason so try the cdrw

if that doesn't work, you might have to format the hard drive and put evox on there again
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: clifface on October 13, 2002, 04:56:00 PM
i'll give the cd-rw a try, in the past i've had a few issues with them but what the heck.  also i have a few other brand of dvd+rw's that I will try.  MS is starting to be a pain.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: N00bvin on October 13, 2002, 11:57:00 PM
From what I noticed, changed the file structure of the C: drive when it did the update, but I'm not so sure anything changed other than the xboxdash.xbe... I guess I could compare file by file just to see... is there an easy way of doing that beside maybe looking at the hex of each file and comparing?  Is there a program that does that?

Obviously the change in the structure wouldn't allow for just putting the dashboard back in... however, what if you change the structure to the original... myself, I'm not too brave to check this by experimenting...

I also seems like it creates another file in the E: drive as well...

I'm wondering all this to see if it would be possible to help some that are screwed, or "simulate" an update, without actually doing it...

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 14, 2002, 01:34:00 AM
QUOTE (N00bvin @ Oct 14 2002, 05:57 AM)
From what I noticed, changed the file structure of the C: drive when it did the update, but I'm not so sure anything changed other than the xboxdash.xbe... I guess I could compare file by file just to see... is there an easy way of doing that beside maybe looking at the hex of each file and comparing?  Is there a program that does that?

Obviously the change in the structure wouldn't allow for just putting the dashboard back in... however, what if you change the structure to the original... myself, I'm not too brave to check this by experimenting...

I also seems like it creates another file in the E: drive as well...

I'm wondering all this to see if it would be possible to help some that are screwed, or "simulate" an update, without actually doing it...

                                    Actually yours was the first hypothesis I tested.

I saved off he new XboxDash before doing anything else, then switched the names and booted the New XBLive CD.

I got the error message.

Fine I though I'll just restore the dash.

Rebooted EvoluX from CD, restored, removed disk.

No MS dash. Error 21, what?

Put on OLD MS dash. Error 21. Huh?

Put on Evolution-X, it boots, cannot drop to the now renamed MS Dash.


At this point I restored everything from the "after update" but before XBLive disk reboot, backup. Everything worked fine.

Tested all of this several times with different combinations to see what was going on.

I NEVER touched E: at all!

After all was said and done, I FanCbox'd a new blue Bios w/yboxdash.xbe support renamed, rebooted and all was fine with one minor exception.

Now when I drop directly from Evol-X to the real MSDash I get visual "streamers" (no this is not a holder from the 60's).

In turn dropping to XbLive and back eliminates it.

Also while I was in there I got rid of that damn annoying XboxLive animation. It really upsets the "balance" of the real dash.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: s_lipowitz on October 14, 2002, 12:05:00 PM
QUOTE (opjose @ Oct 14 2002, 12:34 AM)
Also while I was in there I got rid of that damn annoying XboxLive animation. It really upsets the "balance" of the real dash.

                                    Now if only the sound could be fixed when the logo is displayed, you would never even know that there was an animation

I guess I could remove the sound file from the directory, but I havn't tried it so I don't know if it causes any adverse effects.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 15, 2002, 12:18:00 AM
QUOTE (s_lipowitz @ Oct 14 2002, 06:05 PM)
QUOTE (opjose @ Oct 14 2002, 12:34 AM)
Also while I was in there I got rid of that damn annoying XboxLive animation. It really upsets the "balance" of the real dash.

Now if only the sound could be fixed when the logo is displayed, you would never even know that there was an animation

I guess I could remove the sound file from the directory, but I havn't tried it so I don't know if it causes any adverse effects.

                                    You can remove the animation file and it works perfectly.

From MSdash to XBLive dash without a pause, and back.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 15, 2002, 12:19:00 AM
QUOTE (scyraxxx @ Oct 14 2002, 04:23 PM)
ohmy.gif  ohh my god something really funny happened to me! i have two hdd the original one and a 80 gig with evox in it and a lot of games i also have switch to turn off my chip every time i wanna go live well to xchange hdd i diconnect the ide cable and blabla. well i finished playing motogp online and i turned off my xbox with the disck inside i left and then came back and decided to play a game that i have on my 80  gig hdd well i xchange the ide cable and then turned on the xbox well i was waiting for evox to come up but i forgot that i left the disc inside and it started doing the update thing so i was like ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiit well i din't let him finish  it got like 15% of the progress so i turn it off b4 it finish well i remved the disc and evox boot fine the funny thing is that it didn't do anything my hdd is the same as it was everything is ok and the progress almost got to the half so what do you think..? i had a backup of my c: so i took a look if everything was the same and yes it was so i think i got lucky. biggrin.gif.. it really scared the fuck out of me...

                                    Yeap that's why I said never to boot from that CD without first reburning it and removing the UPDATE.XBE file.

You can also dump the two games to the hard drive and run them from there.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: majik655 on October 15, 2002, 01:25:00 AM
So to get final on this..
Us enigmah users that CAN flash the bios...

Just flash ybox and change the msxboxdash back to xboxdash.xbe and fix evolutions, ini file to show xboxdash as original..

update and everything should be fine?
as long as I do not start a live game or update while IN evox dash ?  so flip to ms dash board and start update or live cd there?

Thank you.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 15, 2002, 02:24:00 AM
QUOTE (majik655 @ Oct 15 2002, 07:25 AM)
So to get final on this..
Us enigmah users that CAN flash the bios...

Just flash ybox and change the msxboxdash back to xboxdash.xbe and fix evolutions, ini file to show xboxdash as original..

update and everything should be fine?
as long as I do not start a live game or update while IN evox dash ?  so flip to ms dash board and start update or live cd there?

Thank you.

                                    1 - Enigmah users CAN flash their bios, but should be aware that this is risky.

2 - Yes

3 - No, with ybox installed and active, and the M-I-C-R-O-S-O-F-T Dash installed as the default, you -DO NO- have to worry about ANYTHING.

E.G. you can launch Live games from Evolution-X, you CAN run the update, etc.

The ONLY time you cannot do this is if the M-I-C-R-O-S-O-F-T dash has been REPLACED.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 15, 2002, 12:34:00 PM
QUOTE (electronicfreak @ Oct 15 2002, 06:02 PM)
OK, just a IF, but what IF you change back to the EvoX dash and accidentally, like one of the posters "almost"(15%) did, put in a game containing the update and it goes full process. Is your Xbox totally screwed? If you backup your whole C: drive and replace it after this update, will it be a ok again? Has anyone confirmed this or is it just speculation?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: ice1138 on October 16, 2002, 01:58:00 PM
Thanx OpJose
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 16, 2002, 03:49:00 PM
QUOTE (NaughtyNu @ Oct 16 2002, 09:47 PM)
Stupid newbie question time... smile.gif

Deleting the update.xbe file in games will prevent you (or a dumbass friend) from selecting New Account and killing the EvoX dashboard.

What about newer games like Whacked that do the update when you load them up?  Does deleting update.xbe avoid any nuke messes?

I can FTP stuff back and forth and hook up the PC DVD-rom drive but after looking at changing the bios, looks like I'm stuck with whatever I got.

                                    Good Newbie questions, get answers!

1 Yes, no update.xbe = no problems

2 Yes, again no update.xbe = no problems w/whacked

3 Follow my directions and make SURE you back up your hard drive to something permanent.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: plehem12 on October 16, 2002, 07:38:00 PM
biggrin.gif )
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 16, 2002, 08:14:00 PM
QUOTE (plehem12 @ Oct 17 2002, 01:38 AM)
this might be a stupid question, but i still dont know the answer...will the downloadable content (like new maps or guns in unreal or updated rosters in fever) nuke your xbox? or do all the problems come from the update.xbe file? because if im not able to get the downloadable content, well then screw this! im getting my beta kit tomarow, so please answer my question as soon so you can! and Thank You VERY much opjose for this thread and all the help that you have given to this forum recently. (im an asskisser, i know  biggrin.gif )

                                    Nope, no problems. You only have to worry about the update itself.

Other than that everything works fine (much to my amazement!)
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: electronicfreak on October 16, 2002, 11:19:00 PM
Ok, I have been thinking, which I do a lot of since I have nothing better to do at work, If you keep the LIVE update which is now xboxdash.xbe and rename the EvoX dash to msxboxdash.xbe or whatever you might have. Could you link EvoX from the LIVE dash. I hope you understand what Im trying to say. When Live loads up you have like four options. Could we make one of those options the EvoX? I think that would be a great thing if it could work cause this way when you run a game with this update.xbe it will see your system is already updated. No harm possible. Just trying to help.

[email protected]
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on October 16, 2002, 11:31:00 PM
also u cant update with a ntsc game on a pal xbox or after if u turn mod off u will get error 13 because it cant boot to a usa c drive if mod is off on a pal xbox as u cant play imports with no mod so u cant play with a import type cdrive that it makes
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 17, 2002, 07:43:00 AM
QUOTE (smwein @ Oct 17 2002, 02:36 AM)
what about if you run the update before you install your modchip

                                    No problem. Just do NOT run it after you have replaced the default dash with Evolution-X
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 17, 2002, 07:46:00 AM
QUOTE (electronicfreak @ Oct 17 2002, 05:19 AM)
Ok, I have been thinking, which I do a lot of since I have nothing better to do at work, If you keep the LIVE update which is now xboxdash.xbe and rename the EvoX dash to msxboxdash.xbe or whatever you might have. Could you link EvoX from the LIVE dash. I hope you understand what Im trying to say. When Live loads up you have like four options. Could we make one of those options the EvoX? I think that would be a great thing if it could work cause this way when you run a game with this update.xbe it will see your system is already updated. No harm possible. Just trying to help.

[email protected]

                                    I haven't tried this, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.

The update only looks at the xboxdash.xbe file to verify it the dash is up to date.

In turn the XBoxLive tab is merely an external program in the XODASH folder, so if you rename the folder and install Evolution-X there instead you are all set.

However you will really need a link to the XBLive dash from within Evolution-X to make any changes later.

Also remember that a subsequent "new" update may "fix" your evolution-X again to what MS is expecting.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: plehem12 on October 17, 2002, 06:13:00 PM
to play the games on the beta disc, can i copy it but delte the update file first? would that let me play the games on the disc with out screwing anything up?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 18, 2002, 02:13:00 AM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Snake on October 18, 2002, 10:54:00 AM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 18, 2002, 11:42:00 AM
QUOTE (boblinders @ Oct 18 2002, 04:41 PM)
i not sure if you answered this but what if i did update it and now i can't axcess evolution at all but i can start games but i want to fix this is so i can use evolutionx now then is there a way to delete the update or somethin i tried to reinstall evolution but nothin is there an other way to get on hard-drive and delete it if so please msg me or tell me some how thanks

ps i have an Enigmah

                                    Boot up from an EVOLUTION-X CD. The XBox is capable of booting from a CD no matter how badly you screw up the hard drive.

You can then FTP to the Xbox and restore the data back from your backup of your C:\ partition.

You -DO- have one right?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 18, 2002, 11:45:00 AM
QUOTE (Snake @ Oct 18 2002, 04:54 PM)
I have Whacked and i transfer the game to the Xbox, and i played it, but the game was boring, and i deleted the game..
When i transfered the game to xbox, i did not deleted the update file, but have the update file uptaded my Xboxdash.xbe?
So have i mess up now then?
And when i shall transfer Splinter cell to my Xbox, shall i then delete Update file in the game?

                                    Whacked boring?????

You haven't played it on XboxLive then!

It's pretty good.


Look at the size of your xboxdash.xbe file on the Xbox.

If it is 1.6megs in size, it's been updated. If it's 1.2megs in size it's the old version.

If you can bring up the MS dashboard, you have not "messed up" the xbox.


Re: Splinter Cell update.xbe

This depends upon which Mod bios you are using and if you have the original dash as xboxdash.xbe

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: djohng on October 18, 2002, 01:19:00 PM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Col.Havoc on October 18, 2002, 01:55:00 PM
If I run the game of my HDD, and wanted to update my dashboard, can I run the update from my HDD or do I have to burn it to cd?( the game that is)
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 18, 2002, 03:31:00 PM
QUOTE (djohng @ Oct 18 2002, 07:19 PM)
MS isn't screwing with anyone...god... everyone is going crazy on this topic...I spent some time last night reviewing what gets changed...this is what happens.

1)  The c drive has many files related to the dashboard components...(ie. fonts, screens, data,etc.)  During the xbox live update, all of these files are copied to 2 other directories - FONT and something like XBOX.DASHBOARD.10020007...not sure the exact name, since I'm at work writing this. (These directories are erased first if they ALREADY exist, then are re-created)
2) Xonline directory is created and Live files are put here.
3) A new dashboard file is copied in the root.

1) The live update is looking for a given XBE file size, the new(est) Live version (1.6M).  If it doesn't find this file, it assumes the XBOX requires updating.  Then it goes through items 1-3 above.  

2) If you already updated, and have the EVOX.xbe in the root as xboxdash.xbe instead of the 1.6M file, it assumes it needs updated and completes 1-3 above, but since there are no extra files from the original drive, it deletes the xbox.dashboard.1002007 and the font directory....then your screwed!

This is whats going on.  MS isn't doing anything strange because you have hacked your xbox.  They're following a very simple update structure and process, so as not to screw anything up.  Keeps it simple, otherwise they would end up with a number of xboxes in warranty claims. cool.gif

This makes perfect sense and no one is saying it's wrong.

I commented that I thought that this was the case myself but I did not have the time to explore exactly which other files were being affected.

The bottom line though is once the dash IS screwed, they still need to go back to a backup.

So for all intents and purposes the dashboard get's NUKED by the update as I outlined.

I also posted that I though that this was done either purely by accident or was a semi willful oversight.

Bill: "Fred, this may screw the modders who replaced their dashboard"
Fred: "Screw'em if they can't take a joke!"


So don't diminish the severity, as it's still exactly the same end result especially for the newbie who never bothers to back up their drive.

A tiny bit of willful overstatement may save a few people on this.

One last note:

I highly suspect that they WILL end up with a lot of warrenty claims.

The Xbox has a hard time reading even MS's own disks.

A botched install because the xbe files containing the updates could not be fully read during the installation or unpacking will mean legions of returned machines.

This is already being reported in the Live Beta Forums.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on October 20, 2002, 08:38:00 AM
its not that hard to understand it  looks at your xboxdash first to c if u already have xbox live update
some people r saying just rename your xbox dash back while you  update
no no no this will not work because after u put evolution back as xboxdash the next time u try to use a game on live it WILL fuck up as it looks at your xboxdash every time u run a xbox live game  not just the first time u update only way is to use yboxdash or put on cdrw u can not have evolution as xboxdash when u use live

also 2 all you that have pal if u havint seen my post

do not update with a ntsc game ntsc is a usa game and
 if u r in uk wait till its out in uk
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: bagel5009 on October 20, 2002, 08:04:00 PM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Col.Havoc on October 20, 2002, 08:16:00 PM
Rename everything back to the original file names. Now, when you turn on your xbox, you should get the original MS dash.

Boot evox from CD with the proper ip settings.
Make a backup of your C: and E: and save it on your computer
Load a game with the live update on it.
As soon as you are done updating your dash (SUCCESSFULLY!!!) reboot your xbox and make sure everythign works right.
Reboot back to evox on cd-rw
Use evox from cd-rw to avoid MS updating your dashboard randomly, one random update and your nuked.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: caml on October 20, 2002, 09:01:00 PM
QUOTE (Col.Havoc @ Oct 21 2002, 02:16 AM)
Rename everything back to the original file names. Now, when you turn on your xbox, you should get the original MS dash.

Boot evox from CD with the proper ip settings.
Make a backup of your C: and E: and save it on your computer
Load a game with the live update on it.
As soon as you are done updating your dash (SUCCESSFULLY!!!) reboot your xbox and make sure everythign works right.
Reboot back to evox on cd-rw
Use evox from cd-rw to avoid MS updating your dashboard randomly, one random update and your nuked.

                                    thx col.  Thats exactly what I thought.  Wish I would have bought a programmable chip!!!!!

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: bearauto on October 20, 2002, 10:57:00 PM
QUOTE (Kickace1616 @ Oct 21 2002, 02:36 AM)
i don't think anyone has brought this problem up. Everyone else is having problems if they had evox renamed to xboxdash.xbe & tried to update. I booted from evoxdash.xbe & never touched or renamed the original xboxdash.xbe. My problem had the same resluts (dash wasn't loading & getting a xbox needs service error) but i never renamed my evox dashboard to xboxdash.xbe.

here is what happened & how I fixed it.

I thought i could i update my xbox dash with Unreal since i booted from the evoxdash.xbe & i never changed my original dashboard but i was wrong & the update messed up my xbox. everytime i tried to boot from my original bios (openxbox) it sais your xbox needs service. i didn't know what was wrong because i had the original dahsboard in there & it was never renamed. i was still able to go to evox since evoxdash.xbe was never deleted or changed, i could even still go to MS Dashboard when i clicked MS Dashboard in evox & it had the xbox live menu item in there but everytime i try to run the orignial bios, i got the error message. I was also still able to connect  to the xbox over ftp even though the news on the home page said that it wouldn't let you connect to ur xbox if you updated ur dash with Unreal cause it changed the NIC data .

here is how i fixed it: I didn't have a backup of my C: drive or xbox dash cause i didn't think i woudl need it cause i never touched my xbox dash. Opjose told me to download another dashboard from somewhere & i did & i tried to just replace the xboxdash.xbe file in the C: drive but it still wouldn't work.  I thoght the reason the new dahsboard i downloaded didn't work was because i didn't have all the files from the xboxdashdata.10027100 folder in the main directory C: like they were before i updated so i moved them in there & tried to boot again & it still didn't work. Then i deleted the Xodash folder & left all the files from the xboxdashdata.10027100 folder in the main directory C: & i deleted that folder & then i reupdated. IT WORKED. I don't know why it worked or why It had the problem in the first place.

Hopefully this will help someone with the same problem.

i would still like to know why it even happened since i booted from evoxdash.xbe & left my original dashboard & everything else untouched??

                                    Very were nuked even though you didn't touch xboxdash.  

I wonder if having the ybox will end up with the same result...
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: KeyserSoze on October 20, 2002, 11:55:00 PM
Few more inexperience questions:

This issue will only affect those who has EvoX dashboard install, am I correct?

So, the people who doesn't have EvoX dashboard install (just a modchip to boot "backup" games), they will not be affected right?

I have a Xodus modchip flashed with "256k.Evx2.5.colormod.err.bin" BIOS and I do not have the EvoX dashboard install, nor am I intend to install it because I have no desire to run homebrewed software or replacing the HD.  I just want the Xbox to boot my "backup" DVD.  With that said, I and people like me, will not be affected even if I let the live cd update my original and unmodified dashboard?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Asterix on October 21, 2002, 09:31:00 AM
Well, I still don't have a backup of my C-drive. Things seem to work pretty well now, but I am still not able to launch the MS-Dash. When I try to launch it from EvoX it just crash on me.

I need all the files from the c-drive. I have been told that I will need the files from a Xbox that is running the same kernel version as my Xbox - 1.00.4034.01. Is this correct? My problem is that there seem to be no way of getting these files. I have been asking around on IRC, but noone seem to be willing to help me out.

1. Does anyone know if it is sufficient to restore the files from the c:\xboxdashdata directory?

2. If this is not possible, where would u suggest that I look for the files I need?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: schumy on October 21, 2002, 02:55:00 PM
laugh.gif  but why the xbox hangs if i have the original xboxdash.xbe?
sorry for my english rolleyes.gif
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: dr_pat on October 21, 2002, 03:35:00 PM
hi to all i have a pal xbox and i have a evox installed on hd then i replaced mi c: with original backup c: then i try to update with splinter cell beta it's seems that the update was succesfull finished because there the message updated completed starting xboxlive but the xbox i think hang's there then i reboot but at the boot screen the xbox hangs without any error messages and when i try to start the xboxdash original with cd of evox it's also hang why? it's because i have a pal xbox? now i fixed it with the backup c: laugh.gif but why the xbox hangs if i have the original xboxdash.xbe?
sorry for my english rolleyes.gif

Coz splinter cell leaked preview is an NTSC game and your original dashboard is PAL ....result will be the nuking of your dashboard....I'm well aware of this, coz splinter cell nuked my PAL xbox!!!
Don't try to update a PAL xbox with an NTSC game....result will be a nuked xbox even if it is an unmodified dashboard!!!
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on October 21, 2002, 09:52:00 PM
i did start a post on ntsc c drive update on pal  didint u c it i also emailed
xbox-scene to ask them to put it on there site to let pal users know but i dont think they care about as

if u updated c with ntsc it should still work if u have mod on inless
u also had evolution as xboxdash as xbox will play imports with mod that

note if u update a pal xbox with ntsc on a 120g hdd its ok as u need mod on anyway and it works ok with mod on

BUT i would still wait for pal live update
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Judge on October 22, 2002, 03:52:00 AM
Wow, this is a great thread, so much info to digest. Just one question, or confirmation, I have a Xtender chip (so no bios upgrade without it being a pain in the arse) and have no need to use 'xbox live'. I only have dial up, so too slow, and not interested in it anyway. But I want to play Splinter Cell, but I'll back it up first and remove the update.xbe and that should be ok. It doesn't update the dash when you play the original does it, or does it give you the option to update during the game? Live in Australia, so I have a while before it comes out. Please help. Thanks
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 22, 2002, 05:06:00 AM
Xtract the ISO and remove the Update.xbe file then reburn.

It will be XBLive "proof" then.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: {XBX}FrankDawg on October 22, 2002, 02:00:00 PM
QUOTE (schumy @ Oct 21 2002, 08:55 PM)
hi to all i have a pal xbox and i have a evox installed on hd then i replaced mi c: with original backup c: then i try to update with splinter cell beta it's seems that the update was succesfull finished because there the message updated completed starting xboxlive but the xbox i think hang's there then i reboot but at the boot screen the xbox hangs without any error messages and when i try to start the xboxdash original with cd of evox it's also hang why? it's because i have a pal xbox?  now i fixed it with the backup c: laugh.gif  but why the xbox hangs if i have the original xboxdash.xbe?
sorry for my english rolleyes.gif

                                    i have the same problem as you but my xbox it NTSC what should i do
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: MattMus on October 23, 2002, 07:07:00 AM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: {XBX}FrankDawg on October 23, 2002, 05:07:00 PM
QUOTE (MattMus @ Oct 23 2002, 01:07 PM)
Hi there

I have inadvertantly nuked a PAL Xbox (with modchip installed) by stupidly hitting the download button in Splinter Cell.

From reading through all the posts it appears that there is a way of fixing it - i.e. restore the original PAL XBOX files to the C: drive....

I have a PAL c: image - thanks to newsgroups - but do not have a clue how to go about resolving this............I only use the mod for game backups and therefore have not used much homebrew....

Can someone please tell me what software I need and how I go about getting this sorted out..........thanks very much.......

P.S If possible I'd like to avoid a PC network connection and resolve all from CDRW or DVD-R

THANKS Again  biggrin.gif

                                    goto this site and click on guides this should get you on your way
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Judge on October 24, 2002, 03:25:00 AM
Hey Caml, this is what I did. I had evox on my hard disk, so I burned a dvdr of the new Evox with all of the bios, skins etc (it's 4.7 gig so you can even have boxplorer and the whole c: backup on there). I left the evox dash on there, just changed the name, and reinstalled msdash (renaming it the xboxdash.xbe). So when the xbox boots it goes to the original dash, bit scared of nuking it by accident. Then when i want to back up a game, the evox dvdr is used and I can ftp. The new version of evox lets you open the tray without it resetting.

You can even leave the apps on the xbox harddisk and the menu.ini on the dvdr will load the appz up fine. Just can't have evox dash (unless other bios are used). Also make sure that the menu.ini has the correct ip address otherwise it won't connect to your PC. (I also ran the evox DVD in media player b6, to make sure that it was working.)

I just dragged the menu.ini onto the dvdr. Hope this helps.

And thanks opjose, thought that was the case. I read the other previous posts more carefully and it made more sense.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: MattMus on October 24, 2002, 03:31:00 AM
goto this site and click on guides this should get you on your way

Thanks for that info. it looks like it can be done....however....the PAL image I have is corrupt so the next big question is ..........does anyone know where or have a PAL image that they can get to me ..........Have requested on newsgroups but no luck as yet...........!!!!!!

If possible I intend to make a Evo/PAL and Evo/NTSC boot disk that automatically formats the C: drive and restore to 'non-live' state and then post these so everyone else has an easy fix if needed....

Thanks in Advance
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 24, 2002, 03:57:00 AM
QUOTE (Judge @ Oct 24 2002, 09:25 AM)
Hey Caml, this is what I did. I had evox on my hard disk, so I burned a dvdr of the new Evox with all of the bios, skins etc (it's 4.7 gig so you can even have boxplorer and the whole c: backup on there). I left the evox dash on there, just changed the name, and reinstalled msdash (renaming it the xboxdash.xbe). So when the xbox boots it goes to the original dash, bit scared of nuking it by accident. Then when i want to back up a game, the evox dvdr is used and I can ftp. The new version of evox lets you open the tray without it resetting.

You can even leave the apps on the xbox harddisk and the menu.ini on the dvdr will load the appz up fine. Just can't have evox dash (unless other bios are used). Also make sure that the menu.ini has the correct ip address otherwise it won't connect to your PC. (I also ran the evox DVD in media player b6, to make sure that it was working.)

I just dragged the menu.ini onto the dvdr. Hope this helps.

And thanks opjose, thought that was the case. I read the other previous posts more carefully and it made more sense.

                                    Menu.ini is used by the older Evolution-X 1.8.4xx.

Upgrade to 1.8.2xxx which uses evox.ini instead.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: bigcol on October 25, 2002, 10:43:00 PM
I've got the MS Dashboard link problem to. Opjose said to copy back my entire C:\  from a backup copy that wasnt affected by xbox live
I did that and the evox link to msdashboard still doesnt work.

Do i have to actually delete the C:\ first and then copy it back over? cause it seems risky. BTW my backup copy of C:\, i just went to flashfxp, selected C:\ and copied it over to my PC. I cant see this xboxdash.028 whatever numbers folder in my backup copy or on my xbox's C:\

ps. if i did delete C:\, then copied my backup copy of it with flashfxp, would it work?

btw i have a PAL xbox with enigmah x final.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: mtgplayer2k on October 26, 2002, 12:34:00 AM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: bigcol on October 26, 2002, 02:46:00 AM
mtgplayer2k, so your original msxboxdash wasnt working before, so you overwrited the evox xboxdash with the backup copy of the MS xboxdash? So it wasnt working before, and after doing that it does?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 26, 2002, 07:36:00 AM
QUOTE (paulweaver16 @ Oct 24 2002, 01:08 PM)

Can i update to a ybios with an e-xcuter mod with evo 1.8.458

                                    Non-NEWBIE ANSWER

Why on earth would you want to?

Use 1.8.2xxx instead!
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on October 26, 2002, 07:38:00 AM
QUOTE (bigcol @ Oct 26 2002, 04:43 AM)
I've got the MS Dashboard link problem to. Opjose said to copy back my entire C:\  from a backup copy that wasnt affected by xbox live
I did that and the evox link to msdashboard still doesnt work.

Do i have to actually delete the C:\ first and then copy it back over? cause it seems risky. BTW my backup copy of C:\, i just went to flashfxp, selected C:\ and copied it over to my PC. I cant see this xboxdash.028 whatever numbers folder in my backup copy or on my xbox's C:\

ps. if i did delete C:\, then copied my backup copy of it with flashfxp, would it work?

btw i have a PAL xbox with enigmah x final.

                                    I wrote this for the NTSC Xboxes.

PAL Xboxes have even bigger trouble!

Yeah delete everything and restore from your backup and let us know how it went.

Hopefully you don't have a serial eeprom problem.

You may also need to restore E:\ but I sorta doubt it.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: thechosenone on October 26, 2002, 05:30:00 PM
yeah I have an enigmah chip and want to upgrade to a better bios, but I dont think I have the skill to install the disable switch. What I wanted to know is, what effect does xbox live have on a permanently flashed bios?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: ranciddc on October 27, 2002, 04:55:00 PM
ok i have a similar problem. Here are my details. I have a ntsc unit..grabbed unreal the first day it was available updated the dash board and didnt really check out the dashboard until today to find its not working. I have enigmah installed and no evox or anything. When i boot up my xbox it fails to load the dashboard it just freezes while loading it. Originals and backups work fine but i just cant get to the dashboard. I tried using whacked to update xbox live but it didnt do anything. From reading this thread it appears i need to find a backup of the c:\ and over write mine correct? do i need to find someone with the same kernel? and what utils can i use to do this? i have downloaded boxexplorer and am able to see the contents of my xbox hard drive not sure if i can burn the backup of the c:\ to the cdrw with boxexplorer on it and copy it over. any info would be appreciated thanks!!
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: {XBX}FrankDawg on October 27, 2002, 05:23:00 PM
search before you write.............just get a backup of the c drive and put it in your xbox then get whacked and update the dash then you are set
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: ranciddc on October 27, 2002, 05:25:00 PM
so i can just get a copy of my friends c:\ it doesnt matter the kernel or anything?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: ranciddc on October 27, 2002, 06:53:00 PM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: {XBX}FrankDawg on October 27, 2002, 07:25:00 PM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: ojrman on October 28, 2002, 04:33:00 AM
check out my post

My post for everyone

to help you with the xbox live crap using xboxdash and not yboxdash for you x-ecuter people!
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: screeny on October 28, 2002, 05:39:00 AM
Please can anyone supply me with a PAL c: image

I'm desperate........

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: ranciddc on October 28, 2002, 09:14:00 AM
just a update for everyone i burned my friends c:\ onto a cdrw along with boxexplorer booted up deleted everything on my c:\ and copied his over from the cdrw now everything works perfect!!!  The image of the c:\ is from a ntsc machine and is about 41meg rared if anyone wants it just drop me an email and i will be happy to xfer it to you as long as you have a cable connection or higher no 56k sorry.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: MattMus on October 28, 2002, 10:40:00 AM
Please a C: drive image for a PAL BOX would be appreciated!
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: okayama on October 29, 2002, 01:13:00 PM
QUOTE (KeyserSoze @ Oct 21 2002, 05:55 AM)
Few more inexperience questions:

This issue will only affect those who has EvoX dashboard install, am I correct?

So, the people who doesn't have EvoX dashboard install (just a modchip to boot "backup" games), they will not be affected right?

I have a Xodus modchip flashed with "256k.Evx2.5.colormod.err.bin" BIOS and I do not have the EvoX dashboard install, nor am I intend to install it because I have no desire to run homebrewed software or replacing the HD.  I just want the Xbox to boot my "backup" DVD.  With that said, I and people like me, will not be affected even if I let the live cd update my original and unmodified dashboard?

I've been wondering the same question as above. Either I've missed it or this question has not been directly answered. I've read all the post. I understand the process of fixing the problem so it won't become a problem, and I understand why we should all change to ybox/evo.
But does this apply to those people as mentioned in the quote?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: ICEFuZiOn on October 30, 2002, 06:26:00 PM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Rahvin on October 31, 2002, 06:28:00 AM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: miskin on October 31, 2002, 01:14:00 PM
i DIDNT give you the answer     thats the question   ive got 3 modded xbox's 1 running evo dash  the other 2 running ms dash  CAN i go live with  these 2
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on October 31, 2002, 06:18:00 PM
jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: kam66 on November 01, 2002, 08:35:00 AM
QUOTE (MattMus @ Oct 23 2002, 01:07 PM)
Hi there
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on November 01, 2002, 09:48:00 AM
you could try to unlock it as my 120g hdd that is not locked did work in any xbox untill i locked it  when u first got the new xbox u should have ftp the c drive to fix the old one thats one good thing about matrix u can get in to any xbox easy
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on November 02, 2002, 09:31:00 AM
"clean up" the games and you'll be fine.

Extract the ISO to your PC's hard drive, remove the update.xbe file (and you can also eliminate the dashupdate.xbe file too!) and reburn or re-image and the game is "SAFE" for your Xbox.

No risk of someone nuking the Xbox this way.

Yeah, it's a bit of hassle, but hey, what do you expect?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on November 02, 2002, 04:40:00 PM
but u c i want to use ntsc games because they r out first i know about the nuke but will a ntsc game c a pal live updated c dive

i will update my c dirive ok with a pal game but i want to c what a will happed if i use a ntsc game on live after will it see the pal update
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on November 03, 2002, 11:15:00 AM
NO DON'T Try this!

If you run a NTSC game on your PAL xbox it may very well update the PAL dashboard, even if it's already been updated.

It occurs because the update software will not see the same VERSION dash that it is expecting so it will try again, nuking your box!

Remember in an OEM Xbox NTSC games will not run on PAL Xboxes or vice versa. So this is not a problem for non-modded boxes.

However it IS a HUGE problem for yours.

Fix the game!

Extract the files and remove the update.xbe file, then reburn to make your game XBLive safe for you!
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Rasta on November 03, 2002, 01:12:00 PM
smile.gif and update bios....easy solution smile.gif

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Bio Hazard on November 03, 2002, 01:18:00 PM
Now  I have burn Evox i think a 15 times on a dvd-rw and a cd-rw
but nope  won't work on my xbox (ntsc) it won't Boot
I burned it whit  nero , primo , RecordNow max4.1 but nothing
they al won't work I used different Evox versions but nope
I also nuked my xbox whit splinter cell ........................
I have read in this post that no matter  what the XboX always boots
from a dvd-rw of cd-rw  some one sad this i hope he is right about it
Please tell me  what  do i wrong

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: dsp5000 on November 03, 2002, 10:10:00 PM
I dont run evox on my harddrive, when i want to backup a game i just boot into evox and then continue to ftp. So i guess when i install live update i wont be affected? The only thing I dont understand is that i have patched my xboxdash with regionX and also will do the progrssive patch at a later date, so will these changes still be active after live has done its update to the dashboard? If not will the same patchs still work on the updated xboxdash?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on November 04, 2002, 11:04:00 AM
hang on what if after i update to live pal i use ntfc game and it updates to live ntsc i could just put the pal game back in update over ntsc back to pal
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: viperman3 on November 04, 2002, 11:05:00 AM
QUOTE (Bio Hazard @ Nov 3 2002, 04:18 PM)
Now  I have burn Evox i think a 15 times on a dvd-rw and a cd-rw
but nope  won't work on my xbox (ntsc) it won't Boot
I burned it whit  nero , primo , RecordNow max4.1 but nothing
they al won't work I used different Evox versions but nope
I also nuked my xbox whit splinter cell ........................
I have read in this post that no matter  what the XboX always boots
from a dvd-rw of cd-rw  some one sad this i hope he is right about it
Please tell me  what  do i wrong


This is just a check list so as to know what your are/aren't doing (so don't get upset by the list if some of the questions are .. well .. silly)

Are you burning the iso image?.
Did you make sure the evox dash file is called default.xbe on the CD Media and all the ip settings in evox.ini are correct?

So if you've done the above, have you tried to "pad" the iso with a large file so as to move the content of evox to the outer portion of the dvd-r/cd-r

Were you previously (before the splinter cell damage) able to boot to the dash using the same media?

If you did have success booting at an earlier time, then there's no reason why you can't now.

anyways, let us know how you're preping the dvd-r/cd-r with evox?


Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Bio Hazard on November 04, 2002, 01:05:00 PM
when i Used Splinter cell ......... live ..... every thing crashed not at once  but slowley  first the main menu stops to work second i can't play games anymore  even  wurst the Xbox stopt booting  nothing boots anymore
The media i used is defferend  princo, pioneer DVD-RW and CD-RW platinum , tdk doesn't make any differens  i burned it right
i have another xbox here (pal) and everything I brun that will boot on the pal Xbox   wierd  unsure.gif
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: RedSlug on November 04, 2002, 04:43:00 PM

I no longer have the original, unpatched, PAL dashboard.  (DVDX-1 patched)

If I run the LIVE update, it will screw up my system.

Can I un-patch my dashboard?  i understand I cannot use one from another XBOX, is this right?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on November 05, 2002, 09:25:00 AM
as long as u have a xbox c drive msxboxdash.xbe back as xboxdash.xbe u can update but as far as i know there is no uk pal games out yet with live on them

also theres a post on the main page on how to update without ybox ie x-ecuter people  if u got ybox i would keep it like that dont fuck with  the live folder in c inless u have to
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: CaliSurfer008 on November 05, 2002, 09:05:00 PM
I don't get wut YXboxDash.xbe is...does everyone have it? after i take the evoX dash out...and rename the original it boots the original one..and install Xbox live...then put put the EvoX dash back on...rename everything back to wut it wuz...and edit the Menu.ini file so that it adds Xbox Live to the Launch Menu...and all is fixed..i can still play my burned games? Please clarify...thanx! do I make an Image of the C and E drive? do i just copy all the files over into a folder via FTP? And if i screw it do I restore that Image?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: tupac on November 05, 2002, 10:39:00 PM
so what if I nuke my xbox and do turn it off?  How hard is that to fix(if I don't have a backup), but do have an evox install cd?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Meatwad42 on November 06, 2002, 09:30:00 AM
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on November 06, 2002, 11:10:00 AM

i know ybox works and u can use live with mod off

but will it work with mod off with the other setup that is on main page i think its the wrong way to go u should leave the live files as they r useing yboxdash keeps it all the way it should be also i fount with my bros xbox with 8g hdd if u update to ntsc it woks with mod on untill i turn it off than it cant read the ntsc c drive to get around this pop in a pal live game update over the ntsc back to pal this will let u use ntsc and pal games on live BUT your be updateing your cdrive every time u swap from pal to ntsc
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: CaliSurfer008 on November 06, 2002, 07:05:00 PM
Wut is yxboxdash? does everyone use it? y cant u just rename it? can someone answer my earlier post on pg. 8 the very last one!:-)
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: xdrei on November 07, 2002, 02:12:00 PM
Ok, here's another n00b question:
I'm getting my beta live cd in the mail between now and monday.  I have an enigmah clone and have never touched a single file on my HD through anything else than the original xbox dashboard (just deleting files, soundtracks all that boring stuff) and do not have, plan on having, or ever have had evo X on my xbox.  Anyway, i dont have a switch to turn off my enigmah clone modchip.  But besides that, everything on my xbox is normal.  Should I worry when i install the beta live cd and play the games online?

Thx for the help,
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on November 08, 2002, 12:10:00 AM
and before i get put down

i was not trying to scare any one just that if i said it would be 100% fine and he went and put in his live cd and it just happed to be the frist of a new type that looked for mods and did some shit to his xbox (say again i am not saying they have ) i would not like to be the person how told him to .
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: weeman on November 08, 2002, 11:30:00 AM
blink.gif ?????
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: xdrei on November 08, 2002, 01:15:00 PM
yes, according to everyone, you should be able to...  btw, thanks warbeast
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: warbeast on November 08, 2002, 11:58:00 PM
no u c when u play a xbox live game it frist looks to c if u have live dash than if u dont it updates it so after u rename every thing back ie msxboxdash and xboxdash the next time u try to play a game on live it will look at your xboxdash which is evo as u put it back after update will not think u have livedash try to update again and nuke it u need to keep xboxdash on c and not rename it ybox lets u put evo to yboxdash and leave xboxdash alone
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: CaliSurfer008 on November 09, 2002, 05:55:00 PM english please...that was really confusing!
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: CaliSurfer008 on November 09, 2002, 06:55:00 PM
QUOTE (N00bvin @ Oct 11 2002, 12:53 AM)

yboxdash is not affected.

BTW: You can preven the games from "nuking" your Xbox by removing the UPDATE.XBE file from them.

This way they will not attempt to perform the dashboard update no matter what.

What is very disturbing is that once the damage is done, even replacing the original MSDash doesn't work.

Something else is being changed by this process.

How can you remove the UPDATE.xbe from the games? u cant delete data off of a CD...??
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: plehem12 on November 09, 2002, 07:28:00 PM
after you transfer the game from the xbox to your computer via FlashFXP open up whatever folder the game is in, there will be the update.xbe file right there. delete that. burn the game.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: plehem12 on November 09, 2002, 08:02:00 PM
in every game
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: tayior7 on November 10, 2002, 10:39:00 AM
ok i read alot of this post, and this is what i think is right-
If you have a modchip installed with evox bios on it, and havent messed with your harddrive at all, you can install live just like normal,
if you have a modchip with evox bios on there AND evox dashboard you have to reinstall the xbox dash after you install live, and never put that disc in again, or click on 'new account' in any game.
is that right?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Questioner on November 13, 2002, 06:54:00 AM
I have a modded xbox with the original bios still installed. Does it make any difference if your xbox bios is original but you are using a mod chip to boot? If it does, forget about running games off hard drives and buy a dvd writer instead like i did. I'm scared to try myself until there is more solid info.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: mod7 on November 13, 2002, 08:34:00 AM
Damn....return of the lameness....

anywayz just do this.....Use fancxbox by superfro and get the exvox 2.5 regular bios from the normal places.  Run fancxbox on the evox 2.5 bios and tell it to boot from iamlame.xbe instead of ybox.xbe.  Then flash your bios with the new one. ez and future proof. oh and dont forget to rename your evox dash xbe to iamlame.xbe.

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: spritian on November 13, 2002, 12:43:00 PM
hey all-

all this info is kinda confusing since i wasn't in the beta... anyhow here's what I have and maybe someone can answer my question...:

I've got an xbox running evo 2.5 bios off a matrix/xoduschip. I moved the hd to an external hd firewire enclosure box (firewire removed, added ide interface so external xbox idc connector connects to firewire idc box connector). Then I added a 5 1/4 hd hot swapable box to fit in the firewire enclosure... works great with 2 60 gigs running evox on the hd (swapable). Now my question is, if I get another hd swapable tray for my orig hd, and set my matrix to mode3, wouldn't this be as if my xbox isn't modded at all allowing me to play xbox live? My orig hd is untouched and perfectly intact...

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: NGrey on November 14, 2002, 05:08:00 PM
I don't have live but plan on getting it...anyways I want to start burning all my games xblive compliant.  I know I have to delete the update.xbe, but I was looking on some games, and there is also a file that says dashupdate.xbe. My question is do I delete both? as I assume I wouldn't want my dash tampered with.

Umm...Sorry about this lame post after reading all 143 previous posts I found my answer

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: echto on November 15, 2002, 10:52:00 AM
I have written a turtorial on how to fix Error 21 by essentially removing Xbox Live from your Xbox.  You can use a backup of your original C partition or a backup of your C partition with Evolution X installed on it.  Note:  you do not need a complete image of the partition only a hand full of files from the root directory.  I have upped the tutorial to xbox-scene and have posted a link in the xbox live forum.  This tutorial is only good of you want to remove Xbox Live from your Xbox.


Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: tupac on November 17, 2002, 12:21:00 AM
i had an updatedash.xbe not UPDATE.xbe in UC on my hdd.  Is that the same thing, cause I deleted it.  It freaked me out cause I go into boxplorer and hit default.xbe to run the game and updatedash.xbe was right next to it.  Also, why doesn't M$ or the game developers just make update.xbe run automatically just to fuck us over?  And where in the game do u execute update.xbe anyway, I looked on UC and didn't see any update or xboxlive stuff.  If I don't ever install xbox live should I be ok with update.xbe or not?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: tupac on November 17, 2002, 01:03:00 AM
i found the xbox live option in the game.  I fi click on it will it nuke my xbox??  What about if i deleted the dashupdate.xbe, not UPDATE.xbe?
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: opjose on November 17, 2002, 02:45:00 AM
QUOTE (tupac @ Nov 17 2002, 08:03 AM)
i found the xbox live option in the game.  I fi click on it will it nuke my xbox??  What about if i deleted the dashupdate.xbe, not UPDATE.xbe?

                                    update.xbe is the actual program that performs the update.

the dashupdate.xbe is the 54 meg archive file containing the updates themselves.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Wishi on November 17, 2002, 04:03:00 PM
I did this accidentally screwing up my dashboard with the update off the CD going wrong.

I also found that I had lost my backup of the original MS dash. Well, I got the original off a friend and starting moving files around to hope it would work. (I'd already installed Live once, and was trying to test mod chip theories etc. and see if I could revert to an older version of Live)

Well, I renamed the xodash folder and moved all of those backed up files out of that folder which was created first time and tried to update again. Luckily it worked.

This may not work for you as I didn't note down exactly what I was doing at the time, however with a little playing about (and pissing myself) it did finally work again.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: tupac on November 18, 2002, 12:31:00 PM
why not, it's worth a shot.  If they tell u that a modchip was detected tell them u've heard of software that steals other people's serial numbers and maybe that's the case.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: KaoS on November 19, 2002, 05:59:00 PM
Ok question:

If you put in a retail or burned game in the xbox, and DO NOT go into the XBOX live menu within the game, does it still "try" to update the dashboard? Like does it "try" to update the dashboard as soon as the game turns on? Or is only when you select xbox live within the game??

If it is true that it doesn't try to update the dash when the game is turned on, but it does try to update when you select the xblive menu within the game, does the update take place RIGHT when you select the xblive option? Or a few screens (or whatever) after that?

Lets say you download a game, I notice some "groups" are removing the update.xbe from the games themselfs, but some are not? IF you extracted the iso on the HD, removed that file, then made a new ISO out of it, then the game couldn't harm the dash or system at all I am guessing?

I am not to worried about xblive live, think I will buy another xbox that isn't modded to use it.. (If later I feel I want too). I do have the x-ecuter 1.1 mod chip, and evo-dash running... I will not be putting any xblive setup disk in this xbox..

Another silly quesiton, lets take UT for example: if I wanted to play an XBOX LAN, ie 4 xboxes hooked together to play UT Muilitiplayer, I wouldn't need the xblive update, I woudn't see why I would, but just asking...
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: KaoS on November 19, 2002, 06:35:00 PM
So what you are saying is that, I don't need to remove any "update.xbe" file in any game, due to I have to ask it to update, then comfirm the update like "Yes I want it to update" blah blah..

If this is true, then really I have nothing to worry about...

Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: KaoS on November 19, 2002, 07:06:00 PM
like I said, if I decide to play on live, then I will just buy an "unmodded" xbox and play retail games.. or whatever, or maybe down the road when all this crap is figured out, get a new xbox with a new chip.. who knows, but for right now, no I don't want to play on live.. heh
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: monkeycrew on November 25, 2002, 09:05:00 AM

hopefully there will be a way to emulate the checksum, or send a fake checksum value in sum way, unfortunately i can not think of a easily implemented method.  maybe possible routing packets thru a terminal computer and having it modify, but not viable for every1.
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: Haveck on November 27, 2002, 01:31:00 AM
k, so i read this entire post - that took some time

quick review of my current setup:
matrix chip with 2.5standard
newest evox dash
120g hdd unlocked

through most of this post i was given the impression that as long as an updated ms xboxdash.xbe existed in c:\ and i was booting off a different dash all would be well

thus, i was planning the following changes:
flash bios to x2 4972 final
name dash evoxdash.xbe
restore ms dash and update
---> then i thought i could boot into evox and play the games backed up on my hd on live

but, this post hasn't mentioned the bios checksum until this page, so i suspect it may be new or might simply have been assumed - so if, in fact, a bios checksum would force the need of the origional unmodified bios on boot up...

i have an idea of what steps are then necessary, but i'd like some confirmation,
in addition to what i planned on doing, i'd also need to:
switch matrix to mode3
lock the hd
---> but, then i can only boot origional xblive games when i'm in modchip-off mode

perhaps i'm missing something, but this much to take in at 3am  ;)  i'm realatively new, but i've done a lot of reading into these topics before this post and have found some contradictions - perhaps only between what was the case durning the beta and is the case now

specifically, i'm interested in what methods i'll be able to play xblive games once i purchase it and make the necessary changes - and what changes are necessary to accomplish them

i've read ojrman's tutorial on xblive, but i'm not sure it addresses these questions --- ideally i'd like to play a game backed up to my hd on live, (how)is this possible?

after more reading i'm seeing there's no solid way to play games off the hd yet, clearly
and most methods for playing backups on dvd are sketchy
going to wait until something tried and true comes along i think
Title: Dashboard Update Nukes Xbox!
Post by: pogopin on November 27, 2002, 04:17:00 AM
To Haveck :

I think u're right.
your solution, seems to be good.

Just , as you have a 120G HD, you can put all your apps and games on F, and let the C partition like the original retail one.

Just take a bios that load evox.xbe, or sthg  like that, on F, because this partition is not checked by MS.
When on live, boot the original MS bios to avoir any update (banning)
i think this will work.