
OG Xbox Forums => Xbox Game Forums => Xbox Game Review => Topic started by: tonloc79 on July 23, 2004, 07:01:00 PM

Title: Sudeki
Post by: tonloc79 on July 23, 2004, 07:01:00 PM
I have a new girlfriend and her name is Sudeki! No but we all know good RPG's for the box are few and fare between. All and All Sudeki seems like a really well rounded game. Nice fighting system, B E A utiful colorfull graphics and nice upgrades. the only thing so far that i dont like is when exploring i get dizzy and a headache i dont know if its the camera or what(maybe its just me)? But a very satisfying experience and i think it was worth the wait! Definately recommended! beerchug.gif
Title: Sudeki
Post by: X2Gamer on July 23, 2004, 08:26:00 PM
how is the story i've been hearing some mixed things about it.  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: tonloc79 on July 23, 2004, 08:36:00 PM
I personally think the story is fine. ill admit i havent finnished the game yet but its only been out 4 2 days and ive been a case modding fool lately. Its just fun 2 play and thats what really counts!!!!  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: lebriznon on July 25, 2004, 11:36:00 AM
This game is great i think. fun to play, looks very good, and battle system is neat.  sort of a mix between zelda and FF games. only bad thing is that it falls short of those in every aspect. everything just seems like "oh wow...wait a second...thats it?".  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: adil786 on July 25, 2004, 04:58:00 PM
i played it,

i find it crap. honestly.

all my friends do aswell.

that just my opinion though, not really into rpg's anyway.  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: Anthony52 on July 25, 2004, 05:57:00 PM
the game is ok, hate the story and voice overs  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: neevakee on July 26, 2004, 10:57:00 PM
i liked it a lot, the problem is that if you are a hard core rpger (marrowind) then this is not the game for you, because this game is to straght forward for you. If yo like a nice straight forward game play it is very good a little slow at first, but very good.  th ecombat engine is very well thought out and the game feels very balanced, challenging at times, but never to challenging.

the only problem is the 5.1 surround is horrible, sometimes I can't hear when an enemy is comeing up from behind, and that is the whole point of 5.1.  That is my only major complaint about this game.  it is atleast worth renting at blockbuster or your movie store and giving it a try.  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: MrBones on July 28, 2004, 06:12:00 PM
With the exception of how straight forward and obvious it is, it's actually pretty good.  It's very pretty, every so often I just stop for a minute and enjoy the scenery.  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: CreziB on July 29, 2004, 07:14:00 PM
I like rpgs like chronotrigger/Zelda:Link to the Past/Mario-RPG, and I was really into Sudeki.  Everything played right to my liking.  I really enjoyed the eye candy environment and music.  It took 27.5 hours to 100% beat the game and I mean level up everyone to the max and go on every side quest possible.  I beat it all and had a great time doing it.  The cameras didn't hurt my head at all, but I have a friend who can't play crimson skies or he'll hurl so I understand, but Sudeki's camera is right thumbstick controllable so I didn't have a prob.  The fighting is exactly how I like it...I'm in control unlike in Star Wars:KOTOR.  I dig the colors/music/story/and I thought the voice acting was on par.  

On the otherhand...I am completely and totally uninterested in starting a game of Morrowind so morrorwinders may feel something in they compare everything to it.  I dunno, everytime I watch my friend playing Morrowind or KOTOR I'm compelled to fall asleep.  Morrorwind seems like a hardcore rpg for peeps that...well, are hardcore rpg gamers.  Another thing...I'm not looking for a game that goes on for months.  I like closure...I want to feel like I beat something and Sudeki filled my empty spot for a good rpg in a long time.  

I'm gonna go watch some fable trailers...,I really like the "animeish" bright and colorful settings in some sudeki was a dead ringer.  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: tripleXXtreme on July 29, 2004, 11:05:00 PM
Curious does it have realtime weather like Grandtheft Auto? Or does it have any weather at all(rain,storm,snow,ect)? Might sound dumb but I dig a game that does this because it adds more to it.  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: lebriznon on July 30, 2004, 10:38:00 AM
QUOTE (tripleXXtreme @ Jul 29 2004, 09:57 PM)
Curious does it have realtime weather like Grandtheft Auto? Or does it have any weather at all(rain,storm,snow,ect)? Might sound dumb but I dig a game that does this because it adds more to it.

the only weather you'll see is sunny skies, cloudy skies, or all dark and gloomy. I've beat the game and i dont remember seeing any sort of precipitation fall from the sky.  I may have just forgotten though.

Now that its over, another complaint i have is that its too short.  Ive done the main quest with all best weapons, and it took me under 16 hours.  Granted there are a few sidequests that i have yet to do, but thats still way too short IMO.  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: tripleXXtreme on July 30, 2004, 11:15:00 AM
QUOTE (lebriznon @ Jul 30 2004, 05:30 PM)
the only weather you'll see is sunny skies, cloudy skies, or all dark and gloomy. I've beat the game and i dont remember seeing any sort of precipitation fall from the sky.  I may have just forgotten though.

Now that its over, another complaint i have is that its too short.  Ive done the main quest with all best weapons, and it took me under 16 hours.  Granted there are a few sidequests that i have yet to do, but thats still way too short IMO.

crap was hoping for some weather effects.  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: tonloc79 on July 31, 2004, 11:49:00 AM
i agree other than the game is very straght forward and you dont really have the option to wander around the rest is a pretty enjoyable experience and at least worth a rental! I paid $50 for it and am satisfied! beerchug.gif
Title: Sudeki
Post by: dimme on July 31, 2004, 02:06:00 PM
Sudeki is pretty fun. But i dont like the camera, i get all dizzy and tired in my eyes :/
I hoped that i would be more lika a roleplaying game, but now i'ts a action rpg. That sucks. The graphics is really neet and so on. The story could be better, but what should you expect?  <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: N.T on July 31, 2004, 04:59:00 PM
I am afraid I will have to agree with the person who posted their negative feelings for the game.  

I am by every plausible  definition of the phrase a "casual rpg gamer."  I played and enjoyed KOTOR over 3 times.  I gave Morrowind a whirl and enjoyed it but could not get into it as much as I would have liked (but still recognize it for a wonderful piece of software.)  I enjoy getting into games that you progress, gain power, and simply evolve.  Story, as long as it isn't too far out there, is an after thought to me.  If I want story I will read a book.  I however DESPISE turn based combat systems.  I am by nature a real time gamer.  First person shooters and 2D fighters are my bread and butter.  I dislike the Final Fantasy franchise with a heated passion.

With that said I was in fact *excited* for this game.  It was going to be the single player leveling experience to tide me over until Fable's release.  Currently I'm playing City of Heroes so my RPG thirst (what little their is) is adequately being quenched.  Boy did disappointment follow...

My first hint that this game may in fact not be exactly what my mind had already made it up to be was the mixed reviews that were pouring in.  I saw a lot of 6'sand 7's.  Upon actually reading the reviews they sounded closer to 4's and 5's but gave mercy to the XBox's barely increasing RPG library.  Instead of continuing on this long winded tunnel of mental excrement, I'll simply list some pro's and (mostly) con's that this game appeared to have to me: a casual RPG gamer.

The main thing that appealed to me initially was the combat system.  Real time and action packed.  Sounds like fun, right?  It ended up being a mildly bland hack-n'-slash with a 3 hit combo system.  You can pretty much meld together any possible combination of A and X together to perform a nicely animated combo as long as your timing is on.  This was absolutely no challenge.  

You did not run into mobs randomly along the path nor could you hunt them, but you would enter "arena" like area's where combat would take place.  This took me out of the game to a great extent.  

Realistically you can only control one avatar at a time, and once one of your other avatars is in the hands of the AI, the damage he or she deals is relatively cut in half for no real reason.  Your ranged casters can upgrade their weaponry to do more damage but take an increased amount of time to cast pretty much negating any real need to upgrade as the DPS remains practically the same.

You have the ability to launch special attacks from the UI by spending SP that will pause combat to show you the so-so animations the developers dreamed up.  Their is no way to pause this, skip it, or speed it up.  Imagine how tedious this gets later in the game when your healer is healing ad nasium.  This aspect alone can really take you out of the game.  

The controls on the other hand were fine.  They took no time getting used to.  The camera was about on par with most 3rd person console games which is to say 'not very good.'

Other aspects that are more appealing to the hardcore RPGers were also lacking.  If their was a story of any real significance I must have skipped right past it.  The voice acting and scripting was so drab and cliche it was literally painful.  As I am sure most of you know the graphics were above par, but not by much.  I honestly was not impressed but I certainly was not disappointed.  The SFX and musical scoring were both satisfactory but once again nothing wonderful or worth excessive praise.  

In short I can see people enjoying the game if they are really looking for something to enjoy, but Sudeki is *not* a good game. It is 100% mediocre.

(I apologize for all the typo's, spelling errors, and poor diction.  You will have to find a way to sift through it if you so chose.)

This post has been edited by N.T: Aug 1 2004, 12:03 AM <
Title: Sudeki
Post by: Unregistered007 on July 31, 2004, 06:00:00 PM
QUOTE (Anthony52 @ Jul 25 2004, 11:49 PM)
the game is ok, hate the story and voice overs

same here
Title: Sudeki
Post by: Mattssogay on July 31, 2004, 07:23:00 PM
The Story is atrocious. I recently picked up Tales of Symphonia for the GC, and it has more story(more intriguing as well) in the first 10 min. than the 3 hrs i wasted on Sudeki.
Title: Sudeki
Post by: MrBones on August 01, 2004, 01:46:00 PM
The second big problem I found is definitely with the combat system.  I don't mind the boss fights, as most are done with only one character, although the boss patterns are too easy to follow, but the normal battles are a headache.  Every time I spy a large open area I pray there isn't a battle there, since the ally AI is disgustingly bad.  I can say with much certainty that any character you don't control will inevitably get the crap kicked out of them.  

I also don't like the power balance.  The melee characters can dish out pretty decent damage, but the ranged fighters barely scratch the enemies.  So not only does it take an hour to kill a mediocre bad guy, but you also have the disadvantage of a narrow field of view, and no way to 180 and see what's behind you.
Title: Sudeki
Post by: X2Gamer on August 01, 2004, 10:12:00 PM
i get over 1000+ dmg with elco so i use him to kill. i agree with the ai though as its terrible because they can't hold their own against enemies.
Title: Sudeki
Post by: tonloc79 on August 08, 2004, 02:18:00 AM
But i dont like the camera, i get all dizzy and tired in my eyes :/

im glad it wasnt just me shit this game hurts my head! blink.gif
Title: Sudeki
Post by: lebriznon on August 09, 2004, 02:21:00 AM
QUOTE (X2Gamer @ Aug 1 2004, 10:15 PM)
i get over 1000+ dmg with elco so i use him to kill. i agree with the ai though as its terrible because they can't hold their own against enemies.

yeah i easily get over 1000 dmg with his grenade gun and nano enhancement.  his skill strike (the one that costs 30 sp, and hits one target, if i remmeber correctly, forgot name) does over 3000.  however, the balance between characters isnt very well done, and the AI is just too stupid to use spells.
Title: Sudeki
Post by: Foe-hammer on September 03, 2004, 04:15:00 PM
I really enjoy Sudeki.  The graphics are great, sound is great, story real good, the combat is amazing, and nothing about the game is boring at all.  I'm real suprised that so many places gave it such a bad review.
Title: Sudeki
Post by: Foe-hammer on September 08, 2004, 11:36:00 AM
A games "sound" is different then it's voice overs.  And while there are a few corney voices, all in all i think it is pretty good.

Just use one character during combat; i use the princess; love the first person combat, and let the AI handle the rest of the crew; you'll have to heal them though.

You act as if the slow motion feature was a defect in the game.  It is supposed to be that way instead of just freezing in the middle of the battle; more believable having an effect where time seems to slow down then just freeze.
Title: Sudeki
Post by: Rattled_by_the_Rush on September 13, 2004, 08:41:00 AM
laugh.gif   It isn't perfect, you still can't make them cast spells, but it certainly helps.

Title: Sudeki
Post by: polybus on September 13, 2004, 01:35:00 PM
Good comments by everyone but I have one question.  Why the heck did this game get an M rating?  I don't even think it deserves a T!
Title: Sudeki
Post by: cFoo on September 14, 2004, 03:05:00 PM
The game is alright, it would be better had it been ported over (Jap->English) correctly.
Title: Sudeki
Post by: ZASADAR on November 29, 2004, 03:26:00 AM
tongue.gif 4/5  rpg/action  cool.gif