
OG Xbox Forums => Xbox Game Forums => Xbox Game Review => Topic started by: omegajedi on February 23, 2004, 02:47:00 PM

Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: omegajedi on February 23, 2004, 02:47:00 PM
If you are a fan of the Tony Hawk series this much then why did you skip 4?  4 was good.  Not as good as 3, but still good.  <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: DuDeR MaN on February 23, 2004, 07:50:00 PM
QUOTE (omegajedi @ Feb 23 2004, 06:36 PM)
If you are a fan of the Tony Hawk series this much then why did you skip 4?  4 was good.  Not as good as 3, but still good.

I didn't like 3 at all, I haven't played underground yet but the first and 4 are my current favorates.  <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: --MSG-- on March 02, 2004, 11:45:00 PM
i loved every single tony hawk i've passed from 1-now (the only one i didn't beat is 4).  i just recently beat underground and i must say it's awesome.  i never freakin ever beat a game more than once especially the ones like these that takes time but after i had beaten this on normal i was eager to beat it again on the hardest mode.  replay value is really good and i always have combo tourneys on this game.  levels are pretty big too.


forgot to mention the downside.  if you guys had unlocked all the movies or most of the stuff in the game you'll notice alot of the movies are ads for skate shops and other crap.  if you go around the cities you'll see mcdonald stores, getorade machines, butterfinger machines and many other crap.  they are smart cuz they're getting payed to put all this bs in the game.  <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: neosnightmare on March 08, 2004, 07:41:00 AM
This game was the best tony hawk game yet in my opinion. it seriously ruled. the shit that they make u do is unbelievable. im glad that i bought this game and that it is copied to my hard drive so that i can play it where ever i go :)   <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: Helios on March 16, 2004, 04:19:00 AM
TONY HAWK UNDERGROUND IS FUCKING GAY!!!!! When I was bored some of the games I would play would be Tony Hawks 1, 2 & 3..... They were OK but this one is COMPLETLEY FUCKED OVER!! Everybody I know that hired it or bought it says that it is only worth getting to shit on it.... This game is fucked up dude.... I thought that it would be alot better but then again I aint a sk8r....  <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: adambooth on March 16, 2004, 10:11:00 AM
Wow.  That just made complete sense.  <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: estin on March 16, 2004, 07:51:00 PM
TH3 was the best.  4 was alright basically the same as 3 with different levels.  underground can blow me!  it has a gay ass story and it pisses me off. not to mention the run/climb option was a stupid idea.  i never used it unless the goal was to collect my asshole buddies skateboard parts of the neiborhood roofs.  how lame.  glad i only rented it.    <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: DuDeR MaN on March 18, 2004, 05:35:00 AM
*crapposts deleted*

not in this forum guys, if your opinion is not on the topic game/review then don't post.  <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: Wild182 on April 02, 2004, 01:03:00 AM
tony hawk underground Rocks
I had tony hawk for PS1
and i only have underground for xbox
I was never good at tony hawk on ps1 but i can complete underground in a day on beginner
The only thing i'd say is from beginner --> Normal goes from two extremes
You bail alot more on normal and it was alot harder for me to progress, but maybe thats just cos i suck ;)

but i still loved the game lol  <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: insertjokehere on April 03, 2004, 08:46:00 AM
I liked THPS 4 a lot, and underground is good fun.

It was a real challenge to complete THUG on the hardest difficuilty, but very rewarding once i had done it.

Great to see that some people have a very advanced vocabulary </sarcasm>  <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: AdyHolmes on April 07, 2004, 11:12:00 AM
THUG is a great game, maybe its short and easy but its great online. If you dont like this game you are a gay twat! :D   <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: death_driver_911 on April 16, 2004, 09:29:00 PM
is simply love this game. all i have to say B)   <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: deathx88 on August 19, 2004, 02:35:00 AM
yeah this game did kick ass, it was the best one of them all  B)

one of the things that i liked the most, was the option to edit your own goals, this was a new feature in this one. You could set everything up set your points, place skate or combo letters whereever you want, and then write in what you want them to say
right there that made the game more enjoyable so when you beat the game there was always some challenges for you to do  <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: metalhead212 on August 20, 2004, 04:29:00 AM
QUOTE (Helios @ Mar 16 2004, 12:11 PM)
TONY HAWK UNDERGROUND IS FUCKING GAY!!!!! When I was bored some of the games I would play would be Tony Hawks 1, 2 & 3..... They were OK but this one is COMPLETLEY FUCKED OVER!! Everybody I know that hired it or bought it says that it is only worth getting to shit on it.... This game is fucked up dude.... I thought that it would be alot better but then again I aint a sk8r....

This is prolly the most ignorant, ill-informed, poor excuse for a review i have ever read. Half the stuff you spew doesn't even make sense. (how do you hire a game?)

Anyway, this game is great. It is not as good as 2 or 3, but in its own right it is fantastic. I loved it, but i don't think i will be picking up THUG 2, just because it seems to me that its going to be THUG with a dumbass "sticker plant" move. Maybe I will be proven wrong. (I hope)  <
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: Sneaktip on September 26, 2004, 10:32:00 AM
sad.gif   Oh well maybe I'm getting old, but that's $50 the game won't earn.
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: Wookie cushion on October 04, 2004, 07:12:00 PM
This game was the bomb as far as Tony Hawk games go.
I have spent many hours playing THUG. I'm not a skater but have always loved
the tony hawk games.
Title: Tony Hawk's Underground
Post by: RapBoy on November 11, 2003, 08:14:00 AM
Game: Tony Hawk's Underground
Release Date:10/27/03 NA

 It's been awhile since I've spent time with a Tony Hawk game. While I followed this game to it's release, I thought it was just going to be another Tony Hawk game. An expansion pack more than anything. I've been corrected.

This game stays true to the series. It didn't change the basics, like the beautiful control scheme and camera that existed from the beginning of it all. Rather than changes, they made additions. Finally, a series that doesn't replicate each time. Megaman comes to mind.

Alright, here's how this thing starts. You're working on your board in your room. Your longtime bud Eric tells you to come outside. You pick up your board, and you get to customize. You get a moderate variety of choices for your character. Just don't make my mistake and unknowingly end up with a pony tail.

After that, you're dropped in the middle of your New Jersey neighborhood. Considering the last THPS game I played through was 3, I was startled not seeing a clock at the top of my screen. I could screw around. Glorious.

Instead of going to the missions, I skated around town. What I first took notice of was the immense detail everywhere. Everything in the environment was worthy of a grind, or a makeshift quarterpipe. I was very pleased with this. Fans of old may remember fishing around for decent ramps and rails. That's gone for sure.

Another thing I immediately discovered was the spine transfer. This could very well be the most satisfying move in the game. You can do so much with this single added feature. I also became aware of the revert, and it's usefulness to rack up points effortlessly. The game explains from the beginning how things are to be done, at a nice pace. I needed a recap anyways.

The missions have undergone a major makeover since THPS 3. Now, you don't feel like you're doing completely useless goals, like knocking over cardboard boxes, or knocking a factory foreman into a tank of water. The missions seem to build up the story. Although, the pointless missions we at times love so much are still there if you want them.

Now, on to the stuff you want to read.

Graphics 10/10
The graphics are smooth, detailed all around. Objects don't seem to be neglected at all. It makes me happy that Neversoft took the time to do that. Every motion in the game was fluid and realistic. The kind of thing we don't notice when it's there, but do when it's not.

Sound 9/10
There was a decent soundtrack on the game, but none of the songs really stood out. Of course, there's not very many songs worth putting on the game, under the circumstances that there's hardly any songs worth listening to anymore. Hate to dock them points, but they could have kept old songs. There's always the option, however, that if you're using an XBox, you could just load songs you saved on your harddrive and slap them into the game. Always a crowd pleaser.

Innovation 10/10
I was pleased with the innovative steps Neversoft took. And they didn't go overboard with it. Driving cars, making your own skate team and video. Another thing worth noting is the cutscenes during the story. Although not as numerous, they were done quite well, comparable to the recent Grand Theft Auto games.

Fun 10/10
There's something magical going on when a game built on the same principles is still fun. And this game didn't lose any magic. The game is as groundbreaking and entertaining as the first.

Verdict: 10/10
The game series has come a very long way, making great advances each time another installment comes out. Underground made many advances, and left room for more to come. Neversoft knows how to keep people happy.

The game is worth it's weight in gold. If you buy the Gamecube version...well, it's worth twice it's weight in gold. Those discs are real small when you think about it. Buy this game, you won't be ashamed.