
OG Xbox Forums => Xbox Game Forums => Xbox Game Review => Topic started by: FawnTheGuyver on January 17, 2005, 08:28:00 AM

Title: Guilty Gear Isuka
Post by: FawnTheGuyver on January 17, 2005, 08:28:00 AM
From ING:

" Guilty Gear Isuka marks the first time in the series' history that players will be able to participate in four-person fighting. Whether gamers decide to battle it out two-on-two style or team up for four-player co-op against the computer, it adds an all-new dynamic to the series. The game also lets you customize your character by providing the opportunity to buy new moves and combos and change costumes via a point system. It also introduces three new playable characters for a grand total of 23. Other new improvements include a side-scrolling action game mode, some brand new fighting arenas, and a re-tooled survival mode. The storyline takes a much more prominent role this time around too, with several surprise revelations about new and existing characters. "
Now a review from me:

I have enjoy playing Guilty Gear X on DC but this title is from my point of view not that good like the DC version.
It is true you fight sometimes agains 2 or 3 characters but the problem is you have turn around you self not like in other fighting games that you face you enemy auto no you have to use the trigger.

Graphics - 8/10

The Graphic is 2D and the background grafics like the characters are good, fun, and nice for the eye drawn. You have some special effects but also only 2D.
In the menu you can deside if you want use anti-leasing or if you like the old style.

Sound - 7/10

The sound is good like is should be there is also some jap. voice. Nothing more to say.

Controls 5/10

Now something about the turn trigger, I know this is not the problem to use it, the problem is you have to release you D-pad or you left stick to turn you characte or you character wil make a dash which is anoying when you want quickly strike back or something like that. But when you master the turn around thing you will have fun.
You can use also the default arcade controls, or you use other it is up to you.

Gameplay 8/10

The Gameplay is now something special this way I gave a 8 instad a 6 or 7. You have like in othe fighting games a score for win ( you can turn it on like 0 one round and you done or 5 mean 5 time you have to win ) so now the special about it you not have like I sad it in other games when you have no power you lose NO you get when you run out of healt new power and the other get only a wining orb so you play all the time without stop until someone gain all orbs. This is from my point of view very cool when you and you enemy have the same low energy and him hit you before you do " DAME THE NEXT HIT WOULD HAD GET YOU " now because there is no stop you can do it.
The Special moves are right easy to make, this mean you can make a lot of them.
Ok now the the other Gameplay you have some EXTRAS like side-scrolling action game mode mean you  fight agains many many bad guys to fight at the end of the  side-scrolling agains the boss. Ok nothing realy new but ok it is fun. Then you can change color of costumes ok but I dont need it, but for everyone who think " HMM SHE/HIM WOULD LOOK MUCH BETTER WITH RED SKIN/HAIR " have fun do it.

Overall - 8/10

In my opinion Guilty Gear X was more fun but I think I have to play it more to enjoy this one too.
I only dont know if 30,-EUR  is not too much for this game.
I have ADD few photos but the gameplay looks much better.

Have fun

(IMG: <
Title: Guilty Gear Isuka
Post by: metalhead212 on January 18, 2005, 08:00:00 AM
the game looks like crazy fun. MvC2 anyone?? <
Title: Guilty Gear Isuka
Post by: FawnTheGuyver on January 18, 2005, 09:15:00 AM
I have play yesterday over 10min on one stage because I made the SOULS(rounds) on 5 and then it take a bit. And after I finly won the CPU think I was to good and send me DAREDEVIL this mean fight agains 2 other which are very fast and kick you but in less then 3min. <